49|Ancient unfilial children (8)

Ji Changze did not choose to ride in a carriage, but chose to ride with the guards.

This is not to say that he would rather ride a horse to bask in the sun, but that the road is really bumpy.

A person sitting in a carriage is like being locked in a cage and there are people shaking up and down outside. Don't talk about drinking tea and reading in it, even if you sleep, you can shake it down.

This is not to say that the driver's driving skills are not good. After all, being able to drive successfully on such roads is considered to be quite skilled.

After only sitting in the carriage for a day, Ji Changze gave up and chose to ride with the guards.

He would rather have a pain in his thigh while riding a horse than being jolted by bumps.

It is a genius doctor, he is very used to such road conditions.

With an apprentice by his side, he didn't need to worry about anything else. He gave himself a drowsy medicine. When he was on the road during the day, he slept in the carriage with peace of mind. At night, he came out again when he had enough sleep during the day. .

That is to say, he is a genius doctor, and he manages well all the time, plus the prescription of the medicine, so he doesn't break his body upside down day and night.

Although Ji Changze rode a horse, he still wondered what the road should be.

It's not that the bumps on the road are annoying.

If you want to get rich, build roads first. If the roads are smooth and people travel faster than before, the economy will naturally rise.

During the evening break, when the guards set up the camp, Ji Changze wrote down the cement prescription in the carriage with candles.

Even if roads cannot be built for the time being, after a year or two, he is sure that he already has the status of just building roads.

"grown ups."

A guard held his hands outside, Ji Changze was struggling to write, without raising his head: "Say."

"When we met the spies who were sent out before, we have left people behind."

Ji Changze looked up now.

This road is not a route for the army, it can only be the spy who was sent to Huxian by the military division to investigate his identity.

When he set off before, the military division told him this matter very calmly.

After all, he sent someone out before to investigate Ji Changze's details. Since the two now trust each other, it doesn't matter what the detective found.

Informed Ji Changze, thinking that the route was the same. The road to Huxian was long and the spies had not returned. If Ji Changze and the others ran into them, they could get the latest situation in Huxian directly from the spies.

He knew that Ji Changze would not be angry. After all, both of them were smart people, and the military commander knew very well that even if the positions of the two exchanged, Ji Changze would definitely check him.

"Bring someone over and I'll ask him."


The spy was soon brought over, and Ji Changze took out a letter from the box and waited for him to come in and salute vigilantly before handing it over.

"It was written to you by the military division."

The spy took the letter, checked it again after reading it up and down, and knelt down and began to tell Ji Changze about the situation in Hu County.

He Ji Changze expected it well.

Since the original owner left, the Ji family's life has become more difficult. After all, he has gone, but he has also taken away all the money in the family, and he has never heard from him once he left.

Everyone in the village said that Ji Qing would definitely not come back, and no one was willing to lend them money.

Helping the emergency does not help the poor.

Now the two elderly people in Ji's family are sick and unable to make money, and the five children underneath are still young.

They can't afford to lend them money.

Now the family's livelihood depends on the second and third brothers.

The remaining younger brother and two younger sisters took over the laundry. Although the three of them had little strength and were young, but fortunately they were not afraid of hardship, and had a bit of income, at least they could make money that would prevent them from going hungry.

The second brother is less than eight years old now, even in today's ancient countryside, he can say a child, but he has already gone to the town to be a porter.

In these troubled times, he pleaded bitterly, otherwise he would not accept it for such a small child.

In addition to being a porter, he would go up the mountain to collect medicines for his parents to save money, and occasionally if he encountered medicinal materials that he could not find at home, he would send them to the drugstore to sell them.

The third brother is less than seven years old, but he seems to have a talent for hunting, and occasionally he can catch some prey and send it to the town to sell money.

This family is indeed supported by five children.

Even if he knew it for a long time, Ji Changze's eyebrows were frowned when he really saw them prop up this family at such a young age.

He asked, "Isn't there still a field in my home? I rented it to my second uncle's family before, and I said that I would give rations every month. Why didn't it explain?"

