73|My mother was trafficked (end)

On the 17th, official news from the police began to appear on the Internet.

From the beginning of this case, everyone thought that there was only one victim like Lin Zhishu, and then they thought that there were some victims who were rescued.

After the police dug up fifty-five girls' bodies in the mountains, the matter was completely upset.

Because the villagers acquiesced that the girls they bought died and were buried in that location, it was not difficult to find these corpses, but when the villagers were controlled and the police began to dig, almost everyone present, especially The policewoman was angry.

In the beginning, it was one and two.

Later, they thought there were a dozen of them.

By the time it was twenty, thirty, forty, there were already policewomen secretly hiding aside and crying.

Some of these corpses are decayed, and some have become bones. The closest to death is Sister Yun, who was abducted and sold with Li Luowei. She has begun to rot slightly. The one who values ​​image and loves beauty during his lifetime is very important. The girl was buried in the dark ground for so long.

Some police officers recognized that she was Sister Yun, whom Li Luowei said, and their expressions were a little unbearable.

"I heard that I'm going to get married, and I have a good relationship with my fiance."

"Her fiancé has been looking for her, and rushed when she got the news. It is estimated that she has passed away."

Someone stepped forward and covered her face with his handkerchief before she was put in the bag for the corpse.

Anyhow, let her be personal.

"These animals can't die a hundred times!"

Everyone is angry.

With the trials one by one, the case that the whole village had been scrutinized finally came to an end.

Everyone in the village is an accomplice, the old, the young, the men, the women, all of them acquiesce to the abducted girls forcibly staying behind, and when they fled, they confided in the news or reached out and pressed them directly.

Because for them, being able to buy and sell population is a very good business.

If you want a daughter-in-law, buy one, get tired of having fun, or if your daughter-in-law can't give birth to a child, then resell it to others, and you can sell it to your own girl when you raise it.

Even those girls have so naturally accepted their fate that they will be sold for money, and there are also girls who look forward to buying their own home to be richer and be able to treat them well.

In addition to the girls who have just been sold and have not been tamed, there are also some women in the village who have been tamed.

Some women were even abducted when they were young, and when they gave birth to sons and their sons grew up, they spent money to buy young girls for their sons.

There are still some women whose lives are ruined because of having children, and there is no way to go back to the past. They can only stay in this mountain. When the police arrived, they were confused.

They don't know what they can do.

Is it to take the child to go, or to go alone, or to wait for the man to be released from prison.

The law does not judge according to sentiment, only according to the crime committed by each person.

How to judge, just like that.

Some people think that their sentence is too light, and the death penalty or life imprisonment for murder is appropriate, but those who did not kill, their crimes are not small.

How much torture those girls have suffered, physically, mentally, and the dead girls, they are all accomplices.

People on the Internet are filled with righteous indignation, wishing the whole village would die with it.

But gradually, a rumor began to spread.

It is said that everyone in that village has suffered from a strange disease.

Especially those men who bought girls to torment.

They can't sleep, they wake up quickly when they fall asleep, they scream and beg for mercy, and then they scratch their bodies frantically. The skin is scratched, revealing the flesh inside, but they still scratch and hurt. Uncontrollable grabbing on one side.

Then he shouted frantically, saying that there were ghosts, and ghosts came to them to kill them.

In the beginning, some people felt that these people were pretending to be crazy, just to pretend that they were mentally ill and to escape the punishment of the law.

But some people who were not caught in prison also had such symptoms.

It's just that they are lighter. Some dreamed that they were hungry. It was just a night's dream, but they were hungry and uncomfortable with stomach pain. Some dreamed that monsters were chasing after themselves. When they finally saw a human being in front of them. , When he asked for help, the human did not hesitate to push them towards the monster.

All kinds of dreams are repeated every day, and they are also forcibly feeling the taste of panic and despair.

