56|I hold my idol (1)

There are two people sitting in front of Ji Changze. Both of them are dressed casually, but their faces are very confident.

He glanced again and saw that the watches on their wrists looked good, and the color of one of them was drinking, and he immediately confirmed a little.

Although the clothes of these two people are not good, the family conditions should be good.

They all look good. One of them was born with a baby face. He was eating peanuts while complaining: "Nagaze, you talk about you, you know that uncle is not happy that you are too close to the female stars in the entertainment industry. I still clamour to be with those artists every day. I really don't know what you think. Now it's alright, my uncle kicked you out, and I don't know when to calm down."

Ji Changze only looked vaguely about his memory, and at the moment he was not clear about the situation, so he nodded and said nothing.

Another tall man with a sigh of exhaustion between his eyebrows gently pushed the baby face; "What are you doing with Chang Ze, you don't know what his temper is."

"Well, I won't talk about it. Actually, it's okay to think about it. My uncle is an only child like Changze. Even if he kicks you out now, it must be temporary. If I say Changze, don't worry about it, I see. Uncle treats you very well, you are considered the best of us. If it wasn't for your uncle who loved you, why would you call us to accompany you, then you would go back and bow your head and admit your mistake..."

As he was talking, the person next to him suddenly stretched out his hand to interrupt, and gave him a stern look.

The baby face immediately realized something, and quickly closed her mouth in a whisper.

"Um, I didn't mean that, don't be angry."

Ji Changze also heard it.

These two people are the uncles in their mouths, and the physical dad is here to be the lobbyist.

He didn't show anything on his face, he just got up and said: "I'm going to pour a glass of water, you sit down."

With that, he turned around, found the location of the kitchen, and went.

There were only two people left on the sofa.

"Look at you, what nonsense, Changze is upset for a while, it's all your pot."

"I didn't mean it. Uncle asked us to come and stay with Changze. I really can't figure it out. Uncle Ming is also very good to Changze. Why is he so repulsive? Look at both of us. If we Dad can have his uncle treated Nagasawa half as good to us, and we won't be so miserable."

Ji Changze listened to the faint voice of the two in the kitchen, and began to check his memory.

The original owner's father really loved him very much, but it was a pity that he loved the wrong person.

This is a parallel world, modern overhead, the original owner's father is a rich man in the country, and there is only such an only child under his knees, so he has always loved him too much.

The original owner did not appreciate it.

The cause is still the industry. This industry was not won by his father from scratch, but passed down from generation to generation by his ancestors. It has a profound background. If it is really named, it can definitely be considered as one of the top ten.

The original owner has always longed for this industry.

It stands to reason that he is the only child of his father, and Ji's father loves him too much. It is very simple to want the company, but the problem is that he is really too sloppy.

Ever since I was young, it may have been because I always wanted what I wanted. The original owner wanted to get good grades and didn't want to work hard. When I was in school, I used to fish for three days and two days to hang on the net.

After graduating, at his strong request, the original owner's father gave him money and let him start a small company and become a boss. Unfortunately, he really does not have that talent, and the small company has not survived for a month. Bankruptcy under the wise leadership of the Lord.

Also owed a lot of debts.

Naturally, these are the loopholes his father helped him fill.

The original owner was naturally unwilling, and he had to let his father let him manage the branches underneath, and as expected, it was extremely chaotic to be managed.

He is incapable of himself, and he doesn't want to learn. Every time he is tried to teach him the experience, he can't understand it with excuses.

After that, under the entanglement of the original owner, his father gave him a lot of money and helped him to establish many small companies.

After almost the tenth company was killed by the original owner, he gave up.

The father of the original owner saw his son's abilities clearly and tried to rescue him, but found that he could not come back, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​letting his son inherit the company.

Although he is less than fifty years old this year, he himself has to pay attention to the company and feel that his health is not better than before. He also worried that if he died, his son would lose shelter after playing the company, so he began to bother to find someone to help manage the company. .

That is, the legendary emperor working.

Find someone and give him shares, asking him to sit in the position of general manager for the company and protect his son's health for the rest of his life.

It is a pity that he is full of love for his son, the original owner, the straw-bag son, can't feel it at all.

Even very angry.

The reason for the anger is naturally that the father has his own ready-made son and has to find someone else to manage the company.

And because the general manager who was retrieved was very young, the original owner began to wonder if it was his father's illegitimate child.

