3|The best young son in the early 1980s (3)

The place is so big. There are also several families next to the place where Uncle Ji Qi lives. Now it's getting dark and everyone is not working, so they sit in their yard chatting and working.

When Ji Changze came out from Uncle Ji Qi's house with a basket of wild goods on his back, they all watched.

Look, I said when I saw it on the road before, would Ji Changze help people with such kindness?

Just pretending to hold the basket, Uncle Ji Qi gave him so many things.

Several people were muttering, discussing why Uncle Ji Qiqi was so confused that he could be coaxed by Ji Changze for so long, and Ji Changze saw them.

The sky was a bit dark, which affected people's eyesight. He squinted for two seconds before he found a familiar face.

"Old Uncle Zhao."

The old man who was smoking a dry cigarette and listening to other people's discussions was taken aback, and then subconsciously looked over.

As a result, I saw Ji Changze looking at him grinningly, his whole body was out of tune, and he opened his mouth and said: "I remember you have a scooter in your house, tomorrow I want to go to the city to buy something for marriage. Can't you lend it to me?"

Old Uncle Zhao's expression immediately hesitated.

Does his family have the pallet, or the stuff his father left behind.

But let it be to Ji Changze...

Think about Ji Changze's reputation in the village. He is so lazy. He also tried his best to be lazy at work. Although he didn't stalk the dog, isn't it unconditional?

Such a character, lending him something, it's strange that he can rest assured.

But if you don't borrow, stretch out your hands and don't hit the smiling people, let alone they are all from the same village, Ji Changze doesn't look like an honest person. In case he doesn't lend out and people will hate you, you can do something small. How to do.

It's not to borrow, nor is it not to borrow.

How can this be done.

Seeing the entanglement of Old Uncle Zhao's face, Ji Changze didn't embarrass him, and went straight into the courtyard of the house, dragged Old Uncle Zhao and walked inside.

I walked into the yard of Old Uncle Zhao's house, and closed the door easily.

"Huh eh what are you doing?"

Ji Changze could clearly feel that Old Uncle Zhao, who was holding his arm by himself, was stiff. He looked at him like an enemy, as if he was some kind of murderous demon, he could easily take out a knife and slash someone.

I have to say that with this extremely vigilant way, Ji Changze who made it really had a bad taste and wanted to tease the old Uncle Zhao.

His backhand is a...

Take the basket action.

Come on, the old man can't help being scared when he is old, so he should be honest.

Old Uncle Zhao stood there vigilantly and suspiciously, watching Ji Changze take down the basket, grabbed a few wild yams out of it, and stuffed it into his hand.

He was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing?"

Ji Changze's attitude is particularly natural: "You borrowed the cart to me, I am grateful to you, you take these yams, you don't need a pot or something, you can cook them by just picking up some firewood and digging a hole."

"No, no, it's not good. Take it back and take it back. We don't engage in capitalism."

Knowing that Ji Changze didn't want to give him a knife, or he wanted to give him wild yam, Old Uncle Zhao relaxed his whole body and quickly pushed the yam back.

Pushing and pushing him suddenly reacted.

No, he hasn't agreed to borrow the car yet?

Before he could ask, Ji Changze said:

"How can it be capitalism, folks in the village, if I use your cart for nothing, then it is called capitalism, old Uncle Zhao, they are all in the same village, you can't harm me."

Old Uncle Zhao was frightened.

I don't care about the fact that he hasn't agreed to borrow the car. Doesn't he just want to take things?

How could this cause him harm?

Seeing that he stopped pushing, Ji Changze took a few quick glances in the yard and quickly locked the position of the pallet truck. He directly stepped forward and said naturally while pushing the truck over:

"Just keep it, otherwise I'm embarrassed to borrow the car, and if you don't eat, can the grandson at home not eat it? Xizi has a smart face, just thin and small. If you can keep up with the food, it will definitely be even better. Smart, in the future, a college student will come back."

After he finished speaking, Old Uncle Zhao's heart was shaken even more.

