60| I hold my idol (5)

Feng Yang was almost choked to death by Ji Changze's words.

Is this a boast? ?

This is obviously boasting about yourself in disguise! !

He was constipated, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

After all, Ji Changze is his immediate boss. How can he say something like "You are not right, how should you praise me?"

But it's not right.

He saw that this Ji Dao was a very good talking and fun person before, and he didn't know how good his attitude was when facing Qin Lanqi.

Even if one is an idol and the other is a subordinate, the comparison should not be so tragic.

Feng Yang soon knew.

Ji Changze is not facing idols and subordinates with two faces, he is facing idols with one face, and facing other people is another face.

The director must have a loud voice.

After all, if it's not too big, it's not easy to manage the clutter on the shooting scene. Maybe the director who has just started to join the crew is quite gentle, but after a long time, even if he persists, he is still as gentle as before, and his voice is still not small. Up.

But Ji Changze doesn't. No matter what the situation is, his voice will always be the same, not high or low.

It doesn't matter if no one is there to hear him, there is also a loud voice next to him, who is used to repeat his words and help him yell at people with a loud voice.

At first, the crew was a bit sloppy when it first started.

The staff, including the celebrities, were not very positive at the beginning of the work. Except for the kind of hard work of the celebrities who first filmed or got an important role for the first time, the other old dough sticks are all about you. Feel free to move, anyway I don't look like I'm moving.

Ji Changze expressed his understanding.

After all, he is a new director. Everyone knows that he is here to play tickets, and now they all know that Qin Lanqi is his idol.

Ever since, he became a rich second-generation playing ticket for idols.

In addition, he doesn't have much experience in directing, and he was not a professional director before. People who have no interest in the crew think that the crew will definitely not be able to produce any good things anyway.

After all, the result is the same.

Ji Changze can understand their mentality very well, but understanding does not mean indulging.

He was on the crew for board and lodging, and when he saw someone who was not serious or an artist who was perfunctory, he directly turned the person off.

what? Liquidated damages?

Uncle gave it.

I'm rich second generation, you don't know it in a day or two.

At the beginning, after he opened a few staff members, the staff underneath suddenly became serious.

At this time, there is still no need to pay liquidated damages. After all, he and these staff members are just an employment relationship. The boss wants to fire off the disobedient subordinates, and at most give you a little more salary.

Artists are more difficult to deal with.

Among them is an old churros artist who can be regarded as a professional expert. He looks pure and well maintained, so even if he is a little older, he can act as a girl.

Feng Yang was in charge of the audition at the beginning. The reason for choosing this artist is because she can be regarded as one of the people who came to the audition with a little fan.

Therefore, although the required film pay is a bit higher, considering that her face is indeed in line with the personality, the fans behind her can be used as the basis for the promotion of the film, plus it can be regarded as an old actor, who has more experience than those new artists.

Under various factors, this artist was chosen.

As a result, the problem came.

Perhaps it is the little famous character in the crew. The most popular is the short general. The artists dare not offend her, and they are always quiet when talking to her.

The staff in the crew are also very respectful to her.

In less than a week, this man has regarded himself as a big name.

In normal times, all sorts of instructors are neglected, and it is not good to shoot when filming.

This scene is about the heroine played by Qin Lanqi as a senior to greet the new "sisters". One of the girls is timid. Because Qin Lanqi has a friendly attitude, she likes to be close to her and always pulls Talk to her.

Ji Changze's request was to express when the two talked that the girl lost her parents because of the war, and eventually fell into the kind of misery in the theater troupe. And fear, and then bring some hatred of war, and hatred of the imperial army but dare not hate.

Although it is not very simple to express this plot, it is not that difficult. After all, the lines have been clearly stated. She only needs to say the lines with red eyes, hate and sadness, and roughly half of the completion. .

When this girl Ji Changze wrote, her final position was that she would die.

And will die in front of the hostess.

She was originally the eldest daughter of a scholar's family. She went to school, was loved by her parents, and was guarded by her younger brother. As a result, she lost everything because of the war and was sold to the theater troupe.

Moreover, this troupe was not her final home. To sing, she had to start practicing at a young age. When she came, she grew up so big. The troupe bought her not to make her sing.

But when people in the troupe were singing on stage, they served the imperial army underneath.

If any imperial army took a fancy to it, of course it would have passed overnight.

If they were redeemed, this would not be considered a good thing. After all, how cruel the imperial army behaved was everyone's eyes.

There were also girls who were taken away before, but they were thrown back dying after being played, and died after two days.

In this case, she was afraid for sure, and the only hostess who was kind to her became her last straw.

