Skills!!! & MC's present day stats

-[Present/when Vijay's picking up the Party leader's son]-

Ever since he the first time he went into the [Room] he has been training mainly in weapons as the legacy library granted him a lot data to learn from along with fragments of the memories from his past lives/incarnations from which he learnt the use of a myriad of weapons, devices(transportation, war based, intelligence gathering...etc). Apart from that he found out that the rob had an hidden function which was removing most of body's limitations causing him to never stagnate or reach a blockade in physical stats which caused him to increase in strength to outrageous amounts slowly but steadily. He also found two more interesting things such as his intelligence increasing by 2 every time he visited the [room] & his 'psychic powers' being unlocked the moment his Intelligence stat reached 100 causing the stat to change from intelligence to Spirit and value fell by 10.

As it turns out psychics do exist in the universe he lived in but it required one's brain's capacity to reach 100 which was classified as the 'Stupendous' level of a being's mental capacity which for humans equates to having an IQ of of/over 160 but even then the abilities gained are very... underwhelming to say, as when Vijay's intelligence reached 100 or spirit reached 10 after about 16 and a half months of visiting the [room] twice daily the abilities he was offered to choose from were 'Intent detection', 'empathy' & 'keen senses' of which he chose 'intent detection' as it allowed him to detect/sense a person's intent directed to him in a radius which was equal to the number of his spirit stat in meters which did prove useful when confronted with assassins and rooting out those hostile to him in the party. When his spirit reached 20 he chose to upgrade his pre-existing ability thus granting the ability to read negative thoughts directed to him and detect lies within a half the former's range. When his spirit reached 30 he once again chose to upgrade his ability granting him a somewhat low-levelled Legilimency as he could peer into a person and only a singe person's mind and 'see' what they thought of as long person was in a radius that was a quarter that of his first ability. As for now with his spirit reaching 48, he was waiting to accumulate more points before choosing another another ability.

As for physical training he followed the Saitama regime twice a day which itself yielded very poor results but which was 0.02 to all physical stats per day, but he did find many body conditioning techniques from the legacy vault his At the present moment which was 5 years 4 months or 64 months after the time when he first received 'rob' his status page and skill page lookes like this:


Name- Vijay Shukla

Age- 29 [A/N: although only 5 yrs have passed his birthday also passed about a month or 2 ago... just accept it & go with it]

Gender- Male (Sexuality- Heterosexual)

Species- Homo Sapien

HP- 444/444 (4.4/1min)

SP- 378/454 (4.5/1min)

Variable Stats-

VIT- 44.4 , STR- 43.4 , SPD- 43.4 , END- 45.4 , SNS- 45.4 [A/N: I ran some calculations and if his stats increased by 0.2 every month, his stats should have increased by 384 each... and that would be too OP for now because the type of MC I am aiming to create is someone who is strong but not strong enough to fight armies by himself as he'll be acting as a king/dictator of a country with wits and deception instead of a god among men who destroys armies by himself... But I guess I'll make some changes here or there and then introduce much stronger charactors to make him appear weak like how people underestimate sakura due to naruto and sasuke.]

Invariable Stats-

Spirit- 45.8 , Will- 94/100 , Luck- 72/100(Very Lucky). -] [A/N: yes, his luck increased. how? I don't know... maybe because I willed it to?]

[- Skills & Masteries:

*Sublime Suggestions- ability to plant suggestions in one's head to either convince or dissuade them from certain choices or perform certain activities. lvl- 74.

*Etiquette- proficiency in following conventional rules of personal behavior in society. lvl- 74.

*Analyze- analyze the target to understand/learn it to the best of your capabilities, allows you to see patterns where others see chaos and learn the true intent of the target. lvl- 72.

*Myriad Sword handling- proficiency in the use of anything regarded as a 'sword'. lvl- 68.

*Myriad Dagger handling- proficiency in the use of anything regarded as a 'gun'. lvl- 67.

*Myriad Gun handling- proficiency in the use of anything regarded as a 'gun'. lvl- 54.

*CQC- proficiency in physical confrontations one or more targets at very short range (grappling distance, or within the physical reach of a handheld weapon) that does not involve the use of ranged weapons. lvl- 47.

*Swimming- proficiency in self-propulsion through water or a liquid substance. lvl- 43.

*Myriad Device Operation- proficiency in operation of devices. lvl- 39.

*Dawn Escapade- a strengthening technique created by the borunhorseins from an galaxy far away, it should only be used at sunrise, it's various physical exercises remove impurities accumulated in the body, stabilize heart rate, help in breaking down of complex materials to simple nutrients and repair genetic schema. physical stats increase 50% faster & easier ; increases lifespan by half a day. lvl- 38.

*Dusk Escapade- a strengthening technique created by !owjaf!ownca!wpqneja, the enemies of borunhorseins, it should only be used at night, it's various physical exercises promote blood flow, digestion, better absorption of nutrients and repair genetic schema. physical stats increase 50% faster & easier ; increases lifespan by half a day. lvl-38.

*Aura of knowing- A ability that allows user to detect the thoughts directed towards him within a certain range dependent on the value of you spirit. Within half the range you are also able to 'know' what that thought is, and within quarter of the range you can focus your ability to a specific target to read their thoughts. -]