Getting the last Nemeton and time skip.


Who would have thought the moment I dived in the water I would come back with a woman. Three days of sex and 10 hours of sleep I felt like a new man by the way i lost my virginity to a Goddess how awesome is that. I needed to go back to the surface I shifted into a wolf and told her to get on she nodded her head and said I can't wait to see how much the world has changed.

If a regular person could see what was happening they would not believe I mean who would that a giant wolf was carrying a woman from the bottom of the sea . I was a good swimmer the moment before I reached the surface I jumped really high and landed in front of my pack most of them where partying and fighting like usual but when they saw me with a woman all the females of my pack asked in unison Who the fuck is that? I told them she was my mate a Goddess they looked like they couldn't believe her so I told Sassuma to summon a big waves and get them wet . Sassuma who hasn't practiced her powers in a long time summoned a giant wave which made everyone panic I laughed and said that's what you get for looking down on her and from now on she will be my second in command .

Just like that the pack had a new member it was nice at first but at night time everyone was traumatized because they would the moans and howling of me and Sassuma in our tents after a couple days they got used to yet. I asked Sassuma if the Nemeton had a lot of power she told me yes and this Nemeton is actually the most powerful one in the world it's been draining my powers on a daily basis but I also recovered thanks to the ocean and it's lovely creatures.

I told everyone i was gonna absorb the energy from it Sassuma looked at me and said don't absorb it to fast because it has enough energy to deal help you become like me but don't rush just absorb enough to become a Demigod after that I will teach you the rest I need you to live enough energy so that we can still have a proper balance. I turned around and said I'm not gonna lose myself in the pursuit of power but I need power to protect everyone I love. I dived in the water I reached the Nemeton in 2 minutes I decided to sit on it but the I did that I felt I powerful energy going inside my body I really that it was to much so I practiced for weeks and finally learned how to absorb the right amount this energy was actually really divine compared to my own it's like drinking muddy water vs filtered water at the right temperature now I had a plan I decided to clean my energy I spend 6 months cleaning my life source I created a core and filled it up my all the impurities it looked like a purple true seeking ball like in naruto .

I realized if I throw this at a regular person it won't kill them it will turn them into a demon wolf it had enough energy to turn a regular Werewolf into a true alpha. So I wasn't worried at all after I spend a year and a half to absorb enough energy my life rank lossen up a little I had a Golden and diamond aura around me I realized that I became a Demigod. I was 10x more powerful my bloodline evolved a new form it's a similar to Noblesse Werewolf battle form fused with killua God Speed I called it Divine Wolf thunder Form.

I was done with this place when I came out of the water I was happy until I saw the look on everyone's face they looked at me with a said gaze than I saw Matt the True Alpha with a burned mark injury he looked at me with tears and said Most of the pack members died from a Fire incident the only survivers where your siblings and uncle Peter. I looked at him I thought he was playing with until I realized that the same thing happened in the show.

I was angry the sky turn dark It started raining really hard I needed to kill someone or something I transformed into my wolf form I was the same size has Fenrir from Thor Ragnarok but I my fur was as white as snow mane was shining like the sun with my paws but my eyes purple with a black ring around them everyone realize that I was close to becoming a Demon Wolf they started apologizing until Sassuma came in front of me and slapped my face I was shocked but i realized she was only trying to help me she hugged me and said sorry Micheal but you have to stay strong you are an Alpha I looked at her and said your right I'm the alpha no the king of wolves and werewolves not the neighbor or friend of humans in it's about time somebody put them in their place i won't kill innocent people but those who hurt my kin will pay.

I looked at the druid and told him to go to beacon hill he's not gonna be needed for what's gonna happen next. After he left I started a new plan I was gonna the scariest supernatural army in the world and show the hunters what happens when you kill my kin . I looked at my pack I told them that needed strong people now scariest little pups I looked at the True Alphas i told them to go around the world and recruit has many packs has possible on their side it took them to bring more than 235 werewolves there was 30 Alphas the rest where omega or beta the had to travel to the old place in Alaska where I used to fight in the ring the whole place smelled like werewolves right now the was around 266 of us in there it doesn't sound like a lot but a regular Werewolf is 3x stronger than a regular person. The next moment one of Powerful pack members Matt came to the ring and told everyone that king is coming.

Before I could come on the stage I heard multiple werewolves cheering because they where tired of the hunters some of them wanted to to become stronger while the rest just followed the crowd when I got on the stage everyone was silent an Alpha pointed his finger at me and said are you guys telling a tall kid is the new king impossible. I looked at him and said look at me everyone I used Supreme Wolf Intent and Bloodline pressure at the same time everyone but my pack members where somewhat fine .

All the other werewolves where shocked because they never felt so weak before with a look they felt like they where lifting three elephants and had a knife next to their throats I like looked at them and told my pack members to show them what a real pack should be like they all transformed into wolves with red eyes all of them where Alphas or True alpha everyone where scared they've never seen such a strong pack before. I looked as them and said it's not enough I also need you guys to get on this lv .

I spend a year training them and putting a lot of pressure on them they all become Alphas I was happy with the results I remembered the time line I was 15 years old than I told my pack that we where ready but Sassuma told me I needed to come up with a better plan so I told everyone the plan they had to stay in beacon hill protect my sister capture peter when they do I would come back .