She likes to talk to the heroine, likes to watch the heroine's voice quietly, likes to hide in the corner and sing like the heroine, and finally learned how to make singing shoes with an aunt in the troupe. After the day was busy, she secretly at night Do.

Plan to give it to the hostess when it's done.

Ji Changze wrote her so affectionately, just to make her death more intuitive.

If an actor plays well, when she dies, the audience will naturally feel distressed and angry, and be drawn into this plot.

When the filming started, the actor was crying.

But while she was crying, she moved her body again, blocking Qin Lanqi's face and turning her face straight into the camera.

Before shooting this shot, Feng Yang specifically told her to make room for Qin Lanqi.

For the first time, Ji Changze frowned and called Ka to start again.

The second time, he had already sinked his face.

Waiting for the third time, he directly threw the thermos cup on his head on the ground.


When the cracking sound sounded, the whole crew was silent.

Although Ji Changze is not a good-tempered person, these days he is not like the kind of domineering rich second generation mentioned on the Internet.

I have never interfered with the work of professionals, giving the other party a great deal of trust. Although I have opened a few staff before, isn't it common to have people in the crew?

In addition, everyone knows that Ji Changze is a fan of the heroine Qin Lanqi. Everyday, he tells Qin Lanqi with a fan smile and gives Qin Lanqi wolfberry water. There was a scene that required cold water before, and he was filming. I checked it many times before, and I was sure that there was no problem, and I could only let Qin Lanqi go into the water after one pass.

Before entering the water, I boiled ginger soup and prepared a warm blanket.

It can be said to take care of people in every possible way.

If this were other crews, everyone would have been gossiping in private, but when replaced by Ji Changze, his frank and open attitude would make people wonder where to start.

Maybe it's because Ji Changze would sometimes make videos with girls from Qin Lanqi's fan group.

Watching this tall, handsome, handsome and flamboyant rich second generation holding a selfie stick, he approached Qin Lanqi who was resting.

Looking at the phone, he came up with a sentence: "Dear members of the group, see our family Qiqi is resting. She has just finished the hard shooting and is now drinking Chinese wolfberry."

After that, I need to add one sentence to the envied screams of the girls: "I made this wolfberry."

Then, most of the people in the crew used the expression of ==, watching the director, like a child, triumphantly with the girl on the other side of the video. The fans showed off how much they said to Qin Lanqi today. How many sentences, how many group photos were taken, and so on.

It is too grounded.

He is completely a qualified fan.

To be honest, if it weren't for Qin Lanqi's low popularity and few fans, Ji Changze, who dominates idols and is in the same crew with idols every day, would definitely be jealous.

Of course, the premise of being jealous of him is not knowing that he is a director.

Anyway, Ji Changze's behavior these past few days is really hard to pick up any mistakes, and although he is only gentle, considerate and considerate to Qin Lanqi alone, everyone looks at it and unconsciously thinks that Ji Changze is a Very good talker.

Even if he opened a person before, he was very good at talking and directly gave people half a month's salary and sent them away politely.

Whether the staff who were fired did their job well or not is everyone's eyes. When Ji Changze fired them, the rest of the staff in the crew were a bit refreshed.

After all, they work hard, and others don't work well. If the other party can continue to get paid, they will be unbalanced in their hearts.

Almost everyone agreed that Ji Changze had a good temper.

No one has seen him get angry these days after joining the group.

Therefore, he suddenly became angry, and almost everyone's eyes fell on Ji Changze, including the actor who was filming.

Ji Changze stood up with a black face.

The artist was also taken aback, but soon calmed down.

She was afraid of something, anyway, if Ji Changze blamed her, she would just say that she didn't pay attention at all.

In the crew, she was the only one who had her own fans. Ji Changze was angry that she took the scene of Qin Lanqi. Can she still be driven away?

She justly waited for Ji Changze to question herself, so she could reply.

As a result, Ji Changze did not go to see her at all, but directly called someone: "Feng Yang."

Feng Yang next to him was also the first time he saw his scary look, and hurried over: "Guide Ji?"

Can he not be afraid?

This is almost the same as the giraffe that had been eating leaves before suddenly transformed into a carnivorous dinosaur.

"You take care of this and send it to the crew."

Ji Changze didn't talk nonsense and made the decision directly.

When this word came out, almost everyone who heard it was stunned.

It also includes Feng Yang and the artist.

"Director Ji, this...isn't this a bit sudden? She didn't shoot well just now, so she won't be able to do it again? It's normal that she won't be able to make it through more than a dozen times."

