22|My giant baby, the country raises me (5)

When Zhang Zejun, the head of the dormitory, the last person in the dormitory opened the door, he thought he had gone to the wrong house.

The bedroom was quiet.

It is normal for Cheng Yueyang to sit in his place and read books. After all, because Cheng Yueyang has to work-study, he spends a lot less time in school. He also likes to find opportunities to read.

Ji Changze is also reading a book.

This is also normal. The most common thing Ji Changze does in the dormitory is reading (pretending to be forced).

But Zheng Qinghui...

Zhang Zejun looked dumbfounded as if he had just put down the mop in a dream, and walked across the ground that was dragged to reflect light. He quickly washed an apple, peeled it and cut it into pieces with great care, and then inserted a toothpick.

Finally, I took this apple that had changed from an ordinary apple to a broken corpse and sent it to Ji Changze's table.

Smiling, kind and gentle:

"Changze, eat apples, I put toothpicks on it, it won't take much time."

The young man looked away from the book for a second, his expression indifferent:

"Thank you."

Obviously the original cold and indifferent expression and undue beating tone were still the same. If this were before, Zheng Qinghui's violent temper would definitely come up.

But today...

"No thanks, no thanks, I'll make it for you after you finish eating."

Zheng Qinghui was flattered, and when he saw that, he couldn't wait to rush up to give Ji Changze a leg and shoulder.

The flattery is simply hard to look at.

Zhang Zejun: "..."

It must be his posture when he pushed open the bedroom door.

He turned around silently and opened it again.

Zheng Qinghui was still smiling at Ji Changze.

Zhang Zejun: "..."

What happened? ?

Didn't he just go home once?

This is only one day, he has only left for one day, right.

I went out anyway, as if the whole bedroom had changed.

"The old army is back?"

Zheng Qinghui was the first to see him, he shouted, smiled as before, took an apple and threw it directly into Zhang Zejun's arms:

"Here, eat an apple."

The same attitude as before, the same posture of throwing apples.

But Zhang Zejun still looked dazed.

He couldn't help but learn Zheng Qinghui's voice suppressed: "Qinghui, why are you talking so quietly?"

It's the same as being a thief.

Zheng Qinghui whispered, "I'm afraid that Changze will study."

Zhang Zejun; "..."

Sure enough, he was still dreaming.

He didn't know what to do, so he could only tentatively walked into the dormitory with the apple in his hand. As he traveled across the ocean, he looked strangely at the basin next to him.

"Yueyang, why don't you wash your clothes?"

The voice is still very quiet.

Cheng Yueyang worked hard to write a book: "I can't waste time, my time is not much, I want to study!!"

Zheng Qinghui, who was already busy trying to wipe the table again, was reminded.

"Yes, I don't have much time, I have to study too!"

He had completely forgotten how he didn't believe in this "not much time" theory before.

The only thing left in my head is: This is what the schoolmaster Ji Changze said.

People are so clever in order to learn not to wash clothes.

Of course he wants it too.

Zhang Zejun once again looked at Zheng Qinghui with a dazed expression and took off his clothes as he spoke, although he only took off his jacket.

But he didn't take it to wash after taking it off, but threw it directly into the basin.

Zhang Zejun: "???"

Zheng Qinghui loves cleanliness the most.

"Qinghui, what are you doing?"

"I can't waste time, I want to learn."

Zhang Zejun: "...Forget it, I'll go down and bring you the clothes by the way."



The duet played.

Both of them looked disgusted: "The washing machine downstairs is too dirty, I advise you not to wash it downstairs."

Zhang Zejun: "...Then I won't wash it downstairs, I will wash it by hand?"

"Don't, it's a waste of time, let me tell you, old soldier, the average life expectancy of a person is 75 years, that is..."

Obviously it is popular science (brainwashing), but Cheng Yueyang's skill is a little bit worse.

Zhang Zejun couldn't laugh or cry.

"According to what you said, we don't have to wash our clothes? Then don't wash in the bath, no, I said when you are like this, so..."

He struggled for a long time, but he didn't say a few words so fudge.

As Zhang Zejun said, he glanced at Ji Changze, who was still reading quietly.

He didn't feel anything against Ji Changze.

But there must be no good feelings, after all, those things that Ji Changze did before.

As the head of the dormitory, Zhang Zejun was not less affected.

This is also fortunate that he is relatively honest and doesn't care too much. If he changed to Zheng Qinghui, he would have started fighting.

