31|My giant baby, the country raises me (14)

News of the Southwest Earthquake spread quickly across the country. It was a big earthquake. As usual, one party was in difficulty and all parties provided support. The state machine was operating at high speed. Various cities began to donate money. Volunteers also set foot on the road to the Southwest. .

The major news pages were also slaughtered by earthquake news.

The only difference is that in the past, what major earthquakes have occurred, the news is to report the photos of the earthquake area, or what kind of efforts all parties are making for the rescue.

Everyone knows what the photo of the earthquake zone looks like.

Dilapidated, chaotic, crying people, exhausted soldiers, and hardworking medical staff.

And now, whether it is photos or videos uploaded to the Internet, the scenes are very...



It's hard to describe.

It is indeed a ruin, and it does look tragic and pitiful, but the rescue scene, but very different occasions, stand one by one.

Although after a week of magical publicity, everyone knows that this is actually not a ball but a protective shield that can block damage in the legend.

But when the protective cover is opened, it is just a ball!

The fastest and most popular one on the Internet is a video.

At the beginning of the video, the reporter explained to the video where and where most of the earthquake areas have been so far. The level of the earthquake has been judged to be. What time is the current time.

"The situation is fairly clear at the moment, because most people in the earthquake zone have protective covers. When an earthquake strikes, the protective covers open automatically. Now behind us are rescuers who are digging protective covers."

After he finished speaking, the camera focused on the dug out balls behind him.

In the video, after the ball was cleared by rescuers from the threat of being pressed above, the person who was still awake in the ball opened the protective cover and was later arranged to rest in another place. It can be clearly seen from the video, although the ball was dusted The covering turned into a big gray ball, but the people protected by it were completely clean and unharmed.

"We can see that the people who were rescued are still in a good state of mind, and there are still people who greet us with a smile."

After all, I haven't been trapped for long, because there will be instruments to detect whether there is life under the ground. Once it is ensured, there will be soldiers holding a glove-like thing and aiming at various stone ruins above.

In an instant, those stone ruins were blasted to ashes.

The strange thing is that it seems to be very powerful, but it didn't hurt the protective cover at all.

The soldiers didn't stop the photographer from taking the video, so this section was naturally recorded clearly.

The reporter found a rescuer who was stopping to take a rest and drink water, and asked what the machine could quickly blast the stone to ashes.

"That is Suimie. It is said to be the latest research and development. It can blast the hardest stones into dust in an instant, which is very suitable for rescue in the earthquake area."

"There is no mass production yet, but this time rescue is enough."

After the rescuers quickly finished speaking, they joined the rescue again.

Next, the reporter went around and filmed again, but the character and thoughts of the video here are already irritable.

Now wherever issues are discussed, basically no one is not discussing this matter.

Naturally, it also includes Ji Changze and their school forums, which are almost going to blow up.

[Have I crossed? How does it feel as if I have lived in school for more than a month, and the days have changed after coming out? Is this the global jump directly to the interstellar world? ? ]

[Upstairs, you are not alone, but not in the world, but only our country. I am studying in country a. Now the news in country a is also the news of the protective shield and the death of the year. Someone asked me today if it's our country. Not only has kung fu, but also cultivates immortals. ]

[Really, let alone cultivating immortals, I don't think it's strange that even a Mowu continent pops up now. I even feel like I'm still dreaming without waking up. When I had a protective shield before, I felt awkward. After a year of death, how do I feel that our technology seems to have rushed from the cavemen to the interstellar age all at once. ]

[The upstairs is exaggerated. Why is our technology like cavemen? The protective shield and Sui Mie are about the same as Interstellar, but what is going on? Shouldn't this thing emerge until we are seventy and eighty? This is too early. ]

[Our country's beef batch! ! ! I am also an international student. After I went abroad, I discovered that many foreigners have a lot of misunderstandings about our country. This time I feel very long-faced! Now my classmates are asking me what's the situation. After all, in their impression, our country is still a backward country. Today, I pretend to tell them that our country has always been like this, attaching importance to science and technology and the people. Suddenly, I felt so proud in my heart, and almost didn't cry me proudly. ]

