32|My giant baby, the country raises me (15)

These people move lightly and withdraw quickly. When Qi's mother heard the movement, she looked out strangely: "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's just that a waiter accidentally spilled the dishes just now."

The "girl" at the front desk calmed up Qi's mother with a smile.

Mother Qi didn't think much, and shouted at his father Qi who was standing in the corridor; "Old Qi, you will come back after you talk about it, and the food will be ready in a while."

Dad Qi:...

His brain is still crashing.

Ji Changze shook his hand gently in front of his eyes: "Uncle?"

Dad Qi reacted, followed by a violent cough: "Cough cough cough cough, um, um, those people just now, they..."

Ji Changze looked natural: "They are the ones who came to protect me."

Dad Qi: "Hold a gun...protect it?"

"Yes, they have always been like this."

Dad Qi: "..."

He slowed down for almost a minute before regaining a little sense: "Then you, that age, and the protective cover, is it really you?"

Seeing the young man with affirmative face in front of him nodded, with an expression of "Isn't this taken for granted?" Dad Qi's expression cracked.

This, this is how it is, so...

Well, he really doesn't know how to describe his mood.

In short, it's weird.

Okay, let him take care of it.

The daughter told him that her boyfriend was the one who developed the protective cover.

He thought this was a liar.

It turned out that the other party was really not a liar.

Ji Changze told him that he was surrounded by people protected by the state.

He thought Ji Changze was bragging.

As a result, this young man was really not bragging.

Ji Changze looked at Dad Qi suspiciously, and shouted: "Uncle?"

"No, no, wait, wait, let me slow down."

Dad Qi waved his hand again and again, only to find it puzzled.

"You...you..." His hands raised and lowered, lowered and raised, and finally couldn't help but point to the young man in front of him, and asked in a very incomprehensible tone: "How does your brain grow? ??"

He is the same age as Yishu.

Yishu still only knows to eat, drink and have fun every day.

But Ji Changze, he had already made such a great achievement.

This is not in line with common sense!

A smile appeared on Ji Changze's face: "Uncle, you want to know this."

"My brain is composed of left and right hemispheres. There are horizontal nerve fibers connected between the two hemispheres. Each hemisphere includes: the cerebral cortex, and..."

Seeing his father Qi who is going to have a brain-planning lesson with him here: "..."

"Stop it!"

He hurriedly stopped: "No, I mean, those things about you are true?"

"After entering the Ministry of State X, I have developed a extinguisher, a protective cover, what else to detect and what else, there are people from the country to protect, and the country will send someone to take care of you?"

Ji Changze nodded happily: "Yes."

Dad Qi was stunned for a full ten seconds before he came out: "...That's not right."

Although Ji Changze's expression was still faint, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

Qi's father blurted out subconsciously: "Then why do you like my Jiayi Book?"

Ji Changze: "?"

Dad Qi: "Ahem, I mean, it's amazing that you two can be together."

The confusion in Ji Changze's eyes is even heavier.

Obviously, I don't understand what Qi's father said.

If before, Dad Qi must have thought that this kid was pretending, but now that he knows that Ji Changze wears a genius halo, he thinks that this kid probably didn't understand it.

Dad Qi counted them one by one: "Look at you, you look great, you are successful in your career at a young age, and with such a great achievement, you will definitely have no shortage of money, no shortage of money, no lack of reputation, and good looks. "

Look at their family-friendly books. They are very thin and have two legs like the matchsticks. They also have a boy's head cut off. Every day I know how to eat, drink and play. I never take pictures or show beauty. , I have also been linked to the branch before.

Every day, bluffing and bluffing can be more noisy than a boy.

In Qi's father's heart, his daughter was all good at that time.

But this doesn't mean he doesn't know the shortcomings of Qi Yishu.

Look at the appearance of Ji Changze in front of him.

Good guy, the young man has a thief spirit, a white body and a long body, with good-looking features, and his temperament, cold and cold.

At first glance, it is very suitable to play Xiaolong Nan.

Dad Qi directly emptied a series of labels such as "beautiful", "pretending" and "barely able to see" that he had previously given to Ji Changzejia in his heart.

Such a good-looking guy who is still under national protection and has a bright future at a young age.

For a while, he didn't know whether it was the pig that drove his cabbage, or his cabbage drove such a good pig.

At this moment, Qi's father believed in Ji Changze.

It's just that the feelings between my daughter and him are even more uneasy in the bottom of my heart.

Ji Changze's conditions can definitely be better. Although their Qi family is rich, they don't actually have any background. Yishu's idiot and Bai Bai is not very sweet.

From his youth to the present, I don't know how many people he has met, and he also knows that the more handsome a man is, the higher the chance of becoming derailed. Of course, this may also be because the ugly man derailed and everyone will not pay attention to gossip at all.

In short, in order to make his wife feel at ease, he tried so hard to eat himself fat.

