79| Medical Fairy (6)

The devil repairs injustice, he just followed the army to fight, kill, rob, and rob or something. In order to show himself, he ran to the forefront.

As a result, when he ran, a wooden stick shot out from nowhere. Before he could realize why this thing was so fast, the wooden stick passed through his clothes and turned back suddenly.

This thing actually has turning and automatic recovery? ?

This thought only stayed in Mo Xiu's mind for a while, then opened his eyes, and there was an additional monk in white clothes and white cloth in front of him.

And his neck was being pinched tightly by the seemingly invulnerable monk in front of him.

Dying to death.

He struggled and kicked desperately, trying to squeeze a word out of his throat; "Big brother, brother, I have never been involved in the destruction of the sect, whether...cough cough cough, is there any misunderstanding... "

Ji Changze's face seemed to be sick, although he was blindfolded, his murderous intent was flourishing.

"The smell on your body is exactly the group of demonic cultivators who destroyed my sect, you can't go wrong."


"Etc., etc!!!"

The strong desire to survive makes Moxiu crazy to explain: "We have thousands of magic cultivation in this vein. Because of the same cultivation method, the taste on the body is naturally the same. Maybe you are looking for me... Maybe it is my same family. It's really not me. I'm a weak person and my cultivation base is not high. If I want to do bad things, I don't have a chance. I just rob and steal a chicken. But the ones I steal are all mortals. What about the monks? Dare to provoke."

Seeing that the evil spirit in front of him seemed to be moved by himself, he turned his face slightly and faced another monk next to him.

The monk looked at him carefully, and then nodded: "This person only has the cultivation base of the fusion period, and he is as timid as a mouse, and as a coward, he doesn't have the ability and the courage to dare to go against the monk."

Magic repair: "..."

Who is so timid as a mouse.

Looking at you in a righteous manner, you can curse.

However, seeing the blindfolded god who was holding him and turning his face expressionlessly back to face him, Mo Xiu hurriedly struggled and nodded without a bottom line.

"Yes, immortal long, I am as timid as a mouse, how dare to do such a big thing as annihilating the sect, the sects of the Eastern Continent are not married to each other, so I only dare to bully and bully mortals."

The person in front of him seemed to believe, although there was still no expression on his face, he let go of the hand that was holding his neck.

Mo Xiu fell to the ground as soon as he was let go, clutching his neck and coughing heartbreakingly.

Ji Changze shot too fast, and the two sect disciples hadn't reacted yet, there was such a black spirit on the ground, and they hurried over to surround him.

So when the demon repair was finished, it was not easy to slow down, and he was clutching his burning neck to get up. When he looked up, he found a group of righteous disciples in front of him.

Magic repair: "..."

"This is Magic Cultivation. It's the first time I have seen Magic Cultivation. As expected, my whole body was blowing black, just like my master told me."

"My master said that only the kind of low-level demon cultivation can't control the black qi in the body."

"Why have you never seen Moxiu show up in the Eastern Continent, but Dandong has so many."

"Didn't Uncle Master say it? The East Continent is full of righteous monks, and there is no balance between righteous and evil, and demonic cultivators can't beat us. They can only make trouble in mortal places.

Sitting on the ground listening to their various discussions of magic repairs: "..."

Is it really good to discuss this in front of the parties?

Don't these righteous monks know to respect people?

But from the corner of his eye, he could still see Ji Changze standing aside with a bow and arrow in his hand, and his heart full of complaints immediately suffocated him. Honestly, he was treated as a rare animal like a chicken.

Linhai was quite frightened by Ji Changze's hand, and looked at the "bow and arrow" in Ji Changze's hand with a little shock: "Real person, don't you have no spiritual power?"

Ji Changze: "This is my own life-saving method."

Linhai: "..."

Let alone save your life, you can kill people.

Good people are still as good without spiritual power.

Jingniansi didn't look at what the demon looks like, but stood behind the seniors, quietly listening to the dialogue between Master and Changze behind him.

Wang Huli, who came with the Tianyunzong disciples, was the same. On the surface, he was watching the demon cultivation with the Tianyunzong disciples, but in fact, all his attention was focused on Ji Changze.

"Confirm that it is the smell on his body?"

Ji Changze nodded, with a cold expression: "It's the smell, I'm pretty sure."

Linhai's expression was a bit solemn.

"I recognize the clothes on them. This is the magic repair of King Nie's line. King Nie is the strongest of the magic repairs. The magic repairs under his hand are more than ten million. Although he is afraid of the major sects to hide When a mortal is there, you don't do evil things less. I'm afraid you won't get revenge for such a person."

Ji Changze just grabbed a scapegoat, but he didn't expect to grab a bite quite suitable.

He lowered his head slightly and asked, "Does the Eastern Continent know this person?"

Linhai nodded affirmatively: "I know."

"For the Eastern Continent, what did King Nie do that impressed them the most?"

Linhai thought for a while: "The most impressive thing...should be that he destroyed the three mortal cities in order to practice the exercises, and didn't leave alive."

"At that time, there was a mortal family member of a large sect in the three cities. After receiving the news, he vomited blood and asked the teacher to take revenge for him. The sect did send someone at the time, but King Nie was cunning and did not show up. The matter is gone."

