48|Ancient unfilial children (7)

Ji Changze successfully achieved the achievement of apprenticeship.

After apprenticeship, he is his own.

He began to poke a rainbow fart at his master.

Master, let me tell you that I have idolized you a long time ago. If I hadn't had money and couldn't afford the travel expenses, I would have come to worship you as a teacher.

You talk about why you are so horrendous. Almost all the world thinks of the famous doctors who first think of you, but you, in such a heyday, withdrew and lived in seclusion in this deep mountain and old forest.

No picture name! Not profitable!

Is there any doctor in this world like you!

The genius doctor has been studying medicine with his master since he was a child. After leaving the teacher, he found a place to squat and began to see a doctor. When he was optimistic, he was called a few genius doctors.

It's just that people nowadays are more restrained, even if they are complimenting, they are embarrassed to boast directly.

Such as Ji Changze's majestic (shameless), he is definitely the first one he has seen in his life.

And this new disciple boasted that he was very sincere and sincere, as if it was scratching his itch.

The genius doctor was praised so that the smile on his face did not fade for a while.

He didn't feel that Ji Changze was a bit tricky and cunning now.

This is clearly because of the online vision, and it is very accurate to see people.

Seeing that the genius doctor was overwhelmed by the face of his rainbow ass, Ji Changze changed the topic.

Master, can you help us see the illness of the military teacher? He is my good friend.

Not for nothing!

The general has money. Let him help you search for the hard-to-buy medicinal materials, as much as you want.

The general did not feel distressed at this moment.

After listening to Ji Changze's words, he nodded and promised: "As long as the genius doctor helps our military division to take care of this disease, as long as I still have a breath in the future, you want the snow lotus on the snow mountain, and I will definitely help you get it."

"What do I want that stuff to do, it's good for a long time, and it won't take medicine."

The genius doctor smiled at his apprentice, but he didn't have such a good temper with outsiders. He raised his eyelids and glanced up and down at the military teacher who was sitting there quietly.

Seeing what he looked like, the military officer put down the tea cup in his hand and bowed silently.

What he said was that he grew up with the general since he was a child, and the gentleman invited by the general's father was also a good example. Although the general was naughty when he was young, he did not get a lot of text and ink.

People who are well-mannered and not humble are always likable.

The genius doctor's eyes were still picky when he saw the past, but now he saw the look of a military teacher, the look on his face was a little better.

"Since it is my disciple's friend, then I will cure it."

It was not until he said these words that General Hou heaved a sigh of relief, and his heroic appearance revealed an excited smile.

The genius doctor himself was a thin old man. He was very jealous of General Hou, who had such a strong body and strong strength at first sight. He smiled happily with a white tooth and glanced at him: "I don't like outsiders when I see the doctor. Beside, let the general go out first."


Now seeing that he is willing to help his cousin to heal his illness, let alone let General Hou go out, even if he gets out, he will go around non-stop.

He agreed and went out with the boy, only to find that Ji Changze hadn't come out with him when he reached the door, and he turned his head in a daze.

"Mr. Ji?"

Ji Changze stood steady, his expression on his face as usual: "I am a master disciple, not an outsider."

The genius doctor Yile: "Yes, this is my good disciple. It just so happens that although you have no foundation, but you never forget, those theories are not too difficult for you, you are here, see me for consultation, and study hard. learn."

General: "..."

He looked at the military division who was sitting there, and then at Ji Changze, who was standing behind the genius doctor with a look of "I am studying."

Three people, he went out alone again.

Waiting for General Hou to go out, the genius doctor sat down and rolled up his sleeves: "Come on, kid, give me your hand."

The military commander quietly rolled up his sleeves, exposing his arm, which was a little pale because of the long absence of sunlight, and handed it to the genius doctor.

The thin old man touched his beard and began to pulse for him, feeling quietly for a few seconds, his eyebrows twitched, and he looked at the person in front of him with a little surprise.

Upon seeing this, Ji Changze quickly asked, "Master, what's wrong? But what's wrong?"

However, the military division was still very stable, and when he saw the genius doctor see himself, he slightly curled his lips and smiled lightly.

"It's not that there is something wrong, it is very bad."