They gradually began to dare not sleep, began to mutilate themselves, and had hallucinations. Some people who remained in the village went crazy to pray to God and worship Buddha. They firmly believed that the resentful spirits of the girls were haunting them.

Because what they have experienced is that girls have passed by in front of them.

It's like the villager who was chasing by the dream monster. It was a girl who finally escaped and met him on the way to escape. She thought she saw hope, but the villager shouted directly and let the chasing soldiers take her. Take it back.

And in the dream, every dream is like this. He is fleeing. His heart is full of hope for life and fear of monsters behind him. Every time there is a girl standing in front of him, he has forgotten everything in his dream. Seeing someone weeping with joy, he hurriedly stepped forward to help, and in the end it was a momentary cold when seeing the smile on the girl's face.

Then, there is endless despair and pain.

As long as you fall asleep, you will have this dream. If you don't sleep, your body won't work.

There is also a part of them who have not done any harm to these girls, but they dare not defy most of the people in the village. They have more or less quietly helped them. They dare not let them go, but sometimes they give it to them. They eat some food, or give them clothes to protect them from the cold.

Most of these people are women who have been trafficked and then tamed and dare not run away.

These people have never dreamed and slept well.

Because almost half of the villagers have this symptom, they have been specially arranged for a mental examination.

The test found that their mental condition is currently normal, so this nightmare is really a nightmare.

But if you have such a terrible nightmare for a long time, it is difficult to say whether your mental condition will continue to be good.

Because of the exposure of the nightmare incident, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Although it is scientism now, things are in front of us, except that it is really the resentful spirits of the dead girls who are revenge, they really can't find other reasons.

After all, nightmare is not something that can be manipulated by humans, not to mention that so many people start to have nightmares together in different places.


Let these people harm others and get retribution!

The family members of the deceased were more or less comforted after learning about this incident.

First of all, those perpetrators not only got the punishment of the law, but also went deep into hell. Secondly, if the resentful spirit is really taking revenge, does it mean that their daughters are also taking revenge by themselves.

That's right.

Why those perpetrators can live a new life after the end of jail, living in the sun and enjoying life.

But their daughter could only die so painfully in such a flowering season.

Now that I know that maybe my daughter still has a soul, maybe they are using their own way to retaliate, and the pain in their hearts can be relieved somewhat.

Some people on the Internet also began to spontaneously burn money for these girls, pray for blessings, and write letters for them.

Ji Changze knew that there was no soul in this world. People died when they died, and everything returned to nothingness.

In the history of the development of the world, some people knew this at some earlier time, but when the deceased died, everyone should burn paper and worship.

The living may not know that the deceased is dead, and will never see these again, but when their relatives leave, they can only get some comfort by thinking of "they may still have souls that can receive the things I sent." Up.

Almost every family chose to cremate the girls.

They have been buried in the ground for long enough.

The fresh life rots in front of everyone, which is really unbearable for the family.

Sister Yun's family also chose to cremate her.

Before cremation, her fiance put the recovered ring on her finger.

Then knelt there and cried for a long time.

In the hearts of the victims' families, they would rather not want this justice than those who were punished, as long as their loved ones and loved ones were still alive.

Whether they are injured or stimulated, they can take people home and raise them, take good care of them, watch her get better a little bit, and watch her walk out of the shadows.

Even if it is difficult?

It's good to be alive, to be able to smile at them and talk to them, even if it is a sight contact.

But these are all gone.

Even if the perpetrator is punished by the law and punished by the undead, the killed life will never come back.

More than fifty corpses, Ji Changze witnessed thirty funerals.

Others, because they died for too long, it is no longer possible to identify the deceased, and naturally they cannot contact their relatives.

And the murderers who killed them didn't bother to remember the names of the girls. After all, in their eyes, these girls were just a tool for venting and giving birth. How could it be worth their bothering to remember the names.

However, these corpses did not wait long.

The police quickly followed the vine and caught the traffickers [supplying] in this village. Through the list and genetic comparison, they found out the names of these victims one by one.

