Stats Explained

'What the fuck is this?' Vijay taught as he read the words on the semi-transparent screen that seemed to float in the air. Then suddenly a terrifying idea came to his mind 'Is this a system like those in the novels?!' [- No, my lord I am the [Deity Eye] re-awakened to aid the lord back to his original plane of existence. -] 'Huh? [Deity Eye]? What are.... wait a minute the man in my dreams did say about awakening my [Deity Eye] once more so are you related to that?' [- Yes, but for now you should have a look at your fiancée, she's on verge of a mental breakdown -].

As soon as he heard that he looked towards the entrance of the bathroom where his fiancee was calling the ambulance while crying. Suddenly he felt guilty for putting her through this and went to hug her from behind. "Yes, doctor, he was yelling in pain and then went silent and unresponsive. Are you saying he might have had some brain issues, then wh... EEEPPP... Huh, Vijay are you alright?" While saying the last line/sentence? she threw her phone on the bed and swiftly turned to inspect his body silently but he could tell from her curious and worried glances that she would not leave him alone if he ignored her. Taking a deep breath and while he was brushing her hair he said "I am alright, the pain is gone now you know, don't worry too much."

She looked at him with a gaze that was fierce yet worried at the same time and then her eyes widened "Y-Your left eye what happened? Why is the color different from before? Wait right I'll call an ambulance." When she said that he started to explain to her that he really was fine and did not need an ambulance but she only agreed on the condition that they go to the hospital for a check-up.

They then snuggled on the bed and later she fell asleep in his embrace, that was when he whispered "System are still here?" [- Yes my lord, I'm still here. You should try communicating with me through your mind. Moreover, I am not slave leash like systems are, I am a much stronger & energy-based semi-intelligent being than those dog leashes called systems, I am fused with your soul so should it be split, the part of me fused with that part of your soul shall also be split. -] "Ummm... Okay? and about my soul splitting is it foreshadowing?" [- Though I am not a true [Creator] level being, as an [Pseudo-Creator] I can access some of the [Creator] exclusive skills such as [Infinite Possibility Prediction and Analysis] partially and thus I know that your soul will be split into various parts some point. Also please talk with me mentally. -] "Hmm... I see and as for talking mentally, how do you expect me to know how to talk mentally? I am an ordinary human not psychic or something so I don't know how to do that." [- I guess you are right, here you go. -]. As soon as the [Deity Eye] said that he suddenly felt as if new yet nostalgic memories were implanted in his head. 'What was that? Where is my voice? system can you explain this to me?' [- What is happening is that I granted the skill [Soul speak], Also I have a name given by you in your past life when you created me -] 'I see, but that reminds me can you show me my status' [- Indeed, please give me a moment to perform the required scan -]

[- 1... 2... 3... 4... Information Analysis Complete

Report :-

Name- Vijay Shukla

Age- 23

Gender- Male (Sexuality- Heterosexual)

Species- Homo Sapien

HP- 41/60 (6/10min)

SP- 32/70 (7/10min)

Variable Stats-

VIT- 6 , STR- 5 , SPD- 5 , END- 7 , SNS- 7

Invariable Stats-

Intelligence- 74/100(Normal) , Will- 74/100 , Luck- 69/100(Very Lucky). -]

'I see, sys-*ahem**ahem* [Deity Eye] can you further explain the stats?' [- Sure, As you can see, the stats are divided into two main categories 'Variable' & 'Invariable'. As their names suggest the variable stats can change due to external or internal influences but the invariable stats can not be changed without object of heaven & earth that can bend the laws of the universe. Then there are various stats which represent various factors and are calculated in various ways... each point in STR represents the body's capability to carry 10kgs ; each point in SPD represents the body's capability to move move at the speed of 1m/s and an acceleration 0.1m/s^2 ; each point in VIT represents a complicated number... and the logic behind it would not be understandable by humans, same is the case with END but they represent the body's capability to take damage and the ability to endure it respectively... in a game based view point each point in END reduces all damage taken by 0.1 and grants 10 SP(stamina points) along with 1sp/10min and similarly every point in VIT grants 10 HP(health points) along with 1hp/10min... As for invariable stats... they're out of mortal comprehension -]

'I see *yawn* anyhow I gonna go to sleep' [- Goodnight my lord -]