(A/N: Sorry for the late release. I have some serious health problems right now so I couldn't write. I felt a little bit better so I wrote this chap.
Hope you enjoy.)
I'm one hundred percent sure that if I hadn't interfered in the last seconds Orochimaru would have been no more than a smear on the ground by now.
Not that he's in the better condition right now.
He even shed his "Skin" a few times but it only served to disgust my mother, making his beating far worse than what it could have been.
I honestly had forgotten about that bit. Meh not like it matters anymore.
"So, do you accept to work for me now, Orochimaru?"
Right now we are in the mansion's dungeons. After beating the shit out of him we brought him here to have a chat like the civilized people that we are.
"If you prove what you claim to be true yes. But I suggest that you do not forget about the deal we have made, Kotaro-kun." he started to lick his lips like some kind of snake.
*Swish* *Boom*
Before he could get done with it an orangish-red ray went past his head, disintegrating the wall behind him completely.
He slowly took his eyes off me and looked at the person behind my back, his face showing little emotion besides his tiny smirk.
"Be careful of how you talk to my son, mongrel." Yes, it seems like my father has the Gil syndrome.
The attack that my father used just now was a concentrated beam of nuclear energy released through his eyes that could erase nearly everything in its path.
Have I ever said how much I like having OP parents? because I do.
The promise that Orochimaru is talking about is nothing major really. He will work for me, researching whatever I want, while at the same time teaching me everything he knows about Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, and Kinjutsu.
The price for all of these is for me to cure him, and provide him with information about cultivation and the human resources that he will need for the projects I will have him work on.
As a bonus and show of goodwill I told him for every successful project that he does, he will receive the right to do his side projects.
Of course, it's not like I trust him enough to let him go unsupervised. He will be under the supervision of ten of the best and most fanatical people we have in the clan. He can't even breathe without me knowing about it.
I chose fanatics for this mission because I know Orochimaru. He has a way of stealing people's loyalty as seen by what he did with Kabuto.
Kabuto was an agent of Sasori but betrayed him because of Orochimaru. The agents that were chosen for this work are so loyal to us that they will gut their whole family sooner than doing so against the clan and three out of the ten have mind-related spirits, therefore mind tricks are null too.
I will not risk it with someone as dangerous as him.
"Good. Now follow these gentlemen to the infirmary. They will diagnose your arms but the healing process will be held when I'm done here." With that I gestured toward the people in the back, making Orochimaru nod his head and follow after them.
My father waited for a few seconds to make sure that we are alone and then he asked the million-dollar question.
"So, care to tell where this Orochimaru person came from son?"
"Do you remember what we found about gods in our investigations, father? The part where they live in a different world than us to be more precise.
He's from one such world. I have asked Chaos for a solution regarding our problem and this is what he gave me."
My father looked just how I expected him to, shell shocked out of his mind.
It's an understandable reaction too.
I mean it's one thing if you find gods live in a different place/world and a whole another thing for you to be told that there are other worlds out there.
And it's not like I'm lying. Well not completely at least.
He seemed to think about it for a while and then just nodded.
"Will he be the only one son?"
"No, we have two more guests who will work alongside him.
I'm going to summon the next one now."
He just nodded again and said,
"I will stay behind you. Don't want your mother to pummel them to death now, do we?"
I don't see any problem with this. I'd even say it's better this way.
For my next target, I'm going for Mayuri Kurotsuchi.
He's both easier and harder to deal with at the same time.
Easier because he just wants to do his experiments and nothing more. He doesn't care for power or position nor he is after anything dangerous like Hogyoku.
Harder because he's batshit insane with a tendency to dissect his allies.
I have to watch him more carefully than the rest.
I opened the shop menu and repeated the same process that I did for Orochimaru.
[Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Soul Society arc): 15,000G]
[Do you want to proceed with the purchase?
pressing Y had me facing the same window as before.
[Your purchase will be delivered in 5 seconds]
Thank you for using our services, have a nice day.]
The same blue portal appeared after a few seconds but this time instead of a standing figure there was a body on the floor.
A bloody and battered body that was barely breathing.
Well, he's breathing at least, right?
[Mayuri Kurotsuchi Capitan of Gotei 13's 12th division
Lv:265, Heavily injured]
I went and stood beside his head, looking down at his wandering eyes.
Oh, he's conscious!
"Hello there Captain Kurotsuchi~"
He looked at me with Intrigue, then he looked at my father and his eyes gained a glimmer that I know very well.
My father shuddered for a second before his eyes started to glow brightly in the dim light of the dungeon.
"Continue looking at me and I will show you the hell none has ever seen before vermin." His voice was dangerously calm and when you take his current appearance into consideration it was no surprise that Mayuri chose to heed his warning.
Mayuri might be crazy but he's by no means a person with suicidal tendencies.
"My My, what an annoying voice you have. You better be quiet for now.
Tell me where I am kid and I promise that I will use an anesthetic when I dissect your body. I don't give such generous offers to everyone so you better accept it!"
