45|Ancient unfilial children (4)

After only a few days, Ji Changze became a man in the barracks on an equal footing with the military division.

The general and the military division even explained that what they do to the military division is what they do to him.

Even the various items in the camp have been changed to high-end ones.

Wang Da and Wang Er were stunned.

When they recommended Ji Changze before, they really thought that this person was quite clever and might be promoted. Then, as people who know him well, they could be touched in any way.

As a result, the promotion is now a promotion.

The speed is too fast.

How many days are this! ! !

The military commander's status in the barracks is high because he grew up with the general, and because he strategizes. Although he doesn't usually come out, most of the affairs in the military camp are handled by the military commander.

Ji Changze is just a newcomer.

How come you are like a military division at once? ?

Although the two felt incredible in their hearts, they didn't give up the opportunity to hold their thighs. They looked for someone when Ji Changze was there with a jar of wine brought by the trustee from outside.

Ji Changze is still a clerk in name, not to mention his own strength value is also fascinating, his ears are so good, so no one is arranged to guard outside his tent.

Therefore, Wang Da and Wang Ershun opened the curtain smoothly and came in, laughing loudly and shouting; "Mr. Ji, see what we brought you!"

As soon as they entered, the smiles on their faces froze, and they kept their hands with wine in their gestures and looked at the generals and military divisions who were kneeling at the table in horror.

Next to him, Ji Changze was sitting diagonally on the side of the bed, wiping a bow slowly.

Two people: "..."

General Hou was suffocated by the "education" of Ji Changze and the military commander, and it was impossible to vent to them. Wang Da and Wang Er hit the muzzle.

He looked sharply at the wine jar in the hands of the two of them, and sternly scolded; "Drinking is not allowed in the army, where did you get the wine."

Wang Da Wang Er recovered from the panic, and then realized that he had violated the military regulations and was hit by the general, and he knelt down with a thud:

"The general is spared, the general is spared!"

"Not only did you drink alcohol by yourself, but also came to Mr. Ji to drink, and asked me to spare your life, dream, and immediately get fifty army sticks by yourself, to see if you dare to violate the military regulations in the future."

Ji Changze still wiped his bow, did not move, but said quietly: "The general's punishment is a bit heavier."

When Wang Da Wang Er saw him helping to speak, as if he received a pardon, he hurriedly waited for the general's answer carefully.

General Hou snorted, "It is a serious crime to violate the military regulations. It is my mercy if I have not ordered them to be killed."

"Breaching the military regulations is indeed a serious crime, but the military regulations that cannot drink alcohol were made by the general himself?"


General Hou straightened his head up straight and looked quite proud: "When marching in a war, the most feared thing is not being able to stay awake. If everyone is drinking secretly and getting drunk, what about the enemy's attack?! "

These are all the experience he gained from marching and fighting. If it hadn't been for these experiences to support the establishment of military regulations, there would be no victories this time.

Ji Changze didn't listen to this at all, and only said: "Since the general set it up, he can't be punished, at least he can't be corporal."

General Hou twisted his eyebrows: "Why not? If they are not punished, they don't have a long memory! Mr. Ji is a scholar, I am afraid that he doesn't know much about the people in the army. Everyone is a bastard, and the impunity is more severe. They are not afraid at all."

Kneeling and sitting at the table, the military strategist, whose hands were placed on the charcoal fire nearby, saw that his face was straightforward and confident, with a look of helplessness on his face, he shook his head and smiled:

"The general forgot what I said again."

When General Hou was reminded by him, he remembered that his cousin had said that he should listen to Ji Changze.

He didn't want to listen, after all, his cousin had been following him on the march and it was normal for him to believe his cousin's words.

But Ji Changze?

What's the use of being smart? Has this scholar ever entered a barracks before?

He didn't even know how difficult it was to discipline the soldiers in the barracks.

Seeing General Hou's dissatisfaction on his face, Ji Changze waved his hand to Wang Dawanger, "Put the wine down, go down, and only said that he was found by the general for stealing alcohol and was fined five taels of silver."

Wang Da Wang Er's eyes widened: "Five two?"

"Yes, but we don't have so much money..."

"Nothing, just say that to the outside world. I will help you out with this money."

Fifty taels of silver is not a small sum for these little soldiers. Hearing Ji Changze wanted to pay for them, both of them were shocked and unbelievable.

Then they smiled slightly when they saw the face of the scholar wiped with the bow in the hand that should have written, and their eyes were full of clarity and gratitude when they looked at them.

"If it weren't for the two who saved me and brought me to recommend, Changze wouldn't be in such a situation. Moreover, you are also bringing wine to me. I should pay this money."

