57|I hold my idol (2)

"Love, idol??"

Zuo Haoyan and Xia Huailu had never imagined that this word would pop out of Ji Changze's mouth.

Of course they know what idol means, but like in their circle, they believe in playing with female stars, chasing stars, especially men chasing stars, that is simply too few.

After all, men are inferior. If there is a female celebrity that I like, I will find ways to meet each other. At first, I must just want to get in touch with each other. When I really meet, how can a real person play carefully? Producer who has retouched.

If Zuo Haoyan said he had an idol, it would seem normal, but Ji Changze said...

Xia Huailu clapped her hands; "You mean you want to soak her??"

"Fart, I said it was an idol."

Ji Changze gave a very unceremonious look, pointed to the photo on the phone and said, "Don't you think she is cute?"

Two people: "..."

Cute is cute, but isn't there a lot of cute types in the entertainment industry?

Although they complained from the bottom of their hearts, they have always been very grateful to Ji Changze.

After all, if Ji Changze hadn't played with them since he was a child, their status in their own homes might have been low for a long time.

Now Ji Changze says he likes this artist?

Hold it up!

Must hold! !

"Well, Chang Ze, you say, how do we hold her?"

Is it giving her resources.

Or help her pull ads.

Or just find a marketing company for her.

As the two of them were thinking, Ji Changze said, "Of course I came to hold it up with my own hands."

He nodded the table with a serious expression:

"I chose her as the heroine of my movie. After the movie went viral, of course she became popular."

Two people: "..."

Zuo Haoyan stiffened his face: "...You mean, you want to use your movie to praise her?"

"Any questions?"

What's the problem here? This problem is simply a big issue.

If Ji Changze uses movies to win people...

Just his talent movie? ? ?

That's harming others...

Xia Huailu was still a bit sane, and was not stunned by the news that made people want to complain, and asked a soul question: "But isn't your movie all the heroines?"

Ji Changze was lost in thought.

Zuo Hao Yan was lost in thought.

Just as Xia Huailu made persistent efforts and prepared to say, "Brother, let's give up, and quickly find some resources to give her." Ji Changze in front of him suddenly said: "Then just change the script."

He is very righteous and confident; "Anyway, the script was written by myself, and it is not easy to change it."

Two people: "..."

Even if they are not people in the entertainment industry and not in this profession, they know that it will definitely not be as simple as Ji Changze said.

Ji Changze didn't just say it, he immediately turned around and took out the computer, crackled and started to change it.

While making changes, he took the time to say a few words to them.

"I really am a genius."

"Only my father is blind to think that I am a straw bag"

"This movie is definitely going to be a big hit. You have to make a profit. Then thank you brother a lot."

Two people: "...Haha, haha, thank you."

Ji Changze's keyboard is still very fast, and in one afternoon, he finished the temporary outline revision.

Then he looked at the script, and he was lost in thought.

Xia Huailu and Zuo Haoyan were playing games in the living room. Seeing his thoughtful expressions, they asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"The script has been revised, but we don't have enough money."

As soon as this sentence came out, the expressions of the two of them suddenly became a little confused.

"Not enough money? Didn't we pool a lot of money before?"

It stands to reason that the money is not enough to make a movie, even two or three is more than enough.

"The new script costs money."

Ji Changze smashed his fingers and gave them the calculation: "The crew must always hire people to start up, the actors must always be paid, the equipment must be bought, the rental fee must also be considered, and the cost and the cost, in short, cost a lot of money."

The two looked at each other: "But we have no money on hand now."

"Why don't you wait? I haven't paid down my money this month. After I waited, I..."

Ji Changze put his arm on the shoulder of Zuo Hao Yan who was saying this, and patted him on the shoulder: "I know my brothers are tight, and I didn't want to ask you for it. Wait, I will go back to the old house in the evening. The old man is going."

"Uncle? Isn't he angry? Will it be given to you?"

"I'm his only son when I'm angry. He doesn't give it to me, does he give it to Cheng Li?"