The spy didn't even dare to lift his head, and said carefully: "When his subordinates went to investigate, they only heard that the adult's second uncle's house refused to give rations. Your second brother once went to reason, but was kicked out and never came back. wanted."

You can't be careless.

If he were replaced by him, he would also be angry if he knew that his relatives were being bullied like this when he was away.

It's just that he has never been with this adult, so I don't know if he will be angry.

Ji Changze was indeed angry.

He squeezed the brush in his hand and smiled furiously.

The original owner's memory is a bit vague, and he doesn't care about his family, so Ji Changze can only read some vague things from his memory.

He remembered things like the field being planted by Erbo.

What kind of person is that second uncle is a bit unclear to the original owner who has been in the county and didn't go back to the village very much.

Ji Changze pulled a bit in his memory, and finally pulled out this person.

The original owner's grandmother gave birth to a bunch of children. This is very common. At this time, there is no contraceptive measures. It is normal to have a bunch of children.

But I couldn't afford it when I was born, and I gave birth to a bunch of children. Only two sons and one daughter survived.

That is, the father of the original owner and the second uncle.

After the aunt married and went to the next village, the second uncle and the original owner's father settled down there. In the original owner's memory, he looked down on the second uncle and felt that the other party was vulgar.

Ji Changze didn't take this seriously before, after all, the original owner thought that the other party was vulgar.

Unexpectedly, this second uncle would actually be able to do something that would make things difficult for his brothers and their family.

He directly ordered to speed up the journey.

A horse, plus a carriage fast on the bumpy road.

Ji Changze sat in the carriage this time, writing and painting next to the sleeping master.

During this period of time, the rebels should have taken the girl to the northwest, but which road they took was divided into several waves, and which wave the girl followed. No one was sure about this, nor was it in the memory of the original owner. Before Ji Changze I haven't dared to chase, because I was afraid of some butterfly effect. The girl who could have survived died on the road.

But now that there is a second uncle who is not very clear in the memory of the original owner, it is difficult to say whether the girl will suffer any more suffering.

After all, the original owner didn't care about her, so naturally he wouldn't check what she had suffered.

All I know is that she was sold to a slave, gave birth to a son, and became a nanny for the young master of another family.

The others are not so clear.

Ji Changze first wrote that he sent chasers to catch up with the rebels, and then crossed them out.

No, the rebels are cunning. They are divided into several waves. If the pursuers are detected, they are likely to kill directly in order to speed up the journey, and then run for their lives.

They wouldn't be so kind to keep people alive.

Then the second way, send someone to go ahead and stop at the gate of that mansion.

Ji Changze twisted his eyebrows for a moment, then crossed it out.

No, there are still variables.

If a clue is revealed, the other party is likely to make other decisions.

Only when the girl arrives at the man's house and settles down.

He wrote down the time one by one.

The army intends to destroy the entrenched rebels in one go. Because of the large number of people, plus the need to practice, and the need to repair at night, it will take half a year to fight all the way.

The rebels should be quicker, at most, they can arrive in two months.

Once in the past, it is selling people.

At this time, he does not move, so as not to have any butterfly effect, so that the army will move forward at a normal speed...

The genius doctor slept dazedly and was awakened.

"Huh?" He yawned, sat up and looked out the window: "What's the matter? Hurrying when it's dark?"

Ji Changze still sat steadily in the bumpy car.

"Master can sleep for a while. There is something urgent in my house, so I asked them to speed up the schedule."

The genius doctor yawned again: "Forget it, I have enough sleep, so I'll just squint for a while."

After he lay down, he calculated from the bottom of his heart that if xx poison xx medicine was given to a person, it could be solved, or xxx medicine. By the way, xxx medicine can also be used for poisoning.

After thinking about it, he found that his apprentice was frowning and didn't know what he was thinking, and while thinking about it, he quickly wrote a word.

He even drew a mountain map.

Not to mention, the picture is quite real.

After almost an hour, Ji Changze, who didn't know how many sheets of paper he had used, stopped his pen and looked at the sheets of paper in front of him with satisfaction.

