Revealing myself at the end of season one


Everything went the way I expected it to Scott met Derek Alison meets her aunt and Peter started to go on a rampage. I was almost found out when stiles asked Derek if I was related to him he answered who the fuck is that? Later after he left I had a couple of beers with him than came up with a strategy to bait the hunters and peter together.

The only difference is that my sister is still alive this made the hunters raise an eyebrow so the only way to lure them out was for Derek to become the bait it worked scott rescued him after they went to the house I waited on in the bushes I waited for Scott and Derek to get back I didn't make contact yet they started joking with each other than Kate shot Derek while Allison shot a flash grenade arrow blinding Scott they approached them kate shot Derek before she could do the same for Scott Chris stopped her .

While everyone finally calm down a little Peter attacked everyone one by one but I stopped him before he could get to Kate I grabbed his neck and said she's mine after that I took her inside the house she asked about who I was I told her the son of Talia Hale she was shocked Allison came in I looked at her and said hey there classmate . She looked at me and said let her go I looked at her as if she was a joke I answered what about my family did she let them go .

Allison was to young to understand how to solve this I brought Kate outside scott and Chris where shocked peter who was on the ground was to scared to run away because my eyes where purple everyone could tell I was not a joke . I looked at Kate and said Peter most likely would have turn you into a werewolf but your not worthy so die Chris Scott and Allison tried to stop me but Peter and Derek told them it's impossible because I was the strongest werewolf for the last centuries.

Chris and Scott stopped they knew that they where outside of my league I looked at Scott and said good boy than I looked at Chris and Allison and said this just the beginning than I ripped the head of Kate. I'm pretty sure I traumatized Scott and Allison but I didn't give a fuck i looked down at Derek and told him to stop pretending he got up he looked at Scott and said sorry kid family comes first plus I'm not your alpha if only you listen to me since the beginning.

Chris took Allison with him he looked at Derek he didn't have the courage to look at he said this is war I responded it's gonna a massacre so run along little hunter. He took his daughter and left Scott was lost he had no clue as to what he was supposed to do I looked at him and said do you think this is a movie where you save everyone and get the girl wake up already by the way I'm taken your werewolf power your gonna go back to being a regular human like you wanted . He looked at me as if I raped his girlfriend in front of him with deep hate I looked at him and said you told Derek Peter gave you this curse for me this is my life it's a gift since you look down on it I will take it from you pathetic human. I came up with a technique it's called bloodline absorption I bet you already get the idea behind it.

I put claw in into his next and absorb his bloodline it was actually a nice feeling while Scott probably experienced a really painful moment it's worst than someone cutting you tongue or piling you skin it was a memorable screen for me Derek and Peter while for Scott it was a nightmare.