74|Medical Fairy (1)

The darkness in front of Ji Changze's eyes did not prevent him from moving his ears to judge the surrounding situation.

The sound of someone selling things nearby, and someone walking by his side and touching his clothes, the person who is talking to him in front of him has a clear voice, full of vitality, and he is about sixteen or seventeen years old. Just now he stretched out his hand to test the movement of his eyes, Ji Changze also heard the jade pendant clinking around his waist.

In addition, the young man in front of him is face to face with him. If the hand outstretched is the right hand, the wind speed should appear from Ji Changze's left eye, but the right eye just touched the breeze brought by the swing of the hand.

This shows that the person in front of him used his left hand when he was blindfolded just now. Either the person in front of him was holding something in his right hand, or he was left-handed.

There was also a crisp sound of accessories touching almost on his right hand. This sound should be jade. There were only a few things that matched jade in ancient times. Coupled with the sound recognition, the thing he held in his hand should be better than his own. Go ahead.

Ji Changze quickly came to the conclusion that this man was holding a sword in his right hand with a jade spike tied to the hilt. The jade should be good to hear, and he came from a good background. The family doesn't need money. Equipping a sword is equivalent to martial arts and has a straightforward temper. Although he has a good background, he is not arrogant.

He is a good person, and he is also good at fooling around.

"Are you okay? Hey? Did you hear me?"

The voice of the other party pulled Ji Changze out of his thoughts, and he realized that he had fallen into an old problem again.

A blind man always feels insecure where he goes. Not to mention encountering a person, even if he encounters a cat, he will always subconsciously judge the person up and down inside and out clearly.

Ji Changze smiled: "I'm fine, just now I accidentally bumped into your Excellency, you just don't care."

"You're all blind, why don't you come out with a stick, and what about your family? How can they rest assured to let you out alone? Could it be that there are too many people on this street and you are separated from your family? Where do you live? Do you want me to take you back?"

It seems that this person is not only a good person, but also a warm-hearted person.

"Nothing, I can do it all by myself, thanks a lot."

Chen Sui looked at the dull-eyed person in front of him, and still felt a little uneasy, but if people wanted to go back by himself, he couldn't send it out, so he nodded: "That's OK, Xiongtai should be careful alone. I heard that recently Many strange beasts fluctuate for some reason, and I don't know if they will attack Chaoyang City. Since you can't see it, it's better not to go out these days."

Ji Changze wrote down the words Alien Beast and Chaoyang City, without showing much surprise on his face, nodded and turned away.

He was originally a blind person in his own world, and he had already trained his listening and judgment reaction abilities. Even if he used the main props to become a normal person in various small worlds, those would not be forgotten.

Therefore, Chen Su watched the blind man turn and leave. Unlike other blind men, he neither stretched out his hand to find the way, nor did he use a bamboo stick to test forward, but went straight like a normal person. walk.

Although the speed is not fast, it is not slow.


He scratched his head, thinking about the good clothes that Ji Changze wore just now, and the good-looking looks that were completely different from those around him.

Clap your hands.

Is it possible that this is a fairy boy? !

Ji Changze walked steadily over there. He never bumped into anyone on the way. He walked along the place where there were few people, and waited until he walked to a place where there was no sound and the surroundings were silent, before stopping.

He slowly explored this place against the wall, it should be an abandoned alley, let alone people, not even a mouse.

After confirming his safety, Ji Changze leaned against the wall and began to check his memories.

It really is a world of cultivating immortals here.

This world is huge. If it were to be compared with the earth, it would be almost a thousand times bigger than it. Naturally, the population here is also very large, and even if there is a large population, it is still vast and sparsely populated.

There are cultivators, mortals without spiritual roots, and alien beasts that can attack humans. These are almost the three types of composition.

Of course, these three categories can also be divided into many small branches.

For example, there are not only the kind of immortal cultivators who are dedicated to cultivating the real and waiting for the ascent, but also the demon cultivators who kill people and steal treasures to do bad things.

