Phase 1: Allies


sooo, I'm not going to give you a headache by telling you the reasons for my long-ass vacation, just know that I was way too busy with my college.

Oh, and I went back and changed some minor things, like the date birth of Kotaro, and optimized the wording of some parts to be more fluid.

Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of my exams so the release schedule will be inconsistent for now but after that is the summer break, and I will have free time to write again. Let's hope I won't be this busy ever again.

Enjoy the chapter ;)


While moving in the direction of Heaven Dou empire in a fancy carriage, I was thinking about some parts of my plans that are being executed as of now.

Our first target for sabotage is one of the four Elemental Academies, Godwind Academy to be specific.

Because it is a wind/air attributed academy we already have a good amount of influence in it, making for a rather low-risk high reward target.

It's not just some kind of hey you specialize in the wind? We too! We have taken many of their graduates in so it is a reasonably important recruiting post for us thus making our clan take extra measures against any forms of outside influence. We needed those so we could recruit without the risk of being infiltrated by other people.

And those extra measures consist of our people filing the important roles such as the Vice-headmaster and teachers or us funding them to name a few.

That's why I have sent a clone of mine along with Kaito and Cho to go and make sure they know who is in power and who should they side with when the time comes.

We have a few other places like The Godwind Academy in both empires but they are either too weak to care about or have already proven themselves royal to us.

That left me with the rest of Elemental Academies and the less talked about (in novel) clans. I have sent many more clones each escorted by two of the clan's elders to make negotiations with or if not possible mark them for later conquest while I and my maids accompanied by Nene will take care of the most important ones personally.

That is the reason why we are going to Heaven Dou. To have some talk with the Seven Treasure clan and make ourselves one of the most important alliances that we will make in the war to come.

If we get an ally out of them the power balance will be scaled heavily to our side of the game. The threat of Qian Daoliu would be much less significant if we have them support us in a fight. This alliance is just like a cheat code honestly.

Their spirit is just too good of support to let go of, and I will not risk them running to an enemy for backup.

Even though if they do it will make for a much more exciting war, I don't want to risk my first world for it.

Maybe next time.

For now, they will either join us or cease to exist.

I plan to make the conversation from a point of obvious power so I brought my dear super OP yandere with me. This will both make a point for the seven treasure clan and help my mental health.

I can't think with a calm mind when she's out of my sight doing who knows what.


One of my clones just canceled itself.

*Clone Kotaro pov*

Boss has sent Kaito and Cho as my companions for this mission, which is necessary for my protection besides the glaring need for them as representatives of our clan, cause no one will take a "child" seriously even if said child is the next clan leader.

And with my meager amount of MP and all that I can't fight so no showing boss's awesomeness too.

We have already reached our destination by the time my musing has ended and now in front of me are all of the Godwind Academy's staff, trying to butter me up and get in the clan's good graces.

Knowing myself, it actually might work.

"Welcome to the Godwind academy, young master Kotaro. It's our honor to have someone such as you here."

I gave them a nod and just said,

"Show us the way."

These guys aren't important enough for me to show them respect. They might be strong and talented for the common folk but me?

Our servants in the Fuma clan are just as talented as the headmaster here.

Well saying that Min Ho, the headmaster, is as talented as our servants is a compliment in my book.

I mean just look at my twin hot milfs of a servant. If I remember correctly, the main cast was around them in power level at the same age.

And that same main cast raised a God-king and the rest were anywhere between 3rd class to first-class gods.

And let's not forget about my team of monsters. Those guys are going to be my main attack force in the not-so-distant future.

Anyway, we have already reached the main hall of the academy where the meetings between the teachers and students happen, the headmaster room, which is our destination, is behind this hall.

After we got ourselves to the room I just walked ahead of the others and sat on the big chair behind the desk. It's just a simple power play, Min Ho knows better than to comment on my actions and just takes his seat on the sofa in front of me.

Kaito stood behind him while Cho came to my side. It's their ideal formation to protect me from any harm that may happen. Not like the "real" me would need it but better safe than sorry.

"I'm sure that you are surprised by our sudden visit, Mr.Ho. But you should know that the reason for my presence here is of utmost importance.

What do you think about war, Min Ho?"

His look of confusion that has appeared from the start of my speech started to slowly crumble to one of shock.

Good, I don't like to deal with stupid people.

*Kotaro's pov*

So that was how it went?

I mean I didn't expect much to begin with, he did a little bit of netting for information but that was it. He didn't show any protest against the idea.

Maybe it's the fear, maybe it's the might makes right culture that is prominent here or maybe it's simply his personality but he accepted my invitation with little to no objection.

I am a paranoid basterd so I (my clone really) ordered Cho to keep an eye on him and make sure everything is alright.

Now just to pass the time I started to have a game with my companions. A game of monopoly.

The sad part is no one really tried to compete with me for obvious reasons.

My mother would let me have all the good spots while trying to show how cool she is by taking everything from the Twins.

And the Twins were losing badly because of that.

*A week later *

Argh, I'm so tired of this carriage. Even though it is the best ride in this world it's still a carriage on a rocky road.

Anyhow, we have finally reached the city of Mu, the current resistance of the seven treasure clan.

From what I gathered, Ning Fengzhi has become the clan head just recently.

The interesting part is that his wife was declared on the verge of death just a few months afterward while pregnant.

Coincident or a conspiracy? I have to find out in person.

This could change everything about this meeting.

"Looks like they are here to receive us honey." My mother said while looking out of the carriage's window.

That got my attention and I looked out for what she was talking about. There at the side of our ride I saw an entourage of servants accompanied by an an old man with a withered face. He was not robust or muscular but still had a very astonishing stature clearly exuding his power.

[Gu Rong the Bone Douluo

Lv 395 Rank: 95 Titled Douluo]

Hello there, Bone Douluo Gu Rong.








Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.

Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!

Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