Feng Yang's first reaction was to calm things down.

After all, their crew originally had no great characters. If the artist left, they would really be a group of unknown newcomers or rookies.

At that time, there was no fan base at all, and after the release, it was almost all accurate.

"Ms. Liu Lan, come over and apologize to Director Ji."

Feng Yang wanted to help keep people behind, but Liu Lan didn't get his kindness at all.

She is also confident, the contracts are signed, and she can see clearly these days, Ji Changze, a rich second generation, is very talkative, and doesn't get involved in other work in the crew, just to have a directing addiction and hold back. Qin Lan is only seven.

I have been filming for a few days now, and these few days have mainly been filming her and Qin Lanqi's scenes.

If Ji Changze drove her away at this time, Qin Lanqi would have to make up the shoot again.

And who doesn't know how expensive a re-shooting lens is.

Feng Yang would definitely try his best to stop it, but Ji Changze, seeing how he cared about Qin Lanqi, how could he be willing to let his idol work hard again.

Plus the amount of fans she has on her body.

Even if Ji Changze was upset with her, he certainly couldn't drive her away as he wished.

But even if she thought so in her heart, Liu Lan was not a fool, she was really tough in the face.

Ji Changze is a layman, which is a good thing for her, but at the same time, he is a rich second generation to be uninspired.

She only has to admit her mistakes, commit them again next time, and admit them again if she makes them. Even if he is a rich second-generation layman, there is nothing she can do.

You know how gentle he is towards Qin Lanqi.

This person should also have a bias towards beauty.

She softened her voice and said something nice, maybe she could hook up this rich second generation.

"I'm sorry, Director Ji."

Thinking about it, Liu Lan stepped forward with a pitiful expression, and said cautiously: "I'm really sorry, I really won't be able to do it next time."

Fart, she will definitely do it next time.

On the one hand, I wanted to get more shots of myself, on the other hand, I was a little jealous of Qin Lanqi.

What kind of shit luck has this man gone.

Obviously, everything was inferior to myself before, but luck was so good that a rich second-generation fan came from the sky and spent so much money holding her.

Even if this movie is destined to be made, it is not a good movie, but it is still a movie anyway.

As soon as you show your face, won't all the fans come?

Looking at her again, she clearly has the most fans and the most famous in the entire crew, but she can only serve as a foil for Qin Lanqi.

Anyway, it can be operated, why not do it.

In the entertainment industry, what's the use of having a face?

Apologize, say something nice, and continue next time. If you are caught, I will apologize again.

Ji Changze, a newcomer who is so rich and still a man, is always embarrassed to care about her.


Facing Chu Chu's poor Liu Lan, Ji Changze frowned.

"I watched you shoot it three times, one more time and another outrageous. Who knows if you will do this next time.

The expression on Liu Lan's face froze, but he quickly recovered, and asked with an unintelligible expression: "But Director Ji, I was in the play just now, I don't understand where I am outrageous."

She originally thought that Ji Changze, a layman, would be dismissed by herself in a few words, but Ji Changze didn't pick it up at all.

"Before the shooting started, did Director Feng tell you to make you remember to show the picture to Qin Lanqi? Did you show it? You just want to take your entire face on the camera, three times, one more time The face is big, and I can't put down anything except your face in the camera. Did I come to you to make you face me? Or do you play a one-man show? How clearly I told you before, let you two play against each other, and the result You just squeeze others aside, and you are a ghost."

Liu Lan: "..."

Her face flushed all at once.

After all, she had never been scolded like this in front of so many people before.

Seeing the people around her put their eyes on her, she just felt uncomfortable all over.

"Guide Ji...I really didn't mean it..."

Regardless, let's clean it up first.

She quickly thought about the rhetoric in her mind, and then said: "Director Feng was telling me the drama before, but I didn't understand it very well, so just..."

"Didn't understand?"

Ji Changze's eyebrows frowned even more.

"As an actor, you don't understand when others tell you about drama?"

He stopped delaying time with Liu Lan, and turned to Feng Yang impatiently: "Look at who you are looking for. The ears are not well understood and the ability to understand is so poor. Change people. Change now."

Liu Lan: "..."

Why doesn't Ji Changze play cards according to the routine? ! !

Feng Yang also felt that Liu Lan's attitude was not good, but considering the expenses of the crew, he began to whisper to Ji Changze: "Director Ji, the money has already been arranged for how to spend it. Now if there is a replacement, we will not only have to pay. For liquidated damages, I have to find another person again. The previous shots taken by Teacher Liu Lan are completely useless, and I have to take another shot. This money..."

