The contract

Andrew Pov

"Are you kidding, Father?" I spit the word father with such bitterness that it was impossible for anyone to not notice the hatred I have for this guy in front of me.

"Don't you dare to raise your voice at me and this is my last time telling you this, do it or face the consequences." The man in a suit with salt and pepper hair was looking at me with his eyes that were showing how much he hates me too.

"This company ain't yours then how can you say you will give it that so-called brother of mine!" I was the one who brought this company to where it was now, he can't just take it from me.

"I'm your father and if you have forgotten then just to remind you this company is as much as yours as it is mine." He said, on which I rolled my eyes. He won't even help in anything and still, he is also the owner of it.

"I'm ignoring your bad manners, for now, find a girl or marry the girl I want. Otherwise, say bye to your company." He walked out of the office. I felt like killing this man but I didn't wanna go to jail.


"What should I do?" I looked at Noah who was in deep thoughts.

"Usually it's hard to find some nice girl because of course, marriage is a big thing." He looked at me and I sighed. Why does my father have to make my life difficult?

First, he forced me to run this company, and now when I was finally enjoying my life he wanted me to marry someone just in a week.

"Should I marry you?" I stare at my friend thinking he had lost his brain or something.

"Oh my! your face." He laughed like a manic, even falling from his chair.

"God, your expression was worth this joke." He removed the tears that came out because of him laughing so hard.

"You think it's time to joke?" A smile was on my face as I tried to look angry.

"Come on. I already have a girl chosen for you but it would little hard to make her agree." He rubbed his forefinger and thumb on his chain while thinking about something.

"I don't want a psycho girl as my wife because if you have chosen her then I doubt she would be decent." He snorted at my reply and with a glare he said.

"My choice is not that good that's why I choose you as my friend in the first place."

I was hurt by my friend's words but it wasn't like a new thing. Both of us are like this, throwing insults, saying bad words but still in the end we gonna help and would do anything for each other.

"Okay, so who is she?" I raised a brow on which he smirked alerting me something very bad is coming.

"Alyssa." I blinked, again and again, is he serious?

"No way dude, she would never say yes," I said. She was good, maybe just like I wanted as she won't interfere in my life or would ask for my attention but I know she isn't the type of girl who would agree to marry someone she didn't even know.

"Maybe she will, I have an idea, my friend." Everyone when Noah has a plan then that work is already accomplished.



"How are you feeling mom?" I asked her but she didn't reply and kept staring at the photo she was looking at.

"Here is the food please eat it." With a heavy heart, I walked out of the room. Mom has been mentally ill after my father's death and I didn't have enough money for her treatment. Even if I work day and night I couldn't get the amount that is needed, I also have a sister who was in high school and so I have to take care of her needs too.

I left university before completing my last year because after my father's death I was the only one who can run this home. I let out a sigh of sadness remembering just how my family had changed.

A knock on the door was heard when I was cleaning the kitchen and so I went to look who it was. 

No, wait am I dreaming? I pinched myself but it was all real.

"Won't you ask us to come inside?" The male in front of me asked and I, who came out of the shock didn't know what to say.

"I-you...I mean what are you both doing here? How do you know I live here?" I furrowed my brows while looking at Noah and Andrew, the two guys who everyone would wanna meet, were standing here In front of my small, cramped home.

"We can talk all about it, first let us in, girl," Noah said as he entered the home and the other one followed him.

"Sure, make yourself at home," I said sarcastically but they took it literally serious as both of them sat on the couch and tried to open the TV that haven't worked for years. 

"What do you both want?" I sat across them with a serious face but my inside was screaming, two billionaires were sitting in my house. I felt bad that they knew how poor I was.

"We want to talk about some serious-" A scream cut him off as I excused myself and ran toward my mother's room. Locking the room I walked near mom and tried to calm her down. She would usually start shouting and saying things until I would calm her down and make her sleep. 

After making sure that she has fallen asleep I shuffled my way back to where two confused males were sitting.


"You wanna talk something? Please be fast." I took my seat and they nodded.


"No, I'm not doing it." Disbelieve was written all over my face. I could not do something like this and why would someone like him want to marry me?

"But it's good for both of us, you can get money and I will get a wife so I can save my company." He said.

"I.....I don't need money, d'you think me a gold digger?" I glanced at both of them who looked shocked.

"Of course not! But the amount will help you and you can help me." Why he was so desperate to make me his wife? 

"Aren't there other girls who would love to marry you?" I made a contact with his blue eyes that were looking at me with an unknown feeling.

"That's the reason we choose you. Marrying Andrew will help both of you and you know he is a good man. You will be happy with him. I promise about it." Noah said looking at me with an innocent face.

A knock made me move from there and found my sister standing outside the door.

"Why are you late, little one?" I looked at my sister who had black hair and dark green eyes.

"I think you should marry him." I raised a brow looking curiously at my sister who looks different from me.

"You were eavesdropping?" 

"I just listened mistakenly but don't you think it will help us. Mom can be fine and my necessities can also be fulfilled." Why was everyone so adamant about marrying me to Andrew?

She hugged me while whispering 'it's up to you though' and walked to her room after greeting both of them.

"So?" They were curious about my answer and I was uncertain. My one word can change my life. It's a yes or no.