Yes, his little grandson is so young that he can't eat enough every day. These few wild yams can be eaten for several days at any rate.

What's more, Ji Changze also said that his little grandchildren are smart, how can they not keep up with their food? Now everyone eats big pot of rice and they are not allowed to open fire at home. Wild yam is good. Just throw a fire on the ground. Can be cooked, but still concealed.

But to Ji Changze...

His reputation in the village still entangled Old Uncle Zhao.

Here Ji Changze put the basket on the pallet and waved his hand: "Come on, hold the thing, I'm leaving."

"Don't worry, next time I borrow a car and give you something back, we can't treat it as capitalism for nothing."

Give it back next time! !

Oh, that's not a matter of a few wild yams.

That may be dozens of dozens of yams!

What is the entanglement? !

I don't know, I haven't seen it!

Just borrow a car anyway!

Old Uncle Zhao quickly put down the wild yam, and greeted him with special enthusiasm: "Shall I give it to you?"

The people outside originally saw Old Uncle Zhao being dragged in by Ji Changze abruptly, and they were looking at him.

"Ji Changze can't beat people, right?"

"It's not like that, it's also in the same village anyway, the old Uncle Zhao still watched him grow up."

"This kid is very messy, I really can't tell, I said, should we go in and have a look?"

Several people were talking, the door suddenly opened, and Ji Changze pushed the cart out.

With a smile on his white face, which is always regarded by the villagers as a symbol of being lazy and not working, he was pushing the car while saying:

"Hi, you're just being polite, uncle, don't worry, I will return the car tomorrow when I come back from the city."

Immediately afterwards, Old Uncle Zhao also came out, squeezing a flower out of the wrinkles on his face, wishing to squeeze out a flower, his tone is so kind and kind:

"Don't worry, don't worry, you will be fine in a few days."

"Then thank you uncle, I'm leaving, uncle."

Ji Changze also didn't look at the people who stood at the door before, and now they are stunned.

Even if the shock on their faces at the moment is no less than seeing the sun coming out from the west.

There was also a car, and a mountain product that was going to make a little money. Ji Changze, who was consciously alive, pushed the car, smiled back and waved his hand, and then went straight to the Ji's direction.

He has a bastard in the village. No one dared to say anything when he was there. He kept watching him walking away, and I guess I couldn't hear them anymore. Those people asked Old Uncle Zhao:

"What did Ji Changze tell you just now? Why did you agree to lend him the car? I'm not afraid that he won't return it or damage it to you."

Old Uncle Zhao waved his hand with a look of disgust: "Don't talk nonsense, I grew up watching Changze. Isn't it normal for me to lend him a car?"

He was pretty happy, thinking that Ji Changze would lend him a few wild yams once in a car, and a few at a time.

From now on, his grandchildren will no longer have to quarrel at night and be hungry before eating.

Several people who heard this: "..."

No, when Ji Changze asked him to borrow the car, was the embarrassment on his face fake?

"Did Ji Changze tell you something? Or scared you?"

"What nonsense, how could Changze scare me."

Old Uncle Zhao glared at the person who said this.

If these people tell Ji Changze to frighten him, let Ji Changze know what to do if he doesn't give him wild yam next time.

"Changze is actually quite good. It's been bad for the reputation of the village. Don't talk nonsense outside. I want to lend him that car. Hey, I just like this kid. "

People outside: "..."

How are Ji Changze? ? ?

How are others? ? ?

Old Uncle Zhao went back to the yard when he finished speaking. He had to hide those wild yams.

When Sun and Sun came back, Minger quietly took him to eat yam.

He is gone, but the others are confused.

Isn't this a dream?

Or did the sun really hit the west?

How are Ji Changze? ? ?

"Changze, you are so kind. I told my mom what I taught me before, and she really looked better at me. She just came over with a quilt and said that she wanted me to cover it at night."

When Ji Changze returned to his house, his eldest brother Ji Changguang was already sitting on the kang waiting for him with excitement. When he saw him coming in, he couldn't wait to greet him:

"Father has a smile on me too, and he said that next time I will bring Huifen back with me next time."

