34|My giant baby, the country raises me (end)

The protective cover and the extinguisher were developed by a junior in China.

This incident not only shocked China, but also shocked the whole world.

These two things are shocking enough, but now, Huaguo tells them that the developer is just a student in his twenties.

As long as he has a normal mind, he can think that Ji Changze can develop protective shields and extinguishers at such a young age. As long as he has been engaged in scientific research, various things will surely appear in the future.

After all, he can't say that this is research and development, it can already be said that it is pioneering.

This is indeed the case.

In October of the same year, Ji Changze had new research and development.

A flying machine similar to wings.

In fact, this kind of thing has been developed in all major countries. After all, people first want to go to the sky, and they want to have wings like a bird, but when they can fly into the sky, they have to consider the problems of oxygen and temperature.

Moreover, the small one cannot carry people, and the big one cannot control it.

But Ji Changze did it.

The wings can be controlled by humans all the way, and they are very light. After mastering the flight rules, they can really fly like a bird.

During the flight, people are always in flight protection.

The point is that this way of travel does not consume resources, and it is also healthy and environmentally friendly. With the improvement of the protective cover, it will be fine to fall from a high altitude. China quickly established a high-altitude passage.

For a time, when this protective cover was still being studied abroad, the travel mode in China was already full of people.

Soon, parent-child seats, family seats, and even Wing Car Rental appeared.

If you travel on the ground, resources are limited.

But the sky is different.

Apart from anything else, the sky is big enough.

It can also be used in multiple layers.

The most important thing is that this wing is very environmentally friendly, and the gas emitted during the flight can also purify the air.

The smog in China's larger cities is heavier, and now it is better. In less than a year, most of the environment has been restored.

Sometimes when the big guys get together to make a string, occasionally look up and see the wings flying in the sky, and they will feel it.

What magical era is this entering?

Unfortunately, it just happened.

The name Ji Changze is not only remembered by the Chinese, but also by the whole world.

Because China refuses to export wings, and foreign countries are unable to study the protective cover, they can only continue to purchase goods from China at high prices.

China is still very firm on this point.

Let us show you how to make it? Not now, dear.

But if you want to buy it, that's okay. You can buy as much as you want, as long as you have enough money.

Ji Changze's money is now not money, but a string of numbers that keep getting in the account.

After all, no matter how powerful a businessman is, he doesn't make as much money as a country.

He knows that the country will definitely not just sell the production method like this. After a few years of earning, Huaguo has exchanged enough benefits, and it will definitely give the production method.

After all, this is a major event that can change the entire world.

His life is still three points and one line, but as his influence gets deeper and deeper, more and more people around him protect him.

The same goes for parents and relatives.

Every day, students will stand still while passing by this laboratory building and discuss a few words in a low voice: "This is where Professor Ji Changze stays."

"I heard that he is now an admiral."

"But since so many people follow him every day to protect him, why does he stay at school? Wouldn't it be better to go back to the X department?"

"Maybe you are used to being in school? But our principal must be very happy. When enrolling students this year, we often used Professor Ji to promote it."

As for Ji Changze, he already had the title of professor and insisted on staying in the university. Everyone said.

In the end, they all come down to one sentence: how can mortals guess the idea of ​​a genius.

Wait until Qi Yishu graduates.

The graduates moved out of the school that day, and Ji Changze also left under guards.

All the talents suddenly realized.

Dare to love, he is here to accompany his girlfriend.

And soon, news came that Ji Changze and Qi Yishu were married.

Because of Ji Changze's identity, if anyone who came to the wedding banquet that day took a group photo and sent it out, it would be possible to shock a bunch of people's jaws.

Dad Qi looked at his daughter's face full of happiness and was happy for her, but couldn't help but worry in his heart.

Ji Changze is such an amazing kid.

What if Yishu is bullied by him later?


Looking at the happy wife next to her, who was having fun with Qin Xinlian, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

This family, it seems that he is the only one who is awake.


Dad Qi always pays attention to the marriage of his daughter and Ji Changze.

However, he never waited until there was a gap between the two.

