44|Ancient unfilial children (3)

Ji Changze's life in the barracks is still very plain.

Because the military division was ill, some military affairs that the military division was required to handle were moved to his side, and he handled military affairs in the camp every day.

Occasionally listen to the gossip next door.

No wonder he listens to gossip, who made the general arrange him next door to him, and his ears are so good.

From the gossip, he heard several important information.

For example, this military teacher is not actually the general's book boy, he is the general's cousin, that is, the general's aunt's child.

It's just that his little uncle offended the second prince, so he was rectified, and the whole family was sent to jail. The child of the military teacher's wife at the time happened to have passed away from the wind, and she was a loyal servant. She quietly took her child with her when she ransacked the house. After the military division exchanged, he held them all the way to the general's mansion for asylum.

The second prince was very powerful and was still a prince. At that time, the crime was issued by the Ministry of Justice. The general's mother did not dare to take her nephew with him in an open manner, so she could only give him the name of a book boy.

Ji Changze thought while folding his clothes, no wonder General Hou always refused to vote for him no matter how he recruited the second prince.

When the cousins ​​grew up together, the feelings were naturally good. The cousin and his family were killed by the second prince. General Hou's temperament is impossible to take refuge in the second prince.

I can't blame him for dying so quickly.

However, the second prince was also a cow, and he killed his relatives and aunts and uncles, so he still thought about taking refuge in him.

Thinking about it again, it seems understandable. After all, the other party is a child of the royal family. It has always been "I want you to be grateful for your birth, and you have to die without stopping if I want you to die."

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he didn't kill General Hou's parents, so that would not be regarded as a grudge.

Then this matter is very clear.

General Hou and the second prince have a grudge.

He also had a grudge against the second prince.

An enemy's enemy is a friend.

Some talk about this.

Ji Changze flipped through the military affairs, found an account, and added a sum of money that could pit the second prince.

Sure enough, that night, the military division who had been checking again called Ji Changze to the general camp.

That's right, the military division lives in the general's camp.

What I said was that the military division was weak and afraid of the cold, but inside was actually the military division who had been assassinated before. After all, if his military division died, it would be easy to replace him with another one.

After that, the two slept in a camp, and they were cousins ​​who grew up together anyway.

The only drawback may be that the general is going to endure the heat.

In the camp, the two literati dressed strictly, kneeling in front of the charcoal basin and talking in a gentle manner.

Behind, General Hou was shirtless, not hot, hiding from the charcoal basin, and fanning himself with a fan in his hand. He looked at Ji Changze vigilantly from time to time.

Ji Changze turned a deaf ear to this, and only stretched out his hand to warm the fire with the military division while listening to him.

"Do you know that if you do this, you will offend the second prince?"

"Naturally knows it, but can't the adults see that this is the second prince who came first to offend us?"

The military strategist raised his eyes slightly, this time he looked at Ji Changze seriously, and a smile appeared on his pale face:

"It seems you know a lot."

Ji Changze also smiled at him: "Neither you nor the general concealed it."

When the general who was fanning himself heard this sentence, his sharp gaze fell on Ji Changze, and he moved towards the spear without moving his hand.

Ji Changze didn't turn his head back: "The general, don't worry, if I really have any plans for the two, you won't survive now."

Feeling insulted, General Hou held the spear abruptly and threw it straight towards Ji Changze.

Ji Changze didn't move, and even smiled, letting him pass by his hair, and slammed into the ground in front of him fiercely.

The line of sight that the military commander looked at Ji Changze suddenly changed.

A person who is not afraid of life and death is very terrifying.

Especially Ji Changze's indifferent attitude, ordinary people absolutely can't do it in the face of life and death.

He asked: "Aren't you afraid of death? If the spear shifts a little further, you will have a different body and head."

Ji Changze smiled and turned his hand, letting the back of his hand burn.

"I'm not afraid."

"I sat face-to-face with the adults. If the general's spear was directed at me, as long as I lowered my body slightly, the spear would fall on the adults. The general would not risk the adult's life."

The military strategist smiled and waved his hand to the angry cousin behind Ji Changze. When he saw that he was reluctant to retreat, he asked, "I can see that you have talent in your body. Why not go to the imperial examination? Are you here to join the barracks?"

Ji Changze asked, "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Why don't you talk about both?"

