NEW WORLD, Prologue

Chapter 21

Countless realities and universes away lies the domain two gods have claimed as their 'home'. In all honesty, to call them mere 'gods' would be an insult to their achievements and power. An insult to the purpose they serve in all things living, dead, and the unanimated.

Despite this, they chose to stay in their humble corner of existence and play with their minuscule inter-galactic empire; the Arkanic Empire it was called. To the power and domain they controlled, it was nothing…but neither wanted to do more. This, however, did not stop them from ruling over their true subjects with an iron fist. The unofficial rulers of all beings eternal.

Their power could only be described as 'omnipotent' as even gods knelt before their might and concepts lost their meaning. Their only fault would be their lack of being omniscience, all-knowing. Though if anyone asks, both would laugh and say that they were blessed to be free from such a curse.

Unlike that geezer

The first would say.

Diana, the first of the two, the duality, the twin monarchs and countless titles that adorned their glorious selves. Although the age between the two were negligible, it was her that acted as the mature one between the two. Perhaps it was because that was who she was, or perhaps it was due to her sister's childish tendencies…not that her habit of spoiling her helped stop that nor that she had no will to stop it either.

As a being of pure power she was free to take any form she wanted but she always felt closely tied with her original appearance. Even now she took the matured form of the time when she had a true physical body of flesh and blood.

A rather tall woman of 175cm and well figured. Her features were sharp and her body well toned. She was slightly tanned but not overly so and her posture radiated one of confidence and authority. Her pitch black pupils were so dark it no longer just absorbed the light but rather radiated a darkness of its own. Her hair, while not the same black as her eyes, were a deep dark red which could easily be mistaken for black if not under a bright light.

The said being was relaxing her back on the headrest of her extravagant victorian style bed. While in public she would never be so lax nor dressed in pajamas, this was her private quarters…truly private. Protected by their own enchantments, the only beings who could break through would be that old geezer and her little sister. Of the two, she knew well that the old man would not want to piss her off. Their role in maintaining existence itself as well as a part of them was too important for anyone, even them.

On the hips of the most powerful being of the world was a very fluffy baby arctic fox. From a distance it was a cute scene watching a young woman gently petting her pet but in close up, they would recognize the strangeness of the said fox.

Every single strand of the pure-white hair of the baby fox was perfect. Angled and shaped perfectly at the perfect length. The way in which the fox moved her tail was mesmerizing…charming. But what would be most daunting would be its eyes. Large golden orbs glowed from where the fox's eyes should be. It was not the eyes of a beast but rather eyes of intelligence…eyes that knew too much. Knew everything.

The fox on the lap was the transformed figure of the second being, the sister.

Kara, the pure one, the Supreme One, as she was called was present as well. It was accepted by the nine (and only nine) omnipotents that it was impossible to be omniscience while awake but the closest anyone could ever be would be Kara. Her golden eyes missed nothing in the countless realities and universes. It was all-seeing, and thus it became nigh all-knowing.

It was only when the white fox flinched that the older one knew that she had been found out. Kara was never surprised…she couldn't be unless something had been hidden from her. Except nobody had the ability to hide anything from her.

At least that was what she had thought until her sister had managed to hide something of hers in her private isolated worlds.

A single jump, a split second in the air, and the fox changed into a young girl. A girl who's age would fool others into believing she was a 10 if not younger. Like an albino except for those glowing golden orbs.

Diana: Kara, wait—

Kara: I'm not going right now…I'd like to see what she could do with my gift. Whether she deserves my personal creation or if she is just another pirate…

Around her petite form, a long jacket materialized, covering her entire body. It was the jacket of the Old Marines of her world. On the back, two characters stood out in Kanji.

Forming the word:


Kara: The tiny fragment of my power that she holds makes her bound to it as an immortal with the soul of a mortal. The contract will sense our presence within her…and because of that I don't know what it will do.

Diana: Is there a chance it'll let her be? She holds the blessings of two of the nine. That is more than any other in history.

Kara: It will either choose to obey her or capture her and bind her to the terms like all immortals. If it does choose the second…then the outcome is clear.

The dark one laid back having heard, seen, and pushed this outcome countless times in her rule. After all, the contract was the universal manifestation of their wills to enforce order among the eternals.

