2|The best young son in the early 1980s (2)

After Ji Changze's persuasion (fudge), he successfully pulled his eldest brother back from the "death route".

His face is full of me for your good, brothers and sisters put Ji Changguang's shoulders on Ji Changguang's shoulders, dragged him to the door of the house:

"You, don't always be angry with your mother. You should be soft with her, and no matter how you work with your dad, and say something nice, you are your parents. Can they really ignore you for the rest of their lives?"

Ji Changguang was a five-year-old man who was a rough man, pushed forward by his younger brother, and couldn't help but want to go back. He squeezed out a word for a long time:

"But what am I talking about."

Ji Changze stopped pushing him, standing still thinking.

In fact, Ji Changguang really has nothing to say to his parents. He is honest and honest. Even if he really likes his daughter-in-law, he never thought of being away from his parents because of her daughter-in-law.

Well, he is not very good at talking.

Just like that, when I went home, I had to go home, and I had to pull my daughter-in-law out. The whole thing seemed to be because of the daughter-in-law who left her parents and went back. It's strange that Ji's mother was not angry.

If this is replaced by Ji Changze, he will be able to settle down in less than five minutes, but replaced by Ji Changguang, a simple and honest person...

Ji Changze thought for a while, stretched out his hand and patted his elder brother's shoulder: "Brother, you are like this, I will teach you a few words, and when you go in, you will tell your parents..."

The two brothers were standing at the door and muttering. An uncle passing by with firewood on his back saw them, and he smiled and greeted them from a distance:

"Changguang is back, look at your parents?"

Ji Changguang was not very good at talking, so he smiled naively and shouted: "Uncle Seven."

On the contrary, Ji Changze, who was not named, immediately came up. He walked up to the uncle in three or two steps. While reaching out to help him hold the wooden frame with firewood, he said with a hippy smile on his face:

"Yeah, isn't my brother on holiday? He took some things and came back to take a look, Uncle Qi, you just came down from the mountain, right? Are you tired in the cold weather? Let me help you hold some. By the way, Uncle Qi, the bamboo shoots you gave me were really delicious last time, do you still have them in your house?"

"Yes, yes, I went up the mountain this time to find and dig a little bit. It's in the basket. You turn over the firewood. Take it back and eat it."

Ji Changguang watched his younger brother's smile grow bigger, and followed him very enthusiastically, with a sweet mouth: "How am I embarrassed to eat for nothing? In this way, Uncle Qi, I will help you support you. Relax, I will take you home as a thank you for giving me bamboo shoots."

Uncle Qi's wrinkled face smiled kindly, and his gaze at Ji Changze was indescribably affectionate.

He also boasted: "You kid, you just know that you love others and you are very filial."

I watched my brother's mouth speak very well, but only a little effortlessly held Ji Changguang behind the bamboo basket in his hand: "..."

He seemed to suddenly realize why he was practical and capable, and Changze, who only talked about practice, his parents liked Changze more every time.

At the same time, Ji Changguang suddenly had a question in his heart.

Changze coaxed Uncle Qi so much, didn't he just coax him too, right?

Just as he was thinking, Ji Changze was standing next to Uncle Qi, and he didn't forget to turn his head and wave at Ji Changguang: "Brother, go back first. Don't forget how I taught you. Do as I told you. It's guaranteed."

After thinking about it, he added: "Even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. I will definitely help you when I come back. Don't thank me. You are my brother. Who will help you if I don't help you."

Ji Changguang, who was still thinking about it, was immediately moved.

What a nice brother.

His body was weak when he was a child, and he didn't have a chance when he grew up. He could still treat him like this without hate, and help him to have a good relationship with his parents.

He even complained about Changze before, and felt that Changze had instigated his parents to ask him for money and things.

It shouldn't be!

For a while, Ji Changguang looked at his younger brother's sight, full of guilt.

Ji Changze held the basket in one hand: "Okay, brother, don't thank me, go in, it's weirdly cold outside, and my brothers will sleep in the same room tonight. I will tell you about the previous thing."

Seeing that the gratitude in Ji Changguang's eyes increased, Ji Changze was not surprised.

Anyway, as long as this big brother doesn't go out at night and fall into the ditch.

The important point now is that he, a poor person who gnaws on his father and mother, is about to get married.

Previously, the original owner asked for money from his parents, and spent all his energy on eating, drinking, and watching movies. In this situation, Ji Changze felt unreasonable to get married.

And I owe a bicycle to my elder brother's family.

Flickering, it's wrong, brotherhood belongs to brotherhood.

Ji Changguang had accumulated his savings for so long, he must pay it back.

Ji Changze quickly turned a variety of thoughts in his mind, and then he followed the Seventh Uncle in various forms.

He is called Uncle Qi, and of course his surname is Ji, but he is not Ji Changze's direct uncle, but can only be regarded as an uncle who has come out of the five clothes. Anyway, he is Uncle Ji Changze.

This year, although everyone eats big pot of rice, they are all in the same village. If you go up the mountain to get something to eat, no one will say anything, but the terrain on their side is very dangerous on the mountain. Uncle this kind of old man, who had learned a little bit of hunting skills from his elders when he was a child, dared to go up the mountain and retired.

Because he always goes up the mountain, occasionally he can pick up bird eggs, mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots and so on. The original owner, who is too lazy to work and has eyes full of delicious food and drink, is entangled in people.

Every time I saw this Uncle Qi come down from the mountain, he approached all sorts of things, and then succeeded in getting something to eat from him.

Uncle Ji Qi is said to have had a daughter-in-law and a son when he was young. When he was five or six years old, the son left first. The daughter-in-law was not well, so he went with him. She was poor and messed up at the time. Did not look for it again.