Ji Changze is not very good at talking and has no emotional intelligence, but he is really good at Ziyishu.

As for Qi Yishu, she is simply Ji Changze's little fan.

Every day before Nagasawa and after Nagasawa.

In addition, the professional brother Zheng Qinghui helped Ji Changze with romantic ideas in various ways, and Zhang Xing, a professional nursery teacher. Together, the two made Ji Changze the perfect husband in Qi Yishu's ideals.

Dad Qi felt that he should be happy, but he felt a little lost inexplicably.

Hey, the daughter is someone else's after all.

But she would be happy.

He should apply for a national tour with wings together with his silly wife.

Now many people like to travel across the country. They fly to the sky and see the mountains and rivers of the motherland. I heard that those travel agencies that can travel on wings are particularly difficult to apply.

But if they want to, they can just talk to the people around them directly.

Hehe! It's cool to have a country as a backer! !

Five years later

After the news was released in China that the wings could be shared with the world, China welcomed a large number of foreign tourists.

These are all can't wait to feel what it's like to fly on your own with wings.

In particular, China is now very skilled in artificial wings, and all aspects of experience are definitely better than having wings in their own country in the past two years.

Abbott and Mike are very good friends. They are sixteen years old this year. They have money again during school vacation. They got together and found that the money was enough, so they couldn't wait to tell their family about going out to travel.

They arrived at the Hua Guo Airport first.

Sure enough, there were winged walkways floating above the airport. They stared wide-eyed. Even though they had watched the video a long time ago, they really saw Chinese people waving their wings and slowly landing, turning around and taking off their wings and pressing them. The upper button, the wings automatically contracted suddenly, and finally became the size of a book.

Some Chinese held them in their hands, and some put their wings in their schoolbags, and then went into the airport naturally.

"Oh my god, this scene is really shocking, it's almost like watching a movie."

"Yes, it's like a magical world."

They found the tour group they booked abroad smoothly because they were sitting in the wing car with the tour group's name banner on the car.

After sitting up, the two looked out the window curiously and nervously.

In the car next to them, he laughed and said, "It's shocking, right? When I first came to this country, I didn't fall asleep all night with excitement."

"They really look like a magical world here, and they are developing very fast. By the way, do you have a protective shield on your body?"

Mike nodded quickly: "Yes, we have both."

"That's good. The inspections in China are very strict. You can't go to some scenic spots without a protective cover. Everyone in their country has a protective cover."

Abbott asked strangely: "Are Chinese people very rich?"

The protective cover is so expensive. His protective cover was bought by his parents before he went abroad. It's not that he can't afford it. It's just that he grew too fast. If he bought it before, he could only buy a new one if he grew taller. It was too wasteful. Up.

Although their family is a middle-class family, only his parents and his elder brother and sister have protective shields, and he and his sister have not bought them because they are still growing.

"It can't be said that it is very rich, but the protective cover is sold very cheaply in their country, and unlike our country, it is not returnable. In China, it is possible to exchange a small for a large one."

Seeing the two eyes lit up, the tour guide smiled and said, "Okay guys, I know what you are thinking, don't think about it. The protective shield on the Chinese side must be purchased by their own nationals, and the low price is also the Chinese own. Welfare has nothing to do with us."

The two young men were downcast: "Hey, China is really good to the people in their country."

"Normally, China has always been like this, but the price of our country's protective cover will soon come down. China has already released the news that they will soon announce the protective cover and artificial wings."

"Then wait until the technology matures for a long time."

The tour guide smiled satisfied: "Yes, so I am now settled in China. There are many people who come here to travel. I can work with peace of mind. I also plan to apply for long-term residence in China. It is best to take my family over."

"Okay guys, I will be at the hotel where you are arranged right away. Today we can start playing around. I'm going to pick up other tourists. You will wait for my call in a while."

Abbott asked curiously: "Is that tourist also from our country?"

Meeting people from one's own country in a strange country always makes people feel a little intimacy.

"No, the information shows that they are Chinese, but I don't know why they want to report to our country's tour group."


