*Kabuto pov*
*Before Orochimaru was bought*
Who was that shinobi?!
If not for him my lord's plans would have been executed perfectly!!
"Why there's no record of him in none of your reports, Kabuto?" Lord Orochimaru asked, his voice filled to the brim with hate and anger.
And for good reasons too.
Our attack on Konoha has failed, because of one unknown variable.
A man of about twenty years, with a darker shade of skin unlike the tanned skin of people from Komu.
he was very professional in wielding lightning too.
"We don't know. He is not in any of the documents we have copied from the five nations. The only mention and sighting of him were in our invasion."
Lord Orochimaru was gritting his teeth. That's not good for his health.
As I was about to go and calm him, I felt a little wet on my body.
Looking down, there was an arm coated in blood and lightning sticking out of my chest.
The last thing I saw, was Lord Orochimaru's horrified face.
*Kotaro pov*
Looking down at my courtyard, I saw Orochimaru coming out of the crater that was made upon his impact.
Better end this fast unless I want my parents or the guards to get here and ruin my fun.
Activating the Lightning Claw skill I dashed straight for him yet again, and intend completely on doing a one-sided slaughter.
Fun fact that I have learned about the leveling system works, for non-game-related characters.
Levels, for other people who aren't Gamers, are just a loose indication of physical strength and experience/knowledge combined. Meaning that my level 690 mother might as well be level one thousand in actual combat prowess.
The opposite is possible too, a level one thousand might be worth less than a level seven hundred individual.
Because they do not possess skills and stats the way I do, the game will give me a rough estimation of their basics. If I want anything more accurate I must use Observe.
So that means even if Orochimaru is stated to be weakened by the loss of his arms, the levels he has lost might be not that much or might be way too much.
I'm betting on the latter though.
Orochimaru proved that his experience in fighting has not taken much of a sit back even though his body definitely has by actually dodging my roundhouse kick, aimed at his head.
I didn't dally too much and attack using my hands, but before my lightning-covered claws could reach him he has already retreated, increasing the distance between us.
That's why I chose Kotaro that day. Because having fighting technique and experience is far more superior to having brute force.
Of course, there are limitations to this, like everything else. Even if the DC comics make you believe in humans' capabilities, in the end, a Kryptonian can kill a human with a sneeze.
"You know, even if you were in a healthy state, fighting me would still lead to your destruction.
So why resist?"
Orochimaru looked at me with a frown, his creepy smile long gone.
He was about to say something but I just went ahead and attacked him from his sides, where he would have used his hand to defend.
That is if he could use them of course.
He was distracted by wanting to respond to my rhetorical question, probably shocked that I seemed to know him too and that made for the perfect time to attack.
Immediately after I was in front of him he tried to dodge by stepping aside but I have already predicted that.
Changing the pattern I went for the opposite side and clawed at his ribcage, opening up a wound that immediately started to sizzle because of the lightning.
[-4500 damage dealt.]
Yes, scream! Scream!!
My glee was probably obvious from my eyes. The sound of humans screaming in pain always brought untold joy to me.
Not wanting to lose the opportunity, I slashed one more time while he was still distracted by the pain. But this time in a nerve node, making him scream much more delightfully.
Music to my ears.
He was sent a few meters away by the impact but I could see that he wasn't that much affected.
I could have just talked with him before fighting. I know Orochimaru is not the type to attack first, he's like me in that regard.
Always playing with the prey till the last moment.
But aside from my need to let loose of my sadistic side, I had to make sure he understands who is the prey and who is the predator here.
What better way for that to be conveyed than beating him till he understands it?
And I can get my ideal punching bag out of him till I go to the dungeon again. I just have to be careful not to make it a habit to beat people for the sake of joy.
I found out that I'm a sadist very early in my life while beating some bully wannabes that were making problems for my little brother. Didn't see any of them ever again now that I think about it.
Oh besides that one's mother.
I remember her, quite a nice fuck. Her husband did find out I think, but he was a coward through and through so nothing came out of it.
Anyway, let's not digress too much. I have a fight (torture) to attend to and enjoy.
While I was thinking such Orochimaru has already opened the distance between us again, this time much more on guard, not underestimating me because of my apparent age.
It was this same thing that cost him his hands. This same arrogance. He did not put his everything against Hiruzen and went for a kage, titled as the professor because of his knowledge of all the existent jutsus, one on one.
By now he's probably much calmer and collected, so it would be a good time to reign in my sadism.
"I can give you your hands back. I can give you power like none has ever seen in the Elemental Nations. Show you the road to your long-sought goal of immortality.
But nothing is cost-free, Orochimaru."
He didn't show the smallest amount of surprise at me knowing his name, which is understandable.
He probably thinks we are still in Naruto-verse, and who wouldn't know of The Legendary Snake Sage?
But after a second of silence, he had his trademark smirk back on his face.
"Interesting. To think a mere child would be so powerful. I wonder what kind of secret do you hide in that body?"
Both of us Shuddered.
But not because of anything that we said, no.
"What did you say about my baby boy insect?" My mother's sweet voice reached my ears.
"I feel sorry for you snake." That was all I could say before the angry yandere went to work her charm.
May his soul be blessed.
Kotaro's fighting style is based on my own. distract them with questions and insults, then hit fast and hard. But added with a little supernatural aspects of course, that's why he will be close quarter fighter most of the time, cause I know that better.
Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.
Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!
Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