He is indeed cunning.

Most monks who knew the Eastern Continent were afraid to develop emotions after contact with mortals, so they moved in the Eastern Continent.

If it really provokes a cultivator, those people who want to win him will have at least the three major sects to join forces, and also the whole sect's disciples.

Who would be so troubled by the teachers, just to catch a King Nie.

That's why he was able to arrogant for so many days.

Ji Changze picked up the bow and arrow, and once again aimed at the demonic cultivator army that was still moving forward on the opposite side.

"From today onwards, the most impressive thing King Nie has done is to destroy my teacher's door and bring about a murderous disaster."


He shot another arrow over, and smiled accurately, dragging the mortal across the chest of the demon repair on his mount as a fun thing.

Mo Xiu was scattered with the essence and died, and the arrow made by the dry stick returned to Ji Changze's hand with the corpse.

The blind monk in white waved his hand to let the corpse fall to the ground, holding an arrow, under the blindfolded white cloth, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

A slightly disgusted face: "It smells so bad."

Obviously the blood stinks of dislike Demon Xiu.

Facing the ground magic repair who was killed in his own door; "..."

In such a second of thinking time, he quickly chose the right way forward.

Mo Xiu burst into tears and crawled to Ji Changze's feet on his knees.

Just when the two sect disciples were taken aback by his actions, they thought this Mo Xiu was his relatives and friends, and when he was irritated when he saw the other's body, Mo Xiu knocked his head and cried:

"Xianxianxianxianxian, I haven't done any evil things. The worst thing I have ever done is to steal a reed chicken and roast it. I am unlucky. Although robbed, every time I robbed, I met a group of poor people. Ghost, the most expensive thing I grabbed was a child's stand-in lock. I'm afraid that the thing is really useful and I dare not want it. This is really the first time I've been with them. I wanted to have more people and more power. There are so many things to grab. I didn't expect to meet you before I arrived in Dandong City. I have never seen you nor destroyed your sect."

He raised his head and pointed to the dead Demon Cultivator, which was a burst of accusation: "It's them!!! It must be them!! This group of Demon Cultivation is very bad, killing people and setting fire to do everything, it is absolutely none of my business that they did. Immortal elders, I have old and young, please forgive me, I swear that I will only eat vegetarian and not meat for the next half of my life, and buy fish every day to release it. It's true, I beg you, please..."

Two disciples: "..."

The Yizhen Huo Sect disciple was quite speechless: "Hey, you are too spineless, are you asking for mercy?"

Mo Xiu took the time to reply during the kowtow: "You can't eat your bones."

Disciples; "..."

"He seems to make sense."

Ji Changze did not move like a mountain, only listening to Mo Xiu's grunting begging for mercy.

After a few minutes, when the other party was almost out of words, he said, "If you want me to let go, you can tell me who killed my teacher."

Moxiu: "...I, I don't know."

He is just a new recruit, how could he know the past.

The bow and arrow in Ji Changze's hand aimed at him.

Magic repair: "..."

He was full of desire to answer for an instant: "Know!! I know!! Lord Nie likes to destroy people, and it must be Lord Nie!"

"If you think Lord Nie is too difficult to avenge, I also know which of the venerables of the lord like to destroy people. I count it. There are about ten. You look for them one by one. There will always be one. ."

The bow and arrow moved away slowly, Mo Xiu let out a sigh of relief and limp to the ground.

The man in front of him clearly wore a white fairy, but looked at the cultivator who was more scary than the most fierce Venerable in the magic cultivator and said coldly: "Give me all the names of those people."

"Yes, yes, I will give my name now."

Mo Xiu said the series of names, and also included what kind of weapons these people like to use, what kind of weapons they look like, what kind of armor they look like on their bodies.

The final summary: "They are here this time, they are all in the army, it is easy for you to find them."

Just don't find him anyway.

Ji Changze got the name, turned around and sat down by the fire, with a gloomy expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Linhai gave him a worried look, and then asked Mo Xiu: "What is your purpose in coming to Dandong City?"

Mo Xiu shrank his neck cautiously, a little guilty: "Master Nie wants to slaughter the city..."

Seeing that Linhai showed shock and anger on his face, he quickly raised his voice and explained: "But, but I didn't think so. I just want to fish in troubled waters to see if I can find some belongings. I am a mortal and I am not interested in killing people. ."

The far-sighted disciple of Zhenhuo Sect returned from the rear, facing Linhai: "Uncle Master, looking at this speed, I am afraid they will be able to get down to Dandong City in less than a quarter of an hour."

The young disciples looked at each other. It was the first time they left the Eastern Continent, and they didn't know what to do in this situation.

As a result, they all looked at Zelinhai.

Linhai hesitated for a while, and then asked Moxiu: "Where is King Nie?"

"Come here, Lord Nie seems to be planning to use Dandong as the source to slaughter the cities like this one by one, he said, he said..."

Moxiu knew that what he said would definitely make the righteous monks in front of him angry, but he gritted his teeth and said: "My lord said... if there is only Moxiu left on this continent, he wants to create a demon world."

