23|My giant baby, the country raises me (6)

Because everyone discovered the truth about the giant baby "Ji Changze was misrepresented", the atmosphere in the 301 bedroom was surprisingly harmonious.

It was harmonious before.

But all in the absence of Ji Changze.

In the evening everyone washed up one by one, and Ji Changze was the first to get on the bed after washing up.

The roommates who went out to brush their teeth came back one by one, and they all softened the voice of talking and walking when they saw Ji Changze who was quietly holding a book in the upper bunk.

I'm afraid that if they make a little noise, they will noisy Ji Changze who is reading.

And in this silence, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and the boy in the bedroom next door came in and shouted:

"Old soldier, do you need a charger, don't borrow me..."


The three boos in unison made him swallow the rest of the words with a dazed expression.

The boy was dumbfounded, unconsciously lowered his voice, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? What are you doing?"

Why did they say a word, their expressions were as if he had released a nuclear bomb.

Zhang Zejun cautiously and gently moved his hand, carefully taking off his charger from the socket, a series of actions can be described as cautious, trying not to make any noise.

Finally, Zhang Zejun took his charger, asked him to come over, and silently handed it to him.

Then waved his hand, motioning for him to leave quickly.

Boy: "..."

I don't know why, but I'm here to borrow the charger, but it seems like he's here to trade some shameful things.

But he was here to beg, and of course he had to follow the instructions of the owner of the dormitory, so he also quietly took the charger, slowly left the dormitory, and then gently closed the dormitory door.

When he returned to his dormitory, he asked on WeChat: [Old Army, what is your dormitory doing? Does anyone spend the longest time not talking? ]

Lao Jun: [Changze is reading, we are afraid to disturb him. ]

Boy:? ? ?

[What the hell, who doesn't read books anymore, it shouldn't be like this. ]

After posting this paragraph, he remembered the rumors on the school forum these days, and suddenly felt that he understood:

[Did he not let you talk? I heard that he was a giant baby pretending to be forceful, but he didn't expect it to be true. He read a book by himself and didn't let your roommates talk. Who hasn't paid the tuition yet? ]

He was filled with righteous indignation.

It's a pity that Zhang Zejun's reaction was not what he imagined.

Lao Jun: [What are you talking nonsense? It is our voluntary. Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. The posts on the forum are all made up of such rumors. ]

Boy: "..."

[But Zheng Qinghui in your dormitory also stood up and slapped Ji Changze in the face last time? It was Ji Changze pretending that he was the owner of the convertible car, but in fact the car belonged to Zheng Qinghui. ]

Lao Jun; [This is a misunderstanding, it's not what it says on the Internet at all. ]

He curled his lips.

Any misunderstandings are all fixed.

Now no one knows that Ji Changze is a giant baby, and people in the dormitory around them all know that Ji Changze doesn't clean up in the dormitory at all.

Zheng Qinghui is still a rich second generation, so he still cleans up.

Speaking of, Ji Changze's series of incidents were caused because Zheng Qinghui first stood up and said that the car belonged to him?

As he was thinking, the roommate on the opposite bed suddenly sat up with a "Ma Ye irritating" expression: "Hey! Looking at the giant baby post in the school forum, Zheng Qinghui actually went to the battle to help Ji Changze speak."

Boy: "???"

He quickly clicked on the school forum and saw that the giant baby sticker was topped again.

As soon as I entered, the hottest reply was Zheng Qinghui's tuba.

Although this guy loves to learn, he has a flamboyant temperament. He is never stingy about telling others who he is. In addition, he is a rich second-generation, and he occasionally shows off his wealth. Most of the elderly who are mixed with school forums. Everyone knows his id.

Handsome Zheng is the most beautiful cub:

[Regarding the car, I only said that the car belongs to me. I didn't mean to accuse my roommate at all. It's not an exaggeration. Based on our friendship, he wants to drive or take my car. I have absolutely no problem picking up girls for him, but the problem is that he is not that kind of person at all, and he is not interested in picking up girls.