In fact, making movies is really difficult.

Basically, once the machine is turned on, the money disappears like running water.

That is to eat money in everything.

And there are accidents from time to time, so the crew usually prepares a sum of money for emergency needs.

If you change people at this time, you will basically lose a lot of money.

Liu Lan couldn't hear what they were talking about, but looked at Feng Yang's embarrassed face and guessed it.

She felt a little more proud in her eyes.

Just know, what if Ji Changze didn't play the cards according to the routine.

The crew has been working for so many days now, and how much losses will it cause if they are replaced.

Even if Ji Changze still hates her, she cares.

If this is the more famous director in the industry, she would still be afraid, Ji Changze, a layman, came to the circle to support her idol.

His family is rich, but he is not capable, she is afraid of a ghost.

Liu Lan felt at ease.

Then I saw Ji Changze sneer, took out his mobile phone and made a call in front of everyone.

"Hey, Dad, my crew needs money, you give me another ten million."

Hearing this, Ji's father, who was fighting wits and brave three enemies over there, was about to open his mouth and say 10 million farts that you are your father's money printing machine.

Suddenly, I remembered that my son had been reporting the filming progress with him full of passion in the past few days.

His son, who has never suffered since he was born, can stay up to three o'clock in order to make a good scene, and he will design some props himself.

He even lived in that kind of small bungalow and ate big pot of rice every day.

Yesterday I ate chicken drumsticks. His drumsticks were a little bigger than the one next to him. It was worthy of him to take photos and send them to show off.

When did Nagasawa experience this kind of suffering?

The point is that although he is suffering, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is in a very good spirit, and he is in a good mood, as if he is not afraid of suffering no matter how tired he is.

In the past, that squeamish son who was not living in a five-star hotel outside the house became like this for filming, which shows that he really likes it.

My son has a rare thing he likes, how can he not support it.

So, at the shooting scene, everyone watched Ji Changze drive the phone and hands-free, and a male voice came from inside:

"Okay, I'll let Xiaolin call you, and I won't open my mouth with Dad if it's not enough next time."

Everyone: "..."

Ten million...

Even if they know that Ji Changze is a rich second generation, his family can't be so proud, right? ?

This is money that ordinary people can't make in a lifetime, and in Ji Changze and his father's mouth, it is as simple as giving pocket money.

At this moment, most of the inner activities are like this.

Director Ji, is there still a shortage of brothers and brothers in your family? Sons are fine too.

Those who can go to work and work don't need ten million but only five million.

Ji Changze simply said a few more words to Ji's father, hung up the phone, and then turned to look at Feng Yang.

Feng Yang: "..."

He was shocked, his waist straightened.

"No problem, I will negotiate with Teacher Liu Lan right away."

After speaking, he stood up and walked to Liu Lan's side and made a please gesture: "Teacher Liu Lan, let's talk about the liquidated damages and confidentiality agreement, right?"

Liu Lan: "..."

She never expected that this director, his family could be so proud.

Now she really regretted it.

Originally, I just wanted to benefit from Joe a little more, thinking that anyway, Ji Changze made such an egg on the crew, so he didn't dare to touch her rock.

In the end, who knows, this is a golden egg.

Having been in the circle for so long, if she hadn't been thick-skinned and couldn't bend and stretch, she wouldn't have mixed up with these fans.

Liu Lan acted decisively and began to beg and say something nice: "Director Ji, I really didn't mean it. You can give me another chance. I know I was wrong. Next time I will take a good shot and take it seriously."

Ji Changze: "So you didn't take it seriously just now?"

Liu Lan: "...Guide Ji, I'm really sincere. I know I was wrong. I apologize to you, so you don't care about me."

Ji Changze doesn't follow her at all: "I will forgive you if you apologize? If you just delay my time and my money, I don't care. Anyway, I don't care about it. The story that could have been played over and over again was filmed three times. I paid for the staff of the crew to do the work for me, not for you to play around. Okay, nothing to say. I have been Ji Changze from birth to now. When did you experience this kind of sorrow, Feng Yang, send her out, and then find me an actor to come back for her."

Liu Lan's heart burst.

She could clearly feel that since Ji Changze said that "the staff did not let her play around", the eyes of other people who were just watching the excitement immediately became a little more angry and gloating.

Before, she was only at odds with the director, but now it has evolved into that she deliberately grabbed the shots in order to be able to make more shots for herself, so that everyone had to accompany her to shoot multiple times.

After a long time in the crew, you will know that what everyone fears most is that a scene is so stuck there and can't make it through.

For the first time, the actors entered the scene with sincere affection and the staff were serious.