The genius doctor was about to ask the apprentice what you wrote, when Ji Changze opened the window, took out the fire book, and burned the paper to only one corner and let it blow away.

"Disciple, what did you write? It was so easy to write, so why didn't you let it go?"

Ji Changze burned these pieces of paper one by one, while replied: "I just want to achieve the goal I want to achieve with the fastest speed."

"Did you figure it out?"

Ji Changze nodded: "I figured it out."

The genius doctor asked strangely: "Since I figured it out, why not throw it away?"

"It's okay, these are already in my mind."

He started grinding ink again and wrote to the military division.

According to the estimates just now, within five months, the rebels can be won, and the eldest prince and the second princes can kill each other by the way. If luck is good, the third princes can also rebel.

As for the old emperor...

Ji Changze drew a long-lived bastard and made a circle on its head.

let it go.

If he doesn't mind, it's okay to be the Supreme Emperor.

Of course, even if he minded, it wouldn't work.

Ji Changze began to write and draw again, leaving only the disciples who looked at him with admiring eyes.

Oh yeah.

Although I don't know what he is writing, I know at a glance that what he is writing must be very good.

He was really lucky, how could he pick up such a good apprentice.

While the group was speeding up their journey, in Huxian, the second brother Ji had just finished a day of tiring work, had paid his wages, and drove others to close the door to buy rice, and went home with his back on his back.

He was only seven years old. He looked skinny and small because he couldn't eat enough for a long time, but his strength was not small, and he didn't know if it was because of being a porter.

It takes half an hour to get from the county to Huxian if you hire a donkey cart, but it takes a long time to walk by yourself.

Ji's second brother didn't hire a car. Although he only needed a few copper plates to hire a car, he couldn't afford these copper plates.

Even if an adult has been carrying rice grains for so long, it will be tired, let alone a child like the second brother Ji.

But no way, he has to keep going.

Otherwise, when it is late at night, wild beasts appear, he is a child, and those wild beasts are not afraid of him.

And the rice in the family is gone this morning. My parents and siblings must have been hungry for another day. If he goes back sooner, they will be able to eat earlier.

The second brother Ji rested for a while, touched a wowotou hidden in his arms, gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward with the rice grains on his back.

This wowotou is owned by every porter, and there is also a bowl of porridge. The second brother Ji drank the porridge, but he was not willing to eat this wowotou.

Six sisters were young, and she was crying hungry early this morning. When she was hungry, she cried quietly. It didn't work to coax her. When she went out in the morning, brother Ji could still see the little girl squatting at the door of the house and grabbing the crickets on the grass. Put it in your mouth.

He gave this to her, which should make her a little bit happy.

I don't know how long he walked, until there was a howling of wolves around, the second brother Ji walked to his door with difficulty.

At the door, even though he was young, a boy who was born a head taller than him waited anxiously outside.

Seeing him, his face was happy, and he quickly greeted him: "Second brother, are you back?"

He skillfully took the rice bag from the second brother Ji, put it on his shoulder, pushed the door open with his body, and went in with the second brother Ji.

"Are you exhausted? You sweat so much in such a cold day. I said I'll pick you up, but you won't let it."

Brother Ji shook his head. After unloading the rice grains he was carrying, he relaxed a lot. While pinching his sore shoulders, he said: "There are so many wolves outside, what should you do if you pick me up and get taken away."

"If you really meet a wolf, your second brother will be taken away. I'll pick you up. We are two of us anyway."

"No way."

Ji's second brother is young, but speaks very calmly: "I really met a wolf, it is better for me to be taken away by myself than we are together."

Seeing that the third brother was still not convinced, he asked:

"If we are all gone, what about my parents and younger siblings?"

As soon as these words came out, the third brother Ji stopped speaking.

"Second brother, second brother, you are back."

The people in the room heard the movement, and soon a thin and small girl, who was only three or four years old, ran out. She was wearing straw sandals on her feet, and her face was frozen out of the plateau. Red, his eyes look big because they are too thin.

Looking longingly at his second brother Ji: "Second brother, second brother, I'm so hungry."