[Chinese beef batch +1]

[Chinese beef batch +2]


[Chinese beef batch +10086]

[Don't digress upstairs, aren't we discussing the issue of decay and protective cover? When did the country start the research? There was no news before. Is this intended to surprise us? ]

[The country wants to study how to beat the gongs and drums. Tell us, I think it must have been studying it, but the effect of this year's death is a bit familiar to me, as if I have seen it before. ]

[Familiar +1, I remember that I have seen a robot protect its owner before, which has the same effect as Sui Mie. When I was laughing, the water spurted out. ]

[301 robot, I am the president of the 301 support club. It was our school who invented 301. Later, it seemed that the Ministry of National X made an exception. The four seniors hadn't shown up for a long time. I stayed there for so long. My 301 developers have not touched their hands. By the way, if you are interested in our 301, welcome to join. The group number is...]

[Fuck! ! I turned to the video, it's really the same. The 301 robot went out first, and appeared after the year passed. Those boys who made 301 were recruited into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and haven't shown up for so long. Suddenly one came out of my heart. Bold ideas. ]

[Thinking about it is extremely scary, wouldn't it really be developed by the students of our school? So awesome? ! ]

[I remember that one of the 301 developers has melons in our forum. Someone chased him and scolded him every day, but he didn't seem to show up yesterday. ]

Just when some students in the school forum followed the vine and picked up some of Ji Changze's melons, the people outside the country who didn't know the inside story were still discussing it in full swing.

If something happened before, there was always a fight on the Internet.

But now, no one is arguing.

Because the casualties have been sorted out in a very fast time.

In an earthquake of this magnitude, the total death toll did not exceed 50.

As soon as this data was released, the whole country was stunned.

Even if everyone saw the video before, and saw the people protected by the protective cover, they can see a video, which is different from seeing the final result.

Today is an information-based society, and basically everyone knows what this major earthquake will bring.

In the past, when a similar major earthquake occurred, it was not because of heavy casualties.

But this time, although there were still casualties, it can definitely be said that the danger has been greatly reduced.

And according to the results reported so far, the number of missing is aside for the time being. Those who have been confirmed dead either did not buy a protective cover, or they bought a protective cover, but they happened to not wear it when the earthquake hit.

This is also bad luck.

It is the country that implements the protective shield. After Ji Changze's approval, the price is set to be simply cheap. Coupled with the brainwashing version of the wild bombing, the news room is very serious.

Elderly people who are most reluctant to buy things are also willing to buy. After all, this is the state promoted, and the elderly can be reluctant to eat, reluctant to wear, but cannot bear to be healthy.

Even if they don't buy it themselves, they still have to buy it for their children.

Children are even simpler. Who doesn't want their family members to be healthy and not be taken away by disaster?

Now that there are so many car accidents, it is of course necessary to prevent them in case.

In particular, most young people of this generation use mobile phones. After seeing some videos of buyers experimenting with their own eyes, they have no doubts.

The elderly on the top, the children on the bottom, and the companions around them all have to buy them, and they will also urge them to wear them in every possible way.

The superposition of various factors made this accident happen, and the big earthquake that caught everyone off guard did not cause too many casualties.

The house can be rebuilt, and the money can be earned again, but there is only one life.

After the list came out, it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole country was plunged into a mood of excitement and pride.

This sentiment became even more enthusiastic after the news that "foreigners wanted to buy protective shields, but they were rejected because they were not natives".

Although the country has implemented a lot of efforts, it is limited to three sets per person, and the ID card of the people of the country must be used for the purchase.

The ID card will be entered when buying it, like the two sets that Qi's father bought for Qi Yishu before, that is, the daughter's identity information is entered. Those two sets can't be used by anyone except her.

The protective cover can only be used once. After all, it is simple to inflate it to protect people. After the protection is over, it is difficult to take it back. After each use, the database will show that it has been destroyed. At this time, the person who bought the protective cover can come. buy again.