Mortals also have dynasties. There are hundreds of large and small countries on the continent where Ji Changze is located. There are dozens of them in the ranking, and there are three at the top.

There are alien animals who repel humans and like humans, some are treated as pets by humans, some fight side by side with humans, some are abnormal if they don't fight each other when they meet, and there are all kinds of spirits, monsters and fairies. Rare thing.

To sum it up in one sentence, it has everything.

Ordinary mortals have great admiration for immortal cultivators. There will also be immortal cultivators in mortal dynasties, but the sect of cultivation emphasizes not to interfere in mortal affairs. Therefore, the asylums in such dynasties are the cultivators who go out of their royal family. .

Helping one's own family is not too troublesome.

This is the West Road, the East Continent is next door, and there is a north and south side. The East Continent is the territory of the cultivators, and the sects of the cultivators are all over there. The other three continents are basically the lands of mortals, of course. There are alien beasts.

Because this world is so big, it is basically impossible for an ordinary mortal to leave his continent to go to other continents in his entire life.

Therefore, it is convenient for the original owner to cheat everywhere.

Yes, the original owner is a liar.

How do you say he was originally an orphan, but he grew up confused and begging for food all the time.

In ancient times, basically people who lived a bad life didn't like to be clean, and so did the original owner.

Therefore, if rubbing the skin on his face can make a pile of black mud, plus his unkempt face and big beard, people basically don't know what he looks like.

On the day when he was twenty years old, the original owner found a bronze mirror.

Originally, he wanted to sell the bronze mirror for money, but suddenly wanted to know what he looked like, so he ran to the river, washed for an hour, and finally whitened himself.

Then take a photo with the bronze mirror.

Oh my god, you're so handsome!

The original owner didn't even know that he was so good-looking.

The eyes are the eyes and the nose is the nose, and even his wretched temperament can't stop such a good-looking face.

A twenty-year-old person uses an improper adjective, that is long and lingering. Just as the original owner felt, he once met an eldest lady who was called the number one beauty in the capital. Not comparable to him.

You can imagine how good he looks.

The original owner, who only wanted to be so confused in this life, came up with an idea from the bottom of his heart.

He has never seen a cultivator, but he knows what a cultivator is like.

Most of the big sects are all dressed in white, and their looks and temperament are all thrown out of mortals. Basically, there are no ugly people who cultivate immortals. Even if you have average facial features, because cultivators don't eat grains, they drain all the sundries of the body. After going out, the skin is delicate, white and shiny, no small acne, no spots, no scars, and each one is whiter and tenderer than the freshly peeled eggs.

Even the three-point face value can be pulled to five points abruptly.

Therefore, there have always been rumors in the shops. If you want to find out who is a cultivator, you only need to look at the looks. The weapons in the hands of those who wear fairy spirits are also good-looking, and they are quite good. , Basically they are all immortal cultivators.

Of course, because the place where the original owner has been staying is a small place, he has never seen a cultivator.

But this does not prevent him from relying on imagination.

As long as it is a normal mortal, who has never been a fairy passing by here on a certain day, suddenly finds that you are very good, so he decides to accept you as a disciple, take you to the Eastern Continent, take you into the sect, and enjoy the longevity of self-cultivation. Dreams.

The original owner has had it.

He also thought very wittily that others must have such a dream.

And he must use this to make money for himself.

Thus, a cultivator in white appeared.

——He didn't show up in the small place where he was, after all, he was afraid of revealing stuff in that place.

Sure enough, everything was as the original owner expected. Wherever he went, local wealthy businessmen and officials would carefully personally invite him to visit him.

After all, this is a fairy! !

Even if they don't have a fairy relationship, what about the children in the mansion? Even if the children don't have fairy ties, it's good to have a good relationship.

After all, there are alien beasts now. Today I heard that the city of XX was attacked by the alien beast, and tomorrow I heard that the alien beast in XX can eat people. If someday the alien beast comes to them, first, talk to the immortal cultivator. Make a good relationship and beg for help in future situations.