Seeing that it was the youngest sister coming out, the second brother Ji tried his best to show a gentle smile even if his face was frozen. He took out the warmth from his arms, which was not too cold, and handed it over.

"I brought Wowotou, you go and share it with your elder sister and four brothers."

Six sisters was the youngest and only knew that she was hungry. Seeing Wowotou, she quickly took a bite in her hand.

Seeing her like this, the third brother Ji said fiercely: "You know how to eat, and you don't ask if your second brother has eaten."

Six sisters were a little afraid of being fierce, so she didn't dare to eat anymore. She quickly took out the gnawed Wowotou and handed it to the second brother Ji. She was obviously hungry and chewed her mouth to feel the bite she gnawed before, still whispering. Said: "Second elder brother eat, for second elder brother to eat."

The second brother Ji looked at the third brother disapprovingly, and said warmly to the sixth sister: "Second brother has eaten, you can eat it."

The little girl timidly handed it to the third brother Ji: "Third brother eat."

Brother Ji was still fierce on his face, but he touched his sister's head with his hand:

"I'm not hungry either. I ate on the mountain today."

"Then I will give it to the fourth brother and sister to eat."

She was still a little scared on her face, grabbed Wowotou in her hand, looked at the two older brothers in front of her, and whispered; "Liuya stop eating, I eat less, don't sell Liuya."

Both of them were taken aback.

Ji's second brother looked ugly, and looked at his third brother: "Has the second auntie been here today?"

The third brother Ji shook his head with a sullen face: "I don't know, I went hunting in the mountains today, not at home."

He said, turning around and entering the room: "I'll ask the fourth brother."

The second brother Ji coaxed Liuya first, and after promising her that he would not sell her, he also hugged her into the house.

In the room, the other two younger siblings also knew that they were back, but they didn't come out.

It's not that they don't want to meet their elder brother. It's just that the family is too poor and the clothes are scarce. Like Ji's second brother and Ji third brother, they often have to go out, so they have thicker clothes to wear.

Liuya, they are all wearing thin clothes, in order to keep warm, everyone at home during the day is wrapped in a shabby quilt.

Ji's father and Ji's mother were sick and feared to infect them, so they were in another room.

When I entered, Ji's fourth brother was angry, with hatred in his immature voice: "The second aunt is here today. On the surface, it's for our good, but in fact, it means seeing Liuya who is young and good looking. Sell ​​her to the crip in the East Village. That crip is in his thirties this year, so she was embarrassed to say it."

The children in the room were full of anger on their faces except for Liu Ya, who was the youngest and didn't understand.

"They dream of going!"

The more sensible Wuya suddenly said: "The second aunt said that the lame man is willing to spend a buck to buy a daughter-in-law, or I will go."


The third brother Ji tightened his eyebrows angrily: "Isn't that the lady who was before the lame man was killed by him? Otherwise, how come no one dares to marry him, and the traffickers don't sell women to him, you just died in the past."

Wuya shook her body when she was yelled, and lowered her head uncomfortably: "But the weather is cold, and I don't make any money at home every day, and I am still eating. If I change money, at least my family can survive until the beginning of spring."

Ji's second brother looked ugly, but still calmed his younger brothers and sisters: "Alright, don't say anything, unless I die, no one will be sold in this house."

"Don't worry about family affairs, just stay with your third brother."

Although he was not born as tall as the third brother Ji, the majesty in the eyes of the younger brothers and sisters in the family has always been great, so when he said this, the younger brothers and sisters all nodded obediently.

Brother Ji and Wuya started cooking, and the little one of Liuya followed them, raising the wowotou on his hand to feed them from time to time.

It's just that both of them took a small bite and didn't really eat it.

The second brother Ji took out the medicinal materials in his arms and handed it to the third brother: "Go decocting the medicine, I'll see my parents."


Brother Ji took the medicine and suddenly said: "Brother, you take me to be a porter tomorrow, I can be stronger than you."

"No, there must be someone at home to take care of them, otherwise they are all young, and the second aunt now has this thought again, what should I do if I secretly carried Liuya away? You are on the mountain, anyway, they call you and listen to you. get."