Looking at Ji Changze, who was still talking to them softly even after sitting in a high position, Wang Da Wang Er's heart was full of gratitude.

Before they came, they thought that Ji Changze was already strong, and they didn't know if they would remember their recommendation.

Unexpectedly, Ji Changze not only remembered, but was also willing to rescue them under the pressure of the general.

He even paid out of his own pocket and took out a huge sum of money.

Good people! ! !

They were all moved, but the general was full of irritability, staring at Wang Da Wang Er and then at Ji Changze.

The military division shifted his position to bring himself closer to the source of the fire, and the noise made Hou Jiangjun subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

Seeing his cousin looking at him, he gave a vicious look at Wang Dawang Er unwillingly, and waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, let's go, if I see you violate the military regulations again in the future, But it's not that easy."

"Thank you general, thank you general."

The two quickly buckled their heads, and hurriedly bowed their hands to Ji Changze and the military division before leaving.

Until they went out and there were no outsiders, General Hou did not suppress his dissatisfaction: "Why let them go? Just because they recommended the husband? You can not be punished just because of the recommendation. How can the army be fine? There is such a bad atmosphere."

"What's more, I have said over and over again that drinking is not allowed! The people below all take my words as fart, and violate the military regulations again and again. If they are not severely punished, they still don't know what kind of moths they want to make."

Seeing him screaming like a grumpy lion, Ji Changze and the military teacher agreed with him and ignored him.

Ji Changze continued to wipe the bow, and the military division warmed the fire.

After waiting for the general to yell for a long time, he realized that the two of them were ignoring themselves, and the anger suddenly seemed to be thrown into a basin of water, and it was gone.

He looked at the strategist and Ji Changze angrily, sitting still on the table.

Seeing him stop, Ji Changze stood up and hung the wiped bow in the tent: "Don't scold the general?"

"Is it useful to scold me? You won't listen to me scolding."

General Hou was about to burst out of anger.

However, the other two still smiled, and seeing their smiles made him even more angry.

"It seems that the general is dissatisfied. It's okay. I will ask you, who is the army outside?"

General Hou snorted coldly: "Naturally it is Hou Jiajun."

The military strategist lowered his eyes and shook his head and chuckled, softly reminding: "The general is wrong."

"How did you get it wrong? Where is Hou Jiajun? How many generations have it been."

Ji Changze asked his soul to ask; "According to the general, these army are not your Majesty and not the court, but your Hou family?"

General Hou's face stiffened.

"I don't mean that, I mean these troops are led by my Hou family."

Ji Changze didn't tell him what he meant. He only stepped on the ground under his feet and asked, "Whose ground is the ground we are treading on?"

"Naturally belongs to your majesty."

Seeing that General Hou answered quickly this time, Ji Changze looked at the military division, then returned to the table with a smile and began to write and draw with a piece of paper.

The military division continued his words and continued to ask: "Since the land under our feet is His Majesty's territory, the soldiers outside are also His Majesty's. This military rule is also established by your Majesty. If it is passed down one by one, why should the general add military rules privately? ?"

General Hou: "Drinking can make mistakes. If this military rule is not established, if the enemy comes in the future, what if our soldiers are still drunk."

He felt that he was right, and he did it right.

The military division shook his head with a helpless expression on his face.

Ji Changze then: "My lord does not mean that the general made a mistake, but that the penalty set by the general is too harsh."


The military division nodded: "If it is your Majesty's order that drinking is not allowed in the military, no matter how harsh it is, it doesn't matter even if it kills people. But the problem is that this military rule is set by the general himself. of."

Ji Changze: "For the general, these soldiers are the Hou's family army, but for them, their real master is your majesty. When your majesty wants them to live, they will live, and your majesty wants them to die, they will die. What can the generals do? To make these rules and regulations for them, and punishing them because they violated the rules set by them?"

General Hou frowned tightly: "But I'm doing it for the good of the army. If it doesn't, sooner or later, it will cause disaster."

The military division laughed: "That's why the general is right, but the punishment is harsh."

"They don't listen to it if it's not strict." General Hou felt wronged. He looked at the military division and planned to hear what his cousin would say next.

The strategist did not answer, but looked at Ji Changze; "If there is a fined army lieutenant who may be unwilling, and if he is not punished, he is worried about future disasters. It is wrong to advance, and it is wrong to retreat. According to Mr. Ji, what should be done?"

"It's easy."

