Functions of the [Deity Eye] explained

Few hours later, Vijay woke up & then went to the hospital after confirming with the [Deity Eye] that no the low-level technology the humans currently possessed could discover it. After being assured of it, he went to the hospital for a check up but the doctors couldn't find the cause so they just prescribed him some medicine for headaches.

After coming back home he spent some time with his wife before heading to his study room predict how the system or the [Deity Eye] would influence his life but first he needed to learn more about the system & understand it's properties so he started doing just that. 'System, please explain all your functions & can I change you name? it's hard calling out your long name even if I'm doing so mentally' [- Processing request 'name change'...1...2...3...Suitable answer found...humanizing answer... !Ding Although you can't change my name you can indeed give me a shortcut codename or 'nickname' as humans call it. As for my functions I will gladly inform you of them after you decide the shortcut name -] 'Ummm... okay the name shall be rob? & why did you sound so weird in the start?' [- Accepting new shortcut codename [rob], name recognition & thought recognition synchronizing... Answering lord's question, the reason of my 'weirdness' is because multiple of my processing systems were damaged & thus I am experiencing what you might know as 'lag' -] '....okay?...' [- Thank you for understanding, beginning protocol 'Explanation= Functions' -]

[- Functions- Explanation

Status scan- scans & displays the status of the targeted individual's body, mind & spirit.

Skills analysis- scans the target's mind, body & spirit to display all 'skills' learned & the proficiency of the skills in 'levels'. NOTE: the maximum level of a skill does not exist for one can develop a skill indefinitely.

Legacy Library- contains all the data stored by owner in previous lives to aid themselves in the next life. NOTE: All of the data is locked and can only be unlocked by meeting certain requirements.

Legacy vault- A vault that exists beyond the universe, in the endless & eternal void due to which it can contain the entire universe if willed to. NOTE: time does not exist in the void but if you do transport the universe in there, the only change that will happen is that the universe will shift it's position in the endless sea of the void to the vaults location due to which all items in the vault will be scattered across the universe and all future deposits will also be randomly sent to somewhere in the universe. NOTE2: every transaction with the vault requires me to creat small rift in the fabric of this universe's reality reality thus depending on mass of the object you will experience loss of stamina/SP at the rate of 1SP/1KG. NOTE3: all items in the vault will be in the same state as when they were deposited irrespective of the change time of withdrawal.

Room- a room created in the where you're spirit/astral projection will be sent to train or comprehend. NOTE: The concept of time does not exist in the void thus time spent in the 'Room' won't affect you're physical body thus physical training in the 'Room' won't affect you're body. NOTE2: you can create obstacles and train without worry of stamina or mystic energies(ki, chi...etc) but time in the 'Room' will cause loss in stamina at the rate of 1SP/1min. -]

'I see, well then let's try the [Room] shall we?'. As soon as he thought of that he felt a tug and a feeling of being forcefully pulled, a bright light blinded him and when the light receded he found himself in a indefinitely large white room. 'So this is the room huh?' [- Indeed this is the [Room], please use your time efficiently as you only have an hour -] 'Well then let's see...' "Claymore" screamed Vijay imagining the sword used by knight of the Teutonic Order and then out of thin air a beautifully made claymore appeared on his outstretched palm. Although he had speculated that something similar might happen it brought him comfort knowing he could train with weapons in here and so he taught of fulfilling his childhood dream of being a master in the way of the sword 'Well, I always wanted to be able to swing a sword as a professional hehehe, let's make it happen shall we'