Ji's second brother didn't let his third brother be a porter, of course not only because of this, but also because the porters have a short lifespan.

If something is heavy, it can only crush human bones alive.

He hasn't broken his bones, but he has also encountered a lot of heavy objects. How can he be willing to let his younger brother also suffer this hardship.

The third brother Ji was young and didn't think far-reaching. He didn't know what the second brother was thinking, so after agreeing, he went to boil medicine.

Ji's second brother arrived in the next room. On the bed, two old men lay drowsy. Now they are only more than 40 years old, and their foreheads are already full of white hair.

They are seriously ill and do not often have consciousness.

Ji's second brother stepped forward and touched their foreheads, then looked at whether to change the cushions, watching, Ji's mother woke up.

She was groggy, and when she saw her second son, she shouted: "Second child, are you back?"

"Yeah, mother, I'm back. Fourth brother and Wuya are cooking porridge. You will be able to drink the porridge in a while."

Mother Ji shook her head hardly: "I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry, just eat it."

Brother Ji knew that this was because she wanted to save food, so he smiled and didn't answer.

Mother Ji asked again: "You were at the dock today, did you find out about your eldest brother?"

"No, I was too busy today, and I didn't ask a few people."

"Eh, if you didn't ask, you didn't ask. He probably got caught up in something."

The second brother Ji didn't talk to him. He thought so at first, but after so long, the elder brother didn't have any letters at all. He also felt that the eldest brother was just like the villagers said. He didn't want to raise his parents and younger siblings, so he brought The money ran away.

It's just that my parents don't believe me, and I think the eldest brother will come back.

How come back.

Mother Ji was dizzy and still said: "When your elder brother comes back and he is there, you don't have to work so hard. Your elder brother is a scholar, and he has a way to make money."

"If he doesn't come back in a few days, my mother will leave first, so as not to drag you down..."

"Mother, don't say such things."

The second brother Ji tucked the quilt for her: "Don't worry, you and Dad will be fine."

Mother Ji has fallen asleep drowsy.

The second brother Ji looked at the way his father and mother were asleep for a while, then opened the door and went out.

When he reached his third brother, Ji third brother who was proficient in boiling medicine asked; "Did your mother ask Ji Qing again?"

"Don't call it that, that's the eldest brother."

"Big brother shit, who is the eldest brother? When his parents were okay before, he never went home in the county. He came back several times a year. Even if he did, he was in his own room. When I came out, I even forgot what he looked like. As soon as my father and mother were sick, he ran away with the money, regardless of us, this is what a big brother."

The second brother Ji quietly waited for him to finish, then said: "My father and mother said he was going to invite the doctor."

"Brother, do you believe this? He asked the doctor for so long?? It has been so long, and there is no letter. You see what the villagers say, saying that he just left us and ran away. Uncle's family, thinking about taking advantage of our family all day long, and looking at our young age to be bullied, if he were there, our family wouldn't be so difficult."

The third disciple Ji was impatient, but he was a child. As he spoke, he remembered the grievances suffered by the family during this period of time. While holding a fan to fan the fire, he wiped tears from his eyes.

"Well, it's useless to say that."

When the second brother Ji saw this, he didn't feel like it. He just said, "Don't worry, I won't sell Liuya for anything. We will survive this winter."

Brother Ji wiped his tears, gritted his teeth with hatred, and said while fanning: "He had better live well, until I grow up. When I meet him, he must be beaten ten times."

At this moment, Ji Changze is still on his way to rushing forward.


A big sneeze came out of his mouth. The genius doctor wrapped a quilt and was not affected by the bumps while reading. He saw his apprentice sneezing and stretched out a hand from the quilt to place a hand on Ji Changze's veins.

"Well... I have a bit of cold, just take medicine."

"Forget it, let's eat it later, it's not easy to make medicine now on the way."

Ji Changze rubbed his nose, put down the book in his hand and went out: "Give me a horse."

If you catch a cold or something, horse riding is just fine.