Ji Changze replied with a particularly gratifying answer; "If there will be other incidents of stealing alcohol in the future, if you don't play the board, you will only be fined, and one person will be fined five taels of silver. If you can't get it out, it will be deducted from the army's salary."

"This won't work."

General Hou vetoed it without thinking about it, and he felt like he had the upper hand: "Mr. I'm afraid I don't know. For these soldiers, money is more important than themselves, not to mention five taels of silver, but one. Both, they are also reluctant to take them out."

"If you really pay a fine, I'm afraid it will make them feel hatred more than physically punishing them."

Ji Changze expressed his understanding.

These days, money is always worth more than human life.

Five taels of silver is enough to buy two beautiful little maids at this time.

General Hou felt that this method was not feasible.

"If you do this, I'm afraid it will arouse anger."

After he finished speaking, he was quite proud. He felt that he was very clever this time, so he looked at the military adviser as if asking for credit: "The military adviser said that the general is right?"

The military division smiled and glanced at General Hou: "The general might as well listen to what Mr. Ji has to say later."

This method is not feasible, there is something to be said later.

General Hou looked at Ji Changze strangely, but when he saw the growth shirt in front of him, the scholar who looked as weak as his military adviser, but was very good at archery, smiled:

"What if those five taels of silver are replaced by five thousand wen and sent to others?"

General Hou stopped his expression, lost in thought.

The military commander didn't even have to think about it, but looked at Ji Changze with admiration: "If this is the case, I am afraid that one person will suffer by then, and everyone else will be rejoicing."

Ji Changze nodded: "Let the general come to the stage and talk about why this is the case. It means that if someone else drinks alcohol in the future, the punishment will still be the same."

The military division's eyes gradually lit up: "In this way, even if someone commits a crime against the wind, his colleagues will expose the matter for the sake of money."

Even if this person is surrounded by good relations with him, the smell of wine is definitely not smelt in the distance, but the smell nearby is very big.

When a person lives in the world, it is impossible for everyone to love him, not to mention that there is money to seduce him.

The military strategist looked at Ji Changze with admiration, and said: "In this way, I am afraid that it will not take long for the drinking atmosphere in the military to be suppressed. Mr. S. is indeed resourceful. I have been thinking about how to do both in this matter in the past. But I can't find a way to think about it anyway. My husband only knew about it today, and he came up with a solution so quickly."

Ji Changze didn't get blown to the sky by his rainbow fart, but looked at him and smiled and said: "The military master had already thought of it, but he just didn't find the opening."

The soldier smiled slightly, did not deny it, and shook his head: "If the number is small, they will not take it seriously. If the number is large, it is too heavy for these soldiers. This money is nothing to us, right. For them, it is more life than their own."

Ji Changze is not surprised.

Although this sergeant has talents, he grew up with Hou Jiangjun since he was a child, and you can see what temperament Hou Jiangjun has developed.

There is bravery, but a tendon.

As for the military teacher, he knew how to do many things, but he couldn't do it because of morality and soft heart.

For a counselor, he is too kind.

In other words, military divisions will only be upright and not shameless.

For example, in this case, the military adviser probably never thought that he could insert a hidden hook and pretend to be arrested for drinking, but was distressed that if someone was really arrested, the five taels of silver might belong to the other party. Life.

But it doesn't matter, three people can be shameless.

Ji Changze smiled and dusted the non-existent dust on his sleeves, and stood up like a sage.

"But there is a question. Those two are kind to me and are willing to help me in this scene, but this, I just came to the barracks, and I am ashamed of my pocket..."

The military division knew it: "It's okay, it's good if the general is there."

After speaking, the two turned around together and looked at General Hou, who had to stay here because they couldn't understand what they were saying, and was unfastening his armor.

Seeing the two of them talking and suddenly looking at themselves, General Hou: "???"

He paused, put on the armor again carefully, and muttered: "Okay, I know, if you want to get dressed, I just need to take it off."

Ji Changze smiled slightly, and naturally stretched out his hand towards him, spreading his palms.

General Hou: "...what are you doing?"

"These ten taels of silver, I have troubled the general to come out."

General Hou: "???"

He pointed to his nose: "I came out? Why me??? Sir, you just told them that you came out."

Ji Changze answered very confidently: "I have no money."

General Hou: "..."

He looked at the military division in disbelief.

The military strategist nodded at him and said softly, "Give me the money."

General Hou: "..."

He reluctantly took it out of his arms, which happened to be a twelve silver bill, turned his head and handed it directly to Ji Changze, and said irritably, "Take it away!"

Ji Changze took the silver ticket: "In addition, the general will also give me the money for this jar of wine."

General Hou: "..."