The original owner was sure that these people would think so.

He was carrying a high-level shelf, eating and drinking well, and he could still get the entanglement from the other side's house.

I just went to a place, and the money he made was enough for him to spend his entire life.

Originally stopped here, he would be able to have a happy life with this money, find a place to start again, buy land and build a house, marry a wife and have children.

But after enjoying that the big people who he didn't dare to look at him usually flattered him carefully, and everyone looked at themselves with admiration, the original owner became addicted to this feeling.

He continued to pretend to be a cultivator of immortality, and after going from this house to that house, he stayed in the same city for ten and a half days, and then left after taking the advantage.

After the other party is very generous, sometimes he will give some "gifts" out.

Yu Jue.

This thing is also a special product of the sect on the Eastern Continent, and is generally given to the juniors in the cultivation sect.

There is a small trace of the magical consciousness of the caster. When the person holding the jade jue encounters danger or something unfair, crush the jade jue, and the caster can feel it and come to solve the danger.

If the boss who is more cowhide is far away, he can still find a ray of spiritual knowledge and go out to solve it.

Generally, jade pendants are made of jade pendants.

The original owner hadn't seen it, but he bought a batch of small pieces of white jade as a jade and gave it to those families who regarded him as a guest.

Each of those families is like a treasure, thinking that they have been protected by immortal cultivators, and they can crush Yujue for help in the future when they are in danger of extinction.

However, this jade is a fake.

There is no magic sense in it at all. After all, the original owner is not a cultivator at all. Where does he have any spiritual sense, let alone put it in jade.

The original master planned very well, like this kind of jade, let alone ordinary people, even if it is a big family, it will definitely be provided for by a certainty, and it will never be easily used for non-major events.

After all, Yujue is a one-time use, and it will be gone when it is used up. Secondly, if they ask others to come out for a trivial matter, then they are not embarrassed to open their mouths.

Therefore, if nothing happens to this family, Jade Jue will definitely not be used in a hundred years.

A hundred years later, others are all turned to ashes. Are you still afraid of being dismantled?

If something unexpected happened and they used Yujue, it must be an extermination. He didn't rush over at that time, and the other party was dead, and there would be no accusation if there were no people alive.

It's perfect!

The original owner didn't give it to everyone, he walked for almost fourteen years, and gave out a total of seven pieces of jade.

If he was just cheating and eating and drinking in this life, he would at best be regarded as a cheeky liar but not a scum.

But the original owner also lied to others.

One day, he passed by a small family. The patriarch of the small family invited him warmly. The original owner accepted the invitation with a good attitude of not taking advantage and not taking advantage of it. He spent a few days in this small family eating and drinking.

Then, once he ran into the daughter of the patriarch who came out to fly a kite.

Huarongyue looks, closed moon is shameful for flowers, the original owner's cultural level made him only suffocate two words in his heart after seeing that stunning face:

good looking!

It didn't take long for him to travel (fraud money) at the time. Even if some families would send women to them, he was worried about what he would do if he revealed his stuff, so he always rejected all women in principle.

But this time, she was so good-looking.

The original owner created a chance encounter, and under his already good fairy temperament and that good-looking face, the other party really fell.

The patriarch was overjoyed.

There are so many ways to have a good relationship with Xianchang, and the one that can involve them the most is naturally marriage.

So he directly proposed to marry his daughter to the original owner.

The original owner just wanted to eat this big piece of fat quickly, and he nodded without hesitation and agreed.

In the wedding night in the bridal chamber, the other party is full of admiration and longing for the future life.

She thought she was married to a hero, but the original owner was a bear at all.

After having eaten it, after having been refreshed, he began to think about practical issues.

He is not a fairy at all. He always thought that he could pretend and never show up. Besides relying on his superb acting skills, there was no other person beside him.

He came alone all the way to the fraud.

