61|I hold my idol (6)

exploded? ? ?

The next second after hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Feng Yang automatically added a special effect of a sea of ​​fire explosion in his mind, accompanied by a magnificent soundtrack.

It took a second for his sleepless brain to react.

"Broken?!!! You, you, you, are you serious? Really burst?!!!"


His tone was still in excitement, to be precise, his excitement had never subsided.

"Now we have a very high rating on the movie network, and although it has just been released, but the attendance rate is also very high, Ji Dao sent someone to investigate on the spot, and found that most of the audience is second-to-third, and now the news is spread. Hurry up, the first audience will come out in the morning, and new audiences who have been recommended will come in the afternoon."

"My uncle has been in this industry for ten years. He said that according to the current situation, the attendance rate of our movies is definitely getting higher day by day, and whether it is on Weibo or other social platforms, our movies are on hot search, since With traffic, Director Feng!!!"

Feng Yang simply wanted to wonder if he was thinking day by day and dreaming night by night. He thought so much that their movie became popular, so he had such a beautiful dream.

He stretched out his hand with a dazed face and pinched his thigh.

The person who called over did not wait for Feng Yang to come to surprise and celebrate with him, but instead of waiting for the celebration, he waited for a scream of extreme pain:


The movie led by Ji Changze is indeed a big hit.

There are many reasons for the fire, even the less knowledgeable audience can say one, two, three, four, five.

No one thought that the only splash before it was released, or a movie that was ridiculed by news, would suddenly explode.

Overnight, the Weibo fans of the protagonist Qin Lanqi skyrocketed, and the speed was horrifying.

Even the other actors were two or three kittens from fans. They looked good and they were actually zombie fans, and they were suddenly exposed to everyone.

The reporters of various houses began to become active.

No one had thought that this movie would be popular before. Of course, they wouldn't have nothing to do to interview a movie that was destined to hit the street and was not well-known before, and they couldn't even stir up topics such as "X Dao Reiki's Deterioration".

And Ji Changze did not spend money to invite reporters to interview, so this caused such an outside audience yelling for noodles. Fans can't wait to pay attention to the actors and want to know all the details and tidbits of this movie. During the filming process, the information provided by the crew was pitiful.

There are no tidbits, no interviews with actors, and even the publicity is just a simple sentence on the official Weibo. I look forward to your comments.

The reporters were convinced.

Those who have seen the Buddha have never seen such a Buddha's crew.

Did you show a movie without even publicizing it? ?

If the movie doesn't catch on, they might even ridicule in their hearts, "It deserves to be on the street, it's strange if you don't play like this."

The result is really strange now.

A group of people can only work hard to find the contact information of the people in the crew.

Fortunately, although the crew is not very focused on publicity, it is not invisible anymore.

A group of reporters succeeded in reaching Ji Changze.

Of course, this was only with his permission, after all, after the movie hit, Ji Changze quickly invited a group of bodyguards to follow him.

The salaries of bodyguards are naturally from the good father Jifu.

One of the reporters asked: "Excuse me, regarding the explosion of "Fire", many viewers on the Internet have been arguing about the cause of the explosion and have their own opinions. Then the chief director of the movie is also the screenwriter and investor, do you think What is the cause of the fire in this movie?"

"the reason is simple."

In front of the camera, Ji Changze, who is wearing a close-fitting and showing off his figure, is a very handsome man in a gold suit with a serious face:

"The main reason "Fire" can be loved by the audience is that I am excellent, and the actors and staff of our crew are also excellent."

Reporters: "..."

They have been in the industry for so many years, when have they ever met such a card that does not follow common sense.

I was a little confused for a while, and no one in the audience spoke at all.

After the silence, there is ecstasy.

The director Ji said that, isn't it a topic of discussion? !

They don't need to delete anything at all, and don't need to add anything else by themselves. Just throw the original words up and it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

When the time comes, the traffic will also be there, and the heat will also be there. Isn't it good news?

The author who asked the question didn't know how to respond for a while, so he could only laugh awkwardly:

"Uh...hahaha, Director Ji is really humorous."

"Yes, I've always been a very humorous person." Ji Changze nodded with a smile, and added another sentence to the reporter's expression "This is right, I knew it".