And he never said that this car is his, nor did I say that he said so, why can everyone convict my roommate based on imagination? The situation at that time was like this. Someone took the picture, and the person put the picture on the forum without the consent of my roommate and the girl, and invented that Changze was the second generation of the rich, behind him. The car belonged to him. When I said, ah, after the car was mine, some people began to accuse him of pretending to be a rich second-generation car. He pretended to be forced, and he had to say that he was his own car.

The question is, from start to finish, what did he admit? ? Did he say that the car is his? Has he ever said that he is a rich second generation? Something that has never happened before, but you blame him because it is not what you imagined. Don't you think you are too much? ]

Zheng Qinghui was considered half a suffering master in the eyes of others. As soon as his reply to Ji Changze came out, he was immediately pushed to the top.

He watched more and more likes with satisfaction, raised his eyebrows silently at the other three roommates, and made a gesture of ok.

Ji Changze, who was reading quietly, seemed to feel it, and slightly raised his eyes to look at a few people; "What are you doing?"

Cheng Yueyang: "Oh, we are on that forum..."

"Nothing is nothing."

Zheng Qinghui intercepted the topic and smiled at Ji Changze: "Changze, you just need to read the book well. Tell me if you want to go to bed later, I will turn off the light when I go to the toilet."

Ji Changze nodded and continued reading.

Although his brain is quite good, he has never been exposed to this knowledge before.

At present, I can only memorize it by rote, I want to master it and make achievements...

Ji Changze silently glanced at the stack of books on the bed.

Then put down the one that had been quickly read in his hand, continued to open the other one, read a page in ten seconds, and continued to read at the speed of rapid understanding in the brain.

It is estimated that in less than two days, the level of knowledge he has mastered should be enough for an average student.

But for Ji Changze, these are not enough.

He has to read more books if he wants to make achievements.

As for the bad reputation on the body?

Ji Changze silently raised his eyes and looked at the three roommates who were typing silently with their mobile phones.

He doesn't need to shoot at all.

These good brothers will help him get it done.

Zheng Qinghui did exactly that.

He pulled a discussion group and brought in both Cheng Yueyang and Zhang Zejun.

Cheng Yueyang: [Why don't you tell Changze, he still doesn't know about the forum. ]

Zheng Qinghui: [Tell him what to do, you said, if you know that you have been slandered and scolded, would you be happy in your heart? He doesn't play forums anyway, so we can just suppress this matter directly to him. ]

Zhang Zejun: [How to suppress? ]

Zheng Qinghui: [Listen to me, let me tell you that if you have a brain like Chang Ze, then even the country will protect him if it knows it. Our roommates have been wronged before, but this time This matter must be settled. ]

Of course, he is also a little careful.

Although genius depends on IQ, he depends on hard work.

But if Ji Changze is willing to give him some advice.

He really wants to be a good person in his dreams.

So, when Ji Changze quickly absorbed knowledge, in a few days, three of his roommates had taken control of the forum.

[Changze is not a giant baby at all, and there is nothing to squeeze roommates. We have a good relationship in the dormitory. ]

——It's just that they always "help" Ji Changze, and Ji Changze never "help" them.

[He never said that he is a rich second generation, but you just guessed, those clothes and shoes were bought for him by his mother, your family is poor, but your mother didn't want you to suffer and bought you expensive clothes. , Can you still throw away your clothes without wearing them? ]

——Although Ji Changze's clothes seem to be a bit more expensive, according to their observations, Ji Changze doesn't even know the price of his clothes. He doesn't even know the latest brands, only knows that these are bought by his mother. It was given to him, and when they asked about Ji Changze's mother's career carefully, he replied that it was a day-knot nanny. Obviously, this is what Ji Changze's mother wants to give her son the best. His clothes are so expensive.

Sadly sigh! The mother's love for children is said to be like this.

[Also, with regard to the fact that he has no one in his eyes, the people in our entire dormitory can attest that his personality is like this, a nerd, he can only see books in his eyes, he doesn't even play forums, and Weibo is always regular Release, let me tell you this, you said that he squeezed our dormitory and made the people in our dormitory complain. We don't recognize it. ]

——Even if it was there before, I don't recognize it!

Like them, Qi Yishu has also participated in this [War of Protecting Zee].

[Although Changze looks cold, he is actually very honest. He doesn't stand on two boats like you said, and he has never concealed his family situation in front of me. ]

——Um... She seems to have never asked before, but it is not important.