"Yes, they are a family, a total of eight people, plus you two make up just ten people, well, the hotel is here."

The Wing Car slowly landed on the Wing Lane opened by the hotel. The two boys got out of the car and were taken to their room by the guide.

This is a tall building.

Their floor is fifty-three. There are large French windows. Standing in front of the windows, you can see the wings that are flying around outside.

Most of them are Chinese faces, and occasionally a few foreigners will get in, but they are all sitting in a winged car and can't fly by themselves.

"I really want to fly by myself."

Hearing Mike say this, Abbott also stood by the window: "We can wait until we go to the scenic spot. It is said that people who are not Chinese can fly there."

The two of them were looking at the outside in a trance, when they suddenly saw a person flying with wings shaking from side to side, and then slammed into them with a shocked hook.


They were taken aback, and quickly screamed and avoided.


This person hit the glass, and the two could clearly see that something suddenly bounced off the originally smooth glass, which directly bounced the person who could not grasp the balance.

The protective cover on his body activated and turned into a ball, falling straight down.


The two were startled, and quickly went to one side of the window to open and look down.

They have been told that the protective cover cannot prevent falling from a height.

"Oh my God!"

I thought I was about to see this person dying downstairs, but unexpectedly, something similar to a parachute was automatically activated on the ball, and it fell lightly with the ball.

And the wings in the sky are all used to flying past, and some people even laughed and shouted when flying past the ball:

"Man, what are you doing, you almost ran into someone's hotel."

The ball landed peacefully, and the half-human robots who had received the news from the bottom gathered around and waited for the person in the ball to come out. After testing the alcohol on the side, the ticket was neatly posted.

"Hello, you are not allowed to fly at high altitudes within five years. Please follow us for further investigation."

From the side of Mike and Abbot, this scene is invisible.

They touched the glass with curiosity and fear, and as expected they touched a transparent film.

"what is this?"

"It feels a bit like a protective cover."

The hotel people knocked on the door, first apologized for making them frightened, and then offered to halve the room rate as compensation.

Mike asked curiously what was the thing that bounced the man who almost hit the glass.

"That's a hotel-type protective cover."

The waiter patiently replied: "Since the high-altitude flight channel was opened, there have always been people who did not fly in accordance with the regulations and bumped into higher hotels. Although it is always fine to have a protective cover, the loss of things is also very troublesome."

"So the Ministry of State X introduced a hotel-type protective cover, which can fully protect the external safety of the hotel."

Is there such a magical thing?

Mike and Abbott were shocked again: "Then this must be expensive, right?"

"This is a state subsidy. One subsidy per year is free of money. If it is damaged within a year, you have to buy it yourself, but the price is not very expensive."

"You two can rest assured that even if the protective cover is really damaged during your stay and it scares you, our hotel will compensate you."

When the waiter went out, Mike turned his head and looked at the glass that was completely invisible at the moment.

"Brother, I feel more and more that this is the magical world."

When they took turns to take a shower, they received a call from the tour group.

The two reached the rooftop under the instructions of the front desk.

This time, the tour group changed to a larger tourist wing car.

After getting on the bus, they saw eight Chinese people.

It was two young people wearing masks with a little girl who looked only a few years old, two old people and three middle-aged people.

Mike had learned some Chinese, and he could hear that after they came up, the old lady asked the young man next to him: "Who are they?"

The young man replied: "Grandma, they are traveling from abroad."

"Oh... I thought I was following you again."

The young man's voice was cold and cold, but the inexplicable sound made people very comfortable: "This time there is only our family and no one else."

The middle-aged woman next to her laughed: "You have been here for so long. Every day you do either Tai Chi or square dance. This time, you have to take a good stroll."

Mike knows square dancing, and I heard that it is very popular among Chinese elderly.

It seems that this is a big family.

He didn't take it to heart, and continued to lie on the window and watch the wings flying around outside.

Abbott was very interested in the Chinese people behind, especially when he looked at the little girl, and said to Mike in their own national language: "Look, that little girl is really cute."

Mike also looked over subconsciously.

