Two News

Back then, it was only a spark that ignited within him.

But now that he said it out loud, even without her presence, he knew that he had made a decision.

As the two were talking, He Zhenya and Lin Yang had already walked farther than them.

He Zhenya however didn't notice since Lin Yang had been leading the conversation that she's now engrossed in.

During this time, he found out that He Zhenya loved tea and music. Lin Yang admitted that he was clueless with tea even before and now especially when he entered the Military. He couldn't have such luxuries all the time while there. As for music, he could at least play the flute.

But after knowing that He Zhenya loved to indulge in tea, he told her that he wondered when he could have a chance to drink the tea she brewed.

He Zhenya was not entirely oblivious.