When he said this, Ji Changze was obviously a little angry.

Both of them are used to it.

Cheng Li is the working emperor under Ji's father. He is now the general manager and president of the company.

For this reason, Ji Changze has always been brooding about it, and often scolds Cheng Li at them.

In fact, according to the words of the two of them, Ji Changze was also very relieved if his uncle could find such an excellent general manager as Cheng Li.

He doesn't know about company affairs. Although his uncle is now, his body is no longer good, and he doesn't know if he will leave suddenly one day.

There is Cheng Li in the company, and Changze at least need not worry about the company's collapse after his uncle is gone.

Both of them were sincerely good to Ji Changze, and couldn't help but persuade them a few words.

They had also persuaded before, but Ji Changze would not listen.

If it is an ordinary friend, it will be fine after persuading that the other party does not know good people once, but Xia Huailu and Zuo Haoyan are not the kind of people who don't care about their own eyes.

Always find an opportunity to persuade Ji Changze to say a word or two.

It's still the same this time.

Ji Changze sneered: "Come on, you said that the old man would help me repay the letter, and Cheng Li would help me? He made me pretty much the same."

When these words came out, they were all dumbfounded.

"Hurt you? Why?"

Cheng Li took the money to do things, and did a good job of harming Ji Changze.

Speaking of this incident, the face of the friend in front of him showed anxiety, waved his hand, and said in a bad tone: "Anyway, don't worry about this matter. I and Cheng Li are not at odds."

He said so, and the two of them could only nod their heads.

"Then say a few good things when you go to see your uncle at night. Uncle is soft-hearted. If you say this, he will definitely not be angry."

"What do you mean, I am his son and he is my father. Isn't it right for him to give me money?"

Ji Changze is as confident as ever.

Zuo Haoyan and Xia Huailu admired Ji Changze's spoiled temperament, while worrying about whether his attitude would make Ji's father even more angry.

It was like two chicken mothers telling the little chicken to tell Ji Changze a lot of precautions, and then he watched people go out.

I have been watching Ji Changze's car leave far away.

Xia Huailu turned around and asked Zuo Hao Yan uneasy; "Do you think Changze can make it? He has such a temper, don't quarrel with uncle again at that time."

Zuo Hao Yan found it difficult.

"Hey, Changze is good in everything, but his temper is not good. If he can change it, he won't have trouble with his uncle."

If this sentence were heard by the people in Ji's house, they might laugh out loud.

Ji Changze is good at everything? ?

Come on, he has a bad temper. He looks at the people who clean and care for the house just like a thief, and he looks down on them.

Although they say that their job is cleaning, they are not in the old society anymore. When they come to receive wages and pay for their work, they just treat them as servants.

Isn't it embarrassing not to let them enter the house, but also to clean the house?

And they were screaming and drinking at the people in the house at every turn, as if they were very humble.

Had it not been for the young master's not long time at home and Ji's father was very kind and generous, they would have resigned long ago.

Anyway, the people in Ji's house don't like Ji Changze very much.

I feel that he is spoiled.

This time Ji Changze and Ji's father fell out and were kicked out of Ji's house. The happiest aunts were these aunts.

These days, they are so happy about cleaning, they can't wait to spin, jump, and dance. They walk lightly, with a smile on their faces.

One of them, Aunt Zhang, was like that. She was smiling and sweeping the floor in a good mood that day when the doorbell rang.

She was close to the door and hurried to open it.

Seeing that the person outside was actually Ji Changze, the smile on her face instantly froze.

How did this ancestor come back...

When I left, didn't he say that he would not come back even if Ji Dong begged him in this life? ? ?

Even if countless alpacas run through my heart, Aunt Zhang can only squeeze a smile when facing the employer's son:

"Zhangze is back, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

"I do not want to eat."

The young master was still as defiant as before. He walked in without even looking at Aunt Zhang. He looked around and asked, "Where is the old man?"

"Ji Dong is still in the company."