The whole country is paying attention to this big case.

Human traffickers are not unfamiliar to everyone, but in such a modern society, there are still people who buy and sell women, just to use them as their fertility machines. When the trial results come out, part of the confession is revealed, looking at those dealing with the girls inside. The scalp numb of almost all people who saw the method and tools.

They were aggrieved, thinking that the punishment of those villagers was too light.

What kind of revenge is there for the resentful spirits? There are still people who believe this in all ages. Maybe it is the people in the village who pretended to escape from jail, just to make others think that they have mental illnesses. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

At this time, a post appeared on the Internet.

The content of the title is that the host happened to be from that county. Because of this incident in the county, and heard about the revenge of the resentful spirit, he was a man, courageous, and directly followed the route to find the village.

[Most of the people in the village were arrested by the police, so the village was empty, and it looked gloomy. The rest were some who could not find evidence and witnesses to prove that they broke the law. There are also some women. I heard that their parents All the children who are caught will be sent to the orphanage, so there are not even a few children here. I got goose bumps when I came in. ]

[I found a middle-aged woman. She was packing her things and planning to move. According to her, she grew up in a small village in the south and was sold here because her family is poor. Although she is poor, she can She ate and stayed voluntarily, but her men always beat her and scolded her. Now that the man is arrested, she plans to take her child to work, so the village will not come back. ]

[I asked about the resentment's death, her expression was terrified, and she told me for sure that it was true, because most people in the village now have this symptom, and the dreams are different, but every dreamer People seem to have been dragged into another space. People in dreams cannot remember things in reality, nor can they overcome dreams. To put it simply, in dreams, they are fish on the cutting board and can only lie down. That is waiting to be killed. ]

[This aunt doesn't have nightmares, but she believes it very much, because her man abused a bought girl to death before buying her. She also found out after the girls' bodies were dug up and her man was taken away. After I knew it, I was worried that the resentful spirit would lead the hatred to the children below after taking revenge on these people, so I planned to take the children to run away. She said that some people have already left in this village, and some of them will have nightmares. , They believed that they would no longer be entangled by wraith spirits when they left the village, but it was useless, they would still have nightmares after going out. ]

[According to the aunt, these people who have nightmares are almost all the same, with pale complexion, two big dark circles under the eyes, and a nervous mouth whispering, a little movement can scare them to scream, and because of sleep Insufficient, and accompanied by splitting headache, it's not the kind of pain that just takes a medicine for a while, but it hurts even after falling asleep for 24 hours. I feel terrible and relieved when I listen, if it's really resentful Claiming their lives, that is what they deserve! ]

[Okay guys, I have found a man who has a nightmare. He is a man. I saw him on the side of the road. He was sleeping when I saw him. Yes, you read that right. Sleeping on the side of the road, before the aunt As I said, because these people are dreaming every day, they are gradually unable to distinguish between dreams and reality. Some people self-harm in reality because they are forced to self-harm in their dreams. When they wake up, they don't know that they are awake, and they seem to be dreaming. There is also pain in it, and it is very strong. ]

[Back to the topic, this man was talking in a dream when I saw him. The content of the dream was about saving me. Then he started to laugh in surprise, followed by another scream. That scene was quite scary. I won't describe it in detail. Anyway, after he woke up with a scream, he kept kowtow, saying something that I would never dare to say anything. I called him a few times and he didn't answer me. It's getting dark. I can clearly hear a few screams from time to time in various places in the village. The aunt said that these were people who had nightmares and were awakened by the nightmares. , The scene is chaotic. Everyone, this village is really infiltrating. Originally, I planned to find someone to stay in at night, but now it seems that I should run quickly. ]

Many people saw this post from the beginning to the end. Although the original poster only briefly talked about it, after reading it, they found it refreshing and frightening.

