Trouble in the Clan


I am leading the Hale clan instead of my husband for 9 years I'm tired I want a baby. Today I noticed a group of servants left with Ra I asked Midoriko about that she told me to wait until they come back .2 days later they came back with 2 woman and a men I didn't think it was a big deal until I saw the young men he looked similar to Micheal but as Asian features I was angry because i realized Micheal was lying to me this whole time he had a kid behind my back. Later that day I payed a visit to Durga I heard her crying I guess she also found out about it already I felt bad I asked Ra he told me Micheal would explain everything when he gets back .

Mu Nianci pov

Micheal finally allowed me to see hid home it's the nicest place I've ever seen in my life even the great sects background are nothing compare to this place it feels like I'm in the realm of the gods. Today was a scary day I saw my husband beating the crap out of my son I knew he had a plan but everything almost got crazy beyond repair if not for Ra .

I was terrified to see my husband going berserk I froze when I saw his regular red eyes turned blood red and he looked like he was gonna kill Guo if Ra didn't come right on time. Guo and Xiaolongnu started talking a few hours after the incident Ra told us Micheal lost control because he is a prideful God and quick tempered one at that so be careful and try not to piss him off. Even he is a little afraid when he goes Beserk he gets stronger by the minute until he destroys worlds one by one until he destroys the universe.

Everything and I didn't understand what a planet and the universe was but it sounded scary. When we reached the entrance we saw two giant wolves one was black the other was white and We saw a symbol around their chest it looks similar Micheal's. The wolves where weaker then us but they could kill a new goddess like me if I'm not careful Ra told us. The Wolves had a Golden Aura around when they saw Ra they howled and said " Welcome back to the clan Great Elder Ra ".

Guo who traumatized laughed and pointed at the wolves and said " How cute can i pet those talking wolves. The next moment we sensed a powerful aura coming from Ra he looked at us and said " Be careful with your words because those wolves are the servants of Madam Sassuma if she hears you I won't be able to protect you guys because she has equale ranking has me in the clan ."

I told Guo to apologized but they ignored me I bowed down to the wolves and said I'm sorry I didn't raise him right I will receive any punishment in his place.

Sassuma pov

Today Ra came back with 3 people one my servants told me the boy with Ra wanted to pet my servants I was having a critical moment and now this boy looked down on my servant I am gonna kill him .I flew to the main gate and saw a lady telling ra she would receive the punishment instead of her son. I looked at them and said" So you guys are Micheal's new obsession I don't care if you guys are his family I will make you pay for looking down on my people die.

I summoned a giant storm and created a giant ice Sword and threw it at the woman hoping she would die but an arrow destroyed it before it could kill that lowly woman I sensed Midoriko I looked at her standing in front of the group and told her to back off she answered " We can't kill a member of the clan without the permission of Micheal so back off Sassuma please I don't want to fight you .

I looked at my Midoriko I felt betrayed I started crying and called Durga she would get on my side we but have known each other for thousands of years when she showed up I felt relieved.

Durga pov

While I was thinking about my imaginary child I heard Sassuma crying and calling my name I flew to her location in an instant and saw a three people next to Ra and Midoriko I noticed a Boy that looked Similar Micheal tears wouldn't stop falling down my cheeks I yelled out loud " Micheal you bastard you betrayed me and had a child with another woman before me".

I looked at the boy he reminded me of Micheal I wanted to get rid of him because my obsession would not let this group survive unless they all die so I used All my Mantra power's and reached reached the rank of All mother by force I knew I would hurt myself by doing this but this is the only way to show Micheal how desperate I was. I Pride Mantra lightning turned into a bow I show a powerful arrow at the boy this time Ra stopped my arrow and told me " To stop this because Micheal would be disappointed if he found out what Sassuma and i where doing he knew it wasn't fair but Micheal never planned any of this. "

Micheal pov

Today I am ashamed of losing control over myself I forgot to cleanse my divine essence for a long time so it was really bad if I don't do a full and permanent Purification I will become a mad God like Cronos or Ares i pulled out my God core I of course sealed my self in a an underground sealed area I didn't want anyone to mess up this process. I was sad and angry when I saw my core it was gold with a purple ring around it now it was red and had a black ring around .

I am happy that I checked it before it turned all black because it would become a PRIMORDIAL GOD but I was angry because I would lose my will and become a beast even more pathetic than Galactus I would all reason .This I knew what I had to do I decided to sacrifice power for control so I ejected all the extra energy I had since I came here and turned into a pure dark orb and desentagrete it so that everyone in this world could be save because all that dark impure energy would turn everyone into powerful God's but power hungry one's.

After that I saw my core returning to normal and saw my Mantras fused with it in a minute later I put it back in my body and felt like I was gonna blow up than I felt a connection to space reality time soul power speed everything and everyone and than my core blew up I felt lost than saw myself in space about the world I felt like howling which I did than saw my body looking like constellation .

I realize what's happening because I sacrifice my power for control and care for this world well being the consciousness of this universe allowed me to became a Primordial God Star Aura rank being. I was happy with this promotion but I realized that need to slow down because I could ruin my potential or cause the same thing to happen to my core once again.

My appearance didn't change much but my clothes looked like Achiles standard outfit from Smite but the shield is black, cape is purple ,and my fiery wings became gold while My divinities grew to a whole different lv now I could take on 5 Ra Gaia Chronos ChutluElder rank gods and still win easily.

Now I could destroy a galaxy and escape from a black hole when I'm in my peak but if I'm injured I would have a hard time. The next thing I notice is that I'm now the no longer a werewolf I'm a not just a wolf anymore but something above because my bloodline called it Alpha Celestial Lupus or Primordial Wolf for short. From now on every wolves or beings related to them are considered my descendants. Now I no longer had to fear the gods in the multiverse anymore because only the Supreme Primordial Like Chaos ,Pangu and Uranus where above me luckily they are very hard to find so I was safe for now.

I returned to the clan with a smile on my face but it faded away the moment I saw how bad the situation was I wasn't expecting it to get this bad . I saw Sassuma and Durga trying to kill Guo and Ra trying his best to by some time so I could stop this mess. I decended in front of them and froze time and got to see a better look at the situation .I unfreeze time and said " Why is everyone going against my number one rule do you all want to face the consequences?