Naturally, he had a big fight. The original owner's father was exhausted, but he could only coax him, explain the whole story to him, and tell him that he did all this for him.

Then he stepped on thunder again.

The original owner himself is a idiot. It's also because he doesn't want to study hard, but he doesn't like others to say it.

Who would want others to say that he is a idiot and nothing can be achieved, not to mention that the person who said this to him finally concludes that he is not appropriate to manage the company and wants to deliver the company to an outsider.

From this day on, the original owner felt resentment towards his father from the bottom of his heart.

He even had an idea.

If the father is dead, is the company his own?

This is right, after all, his father has only his only child.

Father Ji did not expect that he thought that the parents and children in this world should be you for my good, and I also think about yours.

And he had a very good relationship with his wife who passed away early, and the love crystallization she left behind has been painful since childhood, so no one thought of a white-eyed wolf.

No, not only a white-eyed wolf, but also an idiot.

All that Ji's father did was for this son, but if the original owner himself shoveled the patron of Ji's father, how to live the rest of the life would really be two different things.

But these original owners didn't think about it.

He doesn't want to have a drag racing and be nagged by his father. It's just that he spends tens of millions to buy a car and asks his father for money.

With so many properties in the family, let alone buying a car for tens of millions, it's hundreds of millions. It's not that his father can't afford it.

If his father dies, the whole Ji family will not belong to him in the future.

He spends the money as he wants, and he manages the company if he wants to manage the company. No one can say anything.

After the original owner had this idea, he secretly changed the medicine his father was taking.

The father of the original owner was sick and had to take medicine every day to control it. Because he was sitting in this position, he had always been very vigilant. He had never let anyone see the medicine before, and he took it at home.

In the end, he couldn't think that it was his biological son who replaced his medicine.

And just when the original owner had just changed his dressing, something that was a small episode for him but a nightmare for a girl appeared.

The original owner loves beauty, which is fine, but he knows that his father is very prejudiced against celebrities. In order to piss him off and to make his illness worse, he began to deliberately pursue the posture of female stars in the entertainment industry.

Ji's father is naturally furious. He has always had prejudice against people in the entertainment industry. On the one hand, he knew that the circle was messy, and on the other hand, he hadn't met Ji's mother when he was young. His first love was a female artist.

At that time, the situation was a bit chaotic. People with a little money in the family didn't reveal their own background. Grandpa Ji asked Ji's father to talk about advertising on his behalf. , I found myself in love with one of them.

The female artist also showed her liking for him, and Ji's father happily thought that she had found true love and gave her the advertising resources.

Just when he was about to take someone back to see his parents, the female artist who got the advertisement turned her head and turned her face, kicked him and found a gold master. When Ji's father didn't dare to come to the door for questioning, she confessed that she was In order to take advantage of the beauty he used to get that advertisement.

At that time, Ji's father was still young, and the shock to him caused him to fear women for a time.

He waited until Grandpa Ji saw that he had gradually reached the age and was still unmarried, and he had no plans to get close to a woman. He arranged a blind date for him. The blind date was the mother of the original owner, and he could be regarded as the right person.

The original owner's mother is a good-tempered child. After knowing that Ji's father was afraid of contacting women because of this shadow, she said directly, "Then you don't have to worry about me. As far as wealth is concerned, my family is not much worse than yours. , I don't want to lie to you to take advantage of you."

Only then did the two get along, and then they can be regarded as affection, but it is a pity that Ji's mother died early, and only Ji's father is left.

He changed back to the original attitude of retreating to women, facing his son, when he was a child, he taught him that he must never have anything to do with people in the entertainment industry.

As a result, not only did my son not listen to him, but he was also with the female celebrities who only had money in their eyes.

Ji's father took this for granted.

He was a rabbit at the beginning, so he naturally wanted to avoid these foxes, but the original owner was not a good person. He didn't have any sincerity with these artists. On the one hand, he saw that they looked good, and on the other hand, he wanted to be angry with Ji Father. That's it.

When the original owner was satisfied that Ji's father was seriously ill by his own anger, he suddenly realized that he was really interested in a female artist.

He was about to make a move, and suddenly found out that the situation of this female artist was a little different from the women he had previously fancyed.

Although she has been in the circle for a long time, she has not been very popular, because she rejected the unspoken rules and offended people.

The company ignored her and didn't arrange resources for her. She couldn't leave the company because of liquidated damages, but she couldn't just starve to death, so she had to find work everywhere by herself.

