Now Time for Punishment

(A/N: HELLO BITCHES AND GENTLEMEN!! (Whoever gets the reference will receive a cookie).

I had my interview today and it's almost guaranteed- SHUT UP don't jinx it god damn it!! anyway, I will be back to the regular update rate now. and this chapter will probably be a mess because I'm tired as shit, I will fix it tomorrow.


Please enjoy ;)


After the shit show that was my mother's wrath ended I started to help and calm down those members of the clan who almost had a heart attack.

You would expect only a few people to be under such circumstances, especially when you consider the clan's way of training and our specialization.

Well, that's not the case it seems.

Who would have thought that being almost crushed under a huge falling rock would scare some mortal assassins?

It's not like they're the first group of people to react like that. seeing them brought back some flashes of Naruto Shippuden for me.

The scene where Madara just casually sentenced the whole ally forces to death by a meteor show. that motherfucker badass basterd.

This was pretty much the same too, I mean I'm pretty sure that many people, no matter how brave, would lose their shit if they see the same scene, a scene that is even described in many religious texts and books as the end of the world, the Apocalypse.

And the culprit for that is my not-so-sane mother.

Which has been clinging to me this whole time since our not-so-little escapade with a giant ass meteor.

From one point of view, I just got to see what one of the big baddies will be able to do.

From another point, I now can say for sure unless I opened the Eighth Gate and sacrifice my life (which I will not do) people like Quan Daoliu are out of my league.

At least for now.

But hey, who said I have to fight them? and head on to top it?!

That might sound cowardly to some, but if you have the basic intelligence of an ape then you know a dead man can't even get scared.

I do have my pride of course, but what is pride if I'm in the tender embrace of death?

As I have said before, I have already learned how to use my flaws to my advantage.

"And done, I hope that you recover soon," I said to the last person who needed physical attention.

Nothing serious, just some bruises from when she was running, she's one of our food spirit masters who works in the kitchen.

She stood up, looking at me with so much respect, and started to bow before thanking me.

After she left it was only me and my dear mother in the main hall of the clan.

I turned around, looking intensely into her eyes. I was almost glaring, but considering her mentality made me stop.

This woman almost ruined all of my plans, single-handedly.

Let's face it, if I had paid more attention, controlled my excitement better, and told her about the course of actions I was about to take personally then none of this would have happened.

I'm not beneath acknowledging my mistakes, just ignoring them would be an arrogant move, and people like Dr.doom have shown me why arrogance is plain stupidity.

The man had, in several comics, almost crushed the mightiest and smartest people of the world by himself only to lose when he was played by his pride.

It was his ONLY known weakness in his wiki page too for fucks sake!!

But I digress.

The problem as of the moment is to start and put a leash on her neck (maybe even literally, that would be hot) and control her tendencies.

It can not be done in one day, or even one month maybe or I can use some of the "products" in the association shop as a recent, but I can do it for sure.

You wouldn't believe what the other Gamers sell in the association.

But as I said, that is the last resort.

For now, let's put my master rank psychology to use.

"Do you know what you have done wrong, mother?" the wording is much more important for this case, if I, for example, didn't call her mother then she might just blow another nut on me, this time because she thought I hate her.

Let's not forget she is a YANDERE.

The unpredictable species.

I must make her understand the seriousness of her mistake, make her feel guilty, but pay attention to what degree I should take that.

She didn't answer, just looking down at the hands, that she was holding.

I could feel her trembling.

"You have not only almost destroyed our clan, MY home, a property of YOUR PRECIOUS SON, but nearly ruined all of my future," I emphasized some words to make her understand this point: my anger at her is based upon her actions of almost taking what is mine.

This will make the fundamentals that I shall build on.

Her shaking stopped for all but a millisecond, only to come back ten times worse.

"Please don't hate me my precious.

Please mommy can't take it if you hate her...

Mommy is sorry, I was scared that I may have lost you..."

I could practically smell the desperation in her voice, her face was tear stricken with her light makeup spreading around her face.

I should not take it way too much on the first session, but just this much is not enough.

If I let it be at that then she will remember this as one of her worst experiences but her subconscious will make her move past it.

She will learn something from it, that's a given, but will it be enough?


So what can make it a lasting experience?

"I know, mom, but to make sure that there will be no more such things I must punish you."

She suddenly stilled, and her breathing started to fasten.

I could make out the beginning of a blush, most likely caused by arousal.

What the actual fuck are you thinking woman?!

God damn this pervert yandere.

"You will not sleep with me for two days."

Just as the words registered in her mind her face lost all color.

Did you think it was going to be something sexual?! but I can't even get an erection at this age woman!!

Oh My Fucking God.








Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.

Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!

Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