It was really cute, white skin, big eyes, neatly dressed, hair was two small braids, and there were two small bows on it.

At the moment she was sitting between her parents, bowing her head and tapping on a tablet.

Hand speed is very fast, it should be playing games.

Mike nodded: "It's very cute."

Generally, the appearance of the Chinese is relatively flat in the eyes of the people in their country, but this little girl makes people like it.

The two were talking. The little girl might have finished playing the game and handed the tablet to the father next to her: "Dad, I've cleared the level."

This surprised Mike a little.

A child of this age should still speak uncomfortable, but the little girl speaks quickly and calmly.

"Well, it's three minutes and twenty seconds faster than before."

The young man took the tablet, perhaps setting up a new game, and then handed it to his daughter.

"Come again."

The young woman next to her looked at the content: "Is it too difficult?"

"It's okay, the harder you are, the more you like it."

Mike felt a little funny as he listened to the conversation between the two.

The Chinese really love their children as he had heard before, and even consider the difficulty of playing a game.

He stopped looking at the back, and when he got to the place, he concentrated on visiting the scenic spots with the tour guide.

They finally got their wings on as they wished.

The two excitedly followed the tutorial and flew up. They were taking out their mobile phones to take a photo, when they found that the little girl was flying alone in front of a tree.

"Why is she alone? This is too dangerous."

"Why didn't her family look at her? How could such a small child wear wings and fly so high? What if something happens? Even with a protective shield, she shouldn't be allowed to go so high alone. The place."

The two hurriedly flew forward, just in time to see the little girl extending a hand from the wing protection and placing a bird in the nest on the tree.

Mike stepped forward and asked in unskilled Chinese: "Little girl, why are you here alone? Where are your parents?"

Ji Xixi turned his head to look at them, quickly observed the subtle expressions on their faces, and only after judging that they were not bad, replied: "They are playing underneath."

"Why are you wearing wings, you are still so young."

Mike heard the child in front of him replied naturally with a childish voice: "I saw a bird falling from a tree and I want to put it back."

What a kind child.

But this is too risky. She is a child, and she doesn't have enough control. What if something happens.

Mike said: "Don't do this again next time. Although the artificial wings are good, they are not for birds. Besides, you are still so young. Go ahead."

Ji Xixi shook his head: "My dad said that the artificial wings are for putting back the birds that have fallen off their nests."

Mike couldn't help laughing.

I can't tell, this little girl's father is quite good at coaxing children.

He smiled and shook his head: "Okay, dear boy, go down quickly. You can't do this. What if something goes wrong."

"The protective cover will protect me."

"What if you are taken away by a bad guy? Even if you are in a protective cover, can the bad guy take you away?"

Ji Xixi said seriously; "No bad person can approach me."

She pointed to the patrolling robot on the sky route: "If anything, the robot will protect me, and I have a protective necklace on my body. As long as I don't want to, no one can approach me."

Mike thought about it too.

Although these robots maintain aviation safety, once they receive a distress signal, they will immediately fly to respond.

But what is a protective necklace?

Is it like that hotel-type protective cover?

I heard that there is also a household type protective cover, maybe this is a necklace type protective cover.

Thinking about it this way, I am even more envious of Chinese people.

Although the little girl has always said that there is no danger, they still persuade her to go down and be with her parents.

Ji Xixi came up to release the bird, nodded and went down.

Her wings are very different from those on the market. They have autopilot functions and a child protection program.

But at present, she is the only person in China who can use artificial wings under the age of 16.

Of course, the reason is that although she is young, with her father's high IQ, she has the ability not to lose to adults.

The above only approved that she can use artificial wings.

After Ji Xixi went down, she trot to her father and raised her face: "Dad, I just put a bird that fell down."

Ji Changze nodded blankly, reaching out his hand to touch his daughter's head but gently: "Good job."

Ji Xixi immediately showed a happy smile.

Turned his head and threw himself into Qi Yishu's arms: "Mom, Dad said I did a good job."

"We are awesome!"

Qi Yishu still has short hair, holding her daughter high.

Ji Xixi was even happier.