No one knows his true face, and naturally no one can expose him.

So he pretended to take his newlyweds back to the sect of the Eastern Continent, and then did a big show a few days before departure.

I was drawing my wife's eyebrows, but suddenly frowned, my heart ached, and then I looked at the east, saying that he had sensed the changes in the sect, and he had to hurry back, and the sect was probably in great danger now. , His wife is just a mortal, he can't take his wife to risk.

So he could only leave in a hurry, and promised to wait until after the sect was dealt with, that he would come back to pick her up, and left there.

In order to make the show realistic, he also left two fake jade Jue, saying that if he encountered danger before he rushed back, he would break the two jade Jue.

One jade jue for the wife, one jade jue for the wife's family, nothing is wrong.

The original owner's superb acting skills, compiled rhetoric, and the two reassuring jade pieces left behind, everyone believed his nonsense.

After he left, his mortal son discovered that he was pregnant, but he did not return. While his wife was worried about whether he encountered any danger after returning to the sect, he was waiting for delivery.

On the day of childbirth, she was dying of childbirth. At that time, the original owner had not yet returned. The patriarch smashed her Yujue and wanted the fairy son-in-law to rescue her daughter.

Yu Jue was broken, but nothing appeared.

There was no one in Yujue who came immediately.

Naturally, there was no fairy and started to rejuvenate to save his daughter.

She died of bleeding after giving birth to a daughter with all her strength.

At this time, no one thought that the original owner was a liar, after all, his appearance and the dress-up and talk were very bluffing.

They all thought it was the fairy aunt who was in trouble, he went back to help, and died in that disaster.

Or the other party is a scumbag and abandoned their young lady.

Under the grief of the patriarch, the fairy aunt who was more inclined to him had an accident, but one day, two days, one year, two years, ten years, the original master never appeared again.

In the tenth year, a true cultivator came to this small town.

The patriarch showed Yu Jue to the other party and asked if he knew his fairy son-in-law. The other party took Yu Jue and said that there was no divine consciousness in it.

Without divine consciousness, he is just a mortal.

All this turned out to be a scam from the beginning.

What a fairy, what a return to the sect, that liar had deceived his daughter's life alive.

The patriarch was furious and found the portrait of the original owner that had been kept in his daughter's room and posted it all wanted in the city.

But his little granddaughter, whom he regarded as the jewel in his palm, found someone to rub the portrait, and then ran away from home, leaving only a letter saying that she was going to find the fool who had deceived her mother. Revenge for her mother.

A fourteen-year-old girl, because her parents are not around, has been spoiled innocent since she was a child. Even if she knows a little bit of fistwork, she will definitely not be able to go out alone.

After encountering a series of dangers, she accidentally hit and went into the door of the immortal cultivator who came out to catch the alien beast.

This is a true immortal cultivator, but the sect is relatively small, and he is not very famous in the Eastern Continent. Although there is a good sect name, the one who is more in line with their sect name is poor.

Because of poverty, he sent his disciples out to form teams to catch alien beasts from other continents.

——Then take it back to the Eastern Continent and sell the money to get the spirit stone.

They were going to travel around looking for evil (valuable) monsters. The girl also wanted to travel around looking for her scumbag. The two hit it off. The girl directly worshipped the elder they came out to lead the team as a teacher, and then a group of people acted together. .

Don't get me wrong, her apprenticeship to the elders is not to say how high her talent is, so she sent the elders to let her apprentice.

It was because in the Eastern Continent, there was an unwritten rule in the sect that to accept disciples, there must be a golden core cultivation base.

There are so many golden cores in the East Continent that they are everywhere, so there is no problem with this rule.

It's just that it's not very friendly to those small sects. After all, the good seedlings are picked away by the big sects, and the rest is the turn of the small sects. In addition, the techniques of the small sects are definitely not strong enough for the big sects The resources of the sect are also buckled and buckled. They can't be generous if they want to be generous. Therefore, this golden core, they are relatively few.