Diana: Kneel and obey or resist and perish

POV Syrup

(A.N: I just had an urge to write some Syrup x Ace fluff. Also, it's almost like a rule to have a soft fluffy part in a new season right?)

As I finished putting on my outfit for Anarchy (formerly known as Snowfallen), I looked at myself in the mirror to do a final check.

As I grew, I needed to change a couple of things about the outfit (or costume) I chose to wear. I kept the White Hoodie with the cat ears but I decided to kick it up a notch with the identity.

On the back of the hoodie was written in black bold letters.


Right underneath that was the symbol the world seemed to have given me, a delicate red snowflake. I don't know why it became the 'go to' symbol for me but I chose to adopt it.

I used to just wear the hood or a beanie to hide my hair but I changed that as well; to be a bit more stylish as well. I took on a sleek black cap that looked metallic (it's not) with sharp edges. I pulled my ponytail out of part in the back and let it flow onto my back.

I still kept the blue contacts for my own identity safety. Even with the crazy quirky things, there weren't a lot of people with (glowing) orange eyes. To be honest, there were quite a number of people who had managed to figure out my identity one way or another but either they were already dead or were smart enough to keep silent.

Kyudai mentioned a specific tech-smart-but-otherwise-idiot who came up to once and…acted like the idiot he was.


Idiot: I know who your boss is. Hundreds of millions of dollars funneling into nowhere never to be seen in our nation only to pop up months later in arms deals, civil wars in Africa. Apples which were closed to the public and suddenly the same quirks pop up as your agents who just so happen to be close by to Anarchy? Not to mention the places she's usually targeting are the same ones that have had deals broken or cancelled.

He smiled shrewdly as he leaned back on the office chair, folding his two hands over his beer belly barely held in by a dress shirt at least two sizes too small.

Idiot: I demand a hundred million dollars and a position in the GrandLine…and high up as well. If you comply by tomorrow, I'll agree to keep my mouth shut.

The doctor barely even looked up from his monitor as he signed off another document. Calmly putting the said document aside, he looked up man who looked as if he came out of a man-cave without a shower.

As he slowly processed the words this idiot had said, he began to chuckling to himself as he lowered his pen.

Kyudai: So…let me get this straight. You believe that my boss is Anarchy. The same one that had destroyed entire nations, beat All Might into resignation, nearly killed America's top hero, and a general terror to the population and the leader of the world's biggest corporation while keeping her identity hidden.

He took in a deep breath before expressing his disbelief as the man's stupidity.

Kyudai: And your brilliant plan is to blackmail this person??

He chuckled again as he took a sip of the brilliantly brewed coffee before looking at the man in front of him who wasn't looking so smug anymore. The doctor could see the realization hit him as beads of sweat travelled down the man's face and his lips parted and eyes lost.

Kyudai: I've only got two words for you good man; Good Luck

He would have laughed out in laughter should he was not holding a hot beverage in his hands as the man hurried out faster than he's probably ever moved before.

Sighing a bit to calm over his nerves to go into a full blown laughter, he looked at the sheet once again.


G-L NEW Elite Rapid Response Unit


Captain: Tomura Shigaraki

Vice Captain: Kurogiri

Main Vanguards:

Dabi (Toya Todoroki)

Himiko Toga

Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)

Mr. Compress







Designated Nomu:


Anti-Peace (AN: This one is the USJ Nomu)








Signed: Kyudai

Flashback End —-

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I smiled in anticipation for today. In full 'villain' outfit (technically…I guess) to roam the streets of Japan.


Because today is October 31st! Halloween! And what better costume did I have that scared the shit out of people other than my own?

I was going to celebrate this day as Anarchy.

Why Japan? Because celebrating Halloween in the States or most of Europe was…well…too boring. Halloween became to holiday for kids instead of embracing the passionate emotion of fear.

In Asia though? Halloween was when the streets were jammed pack with adults dressed head to toe in cosmetics to freak the fuck out of each other, go to clubs, and just have a fun day. Obviously I knew where I would be going to.

As I put on my signature black metallic mask, I turned back to see Ace laying on the couch. He, ironically, dressed up as his worst nightmare.

