Calm The Yandere

(A/N: Sorry for the delays, I have an interview for my scholarship in 2-3 days so I have to prepare for it, therefore I don't have much time these days.)


"Oh no."

I'm in no position to delay and debate my choices.

She's going to throw a fucking moon at us!!

I can run away using my sacred gear, but all of my plans will be reduced to naught because most of, if not all, members of MY CLAN, my PROPERTY, and my INVESTMENT, will DIE!

'Alicia put all of my free stats in VIT NOW!'

I didn't wait to check the next notification screen that popped in my view and just opened The Eight Gates to my new limits.

"Gate of Opening, Gate of Healing, Gate of Life, Gate of Pain, Gate of Limit, Gate of View open!" I opened six of the eight in one go, ready to fix the problem that was, admittedly, of my creation.

[All states increased by 60 times.]

The sudden increase in my power is...

It's euphoric.

And my heightened senses only amplified the said feelings to no end, almost distracting me from my goals.

It's intoxicating.

But before I lose myself (not really) to this newfound addiction, I jumped, fully prepared for a fight, in the direction of our resident berserker yandere.

*Nene pov*

I just used my spirit and connection to all of the moons in the planet's orbit to look for my son.

My Kotaro.

Please don't leave mommy, I beg you.

I looked for him in every corner of the world through the power of the moon's reflections, more than once, but there was no trace of him.


No No.



After not finding him when a couple of hours passed I just snapped.

It's not possible that something happened to MY Kotaro, right?

Nothing will happen to him, right?



The intense feeling of rage overcame me, making me remember things that I have forgotten after Kotaro's birth.

All of the memories from my childhood, of how I killed all of my friends, of how my my mother was butchered by me while under HIS control, of how I always lost everything came to the front most of my mind.


While remembering all of these, I also remembered something or rather someone MY precious Kotaro told me, Chaos The Demon of Fuma.

Yes, he's related to this clan.

Yes, now I know how to find MY son.

I will destroy this clan to lure him out and then make him say where is my son.

Yes, I will destroy it.

Destroy it.

Destroy It desTRoy it destroy it DeStROY iT destroy it DESTROY IT!!

"Ninth skill: Falling Moon"

Just as I was waiting for this clan to be crushed under the weight of a celestial body, I saw something.

A small thing, no, a small kid, surrounded by a cloak of swirling multicolored energy.

His blood-red colored hair standing on end, his skin red and steaming, his pupils completely white like there never existed one in the first place.

No matter how much he changes, no matter how he looks, I know my son.

He's back.

He didn't leave me behind.

He loves mommy after all, how can he leave me behind? Pfff you silly Nene.

I wanted to go and just take him in my embrace, relieve my stress and enjoy his scent, but then I noticed he was looking behind me, with an utterly serious expression.

Huh? what made him so serious?

I turned around and looked at the way the big moon speeding our way, ready to erase whatever lies ahead of it.


*Kotaro pov*

Opsss? JUST OPSSS?!!!

You almost destroyed all of my plans woman!! and you just act cute about it?!!!

Now that calls for punishment! and an hour or two of spanking will not suffice!


"Mom stop it, I'm here, just stop whatever you're doing please!!" I shouted out, but there wasn't any hope in my voice.

I mean I don't know if she can just cancel a falling moon like it's an unimportant meeting, even if she was the one to call for it.

And it seems I was right.

God damn it, I hate how on point I am.

She looked sideways, with a blush, and murmured,

"I can't..."

I just deadpanned at that, making her blush deepen.


The good news is it's not one of the moons orbiting The Doulou planet, so it's just a really big piece of work.

Bad news, It's BIG.

So big that it completely towers our clan's ground.

And our clan is, by no mean a small place.

I think I can do something about it, but it's no perfect solution.

But then again, something is always better than nothing. and in this case, practically ANYTHING is better than nothing.

'Skill creation: Daytime Tiger.'

[Daytime Tiger

Rank: Master

A single punch creates a pocket of compressed air in the shape of a white tiger. contrary to its appearance, this technique is purely Taijutsu.

Deals +100% Wind/Vacuum damage.

If the opposing obstacle doesn't meet a certain level of hardness, it will be completely obliterated. if it does, another +100% Wind/Vacuum damage will be dealt with.]


I'm not sure my STR is high enough for me to completely destroy something that huge yet though, even with all of the skill boosts that I have.

Fuck it, no risk no reward it is then.

"Gate of Wonder, open." this is my last-ditch effort.

If even this doesn't work then I say fuck all.

[All physical stats ×70.

Warning: Due to a failed VIT checkpoint you have gained the status effect [Over Time Self Destruction]. You will lose 250HP every second.]

Fuck that shit is just 7 seconds.

I don't want to die so without further ado I used Daytime Tiger.

I punched out in the direction of the descending moon, right in the middle of it to be exact.



There was a huge explosion sound occurring because of the compression of air in a single tiny point in front of my fist, followed by a tiger's roar right after the compressed air bubble turned into a tremendously huge white tiger, going straight for the moon.

It didn't take even one second for the tiger to reach its destination.



My attack connected to its target, destroying a good portion of it, along with cracking it on the other places that weren't completely erased, making debris fall from the said places.


It wasn't as strong as I thought.

I deactivated the Eight Gates, watching the debris rain down in the clan's direction.

The majority of the threat was dealt with, but if these little meteorite-like pieces of rock crashed into our clan the losses will be high.

Not irreplaceable but high nonetheless.

Fortunately, right before they get too close for my liking,

"Seventh skill: Miniature Suns."

A swarm made of basketball-sized suns went past me and my mother, to every single piece in sight, burning them to cinders.

I turned around to look at the origin of where they came from only to see my father, looking at the little meteorites, left hand stretched out.


Oh, I completely forgot his existence, again.



Having an OP father is awesome, even if you forget about him?








Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.

Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!

Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