The second time, the actors have to enter the play again, and the staff have to continue to be serious.

By the third time, the fourth time and the fifth time, it is all numb.

Everyone has only one idea in their hearts.

Finish it, finish it, I can't stand it anymore.

Not only the actors who have been repeating a scene can't stand it, but also the staff who have been doing repetitive work and can't see the end of their rest.

It's already very irritating if it wasn't intentional.

Now Ji Changze made it clear that Liu Lan was deliberate, didn't everyone's grievances of repeating the shooting three times be directed at her?

Liu Lan gritted his teeth, trying to argue, and realized that he really didn't know where to argue.

He could only bite his face and leave here with Feng Yang, who motioned her to go forward.

What's so great.

A newcomer director leads a pile of waste.

No matter how rich it is.

It's not that there is no such thing as a bad film that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on it.

Now that she has left, not only can she not worry that her face will grow in a bad movie in the future, but she can also get a liquidated damages.

Speaking of which, she is making money.

Just thinking about being blocked by Ji Changze several times, my heart is still furious.

This Ji Changze, apparently looked very good at talking these days.

Why are people so rigid?

Pooh! Rubbish rich second generation! But it's just relying on the wealth of the family. Does he really think this circle is so good?

Don't end up smashing a lot of money down and it's all gone.

Ji Changze ignored what Liu Lan thought.

He felt satisfied that since Liu Lan was replaced by him at the expense of paying the penalty, the work attitude of the people on the crew has been corrected a lot.

Especially those artists.

They didn't have much confidence in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't come to this crew that can be said to be doomed to fail when they are just formed.

It's not like Liu Lan who has the foundation to have fans. If you don't have this play, you can go to the next play.

If they lose this drama, they still don't know when they will find a crew that is willing to play a more role in the drama.

Ji Changze's trick to kill a chicken is just right for the monkeys.

Anyway, after that, he never heard what some people in the crew were saying in private that he was a new director or the one-two-three-fifth incident between him and Qin Lanqi.

The next step is to concentrate on shooting.

Feng Yang is really experienced. Knowing that his crew is rich, he has enough confidence. He originally wanted to find someone who is famous. However, people who are famous are not short of money. They also cherish feathers and are not happy to come to them. The crew makes bad films.

So finally he went to Yingda to find a girl who was still in school.

This girl is really young and looks very innocent. She looks like a deer when she looks at people, and meets the script requirements better than Liu Lan.

When the people were found back, everyone began to re-shoot the previous plot.

Qin Lanqi never complained from beginning to end.

Ji Changze gave her wolfberry and said she worked hard, but she didn't feel it at all.

What kind of hard work this is.

In order to get a character who can show up, I used to soak in the cold water in the big winter. In order to show the story of being dragged away, I got many bruises on my body. I can't have a substitute in the play and I can only come by myself, and I will be sore when I go home. For many days, I didn't dare to twist my neck hard.

She has experienced all of these.

Compared with those, it is now a fairy day in the crew.

Although she is not a big name, but Ji Changze, a fan, really wants to take care of her in all aspects.

For the first time, I felt that someone came ashore from the cold water and asked for warmth, handing a blanket and ginger soup.

For the first time there is a dedicated makeup artist, and I no longer have to sit on the ground with a mirror that I bring with me to make up.

For the first time, after filming, you can go back to the lounge where you live alone, instead of huddling with a bunch of people or taking the subway to go home.

Qin Lanqi was extremely grateful.

She knew that all this was given to her by Ji Changze.

Even if Ji Changze kept saying that this was his willingness, she couldn't just ignore them just because they were willing.

She didn't know how she should repay, so she could only work hard to study more roles, earnestly when acting, and study hard when learning from opera experts.

Others in the crew also felt that Ji Changze did not seem like a ticket.

It is understandable that any tool is the best for convenient shooting, after all, the rich second generation.

It is understandable that the food is excellent, the rich second generation.

But every time I followed the camera, discussed with Feng Yang, discussed with the editing, and took them around to shoot the location. For one shot, the whole crew could fly to an old forest deep in the mountains.

He himself followed.

When everyone is running, he is also running, and when everyone is tired, he is also tired. This is really not like playing a ticket.

Because of Liu Lan's affair, everyone on the crew knew that Ji Changze was not bad at money and was not easy to mess with. If you think you can't, you have to get out of your temper.

All of them took his words as imperial edicts.

Therefore, although he was a new director during the filming, no one dared not listen to what he said, and all honestly changed it.

And after getting along for a long time, they also found out.