And you can't buy more, you can only buy one if you destroy one set.

For a child, if the child can no longer wear the old protective cover, he can trade the old for a new one without charging a penny.

The caring one can't be caring anymore.

The country has achieved this point, which has made many people proud and warm-hearted.

High-tech such as protective cover has never appeared before. As long as the country wants to sell a set of millions, there is no shortage of people to buy it.

After all, this is not clothes, it's fate.

But the country has lowered prices and sold them in large quantities. In the fastest time, all the people in the country can use the protective cover.

In the previous week, there were various bombardments in news advertisements. Some people were still talking about why our country was so eager to make money.

Now that there is a major earthquake, no one is beeping anymore.

Is that to make money? !

It is obviously to let everyone avoid the possible danger as soon as possible.

After all, there are so many people across the country, and people die every day because of accidents, but if you buy a protective cover, it is a life.

Some people in this country have actually been affected by history.

Some people think that the moon abroad is round.

And now, the country has taken this sentence to the ground with great strength.

The moon abroad is round, is there a protective cover abroad! Is there any age? !

Can a foreigner survive a car accident?

They can't!

Our country can!

Not only energy, our country also sells cheaply, just to ensure the safety of our people.

And foreign countries have indeed deep-fried.

They admit that China is much better than before, but it is only a developing country.

But now, why all of a sudden, such a powerful high-tech emerged in China.

A few decades ago, wasn't China still a poor and backward country? !

How long has it been, the Rockets have not been so fast! !

After being surprised, doubting the true and false, and frantically collecting evidence, the thoughts of these foreigners finally fell into one place.

We also want protective covers! !

We also want to be safe! !

There were even people who rushed to China by plane overnight, trying to buy protective covers.

For a time, the demand for flights to China was in short supply.

It's just a pity that Hua Guo currently does not sell protective shields to the outside world.

Of course, it's not that there is no way to supply the quantity.

In the previous seven days, they were simply working overtime and putting on protective covers in large quantities without stopping, just to get the whole country to wear protective covers one day earlier, so that their safety would be as early as one day earlier.

Now, of course, I am close to my family first.

Want it abroad?


Give money.

what? The price we sell to you is more than a hundred times the price we sell to Chinese people?

Isn't this the welfare of our own country?

Do you know how expensive our protective cover is? Do you know how difficult it is to make it? Do you know how hard our country works? !

Foreigner: "..."

Forget it, Shinobu, who makes his own without this technology.

But it doesn't matter, wait until they buy back the protective cover and study it carefully, they will be able to...

——Well, I can't study it.

No matter how top gangsters they send, they can't figure out the working principle of this protective cover.

In the end, they had no choice but to give up.

It's just that from the bottom of my heart, I still have a doubt.

Who is the developer of the protective cover? ! !

It would be nice to know who it is. If such a talent can hook up in their own country, it would be pretty good.

But why haven't I heard of such a powerful figure in China before, is it hidden?

Pooh! It's really sinister!

"Are you not going to keep hiding me?" Ji Changze put down the book he had read and glanced at Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing is now accustomed to the way the baby egg speaks, he hehe smiled: "That's not hiding, that's protection."

"Well, don't you plan to continue to protect me?"

Zhang Xing: "..."

He admitted: "It's hidden, it's hidden, Changze, the robot named 301 you made before was posted on the Internet at that time. This time the Southwest disaster relief, Sui Mian was also exposed to people, their effect In this way, some people have already guessed that you have something to do with Sui Mie."

"Since we have all guessed it, we can't hide it anymore, and we have a protective cover. You personally want to go back to school. After a meeting, we decided to agree to you to go back to school."

Don't look at what he said is such an understatement.

In fact, he agreed with Ji Changze's decision to return to school. At least five meetings were held.

In the end, it was agreed because of Ji Changze's special situation.

He is a hero. He has just rescued most of the people in the disaster area. Now he just wants to go back to school. If they don't even agree to this, then he is really a little bit afraid of chilling people's hearts.

