
Shaking off the distracting thoughts, his gaze returned to He Zhenya.

The young woman's heart shaped face, luscious lips and especially her eyes, gentle and deep, Lin Yang couldn't help but admire.

On the side, Luo Yating concealed the smile on her face.

She continued to observe them.

For a while, the five of them continued to make small conversations like what type of food they like, the places they would like to see, even their favorite flower and color.

Luo Yating wondered if He Ruogang was actually clueless. 'Does he know that he has been helping Cousin to get information from his sister?'

He Ruogang was polite as ever and kept responding to Lin Yang so as not to make the atmosphere awkward.

Soon, the dusk was setting.

Another servant came to escort Song Jia to Luo Yating's grand aunt and uncle.

This time, Luo Xinyue brought the descendant of the maidservant who had always taken care of Luo Xinyi when she was younger.