And Ji Changze...

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Qi's father knew that if Ji Changze's achievements were really true, Yi Shu would be somewhat eclipsed in front of him.

These two people are young, young people, no matter how vigorous they like them, when they are out of society and grow up, most of them can't hold on.

And there is Ji Changze's temperament.

He frowned, not very optimistic about the relationship between the two.

Dad Qi loves money, but he loves his daughter even more. It is not a good thing that one person in his relationship life is better.

I was thinking about how I would tactfully talk to Qi Yishu about my considerations when I went back, and heard Ji Changze in front of me ask in his iconic faint voice: "Uncle, what do you think of the day next month on the 1st?"

"Huh? Not bad, very good."

Father Qi was immersed in his thoughts, he answered casually, and suddenly reacted: "Wait, what do you ask this for?"

Ji Changze waved, and he saw a man immediately emerge from the room behind them.

Then, Ji Changze said: "Help me write it down. I will be engaged to Yishu on the 1st of next month."


Zhang Xing skillfully took out the notepad and jotted it down quickly.

Dad Qi: "???"

"No, wait, young man, you can't do things like this, you're a routine me, I haven't agreed yet."

Ji Changze looked up blankly; "Didn't you just say it was pretty good?"

Dad Qi: "..."

"No, no, you don't want to fool around, young man, I know, you are now dependent on the country and have the ability to do it, but this is not only about getting engaged or getting married, but what I say is also the elders of Yishu, you are like this. Me, how can you reassure me?"

He was a little angry.

Today's mood is a bit fluctuating.

From [waiting to watch the show calmly] to [sufficient] to [being scared to be stunned] finally became the current anger.

He admitted that Ji Changze is a good pig.

White, tender and smooth.

But this young man's attitude is really bad.

Dad Qi took a deep breath; "Let's not talk about your attitude, let's just say that you confessed to me personally before, you don't do anything, your mother, ah, although she is not too old to walk , But it's almost fifty years old, right? You let your mother follow you all the way to the capital to be a nanny, just to take care of you. You are not filial even your mother, how can you make me believe that you are right? Good book?"

"Don't say today that you are protected by the state, even if you are a god, I would not agree to be engaged in such a hurry!"


Stand firmly.

Ji Changze guessed that Qi's father would react like this.

After all, anyone who loves their daughter a little bit will never marry their daughter to someone who doesn't do any housework.

However, according to his personality, he certainly wouldn't explain it.

But it does not matter.

The omnipotent country is still there, right?

Zhang Xing also held a notepad in his hand, and looked at Ji Changze, who looked dazed and didn't know how to deal with it, and glanced at Qi's father who was full of "Nothing to talk about."

This can't work!

He has been following Ji Changze these days, but he knows how important Qi Yishu is to Ji Changze.

What if Ji Changze is sad because the relationship between the two died due to parental interference.

His temperament is too "incomprehensible", and he still doesn't know what he will do.

After all, every time Zheng Qinghui beeped something casually before, Ji Changze could do it in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Xing stood up bravely.

He put the notepad in his pocket, took Qi Dad to the side and walked two steps, whispered Barabara:

"Uncle Qi, you really have a misunderstanding of Changze."

"Let me tell you, in fact, Changze didn't have a problem with his attitude, but he didn't have the concept of human relations that ordinary people should have. He really didn't mean to disrespect you. Let me tell you that the country sent someone to him before. Tested..."

"Yes! It's because he is too smart, so his brain will automatically clean up a lot of things, and the remaining space will save knowledge. We were sent to take care of him because of this..."

"What about the giant infant? You have seen how powerful he is. To tell you, Changze can't even fold a quilt, but you can rest assured that it has already been mentioned above. In his entire life, we absolutely He will always take good care of him. Changze doesn't work, but your daughter doesn't have to work. Someone will take care of them."

Almost finished explaining, he started to lower his voice, playing the emotional card:

"Regarding filial piety, Changze is actually very filial to his mother, but you have seen his temperament. Aunt Qin is worried that Changze will come to the capital with Changze. Thanks, we asked him what he wanted, and he said that he wanted his mother not to work hard. Tell me, isn't this called filial piety?"

Zhang Xing's voice is sad, with three-point uncomfortable special effects:

"And you told me about the post you saw on the forum. To tell you, it was someone who was jealous of his being too good and deliberately punished him. Fortunately, Changze never looked at the forum and didn't know about it. Several of his roommates, together with your daughter, took care of this matter."

"Hey, he has a deep affection for your daughter. He is obsessed with research, but no matter how busy he is every day, he always thinks about contacting your daughter for the first time. This time he knows that your second elder is coming, he doesn't know how happy he is. "

Having said this, Zhang Xing looked at Ji Changze, who was standing faceless and looking at them quietly, choked, and the topic changed: "If you want to get engaged, he also wants to be responsible. It's just that there is something wrong in the way of speaking. It's understandable. After all, he doesn't understand this at all. Look, you just got angry, what happened to his sadness?"