What Ji Changze can't stand most is the kind of artists who are not serious or deliberately do not follow the rules. In other respects, he is quite tolerant.

Once I filmed a plot, I just filmed it seventeen times, plus I filmed something else in the middle, it took a full two months to shoot it.

The girl who couldn't survive the life and death cried anxiously, for fear that Ji Changze would dislike her and couldn't drive people. After all, she didn't have many scenes. If she changed her, it would be much simpler to replace Liu Lan than Liu Lan. As a result, Ji Changze didn't have the whole story. If you get angry, shoot again if you can't pass, and continue shooting if you can't pass.

Anyway, you can't just be perfunctory, and you won't get angry because this girl can't make it through.

It looks like "I am very Buddhist."

But the person who played with the girl was Qin Lanqi, who was also a capital Buddhist school.

Qin Lanqi and the director who followed her on the scene were not angry. Others were too embarrassed to say anything. In addition, every time the filming is not over until the end of the night, Ji Changze not only invites midnight snacks, but also packs red envelopes, everyone. There are no more complaints.

What does that sentence say.

Work is not afraid of hardship, tiredness, and overtime.

I am afraid that I will not be paid for overtime.

With enough money, they can swallow no matter how big a complaint is.

On the eighteenth time, Ji Changze looked at the camera, but finally did not call a card.

He waited until it was over before he smiled and clapped his hands as he said.

At that time, almost the entire crew cheered.

That night the big guy went out for a meal, had a lively meal, and continued shooting the next day.

This joyful atmosphere is rare in other crews, but it is undeniable that this atmosphere is very suitable for filming.

When filming later, there are very few times when everyone can't be better.

When Shun Shunli finished filming and Ji Changze announced that it was over, a large number of people were still unwilling to give up.

After all, it looks like this kind of generous shot, never buckles, and will not get angry at will, and it is too rare for a director to ask them to eat this and eat that from time to time.

If it wasn't for everyone who kept running around and ate so well every day, it would be strange if they were not fat.

Especially for some young artists.

Most of the crews they have been with before are out-of-the-box, because they are young and inexperienced, it is inevitable that they will do something wrong.

When I was in school, the teacher would say that in the outside society, everyone is not their parents. Why do you help them? It is not uncommon to run into a bad-tempered, scolded dog with bloody head.

But in Ji Changze's crew, as long as they are serious, even if they can't understand it for a while, if they dare to find Ji or Feng, or even Qin Lanqi, who is playing with them, they will be patiently answered.

Of course, in view of Ji Changze's status as the chief director and his relentless drive away from people before, in most cases, these little artists are afraid to join him.

But even so, I was so scared when I was shooting. After a few years, when I recalled the crew, I only remembered the crew and the director.

Especially the girl who has been filming eighteen times.

Many years later, when this girl had already become famous and became a high-status star in the entertainment industry, a host interviewed her whether there was a profound impact in filming for so many years.

She said this eighteen times without any hesitation.

"At that time, when I couldn't make it through the third time, I actually panicked. When I finished talking, I was so useless because I couldn't express what Ji Dao wanted. It was obvious that Sister Qiqiqi did a good job.

Then when I waited for the seventh time, I was exaggerated. I was sweaty behind my back... Yes, I was anxious. I just made my debut at the time. For me, this drama was the best I could catch at the time. There was a chance. I thought I was going to be scolded. In the end, Director Ji didn't say anything. He just said that since I was in a bad condition today, I would shoot tomorrow, and then I filmed it three times the next day. "

The host showed a look of surprise in cooperation: "Isn't it taken ten times in two days?"

"Yes." Speaking of this incident, the girl can already remember with a smile and generously: "I was really panicked after I still couldn't make it. I went back to my room and kept reading my own script. After practicing in the mirror, the dark circles under my eyes were too heavy the next day because I stayed up all night and I couldn't take pictures."

Speaking of this, she herself was a little bit dumbfounded for her immature self at the time: "Later, sister Qiqiqi found that I was in a wrong state and asked if I stayed up late to practice. After I said yes, she has been helping me find my state. I practiced with me again and again in private. Actually, I took the filming 18 times, but in fact, sister Qiqi practised with me at least fifty times in private. Even now I am very grateful to her, really, When you are confused and painful, there is someone who does not blame you and patiently help you through the difficulties. I myself think I am super lucky."

The host nodded: "No wonder you and Teacher Qin Lanqi have always had a good relationship. It turned out to be the foundation laid at that time. After that, are you very happy afterwards?"

