Anyone who can guess his spirit before I reveal it will get a cookie.
Place your bets here.
"Young master please don't scare Rongrong so much."
"That's no fun, Mai."
My maids finally came back with the snacks.
It's been exactly three years since I have been reborn as a Gamer. In these years many things have happened.
The most notable of which is the incident that "changed" me. My cover for why I was starting to act differently.
Even I myself did not expect such a development at that time.
Outside the room, Ning Fengzhi looked like he might die any second. It was not clear if he was more scared of the threat just now or for his wife's health.
It's already been a few hours since she started giving birth. Few agonizing hours.
But finally,
"Aouuaaa, auoouaaa"
The sound of a child crying came. Fengzhi ran toward the room in which the operation was taking place.
We followed him at a much slower pace to give the family some time with their newborn.
When we finally reached them Fengzhi was holding a little bundle of clothes that housed the newborn.
"We are going to name you Rongrong, our little glory." Jia's voice was really soft when she said that.
She then turned and looked at my family behind me, with a face full of determination.
"The Fuma clan wanted an alliance with us correct?
Protect my child. Find whoever poisoned me, risked her life, make them wish for death and you will not only have our eternal gratitude and alliance but an even stronger bond.
A bond through marriage."
*flashback end*
It was unexpected but understandable for everyone. This way they could get the strongest backer they could ever get and protect their child from all kinds of threats.
It's not to say the seven treasure clan is weak but that strength proved meaningless in front of inside menaces. They say you can't buy loyalty, and when all of your fighting forces are bought from outside things tend to happen.
We, of course, agreed but not immediately. I had to woo my mother in agreement. She didn't want "no bitch" to be around me but fortunately, I had already gained enough control over her for me to make her change her mind.
And to top all of the benefits, Jia unknowingly gave me the best way to start and "mature". I was a man with responsibility after all, and what better motivation for a child than responsibility.
"Are you nervous young master?" Ai's question bought me back from reminiscing.
They both looked a little bit concerned. Just a couple of years more my brother. We will see the expression that we want on their face.
"No, not really. Why do you ask?"
"You were zooming out a bit. You have been doing that a lot recently now that I think about it." It was Mai who answered me this time.
"I was thinking about my awakening ceremony. What kind of spirit will I have? Things like this."
Hearing my response they shared a look and smiled back at me.
"I'm sure whatever it is going to be awesome!"
"Ai is right, everything about young master is always amazing, I'm sure your martial soul is no exception."
I gave them a happy smile.
"Thank you, girls."
And I'm not really worried about it. Even if I get a pencil for my spirit with the Game by my side I will turn it into a realty writing tool.
But that doesn't mean I left everything to chance.
I couldn't. Not with my flaws. What if fate decided to strike me right then?
So I made some preparations.
"So what have you found? Did we finally reach the last stages of crystallization for the rings?"
The trio of scientists have asked me to come and have a talk.
They have come a long way since the beginning in both work adequate and research itself.
Oh, and they have awakened their martial souls too.
Orochi awakened Yamato-no-Orochi, with innate full spirit. The beast looked a lot like his form in his cannon confrontation with Itachi.
That didn't really surprise me.
Maya awakened a rare body spirit, her brain to be more specific. It boosted her brain's calculating ability with each level.
A great boon to be sure.
But the most unique was Mayuri.
He was a soul himself, and on top of that his soul housed another soul in the form of his zanpakuto, so no one was sure how he would react to the awakening
The only one excited to find out was he himself.
Fortunately for me, he didn't die. But his Zanpakuto did. Well it didn't really die. More like reincarnated to his spirit.
My father said it felt like a second awakening to him and I agreed. Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō, his Bankai, became his avatar-type martial soul.
"No, but we found something else that you asked for.
We have developed a theory about how martial souls manifest after awakening."
Maya's answer got my complete attention.
Seeing that had me hooked Orochimaru continued,
"First of all we already knew that it's most likely for everyone to inherit one or in the rare case of twin souls both of the parent's spirits.
So it's safe to say the inherent genes of parents make the most significant difference. It appears that the strength of genes and which side is the more dominant one affect the outcome of awakening.
