The [Deity Eye] Awakens

___________________________________________[9 years later]_____________________________________________

It has been 9 years since Vijay has graduated and got a job. During these 9 years, Vijay has constantly trying to improve himself and when he struck the jackpot when after what was supposed to be a casual one-night stand with a drunk beauty, who turned out to be a virgin, he gained her as his girlfriend in the morning since he pitied her when she started crying about how no-one would marry her since she was no longer pure and all that [Typical Indian Drama] and that it was his fault because he took advantage of her drunk state. That day he thought that it might not matter after all she was quite beautiful and that he could get free sex along with the chance to make all his friends burn with envy.

A few months in and he never would regret his choice since she turned out to have quite the sexual stamina meaning he got sex almost every day. She also told her father about him and unlike the taunts and abuses or maybe even a few fists to the face, that he had expected he got an actual job in the government sector as the assistant and most likely successor of 'Shiv Sena' party's finance manager, who turned out to be his girlfriend's father in exchange of marrying her and keeping her happy, something he always wished to do anyways so it turned out to be a win-win situation for him, of course, his degrees did help as well... they did right? I mean political parties aren't dynastical organizations using the money & connections gained from being their tenure as ruling forces to keep onto their throne by either killing opposition's members or mass manipulation of public with aid of CEOs of social media platforms such as twitter right? *looks at Indian National Congress party and previous CEO of twitter's clear bias against supporters of BJP and other smaller parties by either banning posts and accounts that belong to supporters, workers and members of said parties*

During his 8 years work tenure, he learnt many nasty secrets, took bribes worth millions(tens of lacks) of rupees, killed in some special situations whether out of self-defense or to save the ministers or his soon-to-be father-in-law and of course slept with many women be it, models, actresses but stopped after marrying.

He once had to pick up the chief minister's son since the chief minister was the leader of the party and because the chief minister wanted his son, who was supposed to be his successor and party's next leader to get to know and gain the support of the talented young man named Vijay, who was supposed to be the party's next finance manager. Vijay knew the minister's thoughts, in fact, he knew almost everyone's thoughts ever since a few years ago when he had a weird dream.

-[Flashback to 5 years earlier]-

Vijay slowly opened his eye when he felt he was no longer in his bed or even the room and started thinking 'Damn did I fall of the bed? *yawn* [A/N: he yawned physically not mentally, it's just that when he yawned his mind blanked for a second] Why is it so hot and where's my dear wi... ??? Where the fuck am I? why the fuck do can I only open my right eye? why the fuck are these people kneeling in front of me?'. The sight Vijay saw was of a dark and desolate area filled with hundreds if not thousands of active volcanoes spewing ash and magma on the horizon, the ground looked soft and gooey from the way it molded under those kneeling people like melted chocolate [A/N: it's 'looked' because he did not experience standing on it, I found this problem where I remembered that he never actually stepped on the ground] and red as if soaked with blood, it constantly smelled of rotting corpses everywhere and he could hear groans of pain and pleas for mercy but the thing that was most weird to him was the thousands of people? [A/N: at least that's what he thought] armed to the teeth with massive and bulky pitch black armour, black swords and literal skulls as shoulder guards along with horns protruding from their foreheads kneeling in front of what he suspected was the throne he sat on. 'Am I supposed to their King or something? Are they demons or devils? And what is this place supposed to be Hell?'

"The ruler supreme of [Mahanata Hell], Lord of Infernal demons and Sovereign of all Devils; #%^$^&%& Lord @%$#%&^^%#&$&%^^ Infernal #@$^&%^%^#$&^&$%&&@#@%$^@$ Deity" A 9 feet tall muscular black man with two horns on his head who seemed to have just appeared by teleporting? suddenly spoke which attracted the attention of Vijay. As Vijay was wondering who person/demon/monster? was the being in question spoke again "Awaken your [Deity Eye] once more" and as soon as he said that Vijay felt pain in his empty left eye socket.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he woke up from the dream but the pain never receded. "Honey, what happe-" before his wife could finish her sentence, he felt the burning pain in his left eye and rushed to his bathroom leaving his fiancée panicking. He poured cold water into his eyes when his wife entered behind him with a face full of panic and a trembling voice full of worry "Honey, are you fine?". When he heard her voice he was slightly distracted from the pain which he appreciated but when he turned to meet his fiancée's face he saw a weird thing

[- 1... 2... 3... 4... Information Analysis Complete

Report :-

Name- Anjali Vishwakarma Shukla

Age- 21

Gender- Female (Sexuality- Heterosexual)

Species- Homo Sapien

HP- 50/50

SP- 34/60

Variable Stats-

VIT- 5 , STR- 4 , SPD- 5 , END- 6 , SNS- 7

Invariable Stats-

Intelligence- 76/100 , Will- 68/100 , Luck- 71/100(Very Lucky).

Feelings towards host-

Compassion- 89/100 , Loyalty- 91/100 , Trust- 86/100 , Lust- 64/100.

Personal Goal & Thoughts-

1. 'Have a happy and content married life with Vijay' (Long-Term Goal)

2. 'Get pregnant and have a cute daughter and maybe a son later' (Long-Term Goal)

3. 'Get to know what happened to Vijay and help him' (Current Short-Term Goal)

4. 'Shall I call an ambulance? or should I wait? maybe I should call an ambulance...'(Current Thoughts)

Overall- A caring and loving woman who wishes for your success. You are lucky to have someone with such high feelings directed to you. -]