"It was very happy. At that time, not only me, but the entire crew was very happy. I felt like we finally succeeded in crossing the robbery. Director Ji invited us to have a big meal to celebrate that night. What impressed me the most was, Even though I hadn't filmed 17 times at the time, no one else in the crew had ever complained, especially Director Ji. Before that, I was scared of him. At the time, I thought he was going to switch me out of the crew. In the end, he didn't accuse me from the beginning to the end. He was particularly Buddha. He waited until the filming was over before he became happy."

"I was really lucky to meet Director Ji the first time I was with the team."

The host asked: "You have a good personal relationship with Teacher Qin Lanqi, so do you have a chance to ask Director Ji what he thought?"


Speaking of this, there was a little bit of crying on the girl's face.

"I also wondered if Director Ji would not criticize me because he was afraid of my emotional breakdown. Later, when I asked him what he thought of the scene, he actually told me that the scene itself was very difficult. Actors need to be suppressed to the extreme, so that when I start to play against each other, I can give the audience that depressed mood. So I couldn't get through at that time. He didn't say anything on his face, but I was actually quite happy because I couldn't get through. The more I was depressed, the more depressed, and the effect burst out in the end."

"But he was afraid that I was really suppressed and something might happen, so he specifically asked Sister Qiqiqi to help me vent. He said that during that time, in order to avoid irritating me, let alone criticize it. Avoiding me."

The host was amused by her tone: "So it seems that Dao Ji is really witty, but it turns out that Dao Ji and Teacher Qin Lanqi at that time..."

Ji Changze didn't know at this moment that his current thoughts were broadcast on TV a few years later.

He just squatted in the room with the editor and started editing into a film.

And outside, the announcement has also begun.

But their crew did not have any hot spots, and the only topic of discussion was that Liu Lan left the crew before.

Although a confidentiality agreement was signed, the confidentiality agreement only kept her from revealing the content of the crew's shooting, but she didn't let her say anything else.

The reporter who got the wind knew about the termination of her contract with the crew, and asked her why she terminated the contract.

Liu Lan's answer is very official.

"It's just that the two sides have a disagreement. We are ending the contract peacefully. This is nothing. We will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

Obviously, this is the standard answer given by people close to her.

Why does Ji Changze know.

Because after Liu Lan said this sentence, he said another sentence in a later interview.

"I still hope to cooperate with some high-quality, serious film crews. It is really important for actors to produce better works."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence alone.

But it would be very different if it were to be combined with the termination of her contract with the crew.

She wants to cooperate with some high-quality and serious film crews, and has just cancelled the cooperation with a crew.

Does that mean that the quality of this uncooperative crew is low and it is not serious about filming?

Liu Lan does have some fans. As soon as her remarks came out, the reporter did not let go of such a good topic, and directly put the original remarks on the news.

Her fans immediately began to maintain Liu Lan.

"My sister really pays attention to quality and is a real actor."

"The entertainment industry is to have artists like my sister who insist on quality, the more the better."

"Sister did a beautiful job, we support you!"

As a result, Ji Changze and their crew were hacked before they even started publicity.

Feng Yang came to ask Ji Changze if he wanted to buy the navy to suppress him. Ji Changze thought for a while and told him not to move.

He has some other attention.

Liu Lan just started to say that he was a bit regretful, but when he went back, he was right.

Just as a layman like Ji Changze makes a movie, what good things can come out.

And most importantly, the actors in this crew are all newcomers or people who have not performed any important roles.

From the bottom up, they can't do it.

Ji Changze is young, I am afraid he can't suppress the people in the crew.

What good movies can be made under such circumstances.

Now that she said this, although she might offend Ji Changze, she didn't point to Ji Changze's nose to curse, what's the matter.

Ji Changze is an outsider. Can he spend money on his movie, but can he still control him?

Liu Lan thought about it clearly and settled down.

When she discovered that the news was completely free and growing, and no one came forward to suppress it, and the Navy Company did not get involved, she became more confident in her heart.

I can't even hold it down. It's cold, it's definitely cold.

Consciously stabilized, she paid out of her own pocket and copied the topic.

Now everyone is just eating melons. When the movie is released and it is discovered that this is a peerless film, then for the sake of a high-quality movie, she would rather terminate her contract with the crew. Of course, her reputation will sound good.

Fans will definitely give her the label of being dedicated and unwilling to bow to money.

Then I can circle a wave of fans again.

As for the crew of Ji Changze, who was used as a springboard to jump up and down?

who cares.

People don't die for themselves.

Feng Yang soon discovered that someone was operating the news behind him, and hurriedly came to Ji Changze again.

"What's the hurry."