The genius doctor is still a little capable. Although he has not diagnosed the pulse for a long time, he is full of certainty in his words: "He is physically weak and needs to be properly raised. Now his body is so badly damaged. It's been poisoned before, and now it's the end of the battle."

Ji Changze twisted his eyebrows. He had guessed before that the military division's body was definitely not much better, otherwise the original owner would not be able to harm General Hou.

But I didn't expect that the military commander would check the sand table with him all night, make plans, and talk and laugh, except for a pale face, but his body is already so bad.

The military division is still not very surprised.

He held the stove and asked: "Ask the genius doctor, how long can I live?"

Speaking of this, the genius doctor is proud.

He touched his beard quite contentedly, and coughed dryly, "If he didn't meet the old man, I'm afraid he can only live another half a month at most."

Ji Changze directly captured the point: "But now he has met Master."


The genius doctor looked for a pen and paper next to him, and began to write a prescription: "He is like this now, it's not easy and tired, but I will prescribe a prescription for him, follow this to eat, no matter how good it is, it can't make up. It's too much. I've been raising it for a year or a half, although I still cough in Spring and Autumn, at least I don't have to worry about my life."

Hey, he is really an excellent doctor.

Anyone who is closed at the dead door can be brought back.

Seeing Master's expression of "you praise me, praise me", Ji Changze praised very cooperatively: "The master is really amazing, and the pot can help the world. Such a skill can be passed down through the ages!!!"

"Hahahahaha is not enough to mention, not enough to mention."

The genius doctor touched his beard, his expression becoming more and more contented.

He took Ji Changze, and while writing the prescription, he told the disciple why he had to prescribe it like this and what is the use of this medicinal material.

When I'm finished, I conclude by saying: "Just remember these. I have some medical books here. After you have read them, you can receive more patients for diagnosis and treatment. After ten or eight years, you will be able to become a teacher."

Hey, it's better to bring talented disciples.

Don't worry about it.

The genius doctor Balabala finished speaking and went into the house to grab the medicine.

As a doctor, even if he doesn't ask a doctor, he has a lot of medicinal materials here.

So only Ji Changze and the military division were left in the room.

Ji Changze sat down on his knees across from the military division. Without being euphemistic, he asked directly: "Who poisoned him?"

"It's just that a spy is eyeing the seat of the military commander and intends to kill me and replace it."

The military commander smiled indifferently: "Mr. Ji can be at ease. Since then, we will check all the newcomers to the barracks, and this kind of thing will never happen again."

Ji Changze: "I'm not afraid. I can shoot arrows, but now I am learning medicine from my master, and then I will learn some poisoning skills. Ordinary people can't get close to me."

The military officer in front of him smiled: "Yes, Mr. Ji is not an ordinary person."

He said: "Just now the genius doctor said that my life was imminent, so please Mr. Ji not to tell others."

Ji Changze didn't ask him why.

I want to know that after the military division knew the diagnosis result, he was not surprised at all. He must have known it a long time ago, but during this period of time, he has always been as usual, just trying to hide it from others.

I kept it secret before, because it can't be cured anyway, it's not as good as others don't know, and it saves many people from worrying.

Now that it is hidden, it is cured anyway, and speaking out will only add anxiety out of thin air.

Ji Changze has always admired military strategists, but now this appreciation is even more powerful.

"Since you met an adult, you have always looked like this. You have taken care of military affairs and trivial matters cleanly. Ji is a little curious. Don't you want anything?"

The strategist raised his eyes, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"Of course I do, but even if I say it, I'm afraid no one can do it."

Ji Changze pours tea for him: "You might as well talk about it, maybe I can do it?"

There was a hint of heaviness in the military commander's tone: "I want the country and the people."

"When our soldiers are fighting for their lives on the battlefield, the court can distribute food and clothing in time, instead of dividing into several camps and quarreling together for this battle."

"I also want the people of our country to be able to live without worry, to sit in their own homes without worrying about misfortune from the sky, without being free to be forced to sell their children, or even sell themselves."

Speaking of this, knowing that there is General Hou guarding him outside, the military division still looked around first before speaking; "Speaking of disrespect, I still want the superiors to have the same ideas as mine."

Ji Changze nodded, this is indeed disrespectful.

After all, as soon as these words came out, they were directly talking about the superiors, that is, the emperor and the princes who now have the right to hold in their hands, did not think about protecting Xingguo and protecting the people.