When he got on his horse, he rode forward and walked to the guard leading the way: "How long will it take to walk from Huxian?"


The guard replied: "At this speed, you will be there by noon tomorrow."

"Okay! Continue on the road and tell my brothers. This time I will work hard for everyone. When I go back, I will give you a couple of dollars."

As soon as he said this, all the guards heard around him became energetic.

Each one speeds up.

Ji Changze was mingled in it, and he couldn't see the weakness of the literati. The one who rode was called a fast.

Because of monetary encouragement, they arrived near Huxian before noon.

Of course, this is due to the guard who is very familiar with the road, taking them to cut corners, and this can be reached quickly.

The guard led them to a river and pointed to the city on the opposite side and said, "That's Huxian. We can get there after we cross the river by boat. I don't know where the adults are at home. If you get to Huxian, I'm afraid you will have to be an adult. Come to lead the way."

Ji Changze nodded and looked at Huxian on the opposite side.

It is indeed what the original owner remembered.

In my memory, Huxian County was built on the hillside but next to rivers. Therefore, many people in the county depended on waterways for their livelihoods, while the original owners were farmers who had been farming for generations.

They stood there and waited for a while, and finally waited for the two boats that could support people and horses.

One after another came forward.

Ji Changze recalled the home route in the memory of the original owner. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he said to the genius doctor next to him: "My parents at home don't know whether the disease has worsened, and I have to rely on the master."

"It's easy to say, you are my disciple, you are all your own, I will definitely cure them."

If this is poisoning or something, the genius doctor is not sure yet.

But listening to Ji Changze's description of the disease, perhaps ordinary doctors will be helpless, and it will be a piece of cake for him.

If he hadn't valued his apprentice, he would never have followed him.

After the group of people got on the waterway, the porters on the pier who were resting because they were not alive also learned from a boatman that there was a group of people on the boat.

"It looks like a soldier, still wearing armor. It should be no shortage of money. They only brought the horse boat, and the carriage stayed there."

When the porters heard this, all of them were happy.

It's good if you don't lack money, and you will be asked to pick heavy objects if you don't lack money.

"Go! Go! Go!"

It wasn't long before those who were porters themselves were happy when a middle-aged man stepped forward to drive them away.

"Did you take care of so many people here? You don't want my people to come, walk around, and pick up individual customers."

Those people didn't dare to provoke him so much, they could only swallow their anger and leave. Waiting for them to leave, the middle-aged man turned around with satisfaction and came to his group of porters.

"I'll be soliciting guests in a while, and you guys should behave well. This is the soldier. If you receive it, they will be generous. Today I will give one more penny to each person. Can you hear that!"

The porters all nodded happily, and the second brother Ji was among them, and his eyes lit up and nodded quickly.

Seeing his excited look, the middle-aged man frowned slightly, and waited for the porters to disperse before he came to him and said, "Isn't your arm not working well? Why are you here again?"

Brother Ji hurriedly waved his painful arm while explaining: "I'm done, I can continue to pick the goods, you see, I'm done."

"What a good thing, I see a lot of this kind of thing, and I still can't work hard today, and I won't be able to move for a while. You rest today, and I will pay you the money."

Ji's second brother was taken aback, the middle-aged man touched his moustaches, then lowered his voice, saying like a thief; "Don't tell others about this, or they should make a fuss."

The second brother Ji reacted and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, thank you, I will go to work after I take a rest."

"Come on, just your little body, go and go, don't get in the way, and rest on the side. I am afraid that the soldier will see us so young and will not let us move things."

Brother Ji nodded brightly and sat aside.

On the water, the boat arrived.

The boatman said: "Several soldiers, our boat is so big that we can't stop in shallow water. We can only stop here. You can go down by yourself. If you have any heavy objects to take, you can hire a porter on the shore. "

Ji Changze got up and looked at the depth of the water.

Fortunately, you can still walk, but you can't ride on a horse, you have to walk by yourself.

As soon as he got up, he saw a middle-aged man approaching with a bunch of shirtless men and shouted at them: "Several soldiers, do you have any heavy objects to move? Hire us to move it, it's cheap!" It will definitely be delivered safely to you ashore."