However, according to the contract that she signed at the time, the final money she found in the job still had to be distributed to the company, so her already struggling life was even more sad.

But even so, she never bowed to the company, and refused to accept the unspoken rules, just holding on so hard.

If a normal person hears this, she must be sighing and sighing that she has a backbone and a bottom line.

But the original owner is different.

After hearing this, his first reaction was, then this girl is not willing to be unspoken, isn't it that he can't get started?

How about the original owner is a dog than, he was originally only interested in this girl, after knowing that the girl is not easy to succeed, his interest suddenly rose to the highest level.

He thought about it, and felt as if nothing would work.

At this time, Ji's father couldn't bear all his actions. It was really hard for him to imagine that his future daughter-in-law was here to use his son.

With regard to his son's raised innocent (he thought) temperament, when he died, he didn't know how to get rid of the bones and dregs left.

In a hurry, Ji's father drove him out of the house when the original owner deliberately pissed him off again, announcing that Ji's family would be separated from him in the future.

Of course, he certainly didn't really think so.

At first, he was angry and pursed his mouth, but then he thought about it, thinking that if his son was driven out of the house like this and he was penniless, he would still be able to rely on his children to help, and his life would surely be fine. Where to go.

But the female artists around him are different. They themselves eat youth meals. Being with his son is for money and resources. If neither of these are available now, see who else has that. patient.

Father Ji was painstakingly painstaking, but unfortunately the original owner couldn't accept it.

He was full of resentment towards his father. If he still had admiration for his father when he was a child, when he gradually grew up and wanted to control the company but was rejected, the resentment turned into hatred.

Now Ji's father "sweeped out" again, his mind was full of "you are unkind to me and I am unrighteous to you", "If this is the case, don't blame me", and he became more determined to kill his father and get the company. idea.

He was still angry. When he wanted to vent, he happened to meet the girl who didn't want to be unspoken.

The person who was drunk and was stupefied but insisted on leaving the hotel to escape, happened to be hit by the original owner.

Together, he took advantage of the dim light to pull people into the room, and spent the night with her in confusion.

The next day, the original owner who had eaten his mouth was satisfied, and left the whole dress, completely ignoring what the girl would be like.

After that, in order to deliberately anger Ji's father, the original owner took the money from Faxiao and formed a grass-roots team to be the director by himself.

Said to choose actors, in fact, the script was written by the original owner himself.

Yes, it is commonly known as self-editing and self-directing.

They were all female characters, not a single man. When the audition was not an audition, it was a genuine harem draft.

As a result, the girl also came.

She had no impression of the original owner. After all, she was given the medicine that day, and she herself was confused. How could she see who the people around her were? Naturally, it was just an attitude toward the director to the original owner.

When the original master saw the girl who had eaten her hand, his mind regained.

He kept the people, and through the crew dinner, he forcibly got them drunk and ate them again.

When there is no lower limit, it is useless to guard against it. The girl has already noticed that it is wrong, but the original master has always treated her well, and even gave her a chance to have not received a role for a long time, which can be regarded as yes. There is the kindness of knowledge.

After hesitating, she drank the glass of wine.

As a result, the original owner revealed that ugly face that night.

She had been sober, crying and struggling, and was suppressed by violence. Later, she took photos of her as evidence of threats.

When the girl was about to sue him the next day, he threatened the girl's family name again.

Of course, the original owner does not have this ability, but he is rich, and it is not easy to find people.

After that, the relationship between the two continued.

The original owner just likes her to resist herself, like her reluctant look, but treats the other party as a plaything.

As a result, the news that they were "together" reached Father Ji. He was angry at first, and when people checked and found that the girl was indeed a good girl, his anger disappeared again.

Recently, he was seriously ill, and he couldn't think about it without a son. Now he saw that this girl was indeed a good girl. When she entered the entertainment industry because her family was poor, she was reluctant to be unspoken.

If your son likes it, please.

Anyway, he is getting old and can't control his son anymore.

If you really are a good girl, just treat her son well.

After Ji's father thought it through, he asked him to call the original owner back, and told him in a gentle voice that he had accepted the daughter-in-law.

Original owner: "..."

But he doesn't want such a wife.

He only played with the other party as a plaything, so how could he ever think about marrying her?

Seeing that his father told him to show him the girl, and if there was no problem, he would hold a wedding for them, the original owner was a little anxious.