Although Zhang Xing felt that Ji Changze never thought that he needed a chill.

"Of course, you still have to follow people by your side. The school specially approved a laboratory building for you. You can order people to be your assistants. Three meals a day are prepared by special personnel, and there is..."

After Zhang Xing Balabala finished the various details of [How to take good care of a giant baby in all directions], he breathed a long sigh of relief and asked Ji Changze softly:

"Changze, do you understand?"

Ji Changze: "No."

"If you understand..." Zhang Xing had a business meal, and naturally changed to another sentence: "No, it doesn't matter. If you don't understand in the future, just ask me, and I will answer it for you."

Ji Changze nodded, just about to say something, when the phone rang.

Zhang Xing still stood as he used to, but his neck stretched out to see what it was that made Ji Changze, who had always been happy and angry, slightly curled up his lips.

Even the eyebrows seemed to be smiling.

Seeing the young man's quick reply, after putting down the phone, he whispered, "Girlfriend?"


Ji Changze nodded, and when he raised his eyes, his eyes were still slightly bright.

He said: "My father-in-law and mother-in-law want to meet me."

Zhang Xing: "..."

Zhang Xing: "Wait a minute, aren't you a girlfriend?"

Isn't it that the two are still in love, or that they are from the same university? ?

Isn't it? ?

The person in front of him gave him a puzzled look: "Yes."

Zhang Xing: "...you are called father-in-law and mother-in-law before getting married?"

Ji Changze: "It will end sooner or later."

Zhang Xing: "..."

So sure?

Sure enough, the big guy is the big guy, and he can be confident in this aspect.

While thinking about it, he took the matter of [Baby Dan wants to marry his girlfriend] in mind.

As a responsible nursery teacher, he also suggested: "Seeing that the elders are for gifts, do you know what gifts to bring?"

Ji Changze answered happily; "I don't know."

Zhang Xing was not surprised.

It would be strange if Ji Changze knew him.

He nodded: "Then I will help you arrange a gift, and then I will pick you up clothes that your elders can like. Where do you meet at night? Why don't you meet at a hotel? It's convenient and private. I'll help you book a hotel. By the way, since To see my parents, is Aunt Qin going too? I will take aunty to put on makeup and change clothes, and some sets of jewellery, as well as the security of the hotel. I have to prepare quickly..."

Fearing that he would forget, Zhang Xing simply said as he took out his notebook and jotted it down.

Ji Changze, who obviously saw his parents but didn't need to worry at all, continued to look down at the book.

On the other hand, after Qi Yishu received his news, he immediately called his parents happily.

"Parents, how are you playing? Nagasawa asked you to meet today."

Dad Qi hummed: "We have been here for the past few days. You always say that he has no time or time. How busy this kid is. He is so busy that he can't even make time for his girlfriend and parents."

Qi Yishu hurriedly prolonged the tune and acted like a baby with his parents: "Didn't I explain to you, the Southwest earthquake, Changze is studying a machine that can detect life below, I told him that you will play around in the capital before meeting. It's important to save people."

Dad Qi: Shit.

"Then why did you tell him again? Don't tell me that he has already worked out that machine in such a short time."

"No, Dad, Changze is amazing. He has researched it out in such a short time. How can he be so smart?"

As Qi Yishu talked, she covered her face with her sleeves with joy and excitement. If this was in the dormitory, she could go to the bed and roll around.

Her parents Ze! !

a! ! !

Dad Qi: "...you believe it?"

"I believe it, this is Changze. Dad, didn't I tell you? Changze is very powerful. He developed the sill and the protective cover. The Southwest earthquake saved many people."

Dad Qi: ...This girl has no hope.

In such a short time, a machine that sounds amazing was made. It was reported by both domestic and foreign countries that it was a cross-century study of the year and the protective cover. It was made by a student in his early twenties?

Don't brag like that.

Isn't it because the country has not announced the name of the developer?

It's really shameless.

"That's okay, I saw this hung up in the evening."