Qin Xinlian also praised her; "Xixi has followed your mother and has a chivalrous spirit."

Finished praised by grandma.

Grandma, grandpa, grandma and grandpa took turns to praise Ji Xixi again.

She flew up happily, sitting in the air shaking her calves.

I feel like the happiest child in the world.

This trip that no one followed is over.

The whole family is very satisfied.

Ji Xixi pestered her father again and went to the Ministry of State X. When she released the bird today, she suddenly had an idea, and she wanted to verify it.

"By the way, Dad, I met those two big brothers when I went up to release the birdies. They are so enthusiastic. I will send them the game you made for me."

Ji Changze touched his daughter's head: "Good job."

In the hotel

With a look of excitement, Mike took out his mobile phone and planned to play the game that the little girl said today was very fun.

Ten minutes later, he looked dumbfounded.

Twenty minutes later, he continued without admitting defeat.

Thirty minutes later, he looked dumbfounded.

An hour later, looking at himself, who had not even passed the first level, Mike: "..."

Are Huaguo's games so difficult?

"Mike!! Mike!! Look at what I saw!"

Abbott held his phone with excitement and showed him: "Look, look at this picture, look!"

Mike looked down strangely, a little confused: "Isn't this the little girl we met today?"

"She is Ji Xixi!! It is the daughter of Ji Changze who developed the protective shield and human-shaped wings!! God, she is Ji Xixi, then the couple we met today is not Ji Changze and Qi Yishu."

"Oh my God!!! We actually ran into them, ah ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah, why I didn't see it, I should have taken a photo with them, oh my god."

Abbott has fallen into madness.

Mike quickly took his cell phone and looked at it.

Sure enough, I saw that the above was just a report.

Ji Changze's daughter Ji Xixi showed an amazingly high IQ when she was one year old. She was equipped with more than 50 people to protect her when she was born. As she grew up, the country promoted a large number of public security robot.

These robots are in the sky or on the ground, even in tourist attractions.

They only maintain their own jobs on weekdays, but they are all included in a protection list.

Ji Xixi is on this list. Once she has something, within a minute, the surrounding robots will immediately step forward to protect it.

Today Ji Xixi's photo was exposed because she had been announced that she had entered the Ministry of State X at the youngest age in history.

We will formally take up the job next week.

Mike put down the phone blankly.

Oh my god...

He is also crazy.

After returning to China, someone asked him: "You went to China to play for a while, did you play with artificial wings? Any thoughts?"

Mike; "...It turns out that artificial wings were made to put the birds back into the nest."

other people:"???"

Ji Changze's life is open to others.

In the past, everyone said that he alone changed the country of China.

But in the end, everyone said that he alone changed the world.

And the daughter who inherited his high IQ continued to change the world after he retired.

In 30xx, Ji Changze and Qi Yishu passed away.

They are well taken care of by the state, but they have reached their age.

Most countries in the world are flying at half-mast.

His name is always written in the textbook.

[Ding! The mission is complete, please choose vacation or continue the mission. ]

Ji Changze: [Continue the mission. ]

After learning that Ji Changze and Qi Yishu had passed away together, even if the two were older, it was considered joy and funeral, and there were still silent mourning online.

There are also older people who sighed: [I was in the same school as Ji Lao, and I still remember that he was scolded by all the people in the forum because he was framed by two boats and a giant baby. At that time, I also scolded him. Sentence, I am really ashamed to think about it now. ]

[Oh my god, are you still surfing the Internet at this age? I don't blame you. I also checked what happened before. It was obviously a female student who couldn't court, so I framed Ji Lao. ]

[Upstairs, what I found is not the same as what you found. I remember that it was the female student who was jealous of the outstanding Ji Lao, so she was in trouble and invited the navy. ]

[What I found is not the same as you guys. It was the girl who was jealous of Ji Lao outstanding and fell in love with him. ]

In the hospital, Wang Sixuan, who was leaning on a ventilator to maintain his breathing, stared at the content on the phone.

She exhausted all her life and shouted the last words of her life:

"You... are all... blind!"