33|My giant baby, the country raises me (16)

The meeting with Qi Yishu's parents ended smoothly.

In the next few days, under Zhang Xing's arrangement, Ji Changze and Qi Yishu accompanied their parents for a few days shopping together.

Dad Qi was already somewhat satisfied with Ji Changze. Mom Qi and Qin Xinlian hit it off. The two also agreed to call and play video from time to time to exchange feelings.

Qin Xinlian watched the two get on the car, and stood there and sighed: "Changze, what is your salary now?"

Ji Changze: "I don't know."

He looked at Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing hurriedly reported a number. Before Qin Xinlian was surprised, he continued:

"There are also the follow-up benefits of the protective cover, and although there is no follow-up benefit from the death of the year, the state directly bought the right to use it, so it is also a large sum of money. There is also the earthquake detection instrument urgently developed by Comrade Changze. It has already been approved, and it is estimated that the money will be credited to the account in about two weeks."

Qin Xinlian was completely stunned.

"So, how much is that?"

Zhang Xingli took out a POS machine from his body, put Ji Changze's bank card on it, and entered the password proficiently.

Then show Qin Xinlian the displayed balance.

Qin Xinlian: "..."

She was shocked.

There are more shocking factors.

For example, why would Zhang Xing bring a POS machine with him, and why would he bring Ji Changze's bank card, and also know the password.

Even more shocking is the huge amount on this bank card that can completely shock ordinary people.

"So, so many..."

"Yes, don't worry, Auntie. Although you are stuck with me, Comrade Changze's bank card is always protected by the highest level. Every time there is a consumption abnormality on this card, it will immediately send someone to investigate whether it is used by me. "

"This card is with me because Comrade Nagasawa always loses things when going out, so I put it here temporarily. The same is true for you."

With that, he handed the bank card to Qin Xinlian.

Qin Xinlian subconsciously hid back; "Don't don't, this, this money is too much."

Zhang Xing was a little bit dumbfounded: "Auntie, this is not me giving you my money. This is your son's money. It belongs to your family in the first place."

"But this, this is too much..."

Qin Xinlian even felt that she had made a mistake, or she had missed a few zeros.

She originally thought that Ji Changze's salary would be tens of thousands a month at most.

Before going to bed at night, sometimes thinking about her son's prowess, she was so happy that she wanted to roll around in bed.

When she gave birth to this child, everyone was saying that Changze's dad was so promising, then he would definitely be so promising.

Qin Xinlian really didn't expect that Changze would not only have such a promising future, but also such a great future.

So much money.

If she was allowed to make money, she wouldn't be able to make so much money until she died.

But her parents, Ze, it only took less than a year.

"Auntie, take it. By the way, Auntie, what is Comrade Changze's salary?"

Qin Xinlian held the card, feeling that the card was hot.

"I am, I want to..." She stumbled and said: "I was thinking, Nagasawa's grandma is still in his hometown, and Nagasawa now has to work in the capital. If the salary is more, then they will be taken over. Come and take care of them. After all, they are old and need people around them."

Zhang Xing also didn't say that the two elderly people were arranged to live nearby, so they could take care of them at any time.

Instead, he nodded and said, "In that case, how about buying a house in the capital?"

"Are houses in the capital a bit expensive..."

Before Qin Xinlian finished her words, she remembered the amount she had just seen, and the rest of her words suddenly disappeared.

"Fortunately, Comrade Changze is rich, and aren't they planning to get engaged? Once engaged, it's not too late to get married. If you get married, you have to have children. Children need space. Auntie, you don't have to. Worry, we can handle it."

Zhang Xing said that they dealt with it, and it was really dealt with.

Soon, a beautifully decorated villa was transferred to Ji Changze's name.

When he came to deliver the key, Qin Xinlian asked the price.

Zhang Xing waved his hand: "No money. After I posted the news that Comrade Changze was about to buy a house, he approved a house for him. It was right next to the Ministry of State X and was surrounded by state officials. "

Qin Xinlian was stunned: "Is the country still buying a house?"

"Buy! I must buy it! Auntie, you don't know how much Changze has made to our country! As far as I know, our country has exchanged a lot of resources with foreign countries with that protective cover. ."

Not only the resources, but also the international outlook on China.

Although the country of China in the past has been working hard to develop, it is becoming stronger day by day, but many people still feel that the development of China is not comparable to them.

And now, the protective cover of China has become something that is sought after all over the world.

Even if they all know, this protective cover is very cheap for Chinese people to buy. When it comes to them, it is a sky-high price. There are also countless people waving banknotes and squeezing their heads just to buy a protective cover.

And this time, their country's cheap home, the foreign country wants to buy the price so many times, but also very proud of the country's people, with a little bit of sorrow.

Even if a few days have passed, the Southwest side has almost dealt with it, and there are still all kinds of excitement and pride on the Internet.

Not to mention the actual benefits brought by the protective cover.

Just saying that this incident has made the Chinese people feel proud of their hearts, and it has already made people happy.

The country is prosperous and the people are healthy.

What did Zhang Xing think of: "By the way, Aunt Qin, our side is ready to announce Comrade Changze's contribution and will award him the rank of military."

