I mean, when you wake up you just know something's off right? The clue for me was that I wasn't lying in my sologram airbed surrounded by various slaves.
Yeah, not something that's hard to miss really, but I'm not my best first thing.
Of course, you know the feel of your body too, even when you get a new one. And this one sure as hell wasn't the same chiseled abs male that I went to sleep as.
I remember sitting up and swearing, quite a lot. I was cold. I was in a, basically, empty room with white floors, walls and ceiling. There didn't seem to be any door. Not my bedroom back in the grand palace then.
Then I looked down. My body was small and young, that much was obvious. It was wearing some kind of tiny bikini thing, which barely covered any flesh. Not that I had much going on down there. Oh, and I was female.
Yeah, again I hear you say, 'so what?'. I get it. We've all changed sex from time to time, even those of us who are direhard same-sexers, but I'm 99% male. Call me old fashioned. Well, I am old fashioned. I've lived longer than some species.
"What the fuck!?" I think was my first response. Oh shit me. I hated my voice right off the bat. It was a little girl's voice. A weak little girl's voice. As ruler of millions of worlds, one thing you don't want to be seen as is weak, and this body was weak, with a weak voice.
"Shit." I recognised the species as well. I can't remember their official name, but everyone just calls them 'Elves'. They were incredibly rare, some because they had a long life cycle, low reproductive rate and tended to die easily, but mainly because they were prized in countless galaxies as the ultimate in sexual usage. A young Elf lass that I now appeared to be was probably worth about as much as a medium sized planet, they were that sought after. I only owned three of them myself even!
"Oh fuck me," I remember saying. Bad choice of words as it turned out.