Hearing these words, Ji Changze frowned, and asked again: "Still at the company so late?"

Aunt Zhang hurriedly said; "Yes, because the company has something to deal with, Mr. Cheng called and Dong Ji went."

As soon as she finished saying these words, she realized that Ji Changze's face was gloomy, and she shut up quickly.

Then, the young master sitting on the sofa yin and yang strangely said: "The old man has a good relationship with Cheng Li. I used to tell him to go out and he didn't go out. When Cheng Li called out so late, he still went to the company. No wonder they were all told outside. People are more like father and son than I am."

Aunt Zhang's mouth twitched.

What is the words like this young master said.

Cheng Li called people away, and that was to go to the company to do business.

Every time this young master called Ji Dong, he was always there to clean up the mess.

Either the car was scrapped, or it was causing trouble, or it was just asking for money. When the frequency was the highest before, I could call five times a day.

Ji Dong was going to worry about the company's business, where is there any time to toss his son with all these trivialities.

Originally, this kind of thing doesn't need to be in person, just let the assistant take the card to go.

Why did this happen to the young master's mouth?

She complained from the bottom of her heart, she didn't show up at all on the face, and didn't say much, otherwise this young master is so hard to serve, what if she is thrown out if she says something wrong.

Seeing that she was not talking, Ji Changze didn't talk to her, he just stood up and stretched out, "I went upstairs, has my room been cleaned up?"

"Everything is packed, and you can rest at any time."

Although Ji Dong said that he drove people out, how could he really not want his son? Ji Changze's room had to be cleaned every day.

Seeing Ji Changze nodded upstairs.

Aunt Zhang sighed.

The other aunts who were cleaning on the first floor dared to come around when they saw Ji Changze upstairs:

"Why is he back?"

"Yeah, didn't you tell Ji Dong that you would never come back?"

"I see, I came back to ask for money."

"I think so, maybe he got into trouble again outside, and ask Ji Dong to help him clean up the mess."

Seeing their enthusiastic discussion, Aunt Zhang also said: "Anyway, this is Ji Dong's family affair, we can just watch it, don't talk too much."

Even if you want to vomit, just vomit in your heart, without showing it.

The other aunts nodded and said nothing.

Ji Changze upstairs did not enter his room, but directly pushed aside Ji's room and found the medicine box very skillfully.

I was about to flush the medicine into the toilet, but suddenly stopped.

This medicine is also non-toxic, just ordinary calcium tablets.

After all, Ji's disease needs medicine to control, and it is very dangerous for him not to take medicine that can control his condition.

The original owner is not stupid, as long as this kind of thing is found out, the police will definitely inquire who bought these medicines.

So these calcium tablets were smoothly taken from his calcium tablets when he went to Zuo Hao Yan's house.

Zuo Haoyan didn't have a very good life when he was a child. He was always a little malnourished, thin and small, with a baby face.

For this reason, he has a somewhat inferiority complex in his heart, and he always keeps calcium tablets at home.

Moreover, he never remembered these, and the bottles were randomly placed, and he could find a few in any room. Zuo Hao Yan didn't know how many calcium tablets there were in the house.

Even if the original owner went along, he would not be able to find out.

What's more, the original owner didn't walk along with the bottle, but took the calcium tablets directly.

He still took it with gloves on.

Did not let his hands touch the calcium tablets during the whole process.

This calcium tablet is the most common on the market, and anyone can buy it. The pharmacy in the city is so big, even if it is necessary to check, it will definitely not be able to find the original owner.

So the original owner is too contradictory.

He is not smart where he should be smart, and he is better than anyone else where smart.

Ji Changze looked at the calcium tablets in the box and took out the medicine he bought for Ji's father from his pocket. After thinking about it, he put the box and medicine on the table.

Then he lay on the sofa with peace of mind, closed his eyes and started to prepare for a nap.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the door downstairs opened and the car drove in.

Ji's father got out of the car with a tall and strong man, followed by an assistant behind him.

