Darkness covered the entire town, has the fight begun. Ryu the legendary fighter and the next to the master of magic against Shiro, a 16-year-old boy teenager on his journey to be the next Sia (The Chosen One). Shiro was tall and had brown eyes and amazing well-kept hair which showed his handsomeness. The courage in him was mighty and was shown to all because he had to face Ryu, The slayer and invincible, the master and ruler, and founder of the tenth secret power, "The sun's power". The fight began and Ryu came with the first strike, an ultra-venom strike that could paralyze another player instantly. But Shiro blocked it, A broken record! The first person to block an ultra-venom strike. It was then so that Shiro was not ordinary. He fought back with a circular surf kick which could take most of his life points, but after that one kick Ryu was down and Shiro's life points were still high.
This was the weirdest fight in the universe. Shiro after that fight returned home to his normal foster parents as he passed the creepy and infested sidewalk. A group of boys came to meet him. "Hey, boy calm down," said calmly one of those boys, and replied Shiro "I don't want to fight you guys, so please leave,", replied Shiro, "So you think you can beat us, boys let show him,".
They all rose against him, but time began to slow down as Shiro pushed and kicked them one by one. Later, the time came to its normal frequency, and laid down on the floor were the boys who tried to bully Shiro.
Shiro entered his house and went straight to his room. Shiro was a demi-god with strange power and ability he found out he had at the age of 12, and since then he worked to perfect it and find out who he was. He had lived in the foster home since when he was a baby and never in his life did, he thought he would see someone like him till he one day found a key at the end of the city which led to a secret door that opened straight in front of him, He opened the door and entered seeing a place full of demi-god like him.
He found a place where he could fight and test his powers with people like him. But a story was always told first before any game begins. "The one that will save us will be found and defeat Rio the Demon dragon and master of the sun's power, the one that can immobilize you in a second. But we have the one who will save us, he is the most powerful out of all of us. He has faced struggles and stress, but will overcome it all and face Rio".
It's time for Shiro's first class, but he was about to be late, like lightning he reached the class. So cool! Gosh! It was Shiro's worst subject, math. Though Shiro hated a lot of subjects he had to pass all of them or else his foster parent will disown him. Miss Syria, Shiro's math teacher, a woman with a very bad attitude of not minding her business, walked up to Shiro showing of hair new high heels known as the latest and her red gown perfectly fitting her red-eye full of weird happiness. "Shiro, where were you yesterday because I came to your house to meet you but you weren't around, why," said happily by miss Syria, "Ma I was at the library, and ma why did you need to see me," replied Shiro, "Well for preparation of your international competition, so you can win the trophy for us,". The international competition was a competition held by the world but only one country could win and be announced the smartest country.
After, math Shiro had two other classes, and after he went to the library to do his homework and study.