[I know that someone must say that nothing is justified, so I went to the school and asked for monitoring that day. Please see the specific situation for yourself. ]

Attached to the bottom is monitoring.

Qi Yishu never thought about letting Ji Changze monitor him. After all, he got in by hacking. She went directly to the teacher and asked the teacher to apply for surveillance video from the guard.

If the person in the previous dormitory was Ji Changze, everyone would still have doubts.

But as soon as Qi Yishu came out, he brought on surveillance.

I clearly understand that the so-called embracing picture on two boats is basically a borrowing shot. Most people believe that this is a misunderstanding at all.

After all, what kind of giant baby, pedaling on two boats, squeezing roommates and pretending to be uncle, these things have always been tied together.

Now one of them has come up with strong evidence such as surveillance. Of course, the remaining "black materials" are not so real in the eyes of the people who eat melons.

Although there are still a small number of people who have opinions on Ji Changze because of this matter, they feel that he has been stained with black, and it will not be white no matter how much he washes it.

No one swears passionately anymore on the Internet.

But some people said of Ji Changze, "Ah, is that handsome but a giant baby, does he need his mother to accompany him to school when he goes to school?"

However, the problem is not big.

On the fourth day here, Ji Changze, who was in retreat and read, finally closed the last book.

Well, the skills are loaded.

He picked up the phone and sent a text message to Qi Yishu.

Qi Yishu, who was in the large classroom, felt the phone vibrate, and when he took it out, he smiled immediately.

The friend next to him asked in a low voice, "Who is so happy to see you smiling."

Qi Yishu said with a bit of ostentation: "It's my boyfriend. He seems to be planning to make something these days. He has read the book for several days. He is very serious. He just told me that he has almost read it, and he asked me today. eat."

As she said that, she was afraid that her friend would not believe it, and added: "My boyfriend and roommate also told me that he was very serious. Apart from eating and washing in the bathroom, she spent the rest of the time reading, even in class these days. His roommates answered for him."

"Wow! Your boyfriend is so hardworking."

Wang Sixuan, who was sitting in front, rolled his eyes.

Diligent, he didn't even go to class, he said he just read books? What if you are playing games.

This Qi Yishu is really stupid.

It's a pity that her previous arrangement was all well prepared, and the green wave of Qi Yi book made her ashamed.

Ji Changze, a scumbag, was also very cooperative. She was very happy at first, and she would be able to let Qi Yishu know what she was wearing a green grassland.

It turned out to be monitored.

The more I think about it, the more angry.

However, at this moment, she heard Qi Yishu say with a little triumph from behind: "The slander of my boyfriend on the forum before, I think about it, think it must be someone behind the scenes, or else you say, why? Coincidentally, someone took pictures of my boyfriend and other women, and then he posted on the Internet and said that my boyfriend is a rich second-generation boyfriend, and he pressed things that he hadn't done on him. In the end, so many things came out. [Enthusiasts] All kinds of revelations, this is obviously someone instigated!"

Wang Sixuan, who was still cursing in his heart, stiffened.

The whole person became nervous.

When did Qi Yishu, a flat chest and no brain, become so smart...

In case she is found out...no, no, she was hired online at the time and didn't use her usual account, how could she be found out.

But Qi Yishu turned out to be uncomfortable, and it was discovered that someone deliberately engaged her.

Then I heard Qi Yishu decisively behind him:

"Someone must have deliberately fucked my boyfriend!!"

Wang Sixuan: "..."

Qi Yishu: "My boyfriend is so smart. I called him yesterday and casually complained about the difficulty of the homework assigned by the teacher. He did it for me all at once. For such difficult homework, I was the only one in our department. finished."

"So, someone must be jealous that my boyfriend is too good to make so many twists and turns, the purpose is to ruin his reputation."

As she talked, she still felt a little pain.

In the past few days, Ji Changze was reading various books, so the two occasionally brought out a sentence or two when they chatted. She became more aware of how hard and good her boyfriend was.


She sighed: "Really, being too good is sometimes not a good thing."

Wang Sixuan sitting in front: "..."

She believed in the evil of Qi Yishu!