Maybe because he once had a son, he is very rare for children, especially when the original owner looked white and clean (slacking off work and not getting tanned), the eyes looking at him (the food in his hand) are also close, and his small mouth is sweet. , One by one, when he grows up, he has to give his uncle for the elderly (make a wish for the sake of eating at will), and the coaxing Uncle Qi Qi can't wait to treat this child as his own.

It can be said that the reason why the original owner was able to raise such a pure and innocent one, Ji Qiqi took a third of the credit.

However, Uncle Ji Qi treated the original owner as a biological child, but the original owner only regarded him as a fool.

After eating and drinking, he can kiss his honey and shout uncle. When this uncle can't work and can't go to the mountains and can't get food, he hides from others and leaves. This one ends up in the memory of the original owner. It was also desolate. In fact, he didn't think about how much the original owner would take care of himself. He just hoped that he could be filial to the offspring. Not to mention giving money and food, just come and see him more.

As a result, the elders felt sorry for him, but they ran into a white-eyed wolf like the original owner.

No one in the village had noticed this before, after all, the original owner's behavior simply showed the four big characters shamelessly.

When I was a child, I could say that I was ignorant when I asked for something. Now that he is a young man in his twenties, he can still shamelessly follow an old man in his sixties who has worked so hard to find a little food to eat.


The old people walked tremblingly, and even cheated to eat from his mouth, and the animal couldn't do such a thing.

But Ji Changze did it.

When Ji Changze walked along the road with Uncle Ji Qi, he could not but feel the contemptuous gaze of the villagers passing by.

He thinks that if these sights can be concretized, they are probably all in one sentence:

[Look, this shameless man is coming to lie to the old man again. ]

To be honest, most people really can't stand it when so many people look at it with such contempt.

Fortunately, Ji Changze has a thick-skinned face.

Along the way, when people looked at him, he looked back with a sense of righteousness, and almost never said "what am I doing to look at you".

Otherwise, people are easily affected, if others look at him, and his heart is guilty, then those eyes will only be more open.

But now, when others looked at him, he looked back with a straight face and looked back, subconsciously looking away/lowering his head.

Ji Changze carried the firewood basket on his back by Uncle Ji Qi in one hand, and walked across it all the way arrogantly.

That self-confident attitude made the people who were looking at him contemptuously look away from the guilty conscience and pretend that nothing happened.

They waited until Ji Changze walked away before they reacted with hindsight.

No, it is Ji Changze who clearly did the wrong thing. What are their guilty consciences?

It is not them that deceived the old man.

This Ji Changze is really getting more and more shameless.

When he arrived at Uncle Qi's house, Ji Changze was indeed coaxing the old man: "Uncle Qi, the winter bamboo shoots you gave me last time I took them to the city and gave them to my buddy to eat. His wife especially likes to eat them, so let me see if I can bring them to him. He is willing to spend money to buy it. No, I couldn't say this on the road just now. Can you sell these winter bamboo shoots to him?"

Uncle Ji Qi was originally happily holding the winter bamboo shoots to pretend to him, but now when he heard that Ji Changze was asking for money, he waved his hand quickly:

"No, you can just take it directly. What more money is needed."

"Hey, you are my uncle, not his uncle. Our uncle and nephew certainly don't talk about money, but for my buddies, he still has to settle the accounts. If you don't give the money for nothing, he will feel sorry."

While talking, Ji Changze took the money from his pocket. After all, he took it and put it in the palm of Uncle Ji Qi's hand: "You can keep it, and he won't only take it this time. Next time Uncle, if you do it again, He spent money to buy these wild goods on the mountain. Look at your clothes, take the money, and buy a new piece of thick clothing, as well as this bedding. It's not cold to sleep at night."

Uncle Ji Qiqi looked at the money in his hand blankly: "He spends money to buy it every time? No, Changze, isn't this a speculation? This is not good, the leader said, it is the tail of capitalism. Hit."

Ji Changze actually knew that the country was already trying to change its policy at this time, but it had to try it out first. Their side, it's estimated that they won't be able to pass it on for a while. Doing business still can't be fair.


Who said he was in business!

Ji Changze said nonchalantly, "Uncle, where did you think about it? Am I that kind of person? This is not a capitalist tail. This is my buddy and his wife is pregnant. He wants to eat this and that every day. Yes, I couldn't buy it without a ticket, so I asked you."

Uncle Ji Qi is still not upset. He has experienced turbulence and knows what the crime of speculation is.

The old man kept pushing the money towards Ji Changze.

"No way, no way, no way, I can't ask for this money, Changze, let's live steadily, but we can't speculate."

"How can this be speculation?"

Ji Changze persuades me: "Uncle, I ask you, Shanhuo, you love me and give it to me, right?"

Uncle Ji Qi nodded.

Ji Changze: "My buddy and I have a good relationship. Give him some mountain products. We are in a good relationship, right?"

Uncle Ji Qi nodded again.

Ji Changze continued: "Then my buddy is grateful to me, but I don't know how to thank me, so I paid some money for me to spend. It's because we have a good relationship, right?"

Uncle Ji Qi showed a confused look on his face, but he nodded.

Ji Changze clapped his hands again: "Look, you can make it clear if you don't."

"Tell me, what am I giving you this money for?"

Uncle Ji Qi looked down at the money, and then at the nephew in front of him.

Look at my nephew, then look at the money.

"You honor me."

"Eh! That's right!"

Ji Changze grinned and diligently beat Ji Qi Qi on the back:

"No, I'm clear about it."

"Uncle, don't worry, I will honor you a lot in the future."