First Ring

Sorry for the late release. As I've said before, I'm in the middle of my college exams and time is something I don't have much of.

Hope you enjoy ; )


[You have leveled up!] x2

[Spirit master class has been leved up] x10

[Spirit master class can not be upgraded any further. You have gained +10 in the corresponding stats.

Please acquire a spirit ring to further augment your class.]

After taking my blood-soaked hand out of the Jaguar's chest, I took notice of these notification windows.

The leveling requirement after one hundred has been ridiculous. It took me merely five months give or take to reach it but since then I could only get forty-something levels so this was actually a good harvest.

I could continue and grind...

But if I'm ganged upon like the first time I came to dungeon, it could be very dangerous. And my flaws just work to ensure that happens.

Better take the loots and get out, I can always come back later. Quickly putting everything in my inventory I issued the command,

"Dungeon exist."

And just like that I was back in my room, the only indication of my fight being the torn clothes and my blood-soaked body.

'Let's take a look at my loots.' I opened my inventory, looking through the huge amount of things I possess in my personal space.

From healing potions of all grades to mundane stuff like food, and sitting right in the down most squares are my recent exploit.

[Jaguar Hide

A hide made of seventy thousand years old Black lightning jaguar that gives the skill [stealth]. Very valuable.

Highly resistant to damage.

+50% Lightning absorption.

+25% Speed and reaction time.]

This is extremely good. I can possibly make a cloak at it, and use its dark color to blend in at night. Or better yet, if it's enough make three cloaks and give them to the triplets.

Coupled with their flies they will make the best spies ever.

Next was the usual drop. Two high-quality stamina potions that can restore half of the consumer's stamina each. I will stash them with the rest of my consumables for emergencies.

Potions are not rare but I still can not reproduce them so I will use them only in case of a disaster.

The next item on the list took my breath away. It's something I have yet to see anywhere besides the clan's treasury, and that too not of this kind.

[External spirit bone

An external spirit bone from a seventy-thousand years old black jaguar rigged with the lightning element, in the form of a greaves. Exceptionally valuable.

Will grant the spirit skill [Lightning flicker]

Caution: If the user's spiritual and physical strength is not enough they will die a painful death.]

This is fucking amazing! An external bone? These things are only comparable to 100,000-year spirit rings!

And this one is from a fucking 70,000-year beast!

I was about to absorb it right there when I re-read the last part.

I'm not sure about this anymore...

I am pretty confident in my body. It's my strongest point even. But spiritual power?

'Will Gamer's mind protect me from the spiritual shock, Alicia?'

[The Gamer's mind will not protect you from direct attacks, master. The effect damage will be reduced using this skill, depending on your INT and WIS, but as it is not considered mind control of any kind the ability to negate it will not activate.]

I guessed as much. It was mentioned in the description of the skill but a man can hope.

This is not considered a normal kind of mind attack that the Game will consider under Legendary rank and reduce its damage to "negligible" levels.

Based on our clan's research it is actually a soul shock. And my soul isn't really protected by anything.

But I know just the person to change that. The problem is, do I trust Mayuri the sadistic mad scientist with my soul or not?

After a bit of thinking, I found no answer to that.

He's under our leash right now but unlike Orochimaru and Maya who are mostly sane, he is batshit insane. The kind of insane to try and experiment on my soul with a backup plan to escape in case it's found out.

But he must know by now that even if he succeeded in escaping us it will just delay the inevitable for minutes at best.

The question comes to whether his insanity is stronger than his self-preservation?

Again not finding a solid answer, I choose the next best thing. Just wait till my level is high enough to withstand the soul shock and don't risk my very soul.

Now unto the most important event of today.

My class level or in the words of this world's population, my cultivation rank.

The exp from this fight was enough to reach my first bottleneck, meaning I need a spirit ring to increase my rank any further.

But what to choose from? What type of beast should it be?

The spirit ring is essentially what will make or break you. If you absorb something incompatible it might even bring you harm rather than benefit.

Additionally, some are more important than others.

The first one will set the road that you are going to walk. It will set the fundamental principles of what system of spirit master you are going to be.