"Why do I give the wine too?"

Ji Changze: "The two little brothers bought me this wine. They saved me. They are not very rich. I don't want them to spend money."

"You don't want them to spend your own money, what are you looking for me for?"

Ji Changze: "I have no money."

General Hou: "..."

He took a deep breath and turned to look at the military division.

The strategist was still warming his head, seeing him doing this, nodded: "Give it to him."

General Hou almost didn't inhale too much to hold himself to death. He gritted his teeth and took it out of his arms again, took out a piece of silver, and threw it to Ji Changze unanimously. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Ji Changze swiftly then showed a smile on his face and arched his hands at General Hou: "The general is really generous in his shots, he is generous to the next, and he is weak at the bottom. He can't even hold a bow, and he couldn't save money in the future. I have to rely on the general to take care of me, thank you very much."

General Hou was speechless for a while listening to these familiar words.

Isn't this what he said about Ji Changze last time? How could this man hold such grudges.

Ji Changze didn't care about his gritted teeth, only put the banknotes and broken silver into his arms, and then arched his hands to the two of them.

"I'm going to look for the two little brothers first, and the general and the military division are free."

He opened the curtain and went out.

General Hou knew that Ji Changze's ears were good, and he sat there for a long time, only to stand up abruptly after holding back for a quarter of an hour: "Cousin, look at Mr. Ji, there is no such thing, he is obviously a grudge! "

"It's better to keep grudges on the bright side than to keep grudges secretly."

The military commander was in a good mood, raised his eyes and smiled: "Mr. Ji is a nice person. This time he took this matter to explain it, also in order to let you have no grievances between you, he is really a talent."

General Hou twisted his eyebrows, always feeling that something was still wrong.

He sat down opposite the military division and asked, "Cousin, do you think Mr. Ji seems to have a thick skin? When he asked me for money just now, he didn't feel embarrassed at all."

"The general thinks too much."

The military strategist does not believe that a person like Ji Changze will be really cheeky, but appreciates his behavior: "He just acted, and he clearly regarded you and me as his own. If he weren't his own, he was all scholars, how could he open his mouth? money."

General Hou scratched his head: "According to you, he is pretty good?"

"It's really good. I think this person is gentle, talented, and never arrogant. He is even more upright and generous. It should be a blessing for the general to meet this person."

General Hou touched his empty arms, not happy at all.

He carefully glanced at the military instructor who seemed to be in a good mood, and moved his body to sit next to his cousin: "Cousin, he took all my money, why don't you give me some more money?"

The military teacher's expression remained unchanged: "The general knows why Mr. Fang Caiji asked you for money?"

General Hou didn't know why the topic turned to this, but he still replied, "He has no money."


The strategist shook his head and said: "Mr. Ji must have known that although you have set military regulations that no alcohol is allowed in the army, you still drink alcohol secretly. For the superior, the most feared thing is that you can't do the following things by yourself. No one knows it. If someone knows that you drink, but you don't let the people below drink it, how should those soldiers think about you?"

General Hou: "..."

He whispered: "I drank it outside the barracks, it's not a violation of military discipline."

The strategist glanced at him lightly, and he shut up instantly.

"Mr. Ji took the silver tael from the general's body to warn the general that all he thought and did was for your own good, and the general should not let him down."

After failing to ask for money, he received a training session. General Hou stood up dejectedly: "Then I will go out to get some air."

Seeing him stand up, the military division asked again: "Does the general remember what I said just now? If you meet Mr. Ji, don't forget to thank you."

"Remember, I remember."

General Hou said: "Mr. Ji is a good man. He asks me for money for my own good. My husband is kind to me, and I will respect him."

After he finished speaking, he left the tent, the military commander looked up and sighed.

With such a temperament, if he died, he might not survive for a year.

Fortunately, now Mr. Yu Ji is here, Mr. Ji is transparent and neat, and he will take care of him.

Outside, after General Hou got out of the tent, he walked casually. He didn't know how long he had been walking, when he suddenly heard a voice in front of him.

He took a few steps forward and just heard Wang Da was saying: "Mr. Ji, I really want to thank you. If you hadn't interceded for us, you would have also paid for the silver. I'm afraid my brothers would have been beaten long ago. "

"It's okay, you two are kind to me. What's the matter of putting some money."

Wang Er's face was full of anxiety: "But you just said that one person is five taels, two are ten taels, so much money, even if I sold two of my brothers, you just became the accountant, sir, where did you come from? So much money."

Ji Changze looked righteous, standing between his words, full of benevolence: "Money is not important, the important thing is that you have nothing to do."