He hung up the phone, patted his hands and feet, and said to his mother Qi who was sitting on the side of the bed: "You said, is your daughter a fool?"

"Your daughter is a fool!"

Mom Qi became angry when she heard it, and her feet suddenly closed from the footbath: "If you don't wash it, you are annoying, every day, you know that Yi Shu is stupid, I think she was stupid by you. ."

"If you don't wash it, I will wash it."

Dad Qi washed his hands and sat down on the side of the bed, soaking his feet while saying:

"Then she's not stupid, how could I say, you said those things she said before, ah, I have a boyfriend, he is in his early twenties, and is as old as her, a student, what is the development of a protective cover, and It's the development of Suimie, and now it's a few days after that, a machine that can detect life has been developed. By the way, this machine hasn't existed before. The lies he said are so fake. Your daughter still believes her. Who is not stupid?"

Mother Qi gave him a white look: "Then can't someone develop a better one? Yishu is a little naive, but she is not so stupid."

"Not yet, I think that kid is a liar, deceiving our daughter, by the way, maybe I want to cheat money."

Dad Qi was still worried, and took out his cell phone: "I went to their school forum to search, if this kid is a habitual offender, maybe he can leave a little clue...Let me see, his name is Ji Changze, Ji Changze..."

Mother Qi yawned.

"Go to the detective Di Renjie, search hard, I want to take a nap, and see others at night, don't bother me."

She fell asleep, and only Qi Dad looked at Ji Changze, who was full of screens, with a dazed expression.

He just searched casually.

So many came out in the end? ?

Picking and picking, he found one of the tallest buildings and looked at it.

While watching, picking keywords.

[Giant Baby]

[Two boats on foot]

[Take Mom to University]

[Holding my roommate's car to make a girl]

There are pictures, there are truths, there are reasons and evidence, and people who eat melons.

Dad Qi looked at more than fifty floors in one breath, and almost didn't take out the nunchaku to kill the bastard who dared to lie to his daughter through the Internet.

He can't stand it anymore.

No way, some people even said that Ji Changze never worked in the dormitory, did not sweep the floor, and did not dump trash. He was justified in letting his roommates do it.

This is so if he really got married with his daughter, wouldn't his daughter have to serve Ji Changze for a lifetime.

Can't bear it!

Can't bear it! !

Where's his nunchaku? ! !

Dad Qi was about to find the nunchaku and calmed down again.

Yes, he should show this post to his daughter first.

The clear evidence is here, so Qi Yishu can never be blinded.

However, what disappointed Qi's father was that Qi Yishu was really "blind".

After receiving his message, she replied like this:

[Dad, those are all fake. Chang Ze and his roommate have a good relationship. What else is he picking up girls? That's also fake. The photos are borrowed. They never encountered them. I have seen the surveillance. You will see later. ]

Dad Qi: [What about the giant baby? ? He took mom to college! Yishu, isn't this the Mama Baonan in your mom watching TV series? ? Momboy! ! Momboy! ! ]

He is a man who knows how difficult Ma Baonan is!

Qi Yishu: [Dad, there is a reason for this. I admit that Changze has shortcomings and he is not very good at taking care of himself, but it is really harmless and okay. He is also in a special situation. I think I can understand him, and Dad Don't worry, someone will take care of it in Changze. ]

[Okay, I won't say anything, class is in, see you tonight. ]

Dad Qi: "..."

He put down the phone slumpedly and slapped his forehead with a slap.

It's over.

The daughter is already stupid.

At this moment, his mood is like that in the story of Liao Zhai, watching the fox seduce his child, but he just takes the poor elder who can't do anything about it.

There is still someone to take care of.

It is written above that Ji Changze's mother is a nanny. Of course, Qi's father is not discriminating against a nanny. He just thinks about the monthly salary of the nanny. It can be seen that Ji Changze's family is just an ordinary family.

Who will take care of him? ?

Angel? ! !

If his daughter really entered this fire pit, it wouldn't be his daughter, a cute, beautiful, sensible, well-behaved but silly angel to take care of.


