About MC's Childhood And Experiences Growing up.


Vijay is currently about to become six this month, whenever he thought about the fact that his birthday is soon he always felt happy for his mother would take a leave from work and play for the entire day (A/N: except the time where he is in the bathroom, sleeping, eating...etc otherwise that would be weird) but he found something out. His mother was not awake even when it was around 9:42 AM whereas usually, she would wake up around 8 AM. So fearing the worst, his mother naturally dying in bed as the old people do in movies.

Arthur hardened his heart and walked to his mother who for some reason was sleeping on the couch and was reeking of something bitter. He was distraught once again because he thought his mother might have felt that working in her tedious job and raising him was too much and decided to ingest poison. The feeling of being a burden to someone else and the self-blame found in those accused of dragging others down blended with his anxiety and sadness. He who was just a 6yr old today cried.

"Shut Up! Only...*yawn* Five More... Minutes... please...." came his mother's sweet voice. He could promise that at this moment everything stopped in his mind was only one thought 'She's not dead! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!' (A/N: ok I know I might have overdone it but I needed to make it longer somehow. Do not worry for I shall not do it again)

But along with this came the hard truth 'man I am a wimpy kid, hmmm... maybe I should make a diary and call it 'diary of a wimpy kid' or maybe someone already wrote something like that... as for mom she most likely drank with her friends and came late so she decided to sleep on the couch to avoid waking me up and the smell should be alcohol'. Now you might think shouldn't a little kid just hug his mom and cry in such a case but you see inside this 6yrs old body is actually a



Very smart









maybe a bit psychopathic?



6yrs old soul (A/N: if you wanted a reincarnated mc, sorry but it ain't happening mate).

-[14 later]-

The MC can now be standing in a corner of a nightclub along with other people around his age, You might get confused at what the MC is doing here and how? Well, it is so because this year he graduated after getting done with his education which consisted of a diploma in computers (A/N: Hey that is exactly the course I am doing right now), BCA or Bachelor of Computer Applications and an MBA in Computer Management (A/N: This is exactly what I plan to do.) but to his dismay, he could not get a job because though his results were in top 10% of the country because his college was not prestigious enough and the fact that he had a bad credit score due not paying the EMIs from his loans.

He was sad but still determined. His mother had died 3yrs ago of natural causes with a smile on her face, but this left him alone to fend for himself. His relative, mainly his maternal uncle had somehow taken 80% of the money from his mother's life insurance and savings account because she had trusted her brother to take care of her child. The 'uncle' let him keep the house since it was too rundown and it would be a hassle to sell and the remaining 12-17% of his mother's fortune which meant Vijay had about 14lackh rupees (A/N: Or about $25,000) which was quite a good amount of money but might only last a few years at most if he was living frugally, so he spent it around 10lackhs to buy stocks that later brought him 83% profit in about 2yrs of time while he also got a part-time job at the local government library since he bribed the librarian to make sure he got employed since working for government gives you good enough opportunities to take bribes and also gives tax reductions.