This is the sect that the original master's daughter worships.

There were 30 people who came out this time. Among the 30 people, only the leader elder had the golden core cultivation base, so if he wanted to accept disciples, he alone would have this weight.

The group of people originally came here to make some money, but the strange beasts almost went back, but they were out of luck and ran into a relatively medium-sized sect to fight the strange beasts.

Because they all came from the Eastern Continent, the two sides formed teams.

The original owner's daughter was unlucky.

She inherited the beauty genes of her parents, and she looked good. The reason why Xiao Zongmen accepted him was not only because of her good spiritual roots, but also because of her looks.

Although she is young, there will always be a day when she grows up. The little girl will definitely want to fall in love when she grows up. The seniors in the mountains are waiting for her to choose.

In the end, no one thought it was because she was so good-looking and tragic.

Because she is so good-looking, the son of the head of the middle-sized sect next door has taken a fancy to her.

Because the son of the head is attracted to her, the female disciple of the head who likes the son of the head is unhappy.

You have no cultivation base and no background, and even the sect is a small place. Why should a woman who has nothing to do with her face fight with me? I want to target you!

At the age of fourteen, I didn't think about love at all. I just wanted to cultivate hard and find the little girl who killed the other party: "???"

The other party was not very young, and he was a fan of the stars since he was a child, and he couldn't think of any vicious tricks.

So the way to deal with it was verbal provocation. When fighting the alien beasts, she left the dangerous position to her, and then continued verbal provocation.

Originally it was nothing, and no one was actually hurt.

As a result, the head master was not as harmless as he seemed. He liked the other party's lack of sect background. He wanted to be directly frivolous when a forest was scattered, but he threatened him after being pushed aside.

Then encountered slapped yin legs.

Sure enough, he took a cruel hand afterwards, and directly pushed the fourteen-year-old girl to the alien animal when he was in danger. There was a heavy fog at the time, and the people closest to her could only see someone pushing her, but not. Know who it is.

When the mist cleared, the little girl was gone.

Therefore, the girl who likes the son of the head and often targets the provocative little girl puts on the back of the pot.

Everyone looked for a meal, only to find the little girl whose face was disfigured and her hands and legs torn off by the alien beasts.

They hurried to the city with each other, staying in a house temporarily, posting notices everywhere, seeking medical help in this city.

Then, the patriarch of this family found the original owner who was cheating.

Who would let the original owner give him a medical repair?

He also considered himself this identity.

First of all, it is well known that medical practitioners cannot fight. The very high status of medical practitioners in the Eastern Continent is entirely due to them. What kind of spiritual roots are damaged by practitioners? What is the reason for breaking the muscles of strange beasts, or what is the cultivation level? The stagnation can be solved by medical repairs.

Therefore, he puts on the vest of medical repair, which is respected, and there is no need to worry about the other side saying "Immortal long, our xxx land here is attacked by a foreign animal, please beg the immortal to grow you." Go and see those strange beasts running away".

Secondly, medical cultivation never saves people other than cultivators, and mortals do not save them, because healing and saving people rely on spiritual power, which is completely different from the practice of mortal healing and saving people.

In order to avoid being exposed, most places where the original owner went to avoid the realm of practitioners. As a mortal, he was a medical practitioner and could not be healed, so he was not afraid of being demolished.

Even if there are practitioners, medical repairs are not capable of curing all diseases, such as broken legs and feet, basically no medical repairs can save them.

So the original owner gladly accepted when he got the invitation. After so many years of pretending to be a cultivator, he has fully understood the cultivator's set. When the time comes, just pretend that the injury is too serious and he can't cure it at all.

And the reason why the patriarch invited him to see another cultivator was completely because the original owner almost overturned his car this time. He was eating and drinking well, but one day he was strolling in the garden with the patriarch's young son playing. The dart hit him.

All the cultivators are ears and eyes, and the cultivators with a high level of cultivation can hear the sounds over there even if they are one mile away.