I really don't know what Mongolian sweat medicine was given to his daughter, and a child with normal three outlooks, now I actually feel that Ma Baonan and the giant baby are nothing.

Bah baah baah.

Maybe it's under Gu.

Dad Qi got more and more angry, got up and pinched his nunchaku, thought about it, and stuffed it into his bag.

it is good! !

When they met in the evening, he confronted Ji Changze.

If this kid dared to pester his daughter, he would let this guy know that Qi Dongqiang, he didn't just rely on his clever head to get to this point.

The evening time came soon.

Qi's father Baidu about the hotel where Ji Changze asked them to meet.

Good guys.

High-end, luxurious.

Such a good place, this kid is really willing to spend money.

It seems that I was going to be reluctant to let the money go to the girl.

The two arrived at the hotel together, Qi's mother didn't know what Qi's father planned, and the car was still a little excited and said to him:

"I heard that this hotel is full of amazing people, and the location is difficult to book. Yishu's boyfriend can be arranged here, how can it be a bit capable? I said, our daughter is not bad-sighted."

Dad Qi touched the bag: "Haha."

"Look at you, it's always like this. The girl is older, just talk about a boyfriend, don't be so sensitive.

Dad Qi: "You'll know when you arrive."

When they arrived at the entrance of the hotel, they reported their room number at the front desk, and they were taken upstairs by the sweet-smiling front desk girl.

Upstairs was quiet, the doors were all open, but there was no one in the aisle. Mother Qi looked at it strangely, "Isn't your business downstairs pretty good? Why is there no one on the second floor?"

The girl at the front desk showed an impeccable smile on money: "The second floor was covered by a guest of 222."

Room 222 is the room Qi Yishu said her boyfriend had booked.

Dad Qi: "Tsk."

Mother Qi: "Yeah."

She whispered to Dad Qi: "Look, Yishu's boyfriend is pretty magnificent."

"What is the atmosphere? There are only four of us. He covered the entire floor. Is this atmosphere? This is stupid! This is waste!"

Dad Qi angrily criticized Ji Changze's behavior of spending money, Lao Jianghu sneered: "This kid has a deep heart. He has covered this floor because he wants to shock us, making us think he is rich and willing. Spending money is actually trying to put a long line to catch a big fish, sneer, can I see this little trick?"

Mother Qi: "..."

Don't you just look at a future son-in-law?

It's just a boyfriend, even if you get married, it's not that you can't get a divorce.

It's the same as Gong Dou.

She didn't bother to pay attention to her husband, and went straight to the front. When Qi's dad, who was still chattering about Ji Changze, saw her running away, he shut up and followed behind.

"Two, here it is."

The girl at the front desk smiled and made a gesture of inviting in, and then stood at the door, as if she was waiting here to respond to customer requests.

Father Qi glanced at her, and while thinking about the good service attitude, he opened the door and went in.

"Parents, you are here."

Qi Yishu, who was talking to Ji Changze with a smile, stood up when he saw the two of them.

Qin Xinlian, who was sitting next to her, also stood up nervously, pulling up her son who didn't know he should stand up by the way.

"You are Yishu's father and mother, right? Hello, hello, I am Changze's mother, my name is Qin Xinlian, and you can call me Xinlian."

The high-spirited father Qi faced Qin Xinlian's warm attitude, friendly smile and welcome words: "..."

As the saying goes, if you don't hit the smiley person with your hand, people laugh, he can't come up and turn his face.

He hesitated for a second, and put on a smiling face. Mother Qi was surprised, and enthusiastically shook hands, and several people took their seats.

Qi's father consciously wanted to find someone or to find the righteous master, and sat directly next to Ji Changze.

"Nagaze, right?"

Ji Changze nodded: "Yes, hello Dad."

Dad Qi: "..."

Qi Yi Shuteng blushed, hurriedly pushed her boyfriend, and hurriedly explained to his father: "It's not Dad, Changze, he doesn't speak well."

As she spoke, she rarely complained shyly to her boyfriend in a low voice: "You said you, why did you say what was in your heart."