[It would be great if all the people in the world who did bad things could get such punishment. ]

[I have been watching news about this incident. The nightmares those people have every day are basically what the girl they killed has experienced. This may be karma. ]

[No matter what the retribution is, they deserve it! When they brutally killed innocent girls, they didn't expect to be today. ]

[My point of concern is that I heard that the nightmares felt by those who have not been sentenced are only mild. Those who have been sentenced do the real nightmares. It is the same for mild cases. How terrible it is to be severe. ]

[The scarier the better! ! Before, I said that I hoped that they would be sentenced to death. Now it seems that they should not be sentenced to death. Let them continue to be tortured so that they live or die, and feel the pain of those victims. ]

There was an uproar on the Internet, and the police checked and checked.

But no matter how I checked, I couldn't find why these people had nightmares.

Is it really revenge from the resentful spirit?

This matter can only be so irresistible.

Those who are in prison are almost crazy within half a month.

Crazy self-mutilation, all kinds of screams, even if he was tied up in the hospital, he still struggled without fear of pain.

None of these people survived ten years.

The longest surviving one died in pain in the ninth year. He was already suffering from mental illness. According to the doctor, he seemed to be divided into two people, one dominated the body, let him all kinds of self-mutilation, and put his hands on the fire. Baked, the other person is feeling everything in pain, with a clear consciousness but unable to come out to control the body.

No one sympathizes with them.

As long as they think that what they have encountered is what those girls have encountered before, everyone feels that they deserve it.

The country vigorously cracked down on human traffickers, followed a thread and rescued many people.

Some of those children were sent to orphanages, and some were taken away by their mothers.

Lin Zhishu wanted to raise the three siblings, but Ji Changze refused.

This child who gave her confidence and redemption said to her earnestly: "Mom, we are not your responsibility, not to mention that we will become adults immediately, and there is no need to follow these forms."

The two girls entered school under the arrangement of the state.

It may be a little difficult at first, but they worked very hard, and with Ji Changze's help, although the results are still counting down, at least they will not understand.

Ji Changze started to go to school while also developing an anti-trafficking system.

In one summer, he gave the anti-trafficking system to the country.

After verification, the anti-trafficking system was officially launched nationwide.

A natural person implants a chip on the back of the neck. This chip does not participate in other things. If the natural person disappears and his family reports a crime, the police station will immediately enter the chip code. Almost immediately, the anti-trafficking system can provide the chip location.

After the police retrieved the abducted person, they arrested the suspect who had been abducted and trafficked away. After he was imprisoned in accordance with the law, he would be forced to install a chip, and the chip would also be entered with relevant criminal records.

For example, if he abducted a child this time, after he was released from prison, as long as he was close to the child, the chip would become hot and hot, and he was forced to leave, and the surrounding surveillance facilities would immediately start surveillance.

If you want to get in touch with a child, he needs to apply for information and have a relationship with the child.

Because the chip is added to the entry of criminal records, the other party has the right to view the chip records of the fiancé/fiance before getting married and decide whether to get married or not.

The chip also has some auxiliary functions, such as high-speed entry and exit, you can charge money into the chip, and you can directly scan the chip to pay.

And because the chip is in the back of the neck, it is natural to implant it, but it is difficult to take it out. Once the chip is damaged, it is almost equal to the death of the natural person, so when the chip is damaged, the police can quickly call out the police.

Although it is called an anti-trafficking chip, there are many of these functions that can be used.

Ji Changze paid special attention to privacy issues when setting up. The chip is only responsible for a record and the function of recharging money. Even criminals will not touch privacy even if they are criminals.

In addition to the criminals who will be forced to implant the chip, everyone else can choose to implant or not to implant it.

Anyway, the stuff is here, you can implant it whenever you want.

After determining that the chip is harmless, some parents choose to implant anti-trafficking chips into their children.

With this, at least they can worry less.

At the beginning, everyone still had some controversies.

I feel that these chips will be harmful to the human body. I have only heard that foreign pets can implant chips, but I have not heard that people can also implant chips.