And most of the cultivators have spiritual protection bodies. If there is any hidden weapon on the body, let alone bleeding, it will be melted by the spiritual power before being close at all.

The original owner used to hold the cultivator's character set, who didn't talk much. Wherever mortals dared to approach him, this time he ran into a child who was ignorant and threw darts directly at him.

Although there was nothing wrong with him, someone in the clan became suspicious.

If this is really a cultivator, will he be hit by a child's dart?

Even if the combat effectiveness recognized by medical practitioners is poor, it shouldn't be so bad, right? Where is the spiritual power of the bodyguard?

Isn't the average cultivator cultivating his body protection and spiritual power the moment he becomes a cultivator? No matter how lowly the cultivation base is, even a cultivator who has just started will not be hit by a dart thrown by a mortal child?

There are rumors in the clan, and everyone suspects and fears that asking it out will offend the cultivator, and it happens that other injured cultivators come to stay.

The patriarch thought, isn't this just a test? !

Medical repairs can't treat mortals, so the repairers can always do it.

So the original owner came.

The well-prepared original owner saw this injury and said that it could not be cured, and other cultivators were not surprised. After all, even if this type of injury was brought back to the Eastern Continent, the probability of finding someone to be healed was terribly low.

The suspicion in the patriarch's heart is even more serious.

He quietly found one of the cultivators and asked them to explore the spiritual power of the original master. As you can imagine, the original master has no spiritual power at all.

Without spiritual power, that's not what a mortal is.

The patriarch turned his face immediately and drove the original owner out.

The original owner had a grudge in his heart, but could only leave, but he didn't know the series of thoughts that the patriarch suspected, and thought it was because the other party found out that he had no spiritual power and turned his face.

He was afraid that he would be retaliated when he was out of the city. He stayed for about ten days before he was ready to leave the city. It happened that the cultivator and his party over there were also preparing to leave, but they happened to be attacked by the magic cultivator.

All the repairers went out to fight, leaving only the wounded girl left in the carriage.

The original owner knew of her injury and wanted to get in the car to find something for the repairer, so that he could continue the repairer in the future.

As a result, before he got even closer, he saw the master-in-chief come over and split the carriage while others were not paying attention, and then sent the girl to the vicinity of the demon repair soldier who came to attack with his spiritual power.

After he finished all these nonchalantly, he continued to rendezvous with other people to fight the magic repair. The original owner was stunned. It happened that the girl woke up and asked him for help, asking him to call someone else, and promised to pay him.

He agreed, and was about to find someone. Suddenly, he remembered that if the headmaster was ruined by him, he would ask him to settle accounts, so he turned back and fumbled for money and some things for the cultivator on the girl.

Then, under the desperate pleading of the other party, he turned around and left without hesitation.

There is hope in despair, and the feeling of being shattered is naturally not much better.

The original owner is also a little guilty, after all, although he has been cheating and drinking, he has never done anything like this.

He hid in the dark, and could see the girl lying on the ground for almost a stick of incense. After the demons saw her, and after feeling the spiritual power on her body, these demons showed excitement in their eyes.

He saw that the girl hadn't even died, and was torn to pieces by the demons thrown in the air.

The little spiritual power in her body shredded and overflowed as her body was torn apart, and was absorbed by the demonic cultivators.

The original owner felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He left the city and continued to cheat everywhere. One day, he was exposed again and his money was gone. He could only live by pawning.

After that, he was caught by the government and asked him where the pawn came from.

The original owner was unconventional, and later learned that the pawn was originally an item worn by a young lady from a family. After that young lady left the house, there was no news again. This pawnshop was opened by the family, and he found it pawned. There was a family emblem in the object and it was immediately reported to the official.

After knowing this, the original owner was not too scared. Anyway, he just said that he picked it up. He also remembers that the pawn was from the little girl who was torn to pieces by the demon, but he couldn't save it. Only he knows, he doesn't say, no one can convict him.