Dad Qi: "..."

He smiled stiffly; "Nagaze, you should call me uncle, after all, you are just in love and not engaged, are you."

"Yes, uncle."

The pale-looking guy in front of him obediently changed his words.

Before Qi's father was proud to win, he heard him continue to say: "Then listen to Uncle, I and Yishu will get engaged sooner."

Dad Qi: "..."

He couldn't help looking at his daughter: "Look at your boyfriend, he..."

His words were choked.

Qi Yishu, who has always been careless, is blushing and covering his face, ashamed to not look at it:

"Then I'll listen to Dad, get engaged earlier."

Dad Qi:...

If he hadn't seen her fingers spread so open, he would really think his daughter was shy.

"No, wait a minute, Changze. Let me ask you something. You told my daughter that you developed the Sui Miao and the protective cover, right? Then why does the country never announce that it is you?"

Ji Changze replied with a serious face: "They said they wanted to protect me."


Shit, kind of editable.

What about acting in a TV series?

Dad Qi squeezed out a smirk and didn't laugh: "Also, your mother came to the capital with you to take care of you. Isn't this true?"

"Also, it is said that you never do housework and do not know how to sweep the floor. Really?"

Ji Changze would definitely not admit it.

At that time, he took out his mobile phone, opened the forum, and killed this kid.

Ji Changze: "It's true."

Dad Qi sneered: I knew this kid would not accept...what? ? ?

He looked at the calm face of the young man with a dazed expression on his face.

Then he hurried to see his daughter: "Yishu, did you hear that? He admitted that his mother came to the capital to take care of him. It was so hard to take care of his son who came to college!"

I still have to take care of my mother after college. What is this not a giant baby? ! What is it! !

Ji Changze admits it himself, Yi Shu can't still believe him blindly, right? ?

Dad Qi was full of confidence, but he nodded his head admiringly when he saw Qi Yishu: "Yes, Dad, Auntie is really great, Changze was taken care of by her before."

She sighed in particular: "It's good to have an aunt for so many years, now it's alright, and Changze has made such an achievement, and the aunt can also enjoy the good fortune."

Dad Qi: "..."

Yishu is no longer blind.

This is so blind! !

He looked at his daughter madly: "He doesn't do housework, you are together, who will do housework in the future??!!!"

Qi Yishu hugged her boyfriend's arm and looked at his father suspiciously: "Dad, I remember I told you before that the country will send someone to take care of Changze, and of course someone does the housework."

Dad Qi: "..."

This kind of nonsense, his daughter with a normal IQ in college would believe it? ?

The country is looking for someone! !

To Ji Changze! !

Do housework? ! ! !

Is this really a cold joke? ! !

He really didn't want to beep with his madly dragging daughter, and suddenly stood up and grabbed Ji Changze's arm: "Go, let's go to the corridor to talk."

The two over there are discussing "You look good in your clothes and match you", "How can you look good in yours" "Your daughter is really good and sensible, I like it" "Your son is a talent who looks at you and makes people like it." "My mother looked at him blankly by his movement.

Dad Qi took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile: "It's okay, I want to talk to Changze about a man's topic."

Ji Changze stood up and nodded under Qi Yishu's worried sight: "Good dad."

Dad Qi: "...Call Uncle!"

Ji Changze: "Good uncle."

This conversation caused laughter from the two mothers.

"Look at them both, how fun."

"Hahahaha don't look at Old Qi like this. My dad didn't agree at the beginning. He also chased after my dad's ass and shouted for him, but he was angry with my dad.

"Really, tell me quickly, Changze and his dad are not so romantic, just blind dates."

"I and Lao Qi are not on a blind date, let me tell you..."

Dad Qi: "..."

He tried to maintain his normal expression and went out with Ji Changze. When he arrived at the door, something rang out, and he came back and took his bag.

When he arrived in the deserted hallway, Qi's father looked around and found that only the front desk was standing there. It is estimated that from this distance, they could not hear what they said, so don't worry.