The anger in Qi's father's heart also disappeared. He looked back and hesitated: "Is he sad?"

"Yes! Sad!"

Zhang Xing insisted: "Look, the corners of his mouth are drooping, and the posture of his hanging hands is also very stiff, and it must be particularly uncomfortable if he hasn't moved for such a long time."

When he said that, Qi's father went to see Ji Changze again, as if he could vaguely see a little sadness from the expressionless face.

He suddenly felt a little guilty.

How did he know that Ji Changze had high IQ and low EQ.

I thought this young man didn't respect himself because of a country behind him.

"Okay, I know, but let them talk about the engagement for a while, this Changze, after all, it's too good..."

"do not worry!!"

Zhang Xing was shocked and immediately patted his chest and packed the ticket: "I follow him every day to take care of him. The only woman he communicates with every day is Aunt Qin. There are no other female flies!

"We are also very supportive of Comrade Changze's love. You see, today's task requires a front desk to keep an eye on the surroundings. We did not send lesbians, but let a gay man complete this task."

Dad Qi looked at the front desk strangely.

"You... are very careful."

"That is!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xing can be proud: "The above gave Comrade Changze to our care. Of course, we have to take care of it. Of course, we do not send lesbians because we do not believe that Comrade Changze is a human being, but we just treat all possibilities. It's just strangling in the cradle."

"Yes! Kill! It's time to kill!"

Qi's father was completely out of breath at this moment.

He smiled and asked again: "Then if you do this, you are not afraid that Ji Changze has an opinion?"

Zhang Xing immediately became vigilant.

This is a cliché! !

"Of course I'm not afraid, so I tell you that Zhang Xing can fully guarantee that in addition to doing research, Comrade Changze will only pay attention to two people, one is Aunt Qin, his mother, and the other is your daughter."

"And he really is. Since we first realized that now, he has never talked to women other than Aunt Qin and your daughter. The aunt in the cafeteria has never said that."

Although this was because he always brought food to Ji Changze to eat, it was indeed the truth.

Zhang Xing vowed: "My colleagues can also prove that we follow Comrade Changze every day. If you don't believe me, you can ask them!"

In the room where the two of them were relatively close, heads of people popped out of the door frame like mushrooms.

"Yes, yes, we can all prove it."

"The deputy team is right. Comrade Changze's house is not good. Every day at three o'clock on the line, I see his mother, go to the laboratory, and meet his girlfriend."

"Yes, I can prove it."

The look on Dad Qi's face is much better.

Compared with Ji Changze's identity background ability.

He valued whether this young man would be nice to his daughter.

Zhang Xing looks righteous and a soldier, so he should not be able to lie.

It seems that Ji Changze is really not good at expressing it.

Although there is still a little bit of worry in the bottom of my heart, Qi's father looks at Ji Changze now with a gentler look.

Seeing the look of this young man's helpless look, there must be fear in them.

Hey, too, still young.

Another person with too high IQ turned his brain into a storage.

Does the memory express your emotions?

Certainly not.

It doesn't matter, as long as Ji Changze treats his daughter well.

Let's talk about the engagement in a while. If there is really no problem and Yishu is happy, we can discuss it again.

After all, if Ji Changze is really like what they said, such a good-looking and capable and sincerely wronged his daughter, Bah! young people.

It's still unattainable.

These days, the son-in-law who has such a pure temperament does not make his mind and does not have to worry about the future.

It's better to start early.

Get the bottom line first, then start.

"Hahahaha." Father Qi thought about it, his face was suddenly covered with a kind smile, and he stepped forward and patted Ji Changze on the shoulder.

"Changze, it was your uncle who misunderstood you just now, come here, let's go into the house and talk, by the way, who else is in your family? Tell me..."

Zhang Xing looked at Qi's father with a profiteer smile and pulled Ji Changze into the house, and nodded in satisfaction.

Comrade Nagasawa, you can go with peace of mind!

As long as the woman has no objection, you have not done anything to sorry the woman.

country! Will definitely help you to make a successful marriage proposal!

We are your strongest supporters.

It is guaranteed that every good comrade who has made contributions to the country like Comrade Ji Changze will be carefree and happy.

Zhang Xing took out the notebook again.

I wrote and painted and recalled the engagement banquet he found last night.

It is guaranteed that Comrade Changze can be engaged in peace of mind.

After the memory was over, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong in his brain, Zhang Xing nodded in satisfaction.

Okay, now let's consider how Comrade Nagasawa will get along with his future father-in-law in the next few days, and how about driving.

After writing the three-page plan again, Zhang Xing put down his pen.

The face of justice was serious and lost in thought.

So here comes the problem.

In the future, when Comrade Changze has a child, which kindergarten should he go to?