He knows what kind of temper his father is, he has always been more upright, and he has a bottom line in his behavior.

And let alone that woman, if he hadn't threatened her with her family before, I'm afraid she would have burned with her own jade long ago.

If someone is really brought to his father and the woman is aware of his father's temperament, and file a complaint in front of his father, this matter will be difficult to handle.

The original owner first stalled and planned to tell his father that they had broken up.

As a result, at this time, the person who tricked the girl into the hotel and drugged her saw that she actually "hooked up" with the rich second generation, and actually took out the photo of the girl who was groggy and brought to the door of the room by the original owner.

The title is also very popular.

[A certain actress was drugged and taken to the room to enjoy]

The reputation of female entertainers in the entertainment industry is very important. Even if they are victims, a large number of people will turn black as soon as the photos are released.

Father Ji looked at the photo, and he recognized that the man in it was his son. He only thought it was gossip about the entertainment industry.

My son and that girl are boyfriends and girlfriends. Isn't it normal to be close?

On a whim, he planned to drag the sick body to visit the two in person, and then comfort the girl, telling her that the Ji family will definitely make the decision for her.

He is kind and wants to meet someone his son likes.

As a result, when she knocked on the door where her son lived, the girl happened to question the original owner.

She is also going to be tortured madly.

It turned out that the culprit who made her feel so embarrassed from the beginning was the person who threatened her. Now she has lost her reputation. The mother who was in the hospital could not stand the irritation after reading the news and entered the ICU, and the original owner could still ask her if nothing happened Come and "serve" him.

When the two were arguing, Father Ji came.

Hearing Father Ji's voice, the original owner panicked.

He knows Father Ji, don't look at what he says now that the old man has no affection for him at all, but in fact he knows what Ji Fu treats him better than anyone else.

But if you let Ji's father know that he did this kind of thing, it would be hard to say whether he would love him as much as before.

In panic, seeing the girl angrily going to open the door, he pulled her back, saw her yelling, and put his hand on her neck again.

After that, pinched her neck with both hands, harder and harder, until the people under her stopped moving and her breathing stopped.

The father Ji outside had already left because he didn't get a response.

The original owner looked at the dead person and finally panicked completely.

This girl is a star herself, and she has been on the cusp recently. Whether she disappeared or died at this time, she will definitely be investigated by the public.

His family is rich, but according to his father's temperament, knowing that he will hire the best lawyer for him to get a light sentence after knowing that he kills, it is absolutely impossible to cover him up.

But if you just leave it alone, the police will find out someday and find him out.

The original owner finally thought of it after sitting in the room all night.

He learned how to turn on the air conditioner in the TV series and let the girl's body freeze all night to confuse the time of death.

The next day, he called Father Ji to come home, saying that he was going to introduce his girlfriend to him. When the people arrived, he got drunk Father Ji, and put his hand on the girl's neck while wearing gloves. After pinching the seal, he came out pretending to be that Ji's father was drunk and accidentally choked to death.

He grabbed his father's hand again, smashed his head with the wine bottle cruelly, then fell to the ground to pretend to be dizzy.

It is conceivable that when Father Ji woke up and found out that he had actually killed his future daughter-in-law, and hurt his son, how he would feel like a collapse.

The point is that he doesn't remember what happened, and all accuses him with the blood and tears of the original owner.

Ji's father didn't doubt his son, he really believed that he had killed someone.

Killed the person his son liked.

He called the police, surrendered, full of regret.

The original owner is happy.

It's alright now, a woman died, and even dragged his father out of the water. No one can take care of him anymore.

He spends as much money as he wants, and manages the company as he wants.

Less than a day after he was happy, he was found out by the police.

This result came out, for Ji's father, it would be better to kill someone after drinking.

The son he raised in the palm of his hand was going to plant him to kill and put him to death.

He also killed an innocent life with his own hands. The reason for the death was because he threatened the other party to make fun of himself, fearing that it would be revealed by the other party.

This case is really appalling.

The son murdered and planted his father, and he was the only son.

The previous crimes of the original owner were revealed one by one and sentenced to life imprisonment.

If nothing else, he will be in jail for the rest of his life.

But Ji's father couldn't stand the stimulus. In addition, the original owner broke and fell, and directly said that changing his dressing made his condition worse, and it was even more heartbroken.

He donated all his property and went there that night.

The original owner spent his entire life in prison.