"Listen, I don't know what you want to do to lie to my daughter, but as his dad, I certainly won't stand by."

Ji Changze's expression was still faint, but he blinked in confusion:

"Uncle, what are you talking about?"

Dad Qi is about to get an angry laugh: "You still pretend to be foxes for thousands of years. What are you doing here with me? I tell you boy, you are wrong. The nonsense is too outrageous, and it is protected by the state. You, the country sends someone to do the housework for you, you brag and don't write drafts, you can tell this kind of lies."

"Just say, you're the one that the country wants to protect, right? You have developed the anti-aging and protective shields, right, then why is there no one around you? Don't protect you? You want to be really good, they are not afraid of you Has no one around him been shot?"

Ji Changze: "I have a protective shield, no one can shoot me."

Dad Qi: "...I do too, don't let me slip your head, let me tell you."

"They sent someone here, but Yi Shu said he was afraid to scare you, so..."

Dad Qi interrupted Ji Changze: "So you let them go back? Boy, don't beep anymore. You can't find anyone today, I absolutely don't believe it."

He patted his bag, and showed a smile that he had been training hard for many years, dragging the cool tyrant to the sky: "Do you know what's inside?"

Ji Changze lowered his eyes slightly, and quickly assessed the size of the bag and the degree of bulging: "stick-like objects, two, about seventy centimeters in length, iron products."

Dad Qi sneered: "No, this is something that you can call Dad!"

Then, he saw the face of the young man standing opposite, showing a glimmer of realisation.

Then he opened his mouth, again with a familiar faint voice:

"If you want, Dad."

Dad Qi: "..."

"I just told you not to call my father uncle!"

The youth's white face showed some doubts: "You just said, let me call Dad."

Dad Qi: "..."

Ah, ah, ah, this kid is definitely an old fox! ! Oil and salt don't get in! !

Ji Changze tried to explain again: "Dad, if you are suspicious, I do have someone next to me, but Yishu said before that I was afraid to scare you, so they went to other rooms to rest..."

"This room is empty. Treat me as blind, don't force me to do it, you!"

Dad Qi interrupted him directly, trying to make a ferocious look, while reaching out his hand to take out the nunchaku from his bag to scare Ji Changze.

Then, from his perspective, you can see that the beauty on the front desk who was originally standing in a beautiful posture showed shock for an instant after seeing his actions, and shouted with a rough and crazy voice that was completely inconsistent with the soft and sweet voice before:

"He wants to kill! Stop him!!"

At this moment, Qi's father still had half a second of thinking in his brain.


Who are you stopping? ?

Then, hula la.

Dad Qi watched, and the doors of the rooms on the whole floor that had originally appeared to be empty and open were huffed like a chicken farm when they heard chickens knocking on the food bowl.

They were all armed, armed with guns, and quickly surrounded them vigilantly and cautiously.

In an instant, this corridor was filled with people.

The sweet "girl" at the front desk stepped forward and threw the wig on his head when he ran over, holding a gun in one hand, and guarding Ji Changze.

After discovering that Qi's father was holding a nunchaku, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to his father: "I'm so sorry, sorry."

He turned around and gave a military salute to Ji Changze: "Sorry, I was too nervous, you two continue."

After finishing speaking, seeing Ji Changze nodded, he made a gesture, and for a moment, in the eyes of Dad Qi, these people were like the chickens who went back to the henhouse to sleep at night, and they all rushed to other rooms in batches.

While apologizing carefully, the front desk took the nunchaku away, bowed, and ran back to pick up the wig and put it on, and continued to stand perfectly.

No more than a minute before and after, the corridor experienced empty-crowded-empty again.

Come out as fast as the wind.

Retreat is as steady as a dog.

Dad Qi, who is still holding his own bag: "..."

His brain wavered and couldn't decide between whether he was surprised that "so many people came out suddenly and so many people disappeared together" or "this front desk is actually a man".

By the way, my brain recalled the chicken farm that was built when I first started a business.

Then, it crashed.