Two hours later, he went to the world of the demi-god. He decided to explore the schools there, he found out that the schools teach both normal subjects and the powers of the demi-god. How we could make our power, train our power and increase our power. But the one thing that Shiro saw that brought a smile to his face, was that the school was free and a boarding school. "Hmmmmm, If I leave that foster house and come here, I will be among my people and will be able to concentrate on developing my powers," said Shiro to himself. Shiro went straight to the principal's office and entered. He saw a huge terrifying man who could barely fit his office. "So, what do you want," said the principal with his monster voice making all the birds at the window fly away.
"I am here to apply for this school, School of power and brain, Sir," Shiro said boldly trying not to show any sign of fear.
"Well, before you can enter this school, you have to fight with the cave monster," replied the principal. The cave monster was the strongest level 12 and same time weakest monster known to demi-gods. The cave monster powers were mighty and glorious that only one blast from them would kill a level 5 demi-god and it was very hard to hit, but it is very easy to kill, that was its weakness.
"Ok sir, I will fight it," said Shiro with courage.
The monster was about to be released in the arena to fight Shiro, and people had already gathered to watch this amazing scene. "NOW LET THE FIGHT BEGINNNNNN"
The monster rushed straight at Shiro trying to hit him but Shiro jumped and avoided contact. He jumped so far high in the sky and came down back with a massive hit at the monster. What! The monster didn't die, Shiro had been cheated he was fighting with a level 15 soul monster which was the same as the cave monster, but very hard to kill. The monster continued to blast Shiro, but he tried his best to block them. "ZAZOTU" shouted Shiro furiously as a massive blast came out of his fist hitting the monster. It was still down so the crowd went wild cheering for Shiro who were all amazed. Shiro didn't care about the appreciation but he just looked up. The monster stood up and blasted Shiro, Shiro flew straight to the end of the arena. He stood up, his eye was red, he was in the red form, and he was floating in the air. He brought out two of his hand, moving them in a strange direction and lightning straight out of his hand, and hitting the monster which turned into ashes. The crowd was so amazed that the arena was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.
Shiro got admitted into the school. He left a letter for his foster parent, packed his clothes, and left for the boarding house. His foster parent reached home and read the letter.
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miles, thanks for your support in my life but I think it time for me to be free. Take care of Baby harry and James for me,". What a weird letter, well Shiro wasn't the kind of writing letter guy. In the school, Shiro was led to his room, which was more like a cell. That night Shiro couldn't stop thinking of how he had let his country down.
The previous day, Shiro's first day at his new school. The first subject he had was math and the topic to be taught of was how to hit your target with your blast. "Cool I need to learn that," said Shiro with a lot of joy. It was to be done while flying, "Excuse me, please, are we going to use a machine to fly or what," said Shiro, "Well, we can fly since we are demi god's noob," replied Eren mocking him. The class ended and Shiro had already made two friends Arwen and Malaki. Arwen and Malaki were the same age as Shiro, Arwen was tall, he had a blue eye, pointy nose, red hair and he is a level 7 demi-god just like everyone else. Malaki was average in height, nice, she had blue hair and eye and she was beautiful.
Arwen, Malaki and Shiro went to the arena. In school, fighting wasn't prohibited but encouraged. Arwen and Malaki told Shiro that he had a lot of things to learn about demi-gods, so they took him to the arena to teach him. They first taught him how to fly, they told him that demi-god had twenty lives, which meant that they can die and rise again and they taught him that demi-gods could level up into different ranks. We had bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and the legendary. To be ranked bronze a demi-god had to be level 15, to be ranked silver a demi-god had to be level 30, to be ranked gold a demi-god had to be level 50, to be ranked platinum a demi-god had to be level 80, which was the highest a demi-god had ever been and it was the demi-god Rio, the Demon Dragon, master of the suns power and nicknamed the evil god. To be a legendary demi-god had to be level 100 and above.