"What the adults want is really difficult."

Hearing what he said, the bitterness on the military division's face became heavier and he sighed, "Yes, it's difficult."

He thought that this topic had been exposed, but he didn't expect that Mr. Ji, who he couldn't see through, added a natural expression: "It's not difficult, but it doesn't mean it can't be done."

The military teacher looked at Ji Changze in disbelief and asked, "Do you know if you want to achieve this, how much resistance is needed?"

"How old?"

"His Majesty was still trying his best to govern in his early years, but in the past few years, he has gradually become greedy for pleasure. If he ignores the struggles of the princes underneath, even if the princes are killing their lives and occupying the people's fertile land, they can be treated as nothing."

Ji Changze nodded and understood that this meant that the boss above was unreliable.

The military division continued: "The princes underneath, only three have grown up. The eldest prince has a slightly irritable temper. He used to kill people to cover up the occupation of the good land by the people under his hands. Overnight, the entire farm was completely destroyed. Die unfavorably and report it as a plague."

"Let alone the second prince, they colluded with the rebels and bought and sold the people of our country. In order to cover up their crimes, those who were not taken away never left alive."

"The three princes are relatively good compared to them, but his mother is a Huren, his mother has no status, and has foreign blood, so it is impossible to succeed to the throne."

"The four princes and the five princes are twins. It is impossible for them to ascend to the throne. The rest is the sixth prince, just a baby."

Ji Changze listened to the military commander's words, the princes at the bottom were not reliable.

Knowing what he meant is that the boss is not reliable, and neither can his sons. It is very rare for us to achieve that goal.

No wonder the eldest prince and the second prince fought fiercely. After all, the younger brothers did not have the power to fight. If nothing else, the crown prince should belong to both of them.

However, he is best at making accidents.

"Can't babies be emperors?"

Hearing what he said, the military teacher was slightly taken aback. After reacting, he still replied: "Naturally, it is possible. What do you mean?"

Ji Changze smiled gently, raised his hand, and made a gesture of wiping his neck: "If the person above can't inherit the throne, the six princes underneath can sit on the throne even if they are babies."

"There is a precedent for this, but the sixth prince's birth mother died early, and there is no mother's support. I'm afraid..."

"It is precisely because of this that the Sixth Prince was selected."

Ji Changze affirmed: "If we choose the Sixth Prince, when he is still young, we will be his mother."

"But if this is the case, you and I must control the government. When the six princes grow up, it will be difficult for us to retreat."

Throughout the ages, how many of the regents have had a good end.

Even the emperor who assists the new emperor can hardly have a good ending.

"It's okay, it's fine to return to the government as soon as possible."

What's more, if he could really push the Sixth Prince to the top, he would not have the power of the mother clan, and Changze would definitely come by himself when he was taught.

The children he taught have a very low chance of being crooked.

Even if it is really crooked, he can retreat all over.

The big deal is to retreat overseas and become king of a country.

Seeing that Ji Changze was so determined, the military commander still couldn't understand: "Since Mr. Ji has such a certainty, why not..."

His expression was as gentle as Ji Changze, but his pale fingers made a strangled gesture.

Ji Changze understood in seconds.

The military commander was saying, since he is sure that he can kill the top ones and push a baby to the top, why not directly rebel and become the emperor himself.

This was beyond his expectation.

After all, it was ancient times, and military divisions could have such advanced ideas.

But Ji Changze didn't have this idea.

If the original world line was the eldest prince or the second prince, he would be on the throne.

It was not the first time that he rebelled against so many worlds.

But the problem is that in the original world line, the Sixth Prince finally enthroned.

It's not how good he is to get the throne.

But the current emperor lived too long.

Before the emperor was old, the eldest prince and the second prince were in their prime of life, and they were in contention.

As a result, the two had been fighting for so many years, but the old emperor still persevered on the road that my son and I were living longer than our lives.

He forced his two sons to death.

And not only did he do such a big thing, in that long life span, the old emperor did not spend less time, and various magical methods emerged one after another.

He first killed the first two sons, and then the third prince, the fourth prince, and the fifth prince. After his son died and wanted to do something else, he began to toss the country.

For the people of Xingguo, it is definitely a great thing for the old emperor to die before he has tossed Xingguo.