Of course, it might not set everything in stone, but it certainly will change your path for better or worse.

And to top it all the first, third, and seventh rings are what give your Martial spirit the chance to grow out of its limit, a chance to evolve. Well, they also will show your "potential" but because of the Game I just need to level up and not worry about that.

So first I must decide what type of spirit master I want to be.

Considering my martial souls, an attack system is the considerably more rational choice.

My claws are best fit for attack and defense right now, I don't know if that will change with rings, and my lion spirit is providing me extra support in the form of its innate boosts and fire.

These will be great in case of a pure attack system, but I find that path lacking.

What if I were to be a control attack system? Controlling the field to my advantage and then striking at the best time?

It fits my fighting style perfectly too.

It's decided then.

"Ao, Mai."

As always, my dutiful maids arrive at a moment's notice, slightly bowing down, unintentionally giving me a beautiful view of their cleavage.

They are at least an F-cup. Fuck I wish I was older.

"What can we do for you, young master?"

"Please bring me the spirit beasts encyclopedia, Mai. Also, ask my parents to come to my room if they can."

"As you wish." With her affirmation, they both went out of my room to do what I asked.

*Some time later, Kotaro's study*

"What do you need honey? Is it related to your awakening?" My mother's expression showed some concerns. Possibly thinking something has gone wrong.

It seems like the old man was busy and couldn't come and I asked my maids to make me something to eat so we were alone.

And that gave her the opportunity to be "close" to me.

"It is. I want to get my first ring, and I need your opinion on it."

*Nene's Pov*

Hmm... So that's the case. It's relieving to know nothing is wrong with my darling.

"What kind of spirit ability do you want dear?"

That's the crucial part of this and it seems he already had his answer.

"Something that can help in controlling the fight's flow." My precious son gave me his answer with a confident voice.

Mhhn, ah how much he has grown already, looking so manly and authoritative. When he will make me his bitch, treat me like a cock sleeve and fuck me hard and fast while commanding me with the same voice?!


No wait why was I here again?!

It took me some seconds to calm my ever-growing arousal from the image in my head but I had to, to help Kotaro.

So he wants something to control the opponent flow?

As a control spirit master, I would say the best option is an illusion ability, so either a spiritual attribute ring or a light one.


I know the best option for him!

*Kotaro's pov*

I'm used to her unexpected moans by now, but what took my attention was how her face suddenly lit up in excitement.

"You bathed in lions blood to simulate a bloodline and your beast spirit is a lion too right? Why don't we use the strongest lion spirit in the world, the three-eyed golden lion?!"

She was almost jumping in her sit now.

Even her voice showed how pleased she was with her answer. I prefer it when she acts all coy and sensual but this "her" is cute too and I like it.

But for now,

"Let's check the beast in the encyclopedia."

I opened the book and started to search for the feline category while my mother came and put her head in my lap, waiting to be caressed for reward.

And I, of course, obliged.

It didn't take long for me to find what I was looking for.

The entry read like this,

"The three-eyed golden lion has body translucent like crystal, its form similar to that of a lion but with flaming draconic claws and a longer snout. Fine golden scales peeks out from beneath its fur. Most peculiar of all, it has a vertical slit on its forehead wherein its third eye rested. Its two ordinary eyes were gold, but its third eye glares with a bewitching red glow. It always provides a skull Spirit Bone, the strongest mental-type bone that has always ranked number one.

Their bloodline is said to be descended from the Golden Dragons, granting them powerful physiques, fire and light elements close to ultimate level. But in truth they are not its primary attributes, spiritual power is."

"This appears to be the best choice for me, mother. The compatibility between my Lion and this one is truly superb!"

My Lion of the Rising Sun has all the secondary elements of this beast but lacks the spiritual part so absorbing it as my first ring is now a must, because that way it will cover it's only uncovered ground.

"The only problem is, they are one of the rarest creatures to ever live."

This time her voice was a tad bit disappointed.


"Believe me, mom, that's the simplest part."

She looked at me from her position on my lap, clearly confused.


I've missed my cliffhangers sooo much.

Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.

Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!

Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