Strange Feeling

Alyssa Pov

With a sigh, I sat on the sofa. The decision was hard but was it right?

I went to the kitchen to see my small sister eating her food made by me.

"How is it?"

"Okay." I shook my head in disappointment, on which she gave me a sweet smile and hugged me.

"It's the best I ever had and you're a great sister." A smile touched my lips, it was good to hear about how much my sis loves me.

The vibrating of my mobile caused me to look at it and I saw a message from Liam. What does this man want from me now?  

'Can you meet me at our usual place?' The message said.

with a short 'ok' reply I ran to my room.

After changing my dress, keeping the club uniform in a bag, I went downstairs and told my sister that I was leaving. She complained that she also wants to see Liam because my sister has a big ass crush on Liam and I would like them to date but the male would never say anything about it.


The bell chimed indicating that I have entered the cafe and I found Liam already looking at me. Smiling at him I walked toward the table where he was sitting. 

"Hey." I sat in front of him and after ordering a coffee with a sandwich I looked at the raven.

"So, what d'you wanna talk about?" 

"Ah, I want some advice." He looked a little nervous.

I nodded indicating him to go on.

"What.....How do you ask a girl out?" A grin replaced my black face as I wiggled my brow.

"Ooo!" Teasing him was fun more fun was when I saw him blushing, he looked nothing less than a tomato.

"Come on! answer my question." Was he whining? I smiled and shook my head, he was looking so cute.

It was odd giving him advice about relationships but I did it anyway.  Our order arrived and I fastly dig in.

"So, how should I act around her? What about my clothes?" He asked while giving me his sandwich from which I took a big bite as he did from mine. Others might mistake us as a couple but we are very close friends.

"See, like any girl, date anyone but remember that don't change yourself for them. If they love you just the way you're then it's great but if she doesn't then you can find someone else." I said because I knew how pathetic it feels that you keep trying to make someone like you. At a point, you will realize that not only have you lost your true self but also the people who loved you will be away from you because of someone who never wanted you.

"Are you okay?" He asked because I just zoned out. Nodding I smiled as he took my hand in his.

"You're great, my friend." This was strange, why would he compliment me like this.

"What d'you want?" Narrowing my eyes I stared at him suspiciously.

"Your permission." Now, this was confusing. For what did he want me to allow him?

"Your-" A loud scraping of chair stopped him as the next second someone sat beside me. I turned my head to see Andrew in a suit with his hair gelled back.

From where did he come? Dropped from the sky or what. How come he always ends up meeting me everywhere.

"Hi, babe." My eyes widened as Liam looked at me questioningly.

"Who is he?" Andrew asked and I didn't know what to say, I was too shocked.

"Umm...Andrew this is my best friend, Liam, and Liam he is...uh, a friend." I said awkwardly. 

Andrew gave me a look which I supposed was questioning but did a handshake with Liam. 

"I didn't know you had other friends, like him." I could see bitterness in Liam's word but ignored it. It seemed like both of them hate each other already.

"How about you call me at night to complete the conversation? hmm? I gotta go." I didn't even wait for his answer as I started walking out but stopped to see Andrew still sitting there. Both of them were looking like they would kill each other. These boys, and their problems.

"I will take him with me too." I tried to move Andrew by pulling his hands but when he showed no sign of moving, I took hold of his collar and dragged him out with me. 

I knew it wasn't good for his reputation, many people knew him in there but I can't leave him in there.

"Who was he?" 

"Afriend, I already told you." I took big steps so I could get away from him but he kept following me.

"You lied about me being your friend." His voice was stern.

"It wasn't a lie, and stop following me. People are staring at us." I said irritatedly.

"You didn't care about people when that lame-"

"It's Liam," I corrected the male.

"Whatever, but why was holding your hand?" I halted to look at him.

"Is there any problem with it?" 

"Yes, did you forget the rule already? None of us will get touchy and too near to any other person." He repeated one rule from many.

"I know that but we weren't touchy, we were just talking, stop being so bossy." I tried to step forward but he pulled me back from my elbow. My back was pressed against a wall as his blue eyes looked at me with....anger?

"You're going to be my wife, do you think it is good roaming like this with different men just before the marriage?" He was serious and angry too. Was it so bad, can't I meet even my friend now?

"I get it, I can't meet anyone I think after some time you will ask me to not meet my mom also, hmm? After all, your reputation is more important." I pushed him lightly but he moved away this time without showing any resistance as I made the distance between us.

"I have agreed to be your wife and I will follow rules, keep my promise. The same goes for you but I won't be your puppy, listening to your orders. I was - am - will, never be interested in any guy and will try my best to keep your 'reputation' safe." 


Finally reaching club I changed my clothes and walked out of the room, ready for my work but a waitress stopped me. 

"You're needed at VIP room. I will take your place." She said.

"But didn't I serve there some days ago?" I was confused.

"Yeah, but the person had asked specially for you." I nodded and walked toward the lift. Praying that not some annoying old man would be waiting for me there and that I could keep my anger in control. I remember how I slapped a man and then my salary was affected by it.

All the thoughts were interrupted when I saw a smirking man looking at me after the elevator door opened. Who it could be? Of course, my so-called future husband.

"What drink do you want?" I kept my face blank not showing this idiot just how much irritated I was.

"Whiskey." I neared him with the glass as he wasn't moving from the sofa to take the glass. keeping it on the table I turned around but was pulled down by him.

"I wasn't trying to be bossy, I just don't want people to think or say bad about you. I'm not affected by where you live or by who you are." For sake of banana. I don't usually curse. I was sitting on his lap. Awkward, as hell.

"Uh," I tried to move but his grip on my waist was too tight just enough to stop me from moving yet not enough to hurt me.

"I don't want my father to know anything about you until the day of marriage. It's good not to tell him." I looked at his face which was too near.

"Shameful of my-" I couldn't even complete when he spoke up way too loudly.

"Of course not! I just don't want my father to create any trouble. I'm afraid he will try to stop me." He said while holding me in my place.

"Will you be able to hide me for a month from him?" 

"For a month? Why?" His eyebrows were furrowed.

"Because we are marrying after a month," I stated in a duh tone.

"Who said this? We are getting married after two days." Looking at him like he had lost his mind I stood up with way too much force that I might have fallen backward.

"You kidding me?"

"Nah." With a smile, he drank his whiskey while I was too shocked and worried to say anything. Just two days!!

"You look quite hot and sexy in this uniform though. Can't let you serve anyone else after today." I didn't know what he meant from the last phrase but he was a pervert for sure.