The two were more moved: "Thank you, sir, eh, I don't know what the general thinks. It's all the big masters. Isn't it normal to drink? I actually want to beat people for a jar of wine."

"The general's thoughts and deeds are for you, but don't want to say such things." Ji Changze waved his hand, speaking very righteously.

Both of them nodded: "Yes, we know that the general is indeed a good person, but you are really loyal to the general, sir. Don't worry, my lord, today you help us pad the silver. You are a loyal general, and we will follow you. General!!!"

"For the sake of sir, I will be more loyal in the future!!"

General Hou: "..."

Be loyal to him, be loyal to him, and also for Mr. Ji.

That's what he paid for it! ! !

Ji Changze nodded: "I know that you two have always admired the general, so it's good to do things well in the future."

As he said, he took out a piece of silver and handed it to them, with a gentle speech and a sincere attitude: "This is the money for you to buy wine. Don't do this again in the future. The friendship between us, even if it is not. There are also some fake tricks."

The two of them were even more grateful at once, and they looked at Ji Changze and looked like they couldn't wait to offer him as if they were an ancestor.

Not only did they pay for them, but now they also give them the money for alcohol.

Mr. Ji is great too! !

They resigned, but Ji Changze insisted on giving it, and if they resigned, Ji Changze still insisted on giving.

In the end, the two had to collect the broken money, and left after repeated thanks.

Ji Changze waited for them to go far, shaking his sleeves, and walking towards General Hou slowly.

Seeing General Hou looking at him, he smiled without any surprise: "General, such a coincidence."

General Hou saw him greet him and continued walking forward. He didn't mean to stop at all. He chased after him angrily: "I paid the money, why didn't you tell them?!"

Ji Changze seemed to walk slowly, but his speed was quite fast. General Hou could only strode behind him, watching this gentleman with a very uncontested appearance speak calmly:

"They admire the general, so I did that."

General Hou: "What is the truth?!"

"They admired the general from the beginning, and I told them that the silver two was something the general had done. At best, it just made these two more admire."

Ji Changze picked off a branch at will, stopped to look at the wood, and while watching, said to General Hou who hurriedly braked as he stopped, "But if they thought it was the silver tael I gave, then this matter is very serious. It's different."

"The silver liang given by the general, they will only admire the general more, the silver liang I gave, they will both appreciate me and admire the general."

"In this way, which one does the general think is more cost-effective to tell them?"

General Hou hesitated for a while, then hesitated: "You gave it?"


Ji Changze nodded, holding the branch and continued walking forward: "The general understands it, as soon as the money is given. For both of them, they both admire the general and appreciate the next. This money has played the best effect for you. Don't want any rewards, just thank you in your heart."

As soon as his remarks landed, people have already gone far.

Only General Hou stood there, always feeling that something was wrong.

After twisting his eyebrows for a long time, he clapped his hands suddenly and reacted!

its not right! !

He gave the silver two, admiration is before, admiration is admiration, gratitude is gratitude, how can you not be grateful because you admire you already.

This Mr. Ji clearly took his silver tandem as a favor to himself.

In the end, you want him to thank him in turn? ?

Obviously sophistry! !

brazen! !

He consciously found the loophole and hurriedly chased after him with strides, but he didn't know why, obviously he was a martial artist, but Ji Changze hadn't walked as fast.

When I returned to the camp, I saw Ji Changze holding a blueprint and talking to the military commander.

General Hou quickly stepped forward: "Mr. Ji, what you just said was wrong, you..."

The military strategist was holding the blueprint and was discussing with Ji Changze with a smile on his face. He was suddenly interrupted, and he raised his head to tell his cousin to wait.

Ji Changze waved his hand: "It's okay, it will be all right soon."

Then General Hou was able to quickly say what he had just thought of.

He Barabara finished speaking, and Ji Changze finished listening quietly.

Then he asked: "Why does the general think so? Under the account of the general, the two of them are grateful to him, aren't they also grateful to the general? The general status is high, and it is difficult to get along with them. This is grateful to me. Isn't it more convenient than the general?"

General Hou: "..."

The thoughts he had just sorted out were disrupted again, and gradually fell into contemplation.

Seeing this, Ji Changze said to the military teacher; "Well, the general may have to think about it for a while, let's continue to look at the drawings."

The military division nodded, and then threw another sentence: "The general can also think about why you gave this military order for the lives of the soldiers, but they are not grateful, but reject it."

General Hou; "..."

His brain started to burn.

The military teacher turned to Ji Changze and said, "It can make him think a little longer."

"Okay, let's continue."