Phase 1: allies 2, long-awaited time skip

*Ning Fengzhi's pov*

The news that I have received two days ago was... unexpected, to say the least.

It's usual for allied clans to have meetings without reason, but for the top clan of the whole continent to just "ask" for a meeting with a clan that has no relationship with them whatsoever no less is completely unheard of.

And to top it all off the people coming here are the Moon Douluo and her son.

That woman is trouble.

Her history of slaughter made the people of Slaughter City ban her, her descendants, and any person she's affiliated with.

There is a reason for the second nickname we gave her. The crimson moon Douluo.

She shed so much blood that even the moon was colored red afterward. And I wish this was just another rumor made by the common people.

And now she's coming here. The only reason I have not given an evacuation order at a sensitive time such as now, is her child.

She wouldn't bring her child to a potential warzone, she has proven time and time how unhinged she is, but every person worth anything knows this. Nene Toyotomi will freeze the world before letting any harm near her son.

And that's the most accurate information anyone has on the whole Fuma clan.

*Kotaro's pov*

The bone Douluo was a pretty chill dude in most cases, and it seemed having someone who can destroy his clan in a breath of time in front of him didn't change that.

To be honest I was expecting the seven treasure clan to be pretty tense by now, after all the famous Fuma clan is visiting. Being a little anxious is practically expected.

"It's an honor to have the matriarch of Fuma clan and their little heir in our territory." Gu Rong said, showing a harmless smile.

Talking to him up close is a little hard for me. He's easily 8 feet tall, and my height even though tall for my age is way too short in front of him, so that's another reason why my mother started to talk to him first unlike in my "recruiting" process.

The main one is of course my age. No one will take a child seriously.

I wish this was a novel where this years would just be time skip jutsued. Sadly, I have to endure, for now.

"I have heard great things about the Seven treasure glazed tile pagoda's hospitality, and from what I see the rumors are true." My mother answered, giving him the exact amount of respect he showed us.

Unlike what most think of her, my mother is absolutely a genius in politics too. You would not disrespect the party you want to make a deal with.

Showing some power plays is another thing though, but when you're as well known as her that point is kinda null.

The Bone Douluo continued the conversation still holding the same polite smile, while slightly moving sideways and pointing at the road behind him,

"Please, follow me to the main halls of our mansion for some refreshments and rest. It must have been exhausting to travel this far."

At this point, I couldn't stop myself and mentioned for my mom to start going. I need a rest real soon, I tend to be irrational when tired and that's not good in this situation.

"Please show the way, my precious Kotaro seems tired of this road trip too." She said when noticing my mood.

And thus we started to walk toward our potential allies' mansion.

*a short walk later*

We arrived at the main hall's door sometime after.

Fortunately, their mansion was of a more reasonable size than ours. That's not to say it's small, but I sometimes feel our mansion is the result of a "dick measuring" contest.


After Gu Rong opened the door I got my first glance at the clan head Ning Fengzhi. He looks like an elegant middle-aged man with a calm and scholarly appearance.

He stood up from his seat on the other side of the room, where he was accompanied by a sickly pale young woman whom I don't need to "observe" to know is his wife.

Was this what led to her death? I don't think she was ever mentioned in the whole series. Or maybe I just don't remember, I mean it was decades ago that I read Doulou Daluo.

"Welcome to our mansion, it's our pleasure to have you as our guests here." His voice was gentle and his face was adorned by a polite smile.

Guests huh? Let's hope that changes soon.

After exchanging the usual pleasantries we went to have some dinner.

At the dinner table, everything was going exactly how you expect it to go in such events. More pleasantries and some subtle probes on the reason for this meeting.

"I would like to continue our discussion but as you can see my wife is not in the best health right now, we can resume our conversation after I take her to our bed for the night." Fengzhi said, worry evident in his voice.

My mother gave a nod,

"Of course."

They left us with our maids shortly after.

"What do you think so far, son?"

It was strange to hear my mother call me son, and the stranger part is the slight seriousness in her voice.

I can understand her concerns of course, but my meta-knowledge makes me more at ease. It might not be as reliable as I would like simply because me and my clan are a completely new factor in the equation, but it's still a good source.

"So far everything we have gathered about the situation seems to be accurate.

The most important thing to do now is to make sure we are on they are in debt to us "of their own accord" and start the alliance later on."

Which is going to be easy.

Right at this moment, the doors opened again. This time around though instead of two men and a woman, all three were men. The new addition was an old man with a head of silver hair neatly combed behind his back, with a simple and unadorned appearance, both eyes not fully opened but slightly shut.

[Chen Xin the Sword Douluo

Lv: 399 Rank: 95 titled Douluo]

So he's the Sword Douluo huh?

"Lady Nene, it's good to see you again after such long time. How is Kentaro doing?" the tall, lean old man now known as Chen Xin asked my mother.