The guards guarded Ji Changze vigilantly since they saw someone.

The sergeant can tell, if Mr. Ji has something wrong, none of them will want to run away.

"It's okay, the porter, tell them we don't hire people."


One of the guards stepped forward and said that the middle-aged man showed disappointment on his face, but he didn't entangle him, and walked ashore with people.

Ji Changze and his guards disembarked one after another, leading their horses to walk in the water.

Fearing that Matthew would be struggling, only the genius doctor sat on the horse, and the others, including Ji Changze, led the horse by themselves.

When they arrived at the shore, they knew that they did not hire porters to carry the goods, and no one dared to approach them.

This is the soldier, what if you provoke them.

The genius doctor sat on the horse and looked around comfortably: "Not bad, not bad. Although this county is poor, the scenery is good, and it really is a water town."

"Hey, is such a small doll also acting as a porter? Hey, it's a chaos in the world."

Ji Changze just turned on his horse. Hearing what he said, he looked over subconsciously, and he saw a child holding his shoulders with his back to them. His clothes were dirty and torn, and his hands were covered with frostbite.

"The world is not easy, and the people who suffer are naturally."

He was about to give an order to set off, but suddenly realized how the child's profile was so familiar.

Ji Changze had a guess in his heart, and he immediately moved forward.

When the porters around saw him frowning towards the second brother Ji, they were all frightened and avoided. The second brother Ji turned his back to him and didn't know, and was still squeezing his shoulder seriously.

Or was the porter opposite him kindly reminded: "Ji Er, did the soldier come for you?"


Ji's second brother turned around subconsciously strangely.

It happened to meet Ji Changze, who was sitting and looking down.

"Second brother?"

When Ji Changze saw his face, he was convinced that this was really his second brother.

Most of the children of the peasant family have many births, and they don't know how to read. They are named like Wang Da Wang Er's family. They are ranked according to one, two, three, four and five, and the double-name rate has also increased greatly.

Ji Changze's second brother is also ranked according to this name, and is called Ji Er.

The original owner is naturally called Ji Da.

However, he disliked this name as crude and unpleasant. After he went to the county seat to study, he asked his husband to name him, and his husband gave him a lighter name, Ji Qing.

The word is Changze.

When the second brother Ji saw the face of the person in front of him, his body was already shocked.

Then, when Ji Changze called himself, he confirmed that the man in front of him was riding a tall horse, wearing expensive clothes and armor, with a pale complexion, like the son of a big family he had seen, he was his eldest brother.

He was confused for a while.

Looking at the person in front of him stiffly, he didn't know what to say.

Ji Changze laughed first: "What's wrong? I went out, don't you remember me?"

After laughing, looking at the embarrassed second brother Ji, his eyebrows frowned again: "Are you a porter? It's because I'm not good. It took so long to come back."

"Big Brother..."

Looking at the person who was speaking to him in front of him, Ji's second brother squeezed an eldest brother out of his throat.

He looked at the soldiers around who had apparently come with his eldest brother, and looked a little at a loss: "Brother, why are you...you are with these soldiers?"

It happened that a guard saw Ji Changze talking with his second brother Ji there, and came forward and asked, "My lord, do you know him?"

"It's my second brother."

Ji Changze's answer is no longer heard by the second brother Ji, he is full of only the two words that the soldier shouted to his elder brother.

grown ups.

The soldier called his eldest brother.

He was completely shocked.

As he was stunned, Ji Changze had leaned down, grabbed his entire body, and let him sit in front of him.

"Can my parents be at home? I brought a genius doctor back, and he can definitely cure my parents."

The second brother Ji nodded blankly; "Daddy and mother...at home."

"Then let's say while on the road, go! Drive!!!"

The second brother Ji sat in front, protected by his elder brother's arms, and surrounded by soldiers in armor.

They called him eldest brother, sir.

His brain was blank and chaotic, and in the end there was only one sentence left.

The eldest brother, he actually brought the doctor back.