Recruitment of a researcher

Gamers Association's main goal and purpose are for its members to trade, buy and sell.

Simple as that.

It's not something for entertainment of the higher-ups, even though it seems they use it as such, or at least I was the one unlucky guy. it was created so The Gamers can obtain whatever they want or sell what can't be sold on the usual way.

Like when someone from world-A needs a chakra fruit but can not go and get it himself, or when another person gets his hands on a chakra fruit but doesn't need it.

Why let it rot when you can sell it to a person who will actually buy it and use the received currency for something else.

That's the whole concept behind it.

A big hub where you can find everything, for the right price.

And right now I need its service to find a solution to my predicament.

"Don't worry about it, for now, father.

Just start using our agents and spread rumors about the existence of a much better alternative to hunting spirit beasts for rings.

Start from small villages so until we are completely ready no one would be able to relate it to us."

My father pondered for a few seconds, possibly thinking of any valid reason that can be used for such a rumor to come up.

Validity is an important factor when spreading rumors, if you start to spout bullshit about something without anything to back it up then it will be just another lie in a world full of people that will say anything with no reason more than just talking.

If you give them the slightest hint for it to be true then you can just sit back, relax and watch as people will believe what you want them to believe.

Humans are such a predictable race most of the time.

After thinking for a few seconds it seemed he found it and looked at me,

"Leave that to me.

The corps specialized in deceit and rumors will make sure everything is perfectly ready for when we come out with it."

Hmm.. that's good but I just thought of something.

What if it takes more time than what I have in mind to reach any success in the recreation of artificial rings?

If it takes too long then people's fire will lose its brightness and is a no good in business.

Even though it doesn't matter how excited people are beforehand for this special case, because they HAVE to buy it at some point, it will be more beneficial if they are so ready for it that the first stock would be empty on the first day.

That would be such joy.

"Just tell them to not start anything major until further instruction father."

My old man nodded and we said our goodbyes.

On the way out I saw my maids, standing in the same place as before.

"Let's go back."

They started to follow me to my part of the mansion (I just want to call it a village so badly, why is it so big!!) just like how they followed me till here.

On the way back we had some small talk about our day, what happened, how is it going, their cultivation and things like that coupled with the occasional jokes.

If you want people to feel closer to you, give them something about yourself to talk about (not something negative) and make them think about you in their spare time. Make them try and feel things about you.

If it was a modern-day world you may think of it as the equivalent of sending an interesting video/meme/pic at random times to your crush, making them think of you when they normally wouldn't.

Works like a charm.

*A while later*

I don't know where to start.

Should ask about it I guess, never hurts to ask questions.


[Yes master?]

'What category should I look in for the things related to artificial spirit rings? or better yet, show me what The Association has about it.'


[Spirit ring theory: 1,000G

Artificial spirit ring: varies

Artificial rings creation, first edition: 1,000G

Artificial rings creation part, second edition: 5,000G



101 to spirit rings: 10G]

The list goes on and on, but the price is what has me stumped.

If you want something to compare 1G to,

it would be around 10 US dollars.

So the first edition, which is the early research centered around artificial rings, and is kinda useless now, is 10k in dollars.

That's too much for an incomplete book.

Even though I am sure using The Game I can get a mastery of the said theory, I have too much on my plate as of now.

Totally not my lazy ass self speaking.


I have about 80k G, obtained from all of my ventures in my personal dungeon and some small quests I got along the line, so buying the second edition isn't that much of a task.


I'm not going to do it because of this.

[Artificial rings creation, 113th edition: 1,000,000G]

There is a total of 113 versions till it's finally done, meaning, by my estimation, the first one hundred books' content isn't really worth the money nor the time that I have to pay for it.

It's just a hunch, but I always have trusted my guts when it comes to business. I'm not going to change it now.

So what thing can I use as a replacement that is actually worth the money? or better yet, worth more than what I pay?

The answer is simple.

It will not be a THING, but a person.

I need people whose mind is wired for research purposes because they are not one-time use thing and can be put on other projects too.

People whose mind is simply brilliant.

So I went to the companion tab, and narrowed my category to the researcher type.

[Bruce banner (no Hulk): 30,000G

Bruce Banner (The Hulk): 30,000,000G

Bruce Banner (The world breaker Hulk): 300,000,000,000





After looking through the list some more I started to understand some of the prices and the reason for it to he such.

Firstly, the higher leveled individuals have higher prices, naturally.

Secondly, there is every existing version of a character available, for different prices each.

Even things like [Injured: Azzazel] are available, at a much lower G count than his healthy counterpart.

Lastly, depending on the character's alignments, you will receive an appropriate discount.

If a character is likely to try and kill you, or at the very least doesn't mean anything good for you when bought, then they will lose a good chunk of their price.

So that narrowed my search again.

Now I'm looking for someone with evil or chaotic alignment, who is already injured, and the more severe their injuries, the better.

But even that leaves me with every fucking researcher on the multiverse!!

Who the fuck should I choose?!







Give me some suggestions on who should he buy, I already have two people in mind, you can give me your ideas too.

Your ideas and suggestions are welcomed and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.

Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!

Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