"But I'm not kidding the answer just now. The audience's eyes are discerning. They will only like the movie when it is good. Why is the movie so good? Of course it's because of those of us who make the movie, so the conclusion is that our entire crew People are very good, is there a problem?"

Reporters: "..."

To die, what he said seemed quite right.

Regardless, anyway, this sentence will definitely be topical when it is posted on the Internet.

By the way, one more sentence.

[Director Ji Changze bluntly said that our crew are all excellent people (obviously, Liu Lan, who had previously said that he wanted to make a high-quality film, was not included in the contract with the "Fire" crew)]

Hey, this topic is exciting and attractive enough!

The reporters went back and prepared the news quickly.

The titles are almost the same, anyway, the topic of Liu Lan doesn't need to be in vain.

Flow is the most important thing.

Feng Yang had gone to Ji Changze's house since he knew the news that the movie had gone viral. He planned to hug this thigh to the end and take a bite of "our movie" against Ji Changze's next fantasy movie plan.

Anyway, he wanted to understand.

In the circle, it is very rare to have such a rich and talented thigh that is now well-known and has never obliterated the credit of others.

Why do you have to hold tight.

Hold thighs for three consecutive times: if you are anxious about your thighs, you want to scold your thighs.

Before Liu Lan caused Ji Changze to get angry with the crew for the first time, and he drove out of the crew mercilessly. Later, this guy used various pull crews as a backing for himself. It is conceivable that Ji Changze must hate her.

Now she is unlucky, and Feng Yang decided to take a shot while flattering.

"Director Ji, look at this Liu Lan. After this episode, she is half cold, but I don't know if she will have any moths."

Ji Changze turned off the news without much interest and switched to the script outline.

"She didn't dare. Now that we have a huge gap in status, I have an influence in the circle. I lent her three courage and dare not be a demon again."

Indeed, Ji Changze was right.

After reading the news, since knowing that "Fire" has become popular, I feel complicated, regretful and annoyed, and finally dissed by Liu Lan: "..."

With eyes full of heart, there is only one word left:


She wanted to step on the crew to make herself white.

The result is now better.

On the contrary, her own traffic has become the help of the other party, and now she is saying that she has no eyesight/lost Baoshan without knowing it/is beaten in the face by others.

Especially after seeing the newcomer who replaced her own role, the number of fans surpassed her so quickly, and seeing the skyrocketing trend continue, Liu Lan almost didn't mention it and died on the spot.

That character belongs to her! ! ! !

If it hadn't been for her and the crew to terminate the contract, and now the fire, the number of fans has skyrocketed, she would be the one on the hot search! !

With so many advantages, a newcomer on the other side can see a smooth future, let alone her who has the foundation.

Liu Lan was suffocated from heartache.

It's not an exaggeration, it really hurts the tops of the heart and liver.

However, she would never watch the news anymore, and the phone just kept ringing.

It wasn't the agent who came to question her why she didn't grasp the opportunity when she came to the door, or she texted "consolation" with the artist of her seeming sister flower, and the meaning of gloating was about to come out.

Liu Lan was getting angry.

She swears, to give her another chance, she will absolutely never make the original choice.

She must be honest. Director Ji told her to go east and she would never go south, and she would never go to heaven if she asked her to dig the ground.

As for revenge or something?

Ji Changze guessed this point very accurately.

Liu Lan didn't dare at all.

Now that the movie is on fire, Ji Changze has been promoted from the rich second generation of playing tickets to the potential director of newcomers all at once. What he said is already very useful.

In the past, she still relied on the fact that two people were barely in a circle without any scruples. Now Ji Changze has become a small boss in the circle, and she offends each other when she is crazy.

Liu Lan could only cry silently, regretting and wishing to slam his head against the wall, and then think about silence for a period of time, and wait until the topic of her body is over before she can move on.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

I still regret it! !

why why! ! Why didn't she expect this movie to be so popular! !

Ji's father didn't expect it either.

When he knew that his son's first film in his life was about to be released, he decided to buy movie tickets as a company benefit and send it to employees.

Anyway, he wants to contribute to the box office of his son's movie.

Even if the movie's box office is really ugly, he can give it a good look.

I just wanted to support my son.

In the end, who knew that this movie was on fire?