As soon as the door was opened, the aunt greeted her.

"Ji Dong, Chang Ze is back, it seems to be in your room now."

"Changze is back?"

Father Ji looked very good, and he was also a good-looking uncle, but his face was a little haggard because of his illness. Hearing his son came back, his face immediately showed joy.

After being happy for a while, he cursed: "This dead boy still knows to come back, doesn't it mean he won't come back in his life!"

Cheng Li next to him smiled and said, "He is young, and he will know that his home is better after suffering outside. You should go and see Ji Dong and tell him well that the incident last time is over."

The assistant also hurriedly followed up: "It's not Ji Dong, Chang Ze is still young, he was ignorant before, and now he must know that he was wrong."

Ji's father actually wanted to go up a long time ago, but he directly said at the beginning that his son should get out of Ji's house, and now he can't look down when people come back.

Cheng Li and his assistant gave him such a step, and he climbed down naturally.

"Okay, Xiaocheng, you are also familiar with our family. You should sit down for a while. I will go up and teach this stinky boy. I really turned him against him. I dare to challenge him."

Seeing Cheng Li nodded, Ji's father went straight upstairs angrily (full of joy), even his steps were lighter.

I thought about helping my ideals, said hello to Cheng Li, and followed suit.

When he arrived in the corridor, Ji's father heard the voice and looked back strangely: "Xiao Lin, what are you doing here?"

"Ji Dong, let me tell you that my family also has a child. This child's rebellious period is indispensable. In Changze, he must be rebellious, so you must not go against it, but follow it. ."

As a qualified assistant, Xiao Lin has always been anxious for the boss's urgency and worry about the boss's worries. He watched that since Ji Changze left home, their Ji Dong spirit began to get worse day by day, and his complexion became a lot haggard.

They are all fathers, he thinks he can understand.

This must be my son.

Thinking of his son again, and embarrassed to call his son back, Ji Changze was also a bad temper, and neither father nor son would bow their heads.

This time Ji Changze bowed his head and came back, he must persuade Ji Dong to speak well.

When Father Ji listened to his words, he heard it from the bottom of his heart, but he snorted coldly on his face: "I am his father, should I follow him??"

"It's only temporarily, Ji Dong, kid, it's all like this. If you follow him, he will be sensible. If you want to go against him, then he will have to go against you instead."

Xiao Lin felt his face hurt when he said this.

There are no children of twenty-four and five.

Facts have proved that in the eyes of parents, let alone twenty-four-five, that is fifty or sixty is also his own child.

Father Ji listened and said, "So, Xiaolin, you come and see him with me. If there is something, you can turn around in the middle."

"Eh!! No problem!!"

Xiao Lin nodded quickly.

Is this helping the boss? ! !

Do not! This is Dapeng spreading his wings on the road of promotion and salary increase!

Once he helps the boss to achieve success in the family, the boss will definitely increase his pro-progress by at least a half.

Father Ji didn't see Xiao Lin's excited look, he went straight to his room, and the door was hidden, and the light inside was on.

As soon as he opened the door, before opening his mouth, he found that his son was asleep on the sofa.

The voice in his mouth was swallowed all at once.

He quickly turned his head and gestured to Xiaolin to silence the voice.

Xiao Lin quickly understood, closed his mouth quickly, without showing any sound, and gently followed the boss into the house.

Father Ji stepped forward and saw two things on the table at a glance.

The same is the medicine box he used to put the medicine, and the same is the medicine in a plastic bag.

He picked it up and looked at it, and saw that it contained the medicine he had taken, and the bag was still labeled and had not been opened.

Obviously, Ji Changze bought it for him in the drugstore.

Ji's heart suddenly softened.

Although the son always fights against him, he is definitely a father and son in my heart.

He gently went to the bed and took a blanket, carefully placed it on his son, and then gently sat on the sofa, looking at his sleeping son.

Xiao Lin's face was stunned when he looked behind him.

Sure enough, the father and son did not have an overnight feud.