Although suffering in jail, compared to the innocent young girl and the family who was grieving after losing her, and the whole life planning for him, he found that he actually raised a brutal father, he was still alive anyway.

Ji Changze finished reading these.

Counting as usual, if only human lives are mentioned, the original owner killed two people.

But how can this crime be explained clearly by a few lives.

He was alive to harm people, and there is nothing wrong with using this sentence here.

[Ding! The memory has been transferred. Task: Please change the scheduled ending of everyone killed, and don't ooc destroy the set. Please choose whether to keep it. ]

Ji Changze: [Stay. ]

After staying, he was thinking about it.

What is the original owner's persona?

It certainly can't be a beast, and even if he has a lot of beasts, he certainly won't be like that to the outside world.

After recalling it, Ji Changze summed up a few points.

First of all, it's the idiot that doesn't understand the company's affairs, and then the squandering is a rebellious son to Ji's father, and to Faxiao, he often complains, "You don't understand me, my dad doesn't care about me and just treats me as a idiot." My friend, facing the general manager who is now his father's helper in the company, is also full of hostility.

It must be hostile. After all, in the eyes of the original owner, the position of the general manager should be his own. Now that he has been snatched away by an outsider, he can't help but wish that the general manager died on the spot.

And now the timeline is that the original owner has already grabbed the girl in the hotel and spent the night with her.

Now, in order to fight his father, he is preparing to set up his own grass team to draft women, bah, and audition.

Calling these two hairpins is just to ask them for money.

Speaking of it, none of the people around the original owner are bad. The general manager who is dedicated to the company, the father who loves him very much and is very upright, and two because he grew up with him, he will give him immediately when he is in trouble. Faxiao with money support.

It just happens that everyone else is fine, just the original owner is such a wonderful flower.

Ji Changze turned on the phone and looked at it. As expected, the news that the crew was going to audition had already spread.

He thought for a while, really poured two glasses of water, turned around and left the kitchen, and put the two glasses of water in front of the two of them.

"There is really water to drink."

Babyface glanced at Ji Changze in amazement, with an unbelievable expression, then smiled and joked: "It seems that you, the young master, are really in trouble, and you are actually willing to pour us water."

Ji Changze gave him an angry look: "Don't talk nonsense, don't you lend me money."

"Our Ji family elder master begged me so, of course it's okay."

Babyface drank this glass of water pretending to be treasured, then slapped his lips, and said to Ji Changze; "We are friendship, what do you say to borrow, I will just give it to you, wait until you make money in this TV show..."

Ji Changze interrupted him: "It's a movie."

"Oh oh oh yes, yes, when you make money in this movie, won't there be any box office? You can treat this money as an investment, and then you can give me profit."

With that said, don't you know what Ji Changze is like when they grew up together?

This movie is estimated to have lost all the money. Babyface said so, but also didn't want Ji Changze to have the burden in his heart to want to pay back the money.

"it is good!"

Ji Changze's face is a confident smile that they are familiar with.

With a mad look of "the old man and the second child is third", he lifted his chin and said to the two of them: "The old man thinks I can't do anything, thinking that I really won't be able to live without Ji's house? Isn't he unhappy? Am I playing in the entertainment circle? I still have to break out in this circle and make him regret driving me out of the house."

The two of them looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness of each other's eyes.

The person was very handsome and had a good temper. He said, "Changze, in fact, my uncle is really nice to you. He said to drive you away. In other words, if you are angry, go back and talk to him. Wrong, he will definitely forgive you."

"Yeah, Changze, really, you should be the luckiest of the three of us. Look at me and Huailu. For him, he has a stepmother and a stepdad, and he is almost squeezed out of the Xia family. , I am an illegitimate child. Although I was brought back and raised, you know that my dad, if he retrieves all the illegitimate children from all over the world, he might be able to make up a platoon. My mother would have died a long time ago. I'm not capable of myself. He doesn't even have me in his eyes. He doesn't even remember my birthday. If it weren't for the aunt, she wouldn't care about us bastards. She would pay me money every month, and I would have starved to death."

This was said by Zuo Haoyan, who was the baby face.

These two are just like what he said. They are both very hard. One is that after the father married the stepmother, he is completely lost in his eyes. Madam Shi sees him taking care of him pitifully, and he can't be as free as he is now.

But the two of them only looked at the scenery superficially.