But now seeing that both of his roommates were assaulted by evil, Zhang Zejun was muttering in his heart.

He also didn't have the crooked heart, and directly asked:

"Changze, did you tell them two not to wash their clothes?"

Ji Changze raised his eyes coldly and glanced at him:


Zheng Qinghui, with a face full of "I want to lean on the idol, what the idol says is what it says" is dumbfounded.

He looked at Cheng Yueyang, Cheng Yueyang waved his hand and explained: "He didn't let me not wash clothes. He just told me how precious time is. I don't want to wash clothes myself."

Ji Changze nodded, his expression indifferent.

He didn't mean to open his mouth.

After all, these roommates in the dormitory, Zhang Zejun can be said to be the best tempered one.

To put it simply, others still need him to take the initiative to explain (flicker), but Zhang Zejun doesn't use it.

He will fool himself clearly.

Zheng Qinghui, the person who admires academic hegemony the most, still has a firm face: "Anyway, I want to look at Changze, and I will not wash my clothes."

Ji Changze frowned slightly, a look of disapproval appeared on his face.

Zheng Qinghui noticed it at a glance, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with Changze, can't I do this? Do I have to change my study method?"

Ji Changze: "You don't need to be like this."

"I use it!"

Zheng Qinghui said incessantly: "I have always admired those with smart brains since I was a child. To tell you, I couldn't get up in grades when I was in junior high school, but I was not discouraged and asked my dad to pay for me. Entered a middle school, and then worked hard without slacking off at all. In high school, it was even harder to work hard, and then I was admitted to our school."

"Changze, don't worry, I'm not the kind of caregiver. We from the Northeast are all straightforward. I was the one who misunderstood you before. I was wrong. I apologize to you. We will be good brothers in the future!"

When he finished speaking, he smiled again: "Whatever you do in the future, I will do it. Don't worry, I won't waste time."

Ji Changze's expression was slightly subtle, watching him ponder for a few seconds.

Zheng Qinghui looked forward to it, trying to get him to say something fairy tale.

Ji Changze: "IQ is innate."

The implication is that no matter how hard Zheng Qinghui works, he can't really become a schoolmaster.

Zheng Qinghui: "..."


Zhang Zejun couldn't help but laughed. Seeing Zheng Qinghui glaring at him, he quickly turned around and covered his mouth: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."

Ji Changze continued: "But it's not that there is no way to improve IQ."

Zheng Qinghui, who was initially disappointed, immediately became energetic and looked forward to it again.

"What's the solution?"

Just after saying this, he remembered something, and quickly added: "Don't worry, I won't use your method for nothing, you tell me, I will give money, treat, anything will do."

He really wants to be a good person.

"Listen more, watch more, learn more."

Ji Changze directly told him: "If you keep doing this, your IQ will improve, but you can't mention it much."

Zheng Qinghui smiled stiffly.

this way...

Isn't it a way that everyone knows?

He has always done this since he was a kid.

Since he was still a little peasant.

When someone touched his head, he said, "This doll is really a cub of Mr. Zheng. It is a tiger head and a tiger brain that people like, and the tiger father has no dogs." When he had already decided that he must surpass his father. .

Let people know that there is a saying that there is no dog father! !

However, ideals are full and reality is cruel.

No matter how hard he tried, how hard he tried to keep himself in line with those geniuses, he was finally beaten to death on the beach.

If it had been before, he would have directly mocked Ji Changze for fooling him.

But now, how could Xueba fool him.

This remark must have profound meaning.

Zheng Qinghui said: "Actually, I've been doing this since I was a kid, but I don't seem to be much smarter. Is my method wrong? Or it's because I learned to listen and see something wrong. ?"

Ji Changze pretended to ponder.

Then under Zheng Qinghui's nervous gaze, he nodded affirmatively:

"It may be because you are extraordinarily stupid."

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Zejun couldn't help it again and laughed wildly.

Cheng Yueyang didn't smile. At this moment, the poor man worried about the collapse of the plastic brotherhood in the dormitory hurriedly spoke:

"Qinghui, don't be angry, Changze just talks straight, so don't laugh at the old army."

Zheng Qinghui was not angry.

Even if he was angry, he was not angry with Shengji Changze.

How could Xueba be wrong.

Even if it is wrong, it must not be intentional.

Geniuses have a little character defect, he understands.

Zheng Qinghui smiled firmly: "It's okay, then I will stick to it. Don't worry, Changze. I will do nothing like you in the future. I only read books. I believe that if this continues, I will be able to succeed."