In full Marine Fashion with a Admiral Jacket with red sleeves and a red suit underneath complete with the signature flower on his chest…he looked like Sakazuki Junior. Quite terrifyingly so.

Perhaps what made it more terrifying was his growth. His quirk, Undyne the Undying, had stopped his body's physical age but not it's ability to continuously grow and change.

Something must have went wrong (or correct?) with the genes in his body as he found himself continuously getting bigger and muscular even if he did…well…nothing. Just for being alive he was becoming more and more of an alpha of a man. He reached the 2m part last year but thankfully slowing down on his physical growth rate. Right now, he reached 2.07m. To be honest, he reminded me of Mama. Those blessed by the world who never tried for anything and yet their being itself so powerful that they are the natural dominant beings in the world.

Big Mom, Kaido, and even Whitebeard and Weevil to an extent. Now…it seemed like Ace was being added onto the list.

Kyudai and I decided (without Ace's permission of course) to name this phenomenon 'Natural Monster'. I remember both of us losing our shit when we told Ace and purposefully compared it to Mama and Kaido and how he must have somehow gotten their genes instead.

The thing was, he wasn't the only one who changed. While I remained nearly the same on outward appearance, it seems like I had somehow unlocked Mama's genes as well as my body went through the changes to transform me from a battle hardened veteran into a gamer playing on God-Mode.

From somewhere two years ago my skin hardened while still being smooth. In the end I even tried to pierce my finger using a haki-imbued sea-stone knife…the knife broke.

I crushed diamonds into powder with little strength and my new resistance to poisons meant that I no longer needed to operate on myself. Extreme temperatures didn't bother me as much, even heat, and lightning seemed to merely dance around me instead of harming me.

It was a little frightening to learn what Mama had at her disposal but the pure exhilaration of even more power was simply too sweet to decline or reject. Unfortunately it seemed like her Devil Fruit Powers, Soul Soul Fruit, didn't pass onto me (which is natural and to be expected really) so that was a little letdown. It would have been fun to have my pen imbued with a soul and do the (minuscule) paperwork that Kyudai forced me to do.

Me: Ready to go Admiral?

Ace: Yup, but don't go shoving a flagpole up my arm. Removing the arms of two admirals are quite enough I believe.

Me: I've never won against any of them

Ace: You came out unconscious one time and managed to escape all three times one way or another. Two of the three admirals came out with a life-threatening wound or without an arm…on top of life threatening wounds. I would put that as your victory to be honest.

Me: You flatter me. Come on, let's go!

I rushed over and forced him onto his feet (which wasn't so easy as he was so tall) and dragged him to the door.

Me: Come on! Let's go scare some kids and hopefully some heroes as well!

Ace: You do know that there are actually heroes patrolling this area right now right? What if they actually recognize you?

Me: Bah! As if they'll be dumb enough to start a fight, much less think that I'm actually here and not some dumb teenager dressed up as Anarchy for Halloween. It'll be fine!

Ace: What if I get recognized then?

At his words I had to let out a giggle. For one, he always worked in the background so the only people who would recognize him would be those that were smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

I lifted myself off a little bit using the snow and gave him a peck on his cheek.

Me: You can be such an idiot sometimes

Ace: And yet you love me.

And yet I do… :)

Grabbing his hand once again, I pushed him towards the door and opened it. In front of us was the streets of Japan in pure chaos from the music, the blood, the deaths, and the nomus we set loose a few hours prior.

Screams of fleeing civilians and the shouts of rallying heroes filled the night as the low-rank nomus who had successfully carried out their missions of assassinating specific high-rank officials began rampaging around the city.

Me: Let's go admiral. Let's go arrest some big name Pirates!

He smiled as he made his way through the door as a massive flaming blue spear materialized in his right hand. With his other arm wrapped around my waist as he put his head into my hair before whispering

Ace: I know who I'll be arresting tonight

Ahhh… this is going to be such a lovely night

I turned towards him as I tiptoed to try and reach his face. He had to lean down a bit but it was enough as I gave him a kiss.

Slightly out of breath (for some reason), I pulled away as I beamed up at him. My perfect man. An image that filled all my senses to block out the sound of oncoming explosions and the screaming.

Me: Happy Halloween

AN: Comments and reviews are love!