Yeah, he's crazy.
I don't know why but even though he seemed to know that we are stronger than him he still threatened me. Maybe he doesn't know actually?
I remember reading on the wiki page that he has a disregard for all forms of life but is obsessed with its creation. I wonder if my earlier evaluation of him was wrong and if his disregard for life extended to his own too. Or it could be his arrogance getting to his head.
Seriously, what's wrong with geniuses and their egos blinding them?
"Now I'm disappointed Mayuri-san.
Here I was, ready to give you an offer like none before and you threaten me. Truly disappointing."
*Rumble* *Whizze*
Before he could answer my lightning claws were in his shoulders nerve nodes, supplying intense electricity to all of his nerves.
"How is it Mayuri-san? should I increase the voltage? or will you listen like a good boy now?"
"Argh s-stop it now!"
"Is that a tone I'm hearing Mayuri-san?" I asked him like a parent talking to a disobedient child just to get on his nerve.
The reason for my action is to show him his place. One of the reasons that he didn't try and go against Gotei 13 was, like everyone else in that world, his fear of Yamamoto.
Now I have to make him fear us too.
He looked into my eyes with both anger and fear evident in his eyes.
Some might say my actions are too extreme but I will only say this as an answer, "It is better to be feared than loved if you can't be both."
People like Mayuri and Orochimaru do not understand the meaning of love by no definition of the word. They just pursue knowledge and nothing else.
In the case of Orochimaru, he did become a better person but that was way down the line and I didn't summon that version.
"I asked you a question Mayuri-san, should I increase your pain or will you listen like a good boy?"
This time he just clenched his teeth and didn't answer. Not even screaming.
"Your no fun Mayuri. You could at least entertain me by some begging." I increased the voltage to the max but there was no more reaction so I just ended it.
"Now listen well Captain Kurotsuchi of the 12th division. I want you to work for me as a scientist, researching the creation of artificial life forms.
You will get all the test subjects you ever need and then some but all of the projects that I give you must be successful or there will be problems.
Your free to do your research as long as it doesn't endanger my personal interest, What do you say?"
He looked at me but this time there wasn't that much anger or hatred.
No, it was curiosity that was present in his gaze.
Looks like that got his attention.
"I see. How interesting. You're an intriguing one indeed.
If you can do what you say and provide me with interesting test subjects then I might give up on cutting you open."
This guy is a real headache.
"Thank you very much."
"You're welcome."
Was I not sarcastic enough or did he do it on purpose?
"Please have someone take him to the infirmary father."
My father just was looking at Mayuri blankly. Seems like he too feels the headache coming too.
After a second or two he shook his head and gestured toward the mad scientist on the dungeon floor.
Two men in black ninja garb came out of the shadows and took Capitan Crazy by his arms and went out of the door while he was still spouting bullshit about test subjects and shit.
Well anyway.
With him out of the way it only leaves Maya Hansen, the lovely woman.
She is the only one that I wouldn't have to use fear/pain tactics on but a little power play is necessary.
And I don't think a dirty dungeon is a good place to meet with her.
"Can you go and watch over the crazy weirdo father? Orochimaru will not be a problem but I don't want Mayuri to be left alone even for one second."
Hearing my request he frowned and asked me,
"Is he that dangerous son?"
"Yes and no. Given enough time and information he will be a serious threat but if we distract him with "Interesting test subjects" he's going to mind his own business.
That is to say, he cannot be trusted with any vital information."
He looked a little troubled, probably because he doesn't want such an unknown factor roaming around freely, but just nodded in the end.
"I will observe him myself for now until I find the most suitable candidate for this work."
"They better be a poison expert too."
"Okay. Is there anything else that I need to know about him?"
Hmm... I don't think so? I mean Mayuri isn't a threat to my family considering their power and his poison is easy to counter because it needs direct contact to work.
I just said no and he patted my head before he dissolved to light motes and went to do his thing.
Now that that's out of the way I started to walk out of the dungeons too.
My destination is my mother's room, where I will summon the last member of this little think tank team that I'm creating.
*40 minutes later*
I reached Nene's (my mother's) room around ten minutes ago and spent that time explaining things to her.
She was not as shocked as my father and just started to smother me saying how special I am.
"I will start now mom."
She nodded at my words and put me on the floor from her lap.
I did the same things that I did previously but with a little difference.
This time around there was a spirit master with healing capabilities present because Maya is a normal human.
Unlike the previous two, she will die if we don't treat her wounds fast enough.
After seeing the same portal three times in a row there was nothing interesting about it anymore.
When the process was done the bloody and unconscious body of a female could be seen on the mats of my mother's room. With a height of around 1.7m, brown hair and eyes, she looked quite beautiful even with all of the blood on her face.
(A/N: Image here. and her background is a mix of MCU and Marvel comics.)
The healer went to work at a moment's notice to save her life after receiving my confirmation.
[Maya Hansen The Creator of Extremis
Lv:30, on verge of death]
Now I just have to wait for her to wake up.
Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.
Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!
Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