Ji Dong was still very angry before, but now he softens as soon as he sees someone falling asleep.

Father Ji wanted to go to the past. This child was just like when he was a child. He was very honest when sleeping. He was obviously not good at sleeping. When he closed his eyes, he looked very well-behaved.

He suddenly realized that he hadn't seen his sleeping son for a long time.

When his son was young, his father died. He was busy at that time. He left early every morning and returned in the middle of the night.

When he came back, he sometimes felt tired and couldn't hold it any longer, so he quietly went to his son's room, turned on the bedside lamp, and sat on the bed to watch him for a while.

When I think that everything I have done is to deliver a better Ji family into the hands of this child, there will be enthusiasm in my heart again.

After that, the child grew up slowly.

He became more and more rebellious and disliked communicating with himself. He locked the door at night and started to repel others from entering his room like a male lion. Every night everyone was sleeping, but he was jumping and jumping in the room. .

It wasn't until later that Ji's father asked someone to install the soundproofing equipment, and this matter was considered to be resolved.

I don't know since when, he never saw a son who fell asleep like a little angel when he was a child.

It was a rebellious, unkind word, and would only ask his son who asked for money.

Ji Changze, who was asleep, moved, and the blanket slipped off a corner.

Ji's father stretched out his hand and put the corner of the blanket back.

This child does not cover anything when sleeping, nor is he afraid of catching a cold.

I was thinking for a while until he woke up, he must give him a good reminder. The person who was sleeping with his eyes closed suddenly moved and called out in a daze, "Dad..."

Ji's father was taken aback for a moment, and when he found that Ji Changze was still closed his eyes, his heart softened.

The child said he would never come back.

In fact, I missed him as a father in my heart.

Xiao Lin didn't let any chance of flattering, and quickly whispered to Father Ji: "Look, Ji Dong, the child misses you, and he never forgets to dream of you. In the end, it is not always true that Nagasawa is outside How regretful it is."

Father Ji was relieved when he heard it, and the corners of his mouth curled up and waved his hand: "Is it a child after all, and I don't know how much I regret it when I'm outside."

Xiao Lin directly ignored the fact that Ji Changze had grown up a long time ago, and echoed: "Yes, he must miss you outside."

Hearing what he said, Ji's father was very pleased and proud, and he heard Ji Changze yell again in a daze: "Dad...give me some money..."

Father Ji: "..."

Kobayashi: "..."

He immediately watched his nose, nose, mouth, mouth and heart, thinking of himself as a wooden person.

Ji's father took a deep breath and resisted the urge to beat the child.

Looking at the sleeping son, I tried to meditate in my heart.

Biological biological.

This is my biological son, can't fight, can't fight.

After all, he didn't hold it back, he tore off Ji Changze's blanket off his body: "Smelly boy, you know you want money."

Just picking up his blanket son, Ji Changze opened his eyes and silently looked at him.

Then, he looked at the blanket in Father Ji's hand, and looked at the hand holding the blanket in Father Ji's hand, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Then he glared at his father angrily.

Father Ji: "..."

He looked at himself in this position.

A picture of a son sleeping well under a blanket, and the overbearing old father suddenly took his blanket away.

Ji's father: ...I said this blanket is your letter I put on you?

Obviously it is easy to see that Chang Ze, the dog's temper, will definitely not believe it.

But he is also the chairman of the company anyway, so such a small scene can't stand him up.

I saw Father Ji moved the blanket away very naturally, and said in a normal voice: "You are not afraid of catching a cold when you sleep on the sofa. Go to bed to sleep."

Ji Changze sat up with sleepiness still remaining on his face, looked at his father suspiciously, and asked: "Did you just take my blanket while I was sleeping?"

"What nonsense, I am your father, can I do such a thing? If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Lin."

Xiaolin, who was pretending to be a wooden man next to him, nodded quickly to testify: "Yes, this blanket was covered by Ji Dong."

"Have you heard? I covered the blanket for you."