What if this chip is invaded or exploded?

No, this is given by the country. The explosion should not explode, but it sounds strange. In the past, some people imagined that something similar to a chip would be implanted in the human body in the future. It can be used to pay bills, to socialize and so on.

But in their fantasy, that is at least fifty years later, and it is too early now.

It's as if everyone's influence on the robot is still using mechanical sounds to say hello, hello, everyone, and suddenly the robots look like real people, laugh and talk naturally, and make sure that everyone's thinking is not " Wow, our technology is so awesome." But "Oh my God, robots are all set up like this. I'm really scared. I won't let robots rule the world in the future."

But a month after the chip was launched, a case appeared in the news.

The story is about a four-year-old boy playing, his parents quarreled, after the quarrel found that the child was missing, they quickly went to the police.

The boy had a chip implanted so coincidentally, the police immediately locked the position of the chip, quickly dispatched police to find the boy, and arrested the trafficker who took him away while the boy was left unattended.

From finding that the child was missing to finding the child, it didn't take half an hour.

Without mentioning how the child's parents were grateful for the child's return, regretting that they shouldn't care about the child, and their gratitude to the police, discussions began all at once on the Internet.

[Half an hour! What kind of efficiency is this! ]

[I decided to register the chip, everyone. Since the country can launch the chip, it will definitely not harm us. I am so beautiful and unsafe to go out. With this chip, at least my parents can call the police and save me if something really happens. ]

[Although the upstairs is a bit narcissistic, the words are rough and not rough. Now there are too many bad guys outside. The last time there was news about a girl who was killed by the driver when he took a taxi. It is said that the girl was fourteen hours after she disappeared. Death, fourteen hours! If there were chips at that time, she wouldn't have been killed. ]

[I am a mother of a five-year-old child. I originally thought that implanting something in the body would be harmful, but after comparing the injury that the child may encounter in the future, I think the chip is better. Besides, I checked the information. In fact, the chip It is very small, and the implantation in the body is like a vaccine. I have already discussed with my husband. Our family will implant the chip. If there is something in the future, relatives can call the police to get it back immediately. ]

[My grandmother with dementia has disappeared five times from last year to now. Every time, the family was extremely worried and went crazy to find it, but because she is like a child, she can't contact us. We can only contact the police. Going blindly, now that my parents have decided to bring grandma to implant the chip, at least they don't have to be crazy about making up some terrible things when they can't find the grandma. ]

[I'm going to implant everyone, those who talk about privacy, let's not talk about this chip country saying it does not infringe on privacy, just say one thing, now you are holding your mobile phone every day to play, holding a treasure online shopping, you also have privacy ? ]

[My dad explained that God took me to implant, and the whole family will plant...]

With all kinds of news that many injuries have been avoided because of implanted chips, more and more people have begun to choose implanted chips.

Suddenly, this seems to have become a popular thing.

At the same time, some businesses have also begun to apply to the government for equipment to install chip detectors at the door.

At present, the state will only force the implantation of chips for several people.

One: the rapist

Two: pedophile offenders

Three: Traffickers

Needless to say, rapists are the most despised.

Pediatric offenders are even worse, □□ are born, but children are immature, both physically and mentally, □□ crime is extremely harmful to them in every way, and even death of.

The most disgusting thing about this kind of people is that they bully children who are unable to resist. They are also □□. Some people know that □ is not right. They will choose to hide and avoid contact with children for the rest of their lives. Hurt the children yourself.

And the disgusting part is relying on the identity of an adult to deceive/predicate ignorant children.

Human traffickers obtain money by selling others. Chip developers develop it to suppress human traffickers, and the country will naturally add it.

For the three crimes to enter data into the chip, there must be strong evidence and personal acknowledgment, and the trial must be made publicly. The judgment is made in front of the public, and there is absolutely no error or omission.

The state will not add to the crimes before the chip, but after announcing the existence of the chip, anyone who commits the above three crimes after that will be implanted with the chip and enter the crime data.