The only remaining six princes ascended the throne and took over the country that was about to be tossed and broken by his father.

It has only been ten years since he was enthroned and died.

To put it bluntly, he was exhausted alive.

My father can't toss too much, and he can't bear the suffering of the people. What can he do? He can only repair the country a little bit, fight against corrupt officials, and fight against the enemy country, because his father has almost tossed all the tossing, and he has tried his best. Go and look for capable ministers and loyal ministers everywhere.

Xingguo was finally rescued, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Hey, it's dead.

Ji Changze admired the spirit of the Sixth Prince very much.

He may not be very smart, and he does not have the brains of the brothers above, but he has to say that this is a good emperor.

Taking away the throne of the Sixth Prince is too unskillful, but helping him is what he should do for a righteous and good person like Ji Changze.

He couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart.

I am really kind.

The genius doctor came out with the medicine and handed it to the military strategist. His face was still cheerful. He did not expect that his good disciple had decided to kill the emperor and prince above and let a swaddling baby follow him. Bit.

"The prescription is also given to you. You can just follow this one after you have taken these medicines. Keep eating like this for a year, and then I will give you the conditioning. There shouldn't be a big problem."

The military division took it and thanked him: "Thank you, the genius doctor."

"You don't have to thank me, I am also looking at the face of my disciple."

Ji Changze smiled gratefully at the master: "Master, can you take care of my face and do me a favor?"

The genius doctor didn't ask what it was, and he nodded and agreed: "You are my disciple. If you want me to help, just say it."

The genius doctor hadn't asked yet, the military commander knew what he was talking about, nodded, and thoughtfully said: "I will let the general send a team of men and horses to escort him."

General Hou outside couldn't wait to come over to take a look. He heard these words as soon as he walked to the door, and he was immediately taken aback: "What is the escort? Yingrao, how is your illness? It may be cured?"

When the military teacher saw him coming in, he smiled at him. After knowing that his illness could be cured, his smile was a little more relaxed: "My illness is not serious, and it will be fine after a period of recuperation. The escort is naturally an escort discipline. Mr. and the genius doctor returned home."

General Hou showed joy on his face and directly ignored the second half of the sentence.

However, when Ji Changze saw him coming in, he immediately smiled, and skillfully stretched out his hand: "I'm ashamed in my pocket, and I have to rely on the general for the travel expenses."

Before I was happy, I learned that General Hou was about to pay again: "..."

Forget it.

The cousin was cured because of Mr. Ji.

It doesn't matter how much money is given.

He was happy that his cousin's illness could be cured again, and he was about to put his painful hand into his arms. He suddenly thought of something and put it down quickly: "Ah, my money is in Yingrao's place."

Ji Changze: "I think there are drums in the general's arms."

Sergeant: "He replaced the banknotes he hid before for silver yesterday."

General Hou: "..."

Didn't he change it quietly? ! !

General Hou, who gave up the IQ of these two people, silently took out the silver and handed it to Ji Changze.

"is that enough?"

The strategist glanced, and it was a surprise that General Hou only hid such a small amount of money. He supported the table, stood up with some difficulty, took out a few silver notes from his arms and handed them to Ji Changze.

"Wanderers return home, naturally they want to return home in good shape. Now the military has to run around. It is not easy to bring family members. They can only wait until they settle down before receiving them. Mr. Ji will use the money to buy a home in his hometown and settle his relatives."

Ji Changze was not polite, took it, and put it in his arms.

He lost the twenty-two taels given by General Hou in his hands.

"The banknotes given by the military division are already enough. The general gave twenty taels..."

General Hou was originally determined to look at the twenty taels. Hearing what Ji Changze said, his eyes lit up and he looked at Ji Changze with some expectation.

"Return it to the military division, lest the general holds the silver and always thinks about drinking."

General Hou: "..."

He almost stared at the twenty-two taels being handed to the military division, and the military division put it in his arms before he gave up and withdrew his gaze.

Hey, the money that was finally hidden.

No matter how heartbroken General Hou was with his money, he still ordered a group of soldiers to Ji Changze and asked them to escort them back to their hometown.

In this world, a little more force can make people feel at ease.

Ji Changze didn't refuse, but accepted it openly.

On the same day, he embarked on the itinerary and headed to Hu County.