With a face of righteousness, Ji's father folded the blanket and put it on the bed again: "Didn't you say that you won't be back in this life? Why did you come back this time?"

"Oh." Speaking of this, Ji Changze was particularly confident: "I'm here to ask for money."

Ji's father who was expecting to hear his son apologize and admit his mistake: "..."

Although he knew that Changze came back to ask for money with a high probability.

But should it be so direct?

Kobayashi is still here.

Xiaolin behind him continued to pretend to be a wooden man.

Ji Changze didn't think he was direct at all. He tore open the medicine bag, took out the medicine inside, and unscrewed the medicine box.

"I went to buy you medicine specially this time, can you not pay me?"

Ji's father almost didn't get angry.

But he took a deep breath and asked patiently: "How much do you want?"

"Not much, it's tens of millions. I want to make a movie, the best one."

Father Ji: "..."

Although tens of millions is nothing to him, but seeing Ji Changze so understatement and arrogantly wanting tens of millions to make a movie, he still has a desire to beat people.

What kind of son is this?

Born to be a debt collector.

Ask for money, ask for money, and don't know anything except ask for money.

Seeing the anger on Father Ji's face, Ji Changze stretched out again and went to the window and opened the window. Kobayashi quickly moved quietly to Father Ji, and whispered: "Ji Dong, bear with him, Nagasawa. It's a good thing to want to do things on his own. He doesn't want money for spending, it's for making money, it's motivated."

Fart up.

Is he still not sure about his father?

Every time this kid wants to make money, he loses more than he spends money.

Ji's father wanted to say directly that he didn't give me the money.

But thinking of the last time the two had a big quarrel with each other at odds with each other, and then his son ran away from home, he missed his son and was reluctant to put it down to meet people.

This time, if he was taking people away, and this kid wanted face so much, he would definitely not take the initiative to come back next time.

He also worked hard to meditate in his heart: "Birth and own people, don't care about him, don't care about him."

Xiaolin next to him also whispered to him: "Ninja Ji Dong, speak well and follow the child."

After reciting silently, I remembered what Xiaolin had said to follow the child again. Father Ji's face was much better. He returned and sat next to Ji Changze, working hard to show a kind look on his face:

"Changze, you want money. Dad won't give it to you. But when you make a movie, do you want to invest? If this kind of thing is not this professional, you don't understand, investment is just to spend money, those companies that you did before Is it the same? Or else, I will give you the money, and then some people from the company, when they do things, you just wait for the money."

Ji Changze stood by the window and turned his head back: "I'm not talking about investing, I'm shooting myself."

Father Ji: "I... I shoot myself??"

"Yes, I want to be a director. I wrote the script myself. Now everything is ready. I only need the money. When the money is in place, I immediately start filming. After the filming is finished, I will release it, and then I will sweep the box office and earn him a few. Billions of billions."

Father Ji: "..."

He looked at his talking son, his eyes twitched.

Ji Changze is still saying: "I'll get another award at that time, the best director award, the best screenwriter award, these are all mine."

Father Ji: "..."

He listened patiently to his son Barabala's words, and finally he said: "I have been watching online zero-based courses to become a director these days, and I wrote the script. Dad, I think I was born to eat this kind of food. "

Father Ji; "..."

Seeing his face looking ashen and angry, Xiao Lin quickly whispered next to him: "It's a good thing to have a dream. It's better than wanting to eat together and wait for death. Say yes, speak well, and communicate well."

Father Ji;...

He can't wait for his son's dream to be mixed eating and waiting to die.

This kid said before that he was happy and supported when he wanted to start a business.

But it's not that he didn't let Changze do what he wanted to do. It was really this kid, he just couldn't get in every time he started a business.

Whenever he didn't lose all his money, he relied on his father to wipe his butt behind.

He took a deep breath and tried to tell himself that the person in front of him was his own child.

Then he squeezed out a smile: "Changze, it's not that my dad doesn't want to support you, nor that I don't believe you. Otherwise, if you want to be a director, I will send you to the director's class. Now, then..."