Ji Changze still looks like she is not anxious: "Her news was based on our bad film from the beginning. The more we don't care now, the faster it will ferment. When the film is released, this news will bring The topic is to bring its own heat."

"But this will make some viewers reject our movie and not go to the cinema to buy tickets."

Ji Changze asked a soul question: "Then let this Liu Lan not be the subject of a bad film, will the audience be interested in watching it when it is released?"

Feng Yang: "..."

This is really a soul problem.

Their crew is an unfamiliar actor and an unfamiliar director.

From the beginning to the end, there is no reputation, the only advantage is the money.

The audience is not stupid and rich in money, so how could it be possible to bump in directly.

"So, don't worry about this, she hacked us, but instead will let us attract a group of viewers who want to see how bad it can be. Let them watch it first. After reading it, word of mouth, online society, the news spread Soon, we all know that our movies are good-looking, and I will watch them. The more she is like this now, it will only be herself who will be miserable in the future."

Feng Yang nodded.

"What you said makes sense."

"But Director Ji, I have a question."

Ji Changze is very patient; "You ask."

"How do you make sure that our movie is a good movie, or the kind of good movie passed on by word of mouth?"

"We are being scolded so badly now. If we didn't sell many tickets by the time it was released, it was really the beginning and the end. Didn't you tell me that you still want to shoot that fantasy theme? If this is the movie Waterloo, it would be hard to find the kind of quality artists in the lower part of the movie."

Ji Changze waved at him.

Feng Yang looked suspiciously for a while, after all he leaned over.

Then I listened to the director Ji whispering gesture and volume to him: "Don't worry, our data is not much different."

Feng Yang: "..."

So confident?

Why didn't he believe it at all.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Ji Changze simply told him directly: "My dad said that when my movie is released, he will buy tickets for all the employees of the company under his name to watch it. Then it will be enough to save face."

Feng Yang; "..."

"...Ji, how many employees does your father have?"

"How do I know this? I don't like to go to my company, but my dad has a lot of companies. If we don't count the branch companies, there are eleven in this city, five in city c, and city b..."

Ji Changze counted it for a long time, and finally came up with a sentence: "These companies are relatively large, how come there are 500 employees in each company, plus the branch office, do you think it is enough?"

Feng Yang: "..."

He was stunned by Ji Changze's operation.

Never imagined.

It turns out that the movie box office can still play like this.

What is so special about it? He is carrying a hanging mountain on his back.

And most importantly, Guashan still supports his son in this way.

My goodness.

He thought that Ji Changze was just a little fish, and he swam into the entertainment circle to play.

Now it seems that this is a little fish, this is simply a big whale, or the kind of escort by his father.

Although he has a foundation in his heart, Feng Yang still said in the mindset of a small citizen; "But movie tickets are not cheap, if everyone really buys it, would it be too wasteful..."

You can't spend that way if you have money.

"It's okay, it's about to celebrate the holiday. My dad said he was going to give gifts to employees. Just replace the same amount of gifts with movie tickets. And the box office is divided by ourselves. It's almost like putting the left pocket into the right pocket, no loss. ."

Feng Yang: "..."

Sure enough, if you can have money to this level, you will certainly not lose money stupidly.

This is how my money has turned from the left hand to the right.

Just deduct a small amount of money to get a good box office.

high! !

Worthy of being a rich man.

It makes sense that he hasn't made a fortune yet.

Knowing that the movie's data will not be too ugly, Feng Yang is relieved.

He and Ji Changze cooperated happily, and they had been tied to the boat of Ji Changze. Knowing that Ji Changze had a trick, he would be at ease.

The day the movie was released.

Feng Yang didn't dare to watch the premiere. In the end, he did not dare to face it because of his hard work and energy.

On that day, he turned off the internet and cut off the electricity, and slept at home all day.

Then retreat and began to draw the storyboard, trying to learn a little more.

When the phone was turned on the next day, there were more than fifty missed calls.

Feng Yang: "..."

It's over, so many people are looking for him.

This movie won't really be so miserable, right?

It shouldn't be, they are obviously very serious.

He slumped not to look at it.

Then open the Internet, try to go to the Internet to see the evaluation of this movie.

As you can see, there are rows of long comments, and of course there are short comments.

"It looks so good to cry!!!"

"Oh my God, I thought this was a junk movie that relied on beautiful girls to attract men to watch, but after watching it, I almost made me cry. This movie is really great and strong! !!!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of peace of life of the United States, have never felt how happy I am living in a safe world."

Feng Yang: "..."


A phone call came in.

He took it.

"Director Feng!! Our movie has gone viral!!!"