"Likewise, Chen. Ken said he is still waiting for the rematch you asked for."

The greeting between them was far more casual than everyone else till now. To those not in the know they might look like old friends, which is true, but the main reason is something else. He is our relative after all. My uncle, the head of our assassination department, is his brother-in-law, and let's not forget his nephew who is on my team.

After the pleasantries were out of the way I found his gaze on me. He looked at me with a small smile.

"Hello there little guy. You might not remember me but I used to play with you and Daichi when you were just born."

I gave a smile back while "trying" to hold back my excitement and said,

"I can remember grandpa sword. I'm a smart boy after all."

All of this acting is taking a toll on me. Unfortunately past Kotaro acted exactly how a kid should even though he was far more mature beneath the surface. And for safety reasons, I can't just change in a short time.

Good thing I created Chaos for my cover story, it will help to justify my changes faster.

His smile widened a bit from "my" behavior.

Both Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo are single and without a child to this day. Something that made them yearn to have children much more. It was for this same reason that they spoiled Rongrong rotten.

"Grandpa sword?"

Bone Douluo's voice took our attention for the moment because of the sheer jealousy it was dripping with.

Oh no.

Don't tell me that ridiculous rivalry between them started like this.

He turned to me with a sweet innocent that by no means matched his face and said,

"Can you call me grandpa too little Kotaro?"

*some time later*

Finally after agreeing to Call Gu Rong grandpa bone things calmed down.

"So how is the situation with your wife, clan head Fengzhi?"

"Yes uncle Fengzhi. She seems so weak now." My voice perfectly inmated a sad child.

My sad voice made my maids come and "try to cheer me up". I'm so lucky to have such good maids.

This was my plan after I found out his wife is still alive. Depending on the situation I would have acted differently. Maybe sending one of our members to protect her from the shadows, which would have been suspicious as fuck, if I found the risk to her life is from other people.

Or in this case.

"Mom maybe Orochimaru can help her?" This time around I asked a little excited.

Cure her of whatever it is.

My words got the attention of everyone present, but mostly that of Fengzhi.

His face lit up with hope and a small amount of well-hidden suspect. And it was completely within expectation.

*Ning Fengzhi's pov*

Was it true? Could they have someone capable enough to save my wife and children?

But why?

I know nothing is free in this world. Absolutely nothing. Especially if the other party is the clan known for their power AND cunning. You can not be a successful assassin without the dirty work that comes with it.

"I would be most thankful to the Fuma clan if they can save my family. I will pay whatever the price is."

I know the weight of my words just now. But I have a gut feeling that everything is going to work just fine.

*Kotaro' pov*

Good. Everything is going according to plan. My mother gave me an approving look and answered Fengzhi,

"If you can ready her to be brought to our manor we will have her cured in no time.

As for payment...

Our clan would like to extend our good relationship even further through an official alliance."

Her words shocked the Seven treasure trio just as much as we anticipated.

The strongest clan of Douluo continent supported by the strongest support clan.

This is going to shake the world.

*five days later, Kanagawa Prefecture*

After the talks that night it was decided to come to our territory by the next day. Apparently, Jia, the wife of Fengzhi, was in critical phases of her pregnancy so it was decided the sooner we move the better.

That was why we hurried back instead and it took less time to reach home. This short trip seemed to worsen Jia's condition, making even me a little bit nervous.

If she does my leverage for negotiations will die too and I might have to change my plans completely.

Upon our arrival at the Fuma clan my father, uncle, and Daichi were ready to receive us. Behind them were Orochimaru and Dr.Hansen, prepared to move their patient to the hospital wing.

Of course, I didn't bring Mayuri. He might have tried to do something "unpleasant", destroying all of our chances.

That man will be in his lab, dissecting various humans and spirit beasts somewhere no one can see.

"I would have welcomed you to the main halls for some rest but it seems there is no time for that.

Follow us."

My father could tell her circumstance better than anyone else because his spirit made him sensitive to life and vital energy, so no one asked any further questions and just followed.

Let's hope it ends well.

*2 years and 10 months later, Kotaro's backyard*

The young master has asked for some snacks to be brought to his backyard. Finally, I thought he would forget about eating, again.

He has grown up so much. It felt like just yesterday that it happened. He changed so much since that day.


"Don't sigh so much sister. We have work to do." Now even my lazy twin is trying to work. Everything has truly changed.

Ao was never the hard-working type but even she felt the need to change. At least she's changing in a good way.

When we were close to the backyard I started to hear some voices.

The sound of children laughing, playing, and having fun.

"Kotaroooo don't bully Ling and Xiu or I will tell grandpa bone!!"

"Oh? So now you're trying to threaten me Rongrong? Should I bully you instead?"


And following that scream a cute little girl no more than three with pink flowing hair who was being chased by a far bigger boy ran past us.


Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.

Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!

Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