"Why do I learn that, how tired, don't learn."

Father Ji almost missed his throat in one breath.

He almost twisted his face and turned his head to look at Xiaolin.

Kobayashi: "..."

He can only come forward: "Nagaze, you want to be a director is okay, but you can't do anything, even if the funds are in place, can you shoot well? Or learn the most basics first. , When you really have this ability and can really start shooting, Ji Dong will definitely support you, won't Ji Dong?"

Father Ji took a deep breath and nodded: "Yes."

"Dad is to support you, as long as you really like it and you really learn, money is not a problem."

Anyway, lose money.

He has long been used to it.

After hearing this, Ji Changze showed a bit of joy on his face, strode forward, and sat down on the sofa.

"It's simple, I don't learn it. I can just ask another deputy director to come. When the time comes, he will shoot, and I will direct it by the side."

Father Ji: "..."

Kobayashi: "..."

Also directing, do you think you are doing music? ! !

You are a layman who directs you to go.

Xiaolin suddenly understood, he whispered to Ji's father, "Ji Dong, I think what Chang Ze means is to spend money to buy people, and he just sits and watches."

Ji's father also understands.

He felt that he must have done a lot of evil things in his previous life, and that he could have such an unlucky son in this life.

The unlucky son is still urging: "Dad, didn't you just say that you support me? I really like to be a director. Now I am full of talent, so I'm short of money. Don't you support me?"

Xiao Lin quickly winked at Father Ji.

Father Ji: "...for the last time."

"If you lose again this time, don't think about being a director."

"Eh! No problem!"

Ji Changze promised very happily, and even smiled compassionately at his father.

Father Ji: ...what kind of evil is this?

The son who got the money was rare and attentive. He picked up the medicine box he put down before and said to Father Ji while turning it open: "Dad, I'll fill the medicine for you. I personally bought these medicines at the pharmacy."

Although he is a bit suspicious of taking money to do things, Ji's father has become accustomed to being abused. Ji Changze is suddenly so "filial", and he is still very useful.

Nodding satisfied, he sighed, finally enjoying the blessing of being a father.

Xiaolin next to him quickly flattered: "Ji Dong, I really envy you, Nagasawa is really filial, and he also helps you buy medicine to see how steady he moves."

Just after speaking, Ji Changze unscrewed the cap of the bottle and was about to put the medicine in it. Suddenly his hand shook, the cap was thrown to the ground, and the medicine was sprayed on the ground.

Kobayashi: "..."

Master, you are here to slap me in the face today.

He hurriedly smiled and rounded it off: "It's okay, it's okay. If the medicine is spilled, it means the disease is also spilled. This is a good sign."

While talking, Ji Changze picked up a medicine, looked at it in the palm of his hand, and rubbed it.

Then he looked up at Father Ji: "Old man, this medicine is wrong."

Father Ji: "...what do you call me???"

Ji Changze changed his words in a second: "Dad, why does this medicine look different from the one I bought?"

Xiao Lin was startled, and quickly picked up a medicine on the ground and took a closer look, then took the medicine Ji Changze bought.

At first glance, they are indeed the same, but if two pills are put together, it is very different.

With a serious expression, he quickly handed two pills to Ji's father.

"Ji Dong, it's really different, take a look."

Father Ji frowned, looked at it, and then was surprised.

It's really different.

He immediately remembered that his condition had been repeated recently, but it was not good.

"What's the matter? This is not my medicine."

Xiao Lin was also full of seriousness, and flashed through various palace fights in his mind for a while.

Was wondering which tortoise and grandson's black hand was.


Ji Changze slapped the table and stood up abruptly.

"I said long ago, don't let outsiders clean the room, you just don't listen to me, now it's fine, the medicine has been changed, if it wasn't for me to be smart, you wouldn't know after taking it!"

Father Ji frowned and shook his head: "They may not do it."

Ji Changze snorted coldly.

"It's not them, can it still be me?!"

Hey, it's really him!