"The lie is that the imperial dispute is becoming more and more fierce. If you are admitted to the imperial examination at this time, you will be forced to choose the camp. If you choose the wrong one, you will be a dead word.

The strategist nodded, his pale face smiled with more appreciation: "Your lie sounds very real."

"In that case, it is better to choose General Hou, who is wise and martial. He is a good man. He has never been defeated. He never treats his opponents harshly. If he is loyal and patriotic, I would be a good place to go to the name of General Hou."

Looking at Ji Changze warily, he was ready to go up and kill this guy as soon as his cousin said that he would kill General Hou.

Looking at his cousin with a smile: "Although this kid looks at Yin, he is quite good at seeing people. The lie is so true."

Ji Changze smiled slightly, picked up the tea on the table next to him and took a sip to moisturize his throat before continuing:

"The truth is even more true. My wife was taken away by the rebels, and my parents were waiting for a famous doctor to save her life. Even if I go to the imperial examination, and the talents are recruited, it will be nine years. It will take a few more years for the imperial government to be an official. What you can say."

Ji Changze was very happy; "I can afford to wait, but my wife and parents can't wait. It's better to take refuge in the nearest general who wants to clear the rebellious party. The military teacher will be sick when you look at it. If you can rub another doctor, it would be better."

With that said, he turned around and glanced at General Hou, who was full of "I'm really crazy": "As for the general..."

Ji Changze regained consciousness and smiled and looked at his military teacher. "Although the general has never lost a battle, he is not scheming, acts recklessly, does not know how to constrain the top, and never wins over the opponent. He is not a good candidate for refuge. ."

Behind him, Zheng Meizi listened to General Hou who planned to see how Ji Changze praised himself: "..."

Ji Changze is still saying: "The general has the force but no resourcefulness. If there is no military teacher to take care of it, I am afraid that the grass will be three feet high."

"You fart!!"

General Hou's muscles were bulging, and he took a step forward and said angrily: "When I die, there will be people guarding the tomb. How can there be grass on the tomb."

Ji Changze raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his head and glanced at General Hou, who was angry at the grave, and had not found the point at all, then looked at the military division, sighed, and toasted with a little admiration:

"Your Excellency has worked hard."

He can bring his cousin who is well-developed and simple-minded all the way and sit firmly in the position of general. This military instructor is quite capable.

The military division's smile remained unchanged, and he raised his glass, and met him in the air: "It's a bit hard, but the general is also good to me, you continue to say."

Ji Changze drank a sip of tea, ignoring General Hou's murderous vision, and continued: "The situation in the court is not stable now. If the general does not have a military division, I'm afraid it will be over sooner or later, and the military division is sick again. , You shouldn't take refuge underneath, but..."

The military teacher learned to raise his eyebrows: "But?"

The scholar wearing a long gown knelt and sat beside the charcoal basin, and there was an embarrassed smile on Bai Jingsiwen's face: "But I listened to General Dao last night, and I have to ask a famous doctor in Wuxian for the adults..."

General Hou slapped the table angrily: "Do you dare to eavesdrop on what we two are talking about?!"

"It's just that the hearing is better than ordinary people, and I just live next door."

General Hou became more frantic: "Then you have heard all of our words in the past few days? Why don't you report it!!"

Ji Changze looked at him suspiciously; "I'm not a fool, if I tell the two of you that I already know your secrets, wouldn't it mean I'm asking for a dead end."

General Hou: "...Then you tell us now."

"If I don't tell you, how can I gain trust?"

General Hou; "..."

He felt that his brain was not enough.

After going around for a long time, I finally spared it: "Why didn't you want to gain trust before, tell us early."

Ji Changze: "I didn't ask the adults before."

General Hou: "..."

He is going to die of anger.

Seeing the cousin holding the fan fiercely in anger, not only did the military adviser not be angry, but he laughed even harder.

"You know, literati are light, you are so smart, you are not afraid that I will be jealous of your talents and kill you?"

"My lord won't."

Ji Changze also smiled: "My lord is poor. Don't say it, but you are actually very scared. If you die and the general is unprotected, the best result is to leave a life. The difference is naturally the death of Huangquan."

"At this time, someone who can help the general like you does not have any wealth background and can only rely on the general. You are too late to be happy, how could it hurt me?"