Then, the little girl's grandfather came.

When the two met, they were all shocked.

The original owner knew that the woman he had married was the only daughter of the other party, and that the little girl was the granddaughter of the person in front of him. In other words, that little girl was his wife's daughter? ?

After seeing the original owner, the patriarch lost control of his emotions for a while, and directly told the original owner that it was his daughter.

The original owner was dumbfounded.

He couldn't think that the only blood in his life was the little girl he couldn't save.

He is a bastard, but he is an orphan, and his most important thing is family affection. Before he became a liar, he also imagined how to treasure each other if he had a child in the future, and let him grow up well without suffering at all. .

It is precisely because of this that he was able to leave so decisively.

Because he knew that he would never leave if the lady had a child.

But who would have thought that he was gone, but at that time there was already a child in the woman's belly.

Moreover, their children are still dying under his nose.

The original owner is crazy.

After asking him about the girl's fate, the patriarch went crazy.

The original owner was severely tortured by him, venting all grievances on him.

In the end, his death was miserable.

But this time, he had always been leaning on a cheeky, afraid of pain, for the first time he resisted not begging for mercy.

Is it an atonement?

He didn't know either.

He never thought of killing his own daughter.

If he was given another chance, he would definitely save the other person, even if his own life didn't require him to save her.

He wants to give her the best things in the world, he wants her to be happy every day without running around for life, and he wants her to be the envy of everyone.

He also wanted his daughter's father to be not a liar, but a father who loved her.

As husbands and fathers, men are really different.

The original owner can justly scumbag the lady and leave the other party behind, but he can also be punished because he is the murderer indirectly killing his daughter.

He gave his soul, only to fulfill his wish.

[Ding! This world mission is the content of the original owner's wish. Because the original owner gives his soul, he can exchange 100,000 points. The host can choose to exchange 100,000 points for this world plug-in, or recycle 100,000 points. ]

Ji Changze listened to the system's words and couldn't help but smile: [Did you open the back door for me? Why happened when I was blind, and I connected to someone who was willing to give my soul to open a plug-in. ]

The system was silent for a few seconds, and continued to use the mechanical sound prompt: [Please choose the host carefully. The difficulty of this world is sss. The host has lost the main item and has no vision for ten months. It will be difficult to survive without opening the plug-in. ]

[Friendly reminder from the system, the host's timeline is that the original owner has been dismantled as a liar and has just been driven out of the gate. ]

The implication is that there is no need to play without a plug-in.

After all, such a short time.

Ji Changze touched his sleeve, figured out a shape and tore it off, and then skillfully tied it to his eyes.

[System, do you know why I choose to log on by myself in every world, and never use external plug-ins? ]

[The system does not know. ]

Ji Changze looked blindly and walked out slowly.

[Because only what I have learned is my own. This world uses a plug-in. In the next world, this plug-in will still be recycled. ]

[I'm learning in every world, and the things I learn will never be recycled. Even if I don't have points, I can still spend it. If you plug in this kind of thing, you should open it at a specific time, just like this world. I used to It's not that you haven't spent time in the world of Xianxia. Do you remember what that world is like? ]

The system was silent for a while and replied: [The host starts with a stone. ]

[Yes, it took me three hundred years to become a stone spirit, and another three hundred years to ascend. I walked step by step in these 600 years, so even in this situation, I still Can find a way. ]

System: [Remind the host that the stone has no legs and cannot walk. You have not walked at all in the three hundred years. ]

Ji Changze shook his head helplessly and smiled: [Okay, put one hundred thousand points in my account, I have a way. ]


Ji Changze: [Are you trying to say something? I feel that you really want to judge me now. There is no way. When you are blind, you always feel habitually about others. Just say whatever you want to say, just boasting. I am the person who can withstand boasting the most. If you are really embarrassed, you You can praise me in two words, it's all about your heart, I don't mind. ]

The system suffocated, squeezed out a sentence;

[Stingy. ]