Cheng Yueyang was also smug: "Me too!"

The only Zhang Zejun who didn't know what happened: "...so I will clean the dormitory by myself from now on??"

Of course Ji Changze could not agree with them.

He shook his head: "I don't recommend you to do this."

"I can memorize the content of the next page in ten seconds. I wash clothes for 45 minutes and two thousand and seven hundred seconds. I don't waste washing time. I can memorize two hundred and seventy pages of knowledge a day."

"How much can you write down?"

Zheng Qinghui: "Hmm..."

He felt a stabbed in his heart.

Cheng Yueyang had the final say, and whispered a little embarrassingly, "Probably...maybe...ten pages?"

Zheng Qinghui felt that his heart was stabbed again: "My five pages..."

Zhang Zejun: "Ah? What ten seconds? Changze, are you? Are you so good?"

Ji Changze: "I will take these clothes home and wash them, will you?"

The two again: "..."

Yes, their home is not here.

Zheng Qinghui, who was in frustration, suddenly realized something, suddenly raised his head, his face suddenly realized:

"I see! You have a good memory, you can write down the contents of the next page in ten seconds, so your time is precious, so your mother will follow you to the capital!!!"

Zhang Zejun: "?? What?? What are you talking about?"

Zheng Qinghui didn't even look at him, but was immersed in his thoughts.

No wonder!

No wonder Ji Changze has never done anything since the beginning of school.

Sanitation does not clean, and garbage does not go out.

And even the clothes will be taken back for mom to wash.

correct! !

Everything is right! !

Zheng Qinghui clapped his hands and looked annoyed: "Why don't you tell us this! Do you know that someone on the Internet now says that you are a giant baby? I can guarantee that if those people know the truth, they will definitely slap themselves."

Ji Changze: "Should I tell you?"

Zheng Qinghui: "..."

Cheng Yueyang was used to it, and quickly opened his mouth to help explain: "Don't misunderstand Qinghui, Changze..."

"I understand! I understand, I understand both!"

Zheng Qinghui was not angry, but understood in seconds: "Geniuses are all like this, haven't you seen TV series? Changze is still good, anyway, we can understand what he said."

Zhang Zejun: "...Can you tell me what the hell is going on??"

Zheng Qinghui clapped his hands.

Because he wanted to be talented since he was a child, he didn't check the information less.

Reading machine Zheng Qinghui goes online:

"Changze, what you did is right. Your brain is so precious. You shouldn't waste time on such trivial matters. No wonder you didn't care about people and talked too much. Yes, if you did the right thing, you should take the limited Put time on infinite learning so that it can be worthy of your mind."

Ji Changze: I don't care much about people, because the original owner doesn't look down on these roommates.

But he doesn't have to admit it.

As long as he has no expression on his face, he can do nothing.

Sure enough, when Zheng Qinghui saw him like this, the expression on his face became more and more certain:

"Don't worry, you don't need to come to these trivial matters. I will help you deal with the rumors on the Internet. I will apologize to you immediately for the car incident. Don't worry! Even if I play black water on my own, I won't make you famous. damaged."

Ji Changze: "What reputation?"

"No, nothing, you don't need to know these, you just have to study hard, win glory for the country, and win glory for our 301!"

Zheng Qinghui looked passionate and began to protect others passionately when he found the computer.

Zhang Zejun: "...So, what happened?"

Cheng Yueyang: "It's actually a misunderstanding about Changze. He just didn't bother to explain it."

"Okay, I'm going to do the laundry, do you want to go together?"

Zhang Zejun, still in a daze: "...Don't you do not wash your clothes?"

Cheng Yueyang: "Didn't you listen to Changze, he can learn so many things without washing clothes, it's more cost-effective, but I can't do it, my brain is not smart, and my mother does not have to wash the clothes for me, I should do the laundry."

"By the way, let me tell you that Changze is now being wronged by the giant baby outside, and we have to 301 to speak to the outside world together, and don't let people misunderstand him."

Zhang Zejun understood right now.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding, so good, so good.

He nodded: "Don't worry."

The two packed their things together and prepared to go out.

Ji Changze took the time to raise his eyes and glanced, seeing that Zhang Zejun had already accepted the appearance of "Ji Changze is a good person", and turned the pen in his hand.

He just said, even if he doesn't do anything.

Zhang Zejun will also attack his own.

Sure enough, it was easy.