"Military rank?"

Qin Xinlian was shocked again; "But Changze is not a soldier?"

"According to national regulations, people who have made great contributions to the country can be awarded military ranks. This is also a reward and protection."

"Aunt Qin, I will give you the key first. If you want to go out, just tell Xiao Liu. Starting today, Xiao Liu will be responsible for protecting you, just like I am protecting him with Comrade Changze."

Zhang Xing gave a military salute.

Go to Ji Changze, tell him that the country has prepared everything, and expose his identity.


Sure enough, the young man who was reading a book responded casually, his gaze kept falling on the book without ever looking away.

Zhang Xing looked at the next box of books on the ground.

With awe.

What is seriousness? This is seriousness!

Ji Changze went back to school.

He didn't reply silently. After all, he was sitting in the car, and the car drove directly into the campus. Soldiers with guns opened the way in front, and soldiers guarded them at the back.

Their university is not allowed to drive into the school. It is conceivable that such a car will enter the school, and there will be soldiers in the front and back. The appearance of a big cadre traveling will be so eye-catching.

"Huh? Who is this? Why are you here in our school?"

"I don't know, which leader is it?"

"That gun is a real gun, it looks a little scary."

"Walk around, follow up and take a look."

Under the curious eyes of the students, the military vehicle parked in front of an experimental building.

When Zhang Xing got out of the car, he used his eyes to look up, down, left, and right. After making sure that there was nothing safe, he opened the door of the co-pilot and carefully followed Ji Changze in.

"Isn't this the experimental building vacated by the previous school?"

"Yeah, I was still wondering why this building is not allowed to be used, who is this person, I look familiar."

Qi Yishu was walking here with his friends while eating potato chips. Seeing so many people in front of him, his footsteps stopped slightly.

Her friend and her have similar personalities. Seeing the excitement in front of her, she immediately became energetic. He kept pulling Qi Yishu with the probe and wanted to look ahead.

"What's wrong, is there any excitement?"

"Hey, you will watch the excitement soon after class." Qi Yishu received a text message from Ji Changze in the morning, knowing that he was going back to school, and guessed that now everyone must be watching Ji Changze.

She was a little uncomfortable.

Especially... Nagasawa returned to school for her.

It makes people think about it and can't help but laugh.

"Look at it, maybe there is something fun, Yishu, don't you like to watch the excitement the most? Let's go."


There was a sneer of sarcasm from the side, Wang Sixuan sneered and walked forward from behind, pretending to look up and down Qi Yishu with contempt.

"Such a big person, still a girl, so bluffing, tut tut."

"Wang Sixuan what do you mean, what's wrong with girls, aren't you a girl yourself? Why can boys watch lively girls?"

The girl next to Qi Yishu suddenly exploded.

Wang Sixuan smiled sarcastically: "Sure enough, nouveau riche is a nouveau riche, and they don't have any background. They are angry when they talk, and they are small."


Qi Yishu stretched out his hand to stop her, and raised his chin at Wang Sixuan; "You are big-spirited, how can you spread rumors about my boyfriend on the Internet, and was arrested by the police? Aren't you just coming out?"

Wang Sixuan's face turned blue all of a sudden.

She never dreamed that one day she would be caught by the police because of beeping on the Internet.

Although she was not sentenced, she was detained for a few days, but when did she suffer such a grievance.

What Qi Yishu said, the girl next to her also reacted and raised her lips triumphantly: "Yes, you are still cynicing with us. Isn't it that you are jealous of Yishu's excellent boyfriend, and you want to pry the corner but failed Do you spread rumors online?"

Wang Sixuan: "..."

"I pry the corner?? Your eyes are okay? I can see Shang Ji Changze?? His scumbag, I don't want to give it to me."

"You still pretend, and the police have issued an announcement. The previous forum post about Ji Changze was already prepared to hire someone to send it. The people who broke the news were all the navy you bought. The evidence is I put on a pretense here, sneer."

Qi Yishu stared at Wang Sixuan vigilantly. Although she knew that Changze looked down on her, she was still a little jealous. She snorted coldly:

"Don't be delusional, Changze treats me very well, even if you covet him, it's useless!"

"Me! I covet him?!!!"

Wang Sixuan almost fainted without anger.

That post was sent by her, and the navy was also bought by her to fan the flames.

But her original purpose was to make Qi Yishu shame.

Her original vision was particularly beautiful.

Let Ji Changze be fooled first, and then post a post to break the connection with Ji Changze, let him admit that he likes her personally.

In the end, she made her debut again, dismissively saying that she didn't like Ji Changze at all.

She wants everyone to know that the man she couldn't ask for is Wang Sixuan's skirtman. The most funny thing is that she still doesn't like him.

In the end, why is Qi Yishu's brain disabled, and he insists that she seduce Ji Changze? !

Yes, she seduce, but how can she look at the poor ghost of Ji Changze, not to mention that this guy is seduce and makes her completely uninterested.