This makes Ji Changguang very happy. What he has been worrying about is that his parents don't like his wife, but he has to be filial to his parents again, knowing that his wife has done nothing wrong.

I don't know how to adjust, so I can only try to go home alone every time, separating the two parties from meeting.

As a result, I learned what Ji Changze taught him today and said that working in the factory is a bit hard, but fortunately, I can squeeze out a fake to go home to see my parents, and it's also difficult for Huifen to squeeze out a fake, but every time I go home She carefully picked out the things she bought. If they are angry that Huifen won't come, next time they are not allowed by the supply and marketing agency, he will also ask her to ask for leave. The expressions on her parents' faces are almost visible to the naked eye. The look became softer.

Ji Changze thought, it's strange not to have a smiling face.

The biggest knot in the hearts of Ji's parents is that the eldest son ran to the city, lived in the daughter-in-law's family, and had food from the daughter-in-law's family. The job was also found by the old man. Isn't it just the door-to-door son-in-law who lives by the people?

In the village, the most unpromising man is the door-to-door son-in-law, and he has no dignity in his wife's house all his life.

Although their family didn't have money, they did their best to train Ji Changguang. As a result, they ran away as soon as they were trained.

In addition, Ji Changguang never speaks every time, and he does not bring his wife back to see his parents. He thinks this is a separation of contradictions. In fact, in the eyes of the Ji family's parents who have been whispering in their hearts, this is the eldest daughter-in-law who looks down on them. old married couple.

Of course, Ji Changguang, such a door-to-door son-in-law, couldn't move her.

It's strange to feel comfortable in my heart.

But what Ji Changguang Jiner said was to show that his status at home was okay. He also said that the eldest daughter-in-law was actually not coming, because he could not get out, and the things he brought before were picked out by the eldest daughter-in-law.

The contradiction is gone, of course the two elders can't get angry anymore.

Seeing Ji Changguang still overjoyed, Ji Changze patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, next time you remember to say that your sister-in-law is filial in front of your parents. It's so late, so go to bed, and tomorrow we have to enter the city."

"Into the city?"

Ji Changguang was taken aback, and asked his brother, "Are you going to the city too?"

"Yeah, this is not because the weather is getting colder and colder, and the roads are not safe. I happen to be entering the city recently, so I'll go with you, so I can take care of it."

Ji Changze climbed onto the bed and spread the quilt, and said smoothly as he spread the quilt, "And every time it's my sister-in-law or you go back to our house, none of us have ever been to the sister-in-law's door. It doesn't sound good. I will go to my sister-in-law's house to pay him a visit."

Ji Changguang was even more happy.

If it had been before, he would definitely reject it, thinking that Ji Changze wanted to eat and drink.

After all, the brothers have never been close, and Ji Changze is like this again.

but now...

He looked happily: "Then tomorrow, big brother will treat you well."

Ji Changze is also not polite: "Then the relationship is good, eldest brother, I have long wanted to go to my sister-in-law's house, but you live in your husband's house, so don't give me any good wine and food, just make some home-cooked food. ."

"How about it, you finally come here once, and I must greet you."

Ji Changguang didn't plan to use the money from his husband's family either. He still had money, although not much, but it must be enough for his brother to have a good meal.

Ji Changze had already made the bed and lay in.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm definitely not eating for nothing. My buddies in the city made some high-end gifts. They said they were the most nourishing and rare mountain products. It's okay. I'll give it to my sister-in-law's mother's family tomorrow. The face is enough for you."

Nagasawa was still thinking about saving him face.

And he actually didn't eat for nothing, but took things.

If Ji Changze knew what he was thinking, he would have to laugh a few times.

No one is lenient these days, who can eat for nothing.

Besides, don't relatives have to take things when they leave?

However, Ji Changguang didn't think about it at all, it was also due to his brother's image in his heart.

After all, I have always been eating for free and even eating and taking, but now it suddenly changed for the better, Ji Changguang could hardly wait for tears to flow in his eyes.

so good.

Why didn't he find out before.

Nagasawa is such a good brother!