If one side is dominant then you will inherit that and depending on how prominent it is the other side might influence the outcome which leads to either mutations or slight difference." After his opening speech, Mayuri added,
"But then there are the twin cases. Did they have two souls perhaps? I had to cut open some souls to find out. Ooh such fine specimens they were. Pity most were men, a man's scream is really lacking in comparison to a woman's. It's nowhere as lustful. Rather, it's unbearably annoying.
In the end, I found out that the soul mostly provides nourishment and energy for the spirit. The greater it is, the more chance of having a second awakening or a good mutation."
After their explanation, Maya asked me for some more lab techs, and I bought them for her.
*flashback end*
That discovery reminded me of bloodlines. In the Douluo world when you awaken your spirit it changes your body too. It gives you a bloodline.
What if I gained a bloodline before awakening?
And there happen to be two extremely old dragon king corpses in this lands.
But upon further thinking, I gave up on that. If I went ahead and took those corpses that have been buried since the divine realm war out it will undoubtedly gain the attention of some nasty people. Or should I say, gods?
I can always go to the Ice and Fire Yn Yang well later.
But that doesn't mean I didn't try to get a strong bloodline.
"It's almost time for the ceremony Rongrong. I will go first, you can come if you want to."
She was still hiding behind the cherry tree in my yard with Ling and Xin by her side, sometimes taking a peek thinking I wouldn't find her.
*Rongrong pov*
Hmph. That stupid Kotaro, always bullying me and sister Xin.
Like I care he's going to awaken an excellent spirit and be even cooler when we play- no fight, right, we don't play I'm fighting him to show I will be the best bride he can ever find.
Mother Nene always helps me with that. Mom does too but she says I'm already the best.
She's wrong of course!
The best is mother Nene, so I have to be even better!
"Let's go girls!" I shouted out when Kotaro and his maid were out of sight.
"Yes." "Let's go, sister Rong!"
The more energetic response came from Xiu like always. Long is trying to act like aunt Mai for some reason?
"Sister Ling if you act like that Kotaro won't make you a bride too." Why is she so red now? Is she sick?
*sometime later*
We finally reached the ceremony hall! Why is it so far?!
Please let us not be late.
When we opened the door an intense light blinded our sight. I could barely make the outline of him but I knew him to be Kotaro.
Why is he on fire?
*Kotaro's pov, ceremony hall, before Rongrong comes*
"Are you ready son?"
"Of course father."
My father is going to be the one to awaken my martial soul. He says it has been the clan's tradition for generations now.
It's finally the time. Looking around the hall I could see my mother giving me an encouraging smile, most likely "to ease my nerve".
It's just the three of us plus my maids. Rongrong, Ling, and Xin seem to have fallen behind a bit.
"Go ahead father, let us begin."
With my confirmation, he started the process by putting his hand atop my head.
I could feel a hot energy moving through my body, reaching every part and then concentrating a bit above my navel.
[Foreign soul power has entered into the host.
Host soul is resonating.
Sacred gear, Innovate clear: the vision of God is giving a reaction.
Innovate clear: the vision of God is giving host all of its saved soul power.
Host's bloodline is impacting on the process.
Spirit awakening has begun.]
I didn't care about the notification.
I didn't want to. The feeling coming from my very soul and body was... Intoxicating. I wanted more. I needed more of this energy.
I started to sense something. An energy present everywhere. It was giving life. It was giving death.
I could "see" with my eyes closed. I could see them. The gigantic energy sources.
One hot and domineering.
The other cold and inviting.
This is it. This is what I have been looking for.
So I took it. For just a split second there was this resistance but as soon as it came it went away.
[External power sources are supplying the process.
Using the excess energy to boost the quality of martial souls.
Fate is acting against the process.
Luck plays a role!]
I felt something. Something was embodying itself from within me.
I felt something cold and metallic cover my hands.
I felt something hot and alive cover my body.
A primal urge to do something took over me. I couldn't resist it. It wanted to let the world know of its supremacy, daring any creature to oppose.
[congratulations master.
You have unlocked the unique class: Spirit master.
You have unlocked twin soul spirit.
Claws of the Descending Moon.
Lion of the Rising Sun.]
After I came to my sense, I couldn't help but notice something.
Why am I on fire?
So what do you think about how I portrayed Rongrong? This time around she still has her mother, two mothers in fact, and a completely new goal in mind.
Take note that she is just a little girl so like most girls around that age she dreams of being a pretty bride etc.
Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.
Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!
Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