The equipment obtained by the business will naturally not scan out detailed data.

But when necessary, the equipment they apply for can become the key to solving the case.

Because it hasn't been long since the chip was launched, it is naturally impossible for a human trafficker to appear on the street, and then all the monitoring equipment is aimed at him.

But some people have also said whether this is another kind of discrimination.

Of course, he was sprayed after speaking.

First of all, after the country launched the chip, it barely held a big speaker and played it in a loop for 24 hours:

Come and see! Don't commit a crime! If you commit a crime, you have to be implanted with a chip! When you get out of jail, wherever you go, the camera will take care of you!

If you want to get married in the future, your boyfriend and girlfriend may also break up with you because they saw your chip criminal record!

so! Don't commit a crime! If you commit a crime, even if you get out of jail, you will carry this chip in your life! !

Did you hear me? Did you hear me? ! Don't commit a crime! !

The country has reminded me that criminals still want to commit a crime, and have been implanted with a chip, and carry this criminal record throughout their lives. Who can be blamed?

The state did not say that criminals implanted the chip before the chip was released. It was said that the chip would be implanted after the country had notified this rule.

It was like a thief stealing something. The owner posted a note at the door stating that there was a vicious dog inside. Go in and be careful of being bitten.

The thief went in without believing in evil, and was bitten to death by a vicious dog.

Who is to blame?

Besides, what is the "discrimination" these people have suffered after being released from prison?

The rapist, whether male or female, after being released from prison, as long as he comes into contact with the opposite sex who has not been applied for removal, the chip will get hot and the police will also be prompted to immediately call for monitoring to see if there is any abnormality.

□ The offender is not allowed to approach the child.

The trafficker will decide which group he is not allowed to approach according to who he is abducting.

Is this discrimination?

This is clearly preventing crime.

And I told you, you don't want to do this, we will implant a chip if you do it, you still want to do it, what else can you say?

At the same time, some sharp-eyed people found bright spots.

The person who developed this chip was actually a teenager who was only fifteen years old.

Fifteen! ! ! !

They are still complaining about too much homework at this age and wandering in the sea of ​​questions every day.

As a result, they developed this chip.

This young man named Ji Changze immediately entered everyone's sight.

Have a look, eh? Very familiar.

Oh oh yeah, isn't this the kid who was on the show a year ago? Mom is the one trafficked by Dad.

Later, it also triggered a village-wide sales and purchase case that shocked the country.

Many people remember Ji Changze's eloquence. After all, Luo Cangli, who was originally called Jinzui, was so speechless that he was also exposed to his true purpose. He was dismissed as soon as the show ended. It also stinks, and was told by some of the guests who participated in the show earlier.

It is said that he is not doing well now, and his relatives feel ashamed of him. When he is recognized when he goes out, he will look at him with contempt. Let's go abroad. He used to make a lot of money and spend a lot of money. Now he doesn't make money. If you still owe money, how can you have money to go abroad.

It's so miserable.

However, Ji Changze did not appear in the sight of everyone again, and at that time everyone had a discussion.

Unexpectedly, a year later, he appeared on the screen again as a developer of anti-trafficking chips.

Surprised in the comments, admired admiration.

Some people were moved.

[Nagaze definitely doesn't want someone to be hurt like a mother. ]

[This child is so sensible, he is only fifteen years old. When I think of a child like him who stood up to speak for his mother last year, I want to cry. ]

[His father seems to have been sentenced to more than 20 years of punishment, so he is so old, he will be abolished when he comes out, he deserves it! ]

[It is estimated that his father will not live to that age, and the upstairs forgot that all the people who bought and sold people would have nightmares? ]

In front of the TV, with a ruddy complexion, because the three children often came to see her, and because of Changze's words, Lin Zhishu, who was saved with a smile, looked at his calm son in the camera with pride.

She picked up the book again this year, and after Beijing University knew what happened to her, she was willing to re-enter her.