As for Xia Huailu's family, his father didn't want to see him. The younger brothers were all staring at the company. It was conceivable that he would not be able to share anything when his father died.

Zuo Haoyan's side is even simpler. His father has a strong married son and an illegitimate son who is very important, but they are not him.

Now his father's wife is still there, and he can still give him money every month. Until later, it is not his father who is in power, but his brothers and brothers. You can imagine what his fate will be.

So although these two people are well dressed, they have never had the problem of the rich second-generation who likes to play everywhere, or they are driving the family car, anyway, they will definitely not spend money to buy it.

They all think about the long-term. Sooner or later, no one will be reliable. It is better to save the money by yourself and spend it later.

Now with Ji Changze's words, the two of them can take out their savings to him, and don't want him to pay it back. You can imagine what status Ji Changze is in their hearts.

However, they didn't know that the original owner made friends with them because of their situation at the beginning. There was no money on hand and no one could help. They could only hold him, unlike those with confidence, who couldn't stand him at all. Ill temper.

The original owner wanted to find a follower, but the two really regarded him as brothers.

Not to mention going through fire and water at all costs, but it can be said to be total trust.

But in the original timeline, the original owner didn't care about this being all the savings of the two, and he was unceremoniously defeated.

After reconciling with his father, he was not short of money to spend, but never thought of repaying them.

After the original owner went to jail, the future life of the two people was as they had expected before. On the one hand, the younger brothers took control of the company, on the other hand, the father died, and Mao did not leave him.

However, they have no habit of arrogance and luxury. They have opened a restaurant in partnership. Although it is not comparable to the life of a wealthy family, it can be regarded as worry-free.

In the memory of the original owner, the two of them also visited him, just because they mentioned why he was so confused, which caused the original owner to turn his face and drive others.

Ji Changze really admired the original owner.

Almost everyone around him was kind to him and dedicated to him. As a result, he didn't appreciate any of them, and forcibly eliminated all those who were willing to protect him.

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the table with impatient expression on his face: "Anyway, the old man and I are on the bar this time. If he doesn't admit that I am not a slapstick, I will starve to death and I won't go back."

With that said, Ji Changze showed a smug look on his face, and said to the two of them: "I think I have the talent to be a director. I have seen a film crew before and it is not difficult."

Two people: "..."

Did Ji Changze go to see the crew filming?

That's to see beautiful women.

"Nagaze, it's not easy to be a director. Look at which of the directors who are slightly famous nowadays has not been professionally studied. If you haven't even read a book on this subject, you just go to be a director. Isn't it a bit difficult? Otherwise, if you think this is okay, you can invite a director. This time the crew is shooting, you will study by the side."

As soon as Xia Huailu finished saying this, Ji Changze waved his hand: "Innate talent, even if you don't learn it, don't persuade me. I believe I have talent in this area. During this time, my entertainment industry is not in vain. "

The two again: "..."

They all grew up together, don't they know who Ji Changze is?

During this period of time, he was going around in the entertainment circle, but wasn't it all for some beautiful female stars?

Seeing that they still didn't believe it, Ji Changze stretched out his hand and patted them on the shoulder one by one.

"Okay, okay, I know that my brothers also believe in me before lending me money. Don't worry, I will give you all the box office after my movie is released and I make a lot of money."

After he finished speaking, he patted his chest again:

"I'm not a fool, you are kind to me, I know it very well in my heart."

"At this time, I don't believe anyone. Didn't I look for no one but you? They, they are all passersby. You are my friends. I believe in you, and you must believe in me."

——It's strange.

The original owner completely regarded these two people as a fool who would not laugh at him.

Xia Huailu and Zuo Haoyan believed both.

He looked at Ji Changze with some joy.

They knew that the people outside were just spreading gossip. What is meant by Changze was just treating them as attendants. He clearly regarded them as his best friends.

Looking at it now, Nagasawa is indeed serious this time.

"Okay, Changze, we believe in you, you work hard! Try to make everyone admire!!"

"Okay! No problem, but I have one more thing to tell you before I work hard."

The two were still agitated: "You said."

It's how the crew recruits people, or asking them to help during the audition.

Or invite a powerful screenwriter to change the script?

Nagasawa is really going to do business, so I think I'm still a little excited.

Ji Changze took out his mobile phone and entered the name of the hapless girl into Baidu.

After finding a photo, put the phone on the table:

"This is brother idol."

"I want to hold her."