As an assistant to Ji's father, Kobayashi always has 18 trumpets, with different gender and age departments. He has entered the small group of company employees for a long time and has mastered various gossip messages.

On the first day of the movie, some employees complained that they didn't like to watch movies when they sent movie tickets.

Because the time of the show was different, everyone watched it separately. When the first batch of employees went to watch it, the group immediately became a variety of Amway conferences.

Look! ! Must see! !

This movie is so good to watch, it is simply not watching the regret series! !

The second batch of employees were dubious, and started to follow Amway when they came back.

Now everyone believed that this movie is good-looking, and they don't lose money when the company sends movie tickets.

When the movie is too popular and there is no market, the movie theaters are filled with many people who want to buy it but can't buy it. When they scratch their hearts and minds and post online to increase the price for movie tickets, the employees feel more comfortable.

Receiving gifts, what you received are things you can buy at random and what a group of people want to buy cannot buy. I heard that you have them on hand and just look at you with envious eyes, all kinds of envy, jealousy and boasting. , Can these two feelings be the same? !

For a time, all groups expressed their high appreciation for the company's move to issue movie tickets this time.

Kobayashi dutifully told him the rainbow fart that Ji's loved to listen to, and Ji's eyes narrowed with a smile.

"It seems that this kid from Changze is still a little capable, so many people like to make a movie."

Before, he still felt that this child's business talent was not good enough.

It seems that it's not that Changze can't do it, but that his talent lies in making movies.

After waiting for two days, there was a hot search on Weibo about [Ji's Group Buying "Fire" Movie Tickets to Give Employees Free], Ji's face can be regarded as showing off.

Jifu immediately arranged for people to start various publicity of his company's benefits and salary levels, working environment, and so on.

Sure enough, he didn't expect it.

The comments are all envious of having such a good company and such considerate benefits.

Some people even said that they just graduated and wanted to find a job. This time, they will try to see if they can join the Ji family.

Even the company's stock has risen a bit.

At this moment, Ji Changze is not by his side. If he is there, he will definitely praise his son.

This good son!

Too long for Daddy!

And during the film explosion period, various news in the crew also appeared one after another, and there were too many people who wanted to interview Ji Changze every day.

He doesn't mind, anyway he will pick up when he is free, even if he is not free.

This time it was interviewed by a bunch of people again. One of the reporters stepped in and said directly: "Excuse me, Director Ji, who do you think has contributed the most to the success of "Fire"? Only one word can be said.

Maybe I still remember Ji Changze's brazen remarks about his excellence. After he finished speaking, he added:

"Except yourself."

Ji Changze glanced at the reporter, saw his eyes dodging a little, and moved his eyebrows slightly.

If this reporter remembered correctly, it was his family who published several news articles that were not conducive to Qin Lanqi's remarks.

Before, he had admiration for Qin Lanqi, and reporters all knew that he could only boast about Qin Lanqi. For this kind of question, it was clear that he would wait for Qin Lanqi to answer.

And if his answer is Qin Lanqi now, and those who have some thoughts go back and add some other writing, the final content can easily be changed to Ji Changze, who said that the movie fire is all Qin Lanqi's credit.

The praise is too high and it deprives other actors of their efforts. It is strange that Qin Lanqi is not torn apart.

He figured this out in a few seconds.

So, in the entertainment industry, it is the depth of the water.

Tsk tusk tusk, the world is going downhill, and people's hearts are sinister.

In the blue sky and white sun, there will be people who want to routinely follow him as a new director who is straightforward and not half-distracted.

cast aside!

Must be cast aside!

Ji Changze spurned it in his heart. While lamenting how dangerous this world is, he didn't smile strangely on his face, and said with the microphone;

"There are too many people who have contributed to the success of "Fire", but I am pretty sure about the person who has done the most."

"All the time, this person is the one I want to thank most."

The reporter who asked this question flashed his eyes with a little joy on his face. He looked at Ji Changze expectantly, waiting for him to say Qin Lanqi's name.

Ji Changze: "That is to invest funds for me, back and forth to 70 million Dad who makes me good at making movies."


Ji Changze looked confused when he saw him, and did not forget to add a serious expression:

"Don't get me wrong, this is not the father of the gold master, but the real father."