Maybe the former Lin Zhishu would still be afraid of timidity, but after that episode, she figured it out.

She was never the one who did the wrong thing.

Why should she ruin her life because of other people's injuries, and make her loved ones hurt their enemies?

The better she lives, the more worthy of her relatives.

Reading again is naturally not as simple as it was at the beginning, but Lin Zhishu is willing to endure hardships, even if she does not get any good grades, she still wants to read.

One year later, the original rush of her body disappeared, and she turned into gentleness and grace.

Because she is in a good mood and cooperated in recuperation, she now looks much younger than her actual age. Her two daughters often go shopping with her. Every time she hears the clerk thinks that this is an older sister with two younger sisters, Lin Zhishu All smiled and denied.

"I am their mother."

Yes, she is a mother.

Not a loser who makes mistakes.

Lin Zhishu lived a peaceful and happy life after graduation. She witnessed her two daughters starting a business together after graduation. From a temperament that was afraid to say a word next to her father, she gradually grew into a strong woman who can be alone.

It also witnessed the life of the youngest son Ji Changze fighting wits and courage with those criminals.

He developed chips to combat human traffickers from the root.

He developed protective surveillance to stop crime in all aspects.

He applied to the country to join forces with the police to find out the missing children and adults one by one.

For many Chinese, Ji Changze's existence is a kind of salvation.

Someone has done statistics. In his entire life, at least 3,000 children and women have been saved directly and indirectly.

If you count the crimes that were stopped because of his research and development, or were truncated just after it happened, it would be innumerable.

Until his death, Hua Guo had achieved zero success rate in human trafficking.

In the eyes of Lin Zhishu.

Her little son is a light in itself.

Even before his age, lying in a hospital bed and about to die, Lin Zhishu recalled his past life, and the last scene he saw was on the episode most decades ago.

Lin Zhishu has a long lifespan. She is now in her nineties. She has seen many people and careers in her life, but that scene can never be forgotten.

In front of her was Chang Ze, who was standing guarding, and he said: You are right.

As if in a gloomy ditch, a light suddenly came in.

The whole world lights up together.

As Lin Zhishu's eyes slowly closed, Changze in his memory seemed to have become a ray of light.

A light that can make her no longer fear, no longer blame herself, no longer despair.

Following the road ahead, let her be fearless and fearless.

She closed her eyes and left peacefully.

Ten years after Lin Zhishu's death, Ji Changze passed away.

He has saved many people in his life, and at the same time, he has also felt the most happiness.

Worth it.

[Ding! After the mission is completed, the world earns 20,000 points, 30,000 points are deducted, and the host has 90,000 points remaining. Because the world uses too many points, it will affect the use of the main item. ]

Ji Changze was not surprised, only asked: [How long is the impact? ]

[Ten months, the system friendly reminds that the next world will be an sss world, and the host loses the right to use the main item for another ten months. You can choose the vacation world and spend it easily. You deserve it. ]

Ji Changze: [Do not choose, the next world. ]

The system choked and did not give up: [The sss world is likely to be a non-modern world. It is recommended that the host choose carefully. ]

Ji Changze smiled and touched his eyes: [It's okay, let's go. ]

[Ding! The transmission has started, and the main item is recovered. The deadline: ten months. ]

[Please pay attention to the host's safety and call the system at any time. ]

As soon as Ji Changze opened his eyes, he felt that he was colliding head-on.

The man was knocked upset and cursed: "You are blind! You can't see me as an adult!"

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Ji Changze smiled with a good temper: "I'm sorry, I can't see it."

This person; "..."

He looked at the person in front of him with his eyes open, but there was no sign of divine light in his eyes. He tentatively stretched out his hand and waved it. Seeing that Ji Changze really didn't react at all, his expression suddenly became inconsistent.

"Forget it, I didn't take a good look at the road myself."

This is really embarrassing, and I call people blind.

As a result, he was really blind.