Wang Sixuan reluctantly withdrew his anger, tried to stand up, and looked at Qi Yishu condescendingly: "Qi Yishu, I think you are a idiot. Can I see your boyfriend who has nothing but a face? What else does he have besides being good-looking. "

Qi Yishu looked at her suspiciously: "You don't know why you were arrested?"

"Isn't it just a network slander? I accidentally overturned the ship." Wang Sixuan didn't get to Qi Yishu and asked her what.

She knew she was arrested for slandering Ji Changze, but how could those who arrested her tell her that she was found not because she was too much, but because of the person she slandered.

Wang Sixuan sneered at Qi Yishu: "It's just that you hold that man as a treasure. How could I like a man with such a lack of ability and money? You said I did this because I saw him. Come out with evidence."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a student next to her exclaimed while looking at her mobile phone, and said to her friend: "Did you watch Weibo? It turns out that the protective shield and Suimie were developed by a student in our school. It's Ji Changze, fucking, there is such a great man in our school?"

"Ji Changze? I remember I saw his name in the post bar, my god, is it fake? He's still in school, how could it be possible."

The girl next to Qi Yishu was taken aback, and then immediately took out her mobile phone and opened Weibo. It turned out that the first hot search was [the country announced the name of the protective cover and the name of the developer].

She didn't think too much, clicked in and clicked on the video.

"The developers of the protective shield and Suimie are the same people as everyone guessed, and they are all just students in their early twenties."

The people underneath were stunned, and then there was a loud noise, and the flashing lights flashed with a crackle.

"The name of the main researcher is Ji Changze, who is 20 years old this year, and is a junior at xx University. Together with him are Zheng Qinghui, Zhang Zejun, and Cheng Yueyang, three students who are also 20 years old. Now, four of them are already in Ministry of State X work."

"Oh my God..."

She was shocked, and quickly showed Qi Yishu with her mobile phone: "Yishu, it's really your boyfriend, my goodness, my goodness!!"

Qi Yishu wasn't very surprised, but when he opened it, there was a video below.

"Our job is to take care of Ji Changze's daily life. Yes, because after the Ministry of State X accepted him an exception, he was tested and found that his IQ was too much higher than that of ordinary people, but at the same time, because his IQ was too high. , His brain will not store useless memories."

"It may be a little difficult to understand that. For example, Ji Changze can recite a page in three seconds that he has never seen before, but he can never remember the way he usually walks every day, and he can't learn to fold quilts. ."

"Since he was young, Ji Changze has really been criticized by too many people. People don't want to take him to check his IQ or something. They think, wow, this child is so lazy. He is so old and he has to be picked up by his parents. He has to take care of his parents. Even in college, his mother has to come to the capital to take care of him. Everyone scolds him as a giant baby. Yes, it's not wrong to say that he is a giant baby, but it's not a psychological reason that he can't do these things. , But a physical reason beyond his control."

"Actually, he wants to do it too, but his brain has long been used to automatically extracting useful and useless information. He can develop a protective cover, or he can develop a dysfunction. He also made a robot before, but if you let him go Folding quilts, boiling water, these things to him are like you let a baby go to sweep the floor."

"Well, that's right. It's a physical reason. It's because of expert analysis. He has a high IQ. In fact, he should have physical memory in his infancy. Everyone thinks, who would let babies do things? In ordinary families, Parents don't let their children do things before the age of five, right? They just say, ah, you read books and watch TV. As children grow older, adults begin to teach them knowledge and wait until they are fully grown up. , This mind will show a complete three views."

"But Ji Changze is different. He has a high IQ, and his memory is good. When the physical memory is just formed, Ji Changze's brain has already formed a memory. You can read books and watch TV, but it's like things that children can't do. His brain was fixed and he said, "You can't do it, you should read a book, you should watch TV, so it's a physical reason."

After finishing talking, the man spread his hands and smiled: "But it doesn't matter, giant babies are giant babies. We people are here to take care of him, and to ensure that he can do research with peace of mind and peace of mind."

"My mother..."

Qi Yishu's friend raised his head and looked at Qi Yishu; "Yishu, it turns out that's the case."

"Your boyfriend is not lazy, because his IQ is too high, but in this case, if you get married in the future, aren't you all doing housework?"

Qi Yishu nodded: "Yes, in fact, I don't have to worry about anything, the country has arranged for people."

She just finished speaking, and remembered something, she looked at Wang Sixuan vigilantly, and covered the video: "Don't be delusional! Changze likes me, so it's impossible to see you!"

Wang Sixuan: "..."

"What am I! You are blind! He is a scumbag, even if he is true, he will be caught by seduce! I will fall in love with her?!"

Qi Yishu's friend snorted: "Then you are jealous of others' talents for doing so many things, otherwise there is no reason. It's good, what are you doing?"

It happened that someone had passed by, heard her, looked over, and whispered to the people around him with his mobile phone:

"It's her. She seems to be wooing Ji Changze and hating him. He hacked him online and was arrested."

"Ah...but also, Ji Changze is handsome and capable, no wonder she is so crazy."

"That seems to be Ji Changze's girlfriend over there. I'm so envious of having such a good boyfriend."

"If only I could have a boyfriend like this."

Wang Sixuan: "..."

Is the whole world blind? ! ! !

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !