59|I hold my idol (4)

After this person finished speaking, she thought that Qin Lanqi could go in with her, but she was still confused.

Not knowing why, the agent next to her and the one named Liu Qingzi also looked dumbfounded.

Seeing them like this, he was also a little confused.

I said before that Ji Changze is willing to spend money, willing to spend money, want to make a movie, pull up a crew, and a lot of staff are needed, what is the director group, production group, film management group, photography group, art group recording group, and all kinds of things. many people.

But basically every one was seduced by Ji Changze's heavy money.

This is the case for the person who came out to call Qin Lanqi. His name is Feng Yang. He also has experience in his body before. He is neither old nor new. This time Ji Changze is looking for someone. He came as soon as he heard that there was more money.

Feng Yang himself knows his own weight, he still needs to learn very much. If he learns well, although he can only do some trivial things now, he may not be able to grow up slowly in the future.

So his goal has always been to learn from those well-known directors.

But who still thinks that money is hot.

It's the same if you make this money and then go to school.

From the very beginning of receiving this play, Feng Yang thought, this play certainly won't let him learn anything.

After all, the chief director is a newcomer and a layman. What I fear most when making movies is for laymen to give pointers to Jiangshan. Now that's fine, when we arrive at this crew, all the laymen who portray Jiangshan are completely laymen.

But he also accepted it well, isn't it just a rich second-generation who wants to play tickets?

Give money to dad.

By the time the crew came, he didn't shirk off the job, anyway he took the money.

First fix the actors. Sometimes if the actors are good and other aspects are in place, if the director is rubbish, this movie can still be rescued.

And he had read the script carefully, and found that it was indeed pretty good.

Director Ji said that he wrote it, and Feng Yang didn't know whether he should believe it or not.

But it's okay to make sure that no one will admit that the script was written by himself.

The script is good, the crew is rich, and the entire crew is experienced and responsible staff in addition to the chief director.

Feng Yang's mentality has changed from "Although I know that this movie takes jujube pills but I have to work hard" to "This movie still looks promising, I might make it counterattack if I do it well."

So he took the initiative to ask Ji Changze if he could audit the artists who auditioned.

The crew auditioning either went directly to the film and television school to audition, or it was to notify the artist who he thought was good. The director had just come to the entertainment circle and obviously had no connections, so he chose to send the news directly to the major companies.

This is not a good idea, but it is also a way.

He also felt lucky. Fortunately, the director Ji Changze was not the kind of temperament who likes to control everything. He directly delegated the choice of actors.

Fortunately, fortunately, he likes to talk to such a boss.

As a result, he was fortunate, and the director Ji turned his head and said: "By the way, don't audition for the heroine. The heroine is my appointment."

Feng Yang: "..."

Now the crew is ready for everything, and there are so many staff up and down. As a result, you directly gave us a female protagonist's default? ? ?

Why didn't you say it before?

But by the way, this is the chief director and a wealthy chief director.

Facing his "Huh? What's the matter?" expression, Feng Yang could only squeeze a smile.

Then respectfully said: Dad, don't worry, it's okay Dad, we accept it well.

He relied on his strong willpower to get Qin Lanqi's name from Ji Changze with a smile on his face.

Then I went back and searched frantically.

He felt bad when he got the name before, because he had been with a lot of people from the crew, and Feng Yang remembered the names of all kinds of slightly famous artists.

But this Qin Lanqi had no impression at all.

Either a newcomer or an unknown person.

And she happened to be the biggest investor in the crew and the default heroine named by the chief director.

According to Feng Yang's experience, those who are appointed to the group by default and come in with care will have poor acting skills.

And not only is it bad, but also has a temperament and glass heart. The director said that the last sentence was wronged and don't want it.

It's good now. The director of their crew is the one who wants to be appointed by others, and may not even say it.


Feng Yang felt that his dream of relying on this crew to counterattack was broken.

He searched it carefully, and it really wasn't famous.

Previously, I played some harlequins or vicious supporting roles. Basically, they were deliberately acting as ugly. What is gratifying is that the acting skills are not bad.

However, Feng Yang also found it strange that Qin Lanqi's acting skills were not bad, her appearance was good, and there was a background like Ji Changze behind her. How could she mix so badly in the entertainment industry for so long?

After going to gossip, he will understand.

Qin Lanqi was targeted because he did not accept the unspoken rules and offended the bigwigs in the circle.

She definitely didn't know Ji Changze before, and she had no background behind her, otherwise she wouldn't have been so miserable for so long.

So, is she finally bowing to life?

He destroyed his future because of unspoken rules, but now he has regained his role because of unspoken rules.

Although he hadn't seen such a thing before, Feng Yang couldn't help but sigh for a while.

In this circle, there is too much helplessness.

He has no dislike for Qin Lanqi, and of course he won't have any good feelings, it can only be said to be ordinary.

Today, at the audition, he just wanted to make a call and let people come over, right to the show.

Although the director Ji directly spread the news that he had appointed a heroine, it didn't interfere.

As a result, the Qin Lanqi girl didn't know how miserable she was in the company, and the contact numbers given by the company were all wrong.

Feng Yang also knew this routine.

Obviously it was deliberate over there, just to cut off Qin Lan's seven resources.

He was still a little happy to see people coming, thinking that this one was still smart enough to know that he would come.

It turned out that Qin Lanqi didn't even know that she was internally scheduled, and Feng Yang was also stunned.

It's not.

Co-authored his brain supplement guesses during this period of time are all false?

What's the situation with Director Ji?

How can it be that the heroine has been pre-determined and has not been told to the heroine.

Feng Yang felt that he was going to get angry.

What kind of regulations is this?

Without asking the other party's wishes or knowing whether the other party has a schedule, the new director directly told him that Qin Lanqi had been set.

In the past few days, he didn't try to figure out how to promote the crew based on her after Qin Lanqi entered the crew.

As a result, people don't know anything at all now? ? ?

An anger burst out from the bottom of his heart.

But when this anger was about to spray out, the still sober brain automatically recalled the salary on the contract.

The anger in Feng Yang's heart was like being splashed with a bucket of cold water, and it disappeared without a trace.

It doesn't matter, he can.

Jinzhu's father is right in everything he says.

Anyway, since Qin Lanqi has come to audition, it means that her schedule can be vacated, isn't it?

Very good, in this view, it is still very perfect.

Qin Lanqi was dumbfounded.

She looked at the people in front of her and found out that she didn't know what she had thought of. The expression on her face was so colorful and there were all kinds of emotions.

At the end, it was actually frozen on the smiling face.

"Then it seems that our crew is not working properly and you have not been notified. Since you are here to audition for the heroine, that is to say, you still have ideas about the heroine, let's go inside and talk about it?"

Feng Yang's attitude was very good, but Qin Lanqi was embarrassed by his good attitude.

She never believed in pie-dropping in the sky, especially if there was such a coincidence, she came to audition for the heroine, but the heroine was appointed by default, and the artist who was appointed by him was still her.

She looked at Sister Huang next to her a little nervously: "Sister...?"

"I will accompany you."

Sister Huang recovered from the daze, and she was full of joy when she reacted.

This is really a great thing.

Although it is a bit dangerous to say that there is a certain probability, but anyway, the contract has not been signed yet, and it is not too late to wait until the situation is clarified before making a decision.

Feng Yang didn't say anything not to let his agent accompany him.

Ji Dao is his immediate boss, and he will be rude to the other's pre-determined artist only when he is crazy.

But what is the situation?

Qin Lanqi obviously didn't know anything about this.

He also tried a bit along the way, and she didn't even know who Ji Dao was.

If he hadn't confirmed Qin Lanqi's name with Director Ji with a photo of her after he knew Qin Lanqi's name, and the heroine in the script had the correct appearance and characteristics, Feng Yang would have thought it was just the same name and surname.

After arriving in the room, Feng Yang asked Qin Lanqi to act according to the original plan.

Originally it was just a try, but after seeing Qin Lan in seventy-one seconds, he entered the role.

She has a beautiful appearance, and her temperament is a bit gentle, not lethal, and she speaks softly and softly.

But after entering the play, although she was still in the same standing posture, that expression, and her temperament, she was still gentle on the outside, but with a lot of fortitude inside, and she turned her eyes with a little unique actor. The charm.

What Qin Lanqi auditioned was that she resisted the pressure from the Japanese side and risked her life to save a little girl from the Japanese.

Feng Yang's eyes lit up when she spoke.

What Qin Lanqi said was a Jiangnan dialect that fits well with the hostess of the script, Wu Nong whispered, soft and long, and obviously the words were soft and gentle, and they were still in a generally recognized gentle tone, but they no longer felt like Soft, but slightly rush.

A woman who grew up in a theater troupe, and every movement with her own charm, her voice is soft, but people are not so soft, but she still has tenacity, and a woman who makes people know that they are not good to bully stands in front of them. .

And Qin Lanqi's line skills also surprised Feng Yang.

I stepped on the point every word, without reading the script, and completely uttered the long paragraph in the script.

"I'm afraid I'm drunk. We are an opera team here. There are no outsiders from the back. Why would anyone come in? If you want to trespass, please don't blame the slave family for not reminding them. They are watching the opera at the stage. But Master Matsushita, if Nong rushes inside and surprises that adult, we can't bear the responsibility."

"There is movement inside? It's a joke. This table is set up to let us remove our makeup inside. If there is no movement, it will be scary."

As she said, her eyes showed a sense of helplessness, as if she was no longer wanting to push because of the arrogance of the people in front of her.

"If you want to go in, let the imperial army go in. Just be lighter. Our table is connected to the front. If you frighten Master Matsushita, you will lose your head."

After these words, the non-existent imperial army in front of him seemed to hesitate by her words.

She was always smiling, but her fingers behind her back were shaking slightly nervously.

It wasn't until about ten seconds later, as if the person on the other side decided to leave, she was relieved heavily, and her charming and feminine standing posture suddenly fell loose, and her expression was vigilant and vigilant. After looking around in fear, he opened the non-existent curtain and "walked in" again.

The satisfaction level in Feng Yang's heart from this period has risen steadily.

It must not be astonishing.

But the tension and small details Qin Lanqi showed just now are enough to hang around a group of people in the circle.

She is definitely capable.

"Good!! Very good!!"

Feng Yang was a little surprised by Qin Lanqi's voice from the south of the Yangtze River.

It is set in the script that the heroine is from the south of the Yangtze River. Wu Nong's soft language is also a very important key point. Many plots have this setting.

Although it is possible to find a dubbing, if the artist trains specifically for this role, it will be very surprising.

"Ms. Qin, I remember that your Mandarin is quite standard. You also practiced Jiangnan dialect specifically for this role?"

Seeing that he was satisfied, Qin Lanqi was relieved. Hearing Feng Yang's question, he didn't hesitate, and shook his head subconsciously and replied, "I was originally from Shanghai, and I always said it before."

Feng Yang nodded, and was about to say that it was a coincidence. Before he could say anything, he remembered that the appearance of the heroine in the script was almost the same as that of Qin Lanqi.

Even the mole on the face is the same as the mole on the clavicle.

Not to mention that she is still a default heroine.

To say that this is a coincidence, he doesn't believe it, it is more likely that when the director of the crew was preparing the crew, he created Qin Lanqi as a prototype from the beginning.

However, Qin Lanqi didn't know anyone yet.

He hesitated again and again, after all he couldn't help being curious, and asked again; "Teacher Qin, do you really don't know Director Ji? If you don't, how could he decide you?"

Qin Lanqi didn't know it herself.

Don't talk about Ji Dao, she lives so big, and the only one who knows Ji is a primary school teacher.

"That's weird."

Feng Yang touched the back of his head and saw that Qin Lanqi was looking at herself with a little nervousness, and quickly said: "Then there will be no problem today. In fact, we are just going through the scene. Just go out directly from the back and leave one. The contact information, we sent the specific information directly from the Internet, and if there is no problem, we can sign a contract to talk about film remuneration."

Qin Lanqi came in dizzyly.

Going out with Sister Huang again dizzy.

The two of them didn't say anything along the way. They waited until they were all in the car and didn't drive. They just sat in this position.

After a while, Qin Lanqi turned his head to look at Sister Huang, and his face slowly revealed his disbelief: "I was just... over?"

Sister Huang also looked like she was dreaming.

"It's said that the contract is about to be signed, and it should be passed." After she finished speaking, she was suddenly energetic and quickly opened the bag and found the computer.

"I'll quickly see if the specific contract and remuneration have been sent. If there is no problem, we will sign it quickly to avoid long nights and dreams."

She began to beat, Qin Lanqi still felt that she was in a dream.

"This is too...and too incredible..."

"Yeah, Qiqi, do you really don't know this director Ji? Why did he decide you by default? It's strange."

Seeing Qin Lan Qiyi's face blank, Sister Huang added: "It's okay, just tell me it's not a shame, I definitely don't blame you."

She thought that Qin Lanqi couldn't help contacting people in private.

Sister Huang is not the kind of person who blocks the artist from looking for other ways to find his way.

She doesn't ridicule or ridicule the kind of artists who are under the unspoken rules of the big boss. Anyway, you are willing to pay for it. There is nothing to ridicule.

And like Qin Lanqi who is not willing to be unspoken rules, she will also help her avoid this aspect.

So if Qin Lanqi really couldn't help but find a backer, Sister Huang would definitely accept it well.

Qin Lanqi understood, but she really didn't.

"Sister, I really didn't. You arranged my schedule. I was so busy every day. I went back to sleep at night and fell asleep. I have never met outsiders."

At the bottom of her heart, she was still vigilant. Ever since she was pushed to the hotel but drank a glass of wine but was calculated to have sex with someone who doesn't know who it is, Qin Lanqi can't help but be vigilant every time she sees something. Several floors.

"Could it be that person, she played the game?"

Sister Huang thought for a few seconds, then shook her head:

"It's not that you have been suppressed like this now. If she really wants to fix you, she should continue to be like this, trying to pressure the crew to stop you from filming, and drag you a little bit like this."

Now Qin Lanqi is already in a trough. If someone wants to deal with her, pull her out of the trough and then deal with it. Isn't that ill?

It's not too idle.

"Anyway, as soon as the contract is signed, you can save some money and use it for at least one year after the money arrives. This crew is a serious crew, and you are not the only one to join the crew. It should be okay. Let's take a look at the contract first. If it's a problem, sign it quickly, and wait to see the situation after joining the group. Anyway, the worst result is that the movie can't be broadcasted or it doesn't make you very good. It's better than playing a vicious dragon."

What Sister Huang said was reasonable, even Qin Lanqi couldn't help but nodded in the end, trying to make herself feel at ease and accept it all.

After returning, Sister Huang went to deal with the contract, and Qin Lanqi couldn't bear to be happy, while working hard to go to bed and get up early and take care of skin care to keep her in the best condition.

I waited until the crew sent a notice for the actors to join the group, and Sister Huang sent her to her.

Even though she has been cheering herself up these days, when she really wants to join the filming as the heroine, Qin Lanqi still feels a little uneasy in her heart.

While encouraging herself from the bottom of her heart, she stepped into the crew.

The atmosphere of the crew is similar to that of the crew she has been with before. Although the filming has not yet started, all departments have been prepared and they are very busy.

Everyone is accustomed to walking fast. After all, when the crew first started filming, they burned money every minute, and time is money.

"Ms. Qin is here?"

Feng Yang was directing people to move things, and he saw Qin Lanqi's face immediately smiled: "We're going to shoot here for half a month. Your room and assistant's room have been arranged, and they are next to each other, and then the guide will show you With a dedicated makeup artist, I will take you to get to know you in a while, and there is..."

He Balabala said a lot, when Qin Lanqi received such a patient treatment, listening excitedly and quietly.

He waited until Feng Yang finished speaking, and asked her: "It's almost like this, do you have any questions?"

There are still problems.

Qin Lanqi looked a little embarrassed: "I don't have an assistant."

Feng Yang was taken aback.

He used to leave an assistant's room to take care of the lead actor before, but he forgot that Qin Lanqi was just a small artist, and the company didn't pay much attention to her, and of course he wouldn't arrange any assistant for her.

Then this is embarrassing.

The room was given to the assistant but there is no assistant. How neat is this?

Just as he wanted to expose this topic with a smile, Ji Changze strode in this direction, and then laughed when he heard this:

"It's better to have an assistant. It's hard to shoot, and if you're alone, it will be messy."

Qin Lanqi heard the voice, turned around subconsciously, and confronted the person in front of him.

Before he could react, he heard Feng Yang shout next to him; "Guide Ji."

"Brother Feng."

Ji Changze greeted him, looked at Qin Lanqi with surprise on his face, and stretched out his hand to her: "Hello, this is the first time I met, I am Ji Changze."

This is the director of the discipline?

Qin Lanqi didn't think much about it, and quickly reached out to shake hands with him: "Hello Ji, I'm Qin Lanqi."

Feng Yang beside; "..."

...It was really the first time we met.

Ji Changze didn't go to see him, with a smile on his face, and talked to Qin Lanqi endlessly; "I know I know, you are my idol!"

Qin Lanqi: "...Idol?"

Of course she knows what idol means.

But since she entered the entertainment industry, she has always been awkward, and there are not many fans of Zhenger Bajing, not to mention being a love bean.

Feng Yang next to him was also dumbfounded.

He had speculated so much before, including rich family sadomasochism, deep sibling relationship, etc., but now Ji Changze said, Qin Lanqi is his idol? ?

It's weird and reasonable, but it's caught off guard.

Ji Changze nodded, his face was full of joy, and even started to say with a little nervousness: "I have been paying attention to you. You are really too hard, too hard, and your acting skills are good. You played Yuanyu in the Daming Palace before. It was my original intention, and the yellow sand in the iron-blooded warrior, and the five hundred li layers of benevolence, and..."

He literally read out the names of the characters Qin Lanqi had played one by one, and even those passers-by who had no names also said them all, with full of boasting and admiration.

It's true that you are a qualified fan.

Qin Lanqi was flattered.

Her fans are already pitiful, and there are almost no real fans. For example, Ji Changze remembers all her roles clearly, and she boasted so seriously that she almost made her heart beat uncontrollably fast.

No one will not like others to praise themselves.

What's more, this is obviously not a perfunctory boast.

By the time Ji Changze finished talking about the last role, Qin Lanqi's gaze towards him was obviously already a lot closer.

The first time I met such a true love fan, and was praised in front of others, Qin Lanqi didn't know whether he was excited or embarrassed, anyway, his cheeks were red.

"Thank you. In fact, those are small characters, and most of them are harlequins or vicious characters. I really didn't expect anyone to like it. Thank you."

Look, they are no longer careful to use honorifics.

"That's because your company can't do it. Qiqi You are so hardworking, hardworking, and good at acting. Even if you play a role of only three seconds, you are all flesh and blood. If it weren't for the company's ineffectiveness, you would have long been a big hit. Purple!"

Ji Changze said this loudly.

Qin Lanqi's face even reddened: "No, no, I'm still studying."

Feng Yang next to him now believes that Qin Lanqi is really Ji Changze idol.

After all, Feng Yang was too familiar with what he said.

For example, a certain kid he knew before has many fans.

He went to observe under Weibo when the crew promoted.

I found that most of the words used by fans to praise their idols are those.

My idol is hardworking! Work hard! Motivate! Good acting! Still willing to endure hardship!

Some fans think this way:

Why hasn't it been hot?

It's not because his company is not strong!

If it were not for the company's failure to provide resources, my brother would not be so miserable, he is such a potential person!

Ooh, so we have to make a list for our brother, we are the only brother! !

Ji Changze was filled with righteous indignation; "It's all because of your garbage company. I've been observing it for a long time. They don't help you find resources at all. They all rely on your own efforts. But don't worry, you still have our fans. I will silently support you behind my back."

Feng Yang: "..."

It seems that Ji Dao is of this type.

Qin Lanqi's eyes widened slightly when she listened, and she looked a little embarrassed when she saw Feng Yang next to her listen without changing his face.

"Thank you, I thought I had no fans."

"How could it not."

Ji Changze took out the phone and showed it to her.

"Look, this top Qiqi Chong Duck fan group, all of them are your fans."

This is genuine.

He didn't come to the crew these days, but instead of playing at home, he integrated Qin Lanqi's previous scenes and edited them to match the plot.

Qin Lanqi herself is a person with very good acting skills. No matter which role she plays, she will do her best to earnestly play the person who may only have two passages in the script to fit the personality and flesh and blood.

Coupled with such an editing by Ji Changze.

A group of fans soon circled.

Ji Changze established Qin Lanqi's fan post again, and changed her account to tell about how hard she worked and how great her acting skills were.

In conjunction with the video, and various "My family Qiqi is really miserable", some of them have a good impression of her because of her acting skills, and then empathize, until they find that the real person is actually so good-looking, working hard but having bad luck, they can't catch anything When the role is played, my heart suddenly feels distressed.

After cultivating a group of fans, Ji Changze formed a fan group and created enough atmosphere.

Qin Lanqi didn't expect to have a fan base.

At this moment, even the word surprise can't describe her feelings.

She watched Ji Changze open the group, and the fans inside were swiping the screen.

Because Qin Lan is not popular, almost no one has searched for her role before. Of course, she has no surroundings and has not received advertisements. Fans in the group only have to entertain themselves under the leadership of Ji Changze.

No surroundings, they paint by themselves.

[Look at the Qiqi I painted, falling to the ground in the flames of war. ]

[The painting is so good! ! Oh, there are tears in my eyes, but it's too much tears to keep my eyes on our national flag. ]

[It's so awesome, I completely drew the kind of strong patriotism expressed at the time of Qiqi Qi! ! ]

[Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, do you want to tweet I want to forward it. ]

Qin Lanqi looked at the screen underneath, with a warm heart.

That role is also very rare, but it is a very positive role. After receiving it, she kept trying to figure it out with joy. After meeting the performance requirements of the director, she tried to act harder.

It's just that this role is too small.

Qin Lanqi had been looking forward to the show when the show started, but until the show was over, no one noticed her face black and white, falling into the gunfire.

It is impossible to say that it is not lost.

But the more times I lost, I got used to it.

But now, seeing fans like that character so much, Qin Lanqi's eyes were almost flushed without being moved.

"I never thought I would have so many fans..."

She was startled, her expression still a little dreamlike.

I can't get any good results after persisting for so long.

Even as hard as before, sometimes she will inevitably feel inferior.

Is it true that I have no talent? Is it true that I am not suitable for this industry?

That's why no matter how hard you try to make progress, you will stand still or even regress.

But now, all the efforts she has made are seen in the eyes of her fans, who also affirmed her efforts and liked her efforts.

At this moment, Qin Lanqi almost felt the redemption.

"How come you don't have fans, it's just that we didn't do much activity on Weibo before, Qiqi, you really worked hard and you were excellent. At first, I was not interested in any movies or TV series at all. I saw that the ones you acted were full of flesh and blood. After the role, I will be interested in learning about the entertainment industry and want to make a movie too."

Having said this, he smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry to say that I used you as a prototype to write the script. After I wrote it out, I thought I must shoot it, and I must find it. You came to play the heroine, so I borrowed a few million from my brother and asked my dad for 20 million, so I put the crew together. I believe that with you, this movie will be a success, you It's the most powerful."

Feng Yang next to him: "..."

It turns out that there is such a story behind this rich second-generation who doesn't know anything when he came to make a movie.

Please give him a brother and dad like this.

Qin Lanqi was already excited and didn't know what to say.

Everyone knows that fans in the entertainment industry are helpful to artists, but she never expected that one day, her fans would actually bring the movie heroine and the reward to her.

How pure liking is to make people in front of me make such a decision.

And such pure liking is for her.

"I, I really thank you, thank you, thank you so much."

I really didn't know what to say, and even because he was too excited and a little incoherent, Qin Lanqi could only thank him madly.

"Don't thank me, you can get this role because you are already very good, this role was originally born for you, because I know you can play her well, can play her live, I'm not the kind who walks through the back door People, if your acting skills are not good, I won't like you."

When Ji Changze finished speaking, he looked to Feng Yang to one side: "Brother Feng, don't you think you are, is the Qiqi acting superb?"

"Huh? Ah!"

Feng Yangzheng was immersed in the drama of "The rich idols fall in love with me" and couldn't help himself. He suddenly heard that he was named, and quickly recovered, he coughed, and nodded solemnly.

"Yes, Teacher Qin's acting skills are indeed good, and I am confident that Teacher Qin can perform well."

Ji Changze immediately looked at Qin Lanqi with an expression of "Look at it, I'll just say it".

Seeing that Qin Lanqi's cheeks were red from excitement, and his emotions suddenly couldn't be restrained, he thoughtfully said: "Anyway, do it well, come on!"

"You go take a rest first."

Qin Lan nodded at seven: "Okay, thank you so much."

"You are my idol, you should." Seeing Qin Lanqi walking towards the lounge, Ji Changze didn't forget to make a cheering gesture.

"Come on!"

Qin Lanqi nodded again gratefully, and when she turned her head and walked forward, she realized that her nose was sour.

She really didn't expect that her fans had been supporting her behind her back and believing her.

Moreover, it gave her such a big surprise.

As long as she thinks about what Ji Changze praised her just now, she will be very happy. If she is now in bed, she will definitely roll around the quilt with her quilt.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

This is simply! ! !

It's so unexpected! !

The chief director of the crew is her fan.

Oh my god! ! !

Ji Changze smiled and watched Qin Lanqi's figure disappear in the corner, then turned his head, and when he turned his head, he met Feng Yang's big face plate.


He covered his chest and took a step back, shocked; "Brother Feng, why are you so close to me? I just remembered the beauty of my family Qiqi, when I turned around and saw you, I almost didn't get scared to death by you."

"Sorry, sorry."

Feng Yang chuckled: "Director Ji, I thought you weren't the kind of person who can say good things. I didn't expect to compliment people in one set."

"Of course."

Can the attitude be the same when facing idols and facing subordinates?

Ji Changze sat on the chair and fanned himself: "My family Qiqi obviously has no self-confidence. I praised her so much just to make her confident. You didn't see her when she left just now. You obviously became more confident. ?"

Feng Yang thought so.

He sat next to Ji Changze and said, "Director Ji, your trick is useful. I don't have much confidence. Why would you praise me and give me some confidence?"

Ji Changze glanced at him: "You are not my idol, what do I praise you for?"

"In this way, we praise each other, you praise me, and I also praise you."

Feng Yang thought for a while, not to lose.

He said: "Director Ji, you are so nice, good, rich and handsome."

Ji Changze nodded, then boasted:

"You have a good vision."