He asked and replied: "How can I ensure that I will not harm the general after you leave? This is simple, you and I have a conversation, the adults should already know my skills, if I really want to kill the general, I don't have to wait until today. Even if I really killed the general after the adults left, for the general, it's just the difference between dying early and dying late."

When Ji Changze finished speaking, he slowly put the tea cup back with a smile.

"Anyway, the general is dead. There is no other way to go except believing in me."

General Hou behind him: "..."

What a mess this guy is talking about.

There is no doubt that he must die, crazy.

Hearing Ji Changze's words, the military division laughed louder and louder, and finally coughed with a smile, waving his hand to tell the general who wanted to come to help him not come over, coughing and looking up at Ji Changze with a smile on his face.

"In a small place like Huxian, there can be a character like you."

"Okay, I promised you that in the future, your status in the army will be as good as mine. The famous doctor can say, as for the rescue of your lady, the rebels are raging, and now they are all in the northwest. The army will take a few months in the past. It's even harder to get down, and it depends on your ability."

Ji Changze always smiled, his face showing nothing but a touch of joy, and he stood up and saluted the military commander.

"Thank you, sir. Don't worry. Although the general is dull, he is sincere. Changze disdains the entrapment. He will do his best in the future."

After that, he wandered to the place where General Hou put his weapon, picked up a bow, took a box of arrows, and touched it.

"This bow and arrow are good. Thank you, my lord, for giving me self-defense."

The strategist nodded and smiled: "No thanks."

The dull General Hou: "...That is my bow."

Ji Changze didn't hear it at all, and went straight to the curtain.

He waited until Ji Changze opened the curtain to go out, and then he looked at his cousin dumbfounded: "Yingrao, this kid is really credible? I think he is very unkind. I'm afraid he has a different heart. It's better to kill him. ."

The strategist shook his head, stood up and sighed: "If you are polite, it will make you wary. I have taught you several times, but you can't remember it."

"The general must remember that his talent will never be under me. In the future, I will move the affairs of the military to his hands. Many people in the center are staring at you. It is okay now that I am here. If I am not here anymore, I have to rely on it. It's him."

"But he has only been in the barracks for a few days. What's more, I think this kid looks like a dog, but he is very evil. He looks at him and smiles, but he is very scary for no reason. His appearance is so good. It's not a good person at first sight."

The strategist shook his head: "Don't worry about this, just remember, treat him as if you were treating me."

General: "...Don't."


The military commander's face was serious, and even sternly said: "In short, you can't offend him, let him know your sincerity."

"But how can I let him know sincerity, Yingrao, don't you really think this kid is too handsome? He is weak and weak. I guess he can't even hold a bow. Even if he is really talented, he I don't know how to fight, I can pinch him to death with one finger."

The military commander quietly listened to him and then reminded him: "Mr. Ji's ears are very good, I must have heard all of them."

General Hou: "..."

He had a stiff expression and paused for several seconds before he suddenly said: "I think this Mr. Ji is tall, handsome, and good-looking. Although his character is weaker, it is precisely because of his weak character that he can easily look at it. There is a lot of knowledge, generosity and benevolence, and I must not bear grudges."


An arrow shot through the camp tent, and it was stuck at the feet of General Hou.

General Hou bounced off with a sudden jump, and immediately drew his sword to block in front of the military division: "Who!!"

Not surprisingly, the military teacher slowly stepped forward with the hand furnace in his arms, and picked up the arrow.

"The general doesn't even recognize his arrows."

Seeing him slowly taking down a piece of paper inserted on it, General Hou cautiously stepped forward: "It's Mr. Ji's? Can he just come directly? He has to shoot arrows. By the way, he is not a literati? How can you still shoot arrows?"

The strategist glanced at it with a smile, and handed it to General Hou to let him see: "Since Mr. Ji has just asked for a bow and arrow, he is saying that he can shoot arrows. The general can't figure it out?"

General Hou; "..."

Really, he felt that it was not that he was stupid, but that these scholars were too clever.

It's just a sentence, I have to suggest it so that I don't feel tired.

The military division went out and called for someone to make up the camp.

General Hou murmured in his heart for a long time before holding the piece of paper, and saw that it was written in five large characters, the handwriting was chic, and it was done in one go:

——It is magnanimous.