35|Highly educated soft rice male (1)

When Ji Changze was teleported over, he found himself standing at the door.

After the door was opened, she was a beautiful and gentle girl. When she saw him, she smiled on her face, took the bag in his hand, and asked softly, "How is it at the company today? Are you tired?"

Without memory, Ji Changze gave a vague answer: "It's okay."

He sat on the sofa with the girl. Just after sitting down, the door was opened from the outside. A middle-aged woman walked in. After seeing Ji Changze, the expression on her face was not very good.

"Changze, what's the matter with you, today is your first day at work, but you did well, you went to work to paint, and the family got caught upright. Although it was said that it was Ranran's father's company, but you are your first day? Be serious too."

Ji Changze nodded and coughed dryly: "I'll go to the toilet first."

The expression on the middle-aged woman's face immediately became more and more ugly. Seeing her daughter looking at her confusedly, she tried to hide her face.

Forget it, for the sake of my daughter, be patient.

Ji Changze entered the toilet and began to check his memory.

This world is also a parallel and overhead world. The original owner is twenty-five years old this year. After graduation, he didn't want to have to go to work, so he always started his own business at home.

To say that it is free to start a business is actually painting.

He is not a major in art, but he has this hobby, and he can sell a painting at a high price when he sees another painting. He realizes that he is a genius, and he can paint by himself, so he has to work hard on this.

It's just that it's true that he is confident, and it's true that he doesn't want to go out to work and just want to be happy.

And it was his wife who supported his business.

His wife, Zhou Ranran, was a classmate in high school with the original owner, and he was in another school. After the original owner knew that Zhou Ranran's family was in good condition, he made various careful plans and pretended to be gentle, deceiving Zhou Ranran sincerely.

Zhou Ranran is the only daughter in the family. When she was a child, her parents had to hand her over to the nanny because she was busy with her career. As a result, she was very eager for human care. After being caught by the original owner's gentle trap, she wanted to marry the original owner.

The two of them were still in school at the time. Zhou's parents didn't care about the situation of the original owner's family. They only checked and found that the original owner was good looking, good grades, high education, and usual reputation.

Because they felt ashamed of their daughter, after they didn't find out any black history of the original owner, they were relieved and agreed to their marriage.

Thinking that this is also good, this son-in-law's family conditions are not very good, and they will definitely be holding their daughter well.

However, the original owner eats soft food, but he eats soft food hard.

From the beginning, he was directed at Zhou Ranran. Zhou Ranran was the only daughter in her family. Even if she was not good at taking care of company affairs, Zhou's family would definitely only give her the company.

The original owner's idea was to enter the Zhou family from the beginning. Sooner or later, the Zhou family's parents would die. When the time comes, the Zhou family will not let him do whatever he wants.

But if he wants Zhou's family, he has to join Zhou's company.

Previously, Zhou's father arranged for him to join a branch company, but unfortunately the position given to him was not as good as the original owner intended.

Although this position is already very good for new hires, the original owner doesn't think so.

He is the son-in-law of the Zhou family.

Isn't it fair to not be a general manager? !

So, he casually found an excuse to resign, and continued to go home and mess around.

He felt uncomfortable just being so mixed.

Although his wife is beautiful and kind to him, she is tired of watching it every day.

But if you want to play with other women, the Zhou family will definitely not agree.

Therefore, the original owner had to hold himself in this way, but the more he held back, the less reconciled he was.

He is highly educated, but eats soft food.

The people around him looked down on him. He had wanted to endure the death of the two old men, but the more he endured it, the more he couldn't help it.

It happened that Zhou Ranran's father had a car accident.

She could only temporarily lie in the hospital for self-cultivation, and Zhou Ranran's mother was just a housewife and didn't understand the company at all. So the original owner got his mind and coaxed Zhou Ranran to say that she wanted to go to work.

He thought very well. Now the company has no leader, and he is the son-in-law of Zhou's family. He joined the company at this time, and while his father was still in the hospital, he might be able to cultivate his own power.

But although he thought well, but he didn't have this ability.

He has a high degree of education, but he has never officially started work. Even before he went to work, he spent three days fishing and two days surfing the net. Later, he ate soft meals at home and was happy with his wife's money.

Just like him, is it a leader's material, will the old foxes in the company fail to see it?

Not to mention that Father Zhou is still alive now.

The original owner gritted his teeth. In fact, Zhou's father's company is not large, and the current assets are at most tens of millions, but for the original owner, this is definitely a sum of money that will be enough for him to spend his entire life.

He thought about it and thought of a good way.

Zhou's parents are still alive, and the company does not listen to him.

But what if Zhou's parents had died early.

If they died, wouldn't the Zhou family's fortune come to Zhou Ranran's hands smoothly?

What if Zhou Ranran should accidentally happen again...

It just so happened that Zhou's father's company was in turmoil at this moment. While the original owner was in contact with people from the hostile company, he was venting various ideas in his heart.

It's just that although the original owner wanted a lot, he didn't dare to pay the price.

But at this time, because he was fishing at work in the company, he was recorded in the video and laughed in the company's private group.

He is said to be a soft rice man who eats soft rice, and the wife who eats his wife uses his wife, but the result is not at all compelling. He actually fishes like this at work and so on.

Someone also said that they saw the original owner and so-and-so from the company, and wondered if they sold our company.

The original owner's trumpet squatted in that group, originally to find out the news, but he didn't expect to see this.

He suddenly panicked.

If Zhou's family were to know that he was in contact with someone from a rival company, he would definitely be over.

So he took advantage of going to the hospital to see his father-in-law and unplugged his father-in-law's oxygen tube.

He was a relative, and the hospital was not guarded. So Zhou's father passed away.

Zhou's family was in dire grief, but Zhou Mu still didn't hand over the company to the original owner, but decided to stand up on his own. In a hurry, the original owner changed Zhou's mother's heart disease medicine and gave Zhou Ranran the medicine again.

Tell Zhou's mother again that Zhou Ranran's child is gone, and she is also very dangerous in the hospital. Zhou's mother had a heart attack in a hurry, but was changed when she wanted to take medicine.

Zhou Ranran lost his parents and children.

She realized something and questioned the other person when the original owner was drunk. After being admitted, she collapsed.

First stabbed the original owner, and then set a fire to commit suicide.

[Ding! The memory has been transferred. Task: Please change the scheduled ending of everyone killed, and don't ooc destroy the set. Please choose whether to keep it. ]

Ji Changze: [Stay. ]

The system goes offline.

Ji Changze calculated his personal settings.

Highly educated, eating soft food, and showing his incompetence at work in the company.

The only thing that can make a fuss is this painting.