The monks were really at a loss.

Some young disciples: "What do you mean? Only demons are left, what about mortals?"

Mo Xiu looked a little timidly at the sword in his hand, didn't dare to say it, only stretched out his hand, and made a strangled gesture on his neck.

It means that mortals will be killed.

Both disciples were stunned.

Kill all the mortals on the whole continent, and only let the demons survive.

The news is really appalling.

"Uncle Master, what should we do now? We definitely can't beat so many magic repairs."

And the difference in the number of people is not the point. The point is that Wang Nie has also come.

King Nie was a Mahayana Demon Cultivator, and only the Great Sect Elder of the Eastern Continent could fight him. At least in this continent, no one can beat him.

Linhai couldn't make up his mind either. Staying and fighting would definitely kill him. If he was alone, he could stay and fight to the end, but he was surrounded by the little disciples of the True Fire Sect.

All of them are in their teens, so how could they die here.

But if you leave, the people of this city...

If the monks can resist for a while, at least they can delay for a while, and there will be mortals fleeing instead of being slaughtered.

After thinking about it for a long time with a complex expression, Linhai gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Hu Xiu, you take the younger brothers and sisters back to the Eastern Continent, report the matter to the sect, and let them inform the major sects."

The named senior brother Hu Xiu looked blank: "Uncle Master, won't you go with us?"

"Now the people in Danyang City don't know about this. I'm going back to report, you go first."

Hu Xiu was even more confused: "But if you go back, how can you escape in time?"

"Okay, don't be awkward, take your brothers and sisters and the people of Tianyun Sect with you."

After saying this, Linhai remembered something again, and looked back at Ji Changze, who was sitting by the fire, whose white face was stamped by the fire.

Although he couldn't see anything with a blank face, Linhai still got Ji Changze's thoughts all at once.

Hey, after finally knowing who the enemy is, he is the Mahayana Demon King Nie. There is no hope for revenge in this life. Now Changze must be very uncomfortable.

It's pitiful to think about it.

He added another sentence to Hu Xiu: "Major Changze has no spiritual power in his body. You take him along."

Behind him, Ji Changze stood up slowly, and clenched his bow and arrow: "I want to stay, kill King Nie, and take revenge for my teacher."

"Real people, calm down first. Although you use bows and arrows very well, with so many magic repairs, you only have one arrow. Even if these arrows are shot out, you can come back. There is no time for the army to get up. It's better to follow them back to the Eastern Continent. If the major sects know about this by then, they will definitely send people to annihilate King Nie, and they will naturally get revenge."

Linhai is actually right.

He guessed that the reason why King Nie would do this is probably because the East Continent is far away from here, and most of the cultivators who come to this mainland are young disciples to experience, even if there are older ones, there are only one or two at most. One, the responsibility is to take care of the disciples. If you can fight, you can't fight, and you will definitely not be able to resist the demonic cultivator army.

When the East Continent reacted, I came here to help. According to the current speed of the magic repair, it is estimated that this side has been occupied.

So the best way is to go back and report the letter quickly, and the Zhengdao Sect will never stand idly by such evil deeds.

When Linhai finished speaking, Wang Huli spoke first before Ji Changze spoke.

"Why don't we go separately? It might be better to split the soldiers."

Before Ze Linhai could reply, the disciples of Tianyun Sect had already asked questions without understanding: "Nowadays there are many demonic cultivators, it should be safer if the two sects go together."

"Yes, brother, everyone can take care of each other together, why separate?"

Wang Huli cursed an idiot from the bottom of his heart.

Why the separation is not to get rid of Ji Changze, a person who has a bloody feud with Mo Xiu.

Then Linhai: "At this moment, the enemy is now, it is better for you to walk together."

Seeing that the stones on the ground vibrated more and more as the magic repair approached, Wang Huli gritted his teeth and tore his face directly: "It's okay to walk together, let the real Changze stay."

"You also know that the real person Linhai, the real person Changze has enmity with these demons. The reason why he has dissipated his spiritual power is to avoid the demons from chasing after him. If we return to the Eastern Continent and bring him with him, how can the demons chase after him? do?"

He saw the people around him stunned, and he simply splashed dirty water directly: "Maybe...These magic cultivators were all attracted by him, otherwise, why did Dandong City have been fine for so long? He decided to attack Dandong when he came to the magic cultivator. The city slaughtered the city? Don't look at me with such eyes, I did overhear what Madam Changze said to you, you don't want the life of your True Fire Sect disciples, I still want to hold our Tianyun Sect disciples ."

Wang Hu said righteously: "Mr. Changze has caused trouble for Dandong City now. Is it going to hurt us?!"

The magic repair on the ground interjected cautiously: "We have been planning to attack Dandong City for a long time. The adults were preparing for it a few months ago, just to occupy this continent. I have never heard of anything to do with this real person."

After speaking, he added: "And he doesn't have any spiritual power, and there is no tracking method that can be used on him."

Wang Huli: "..."

He took a deep breath and looked at the magic repair on the ground with cold eyes; "Shut up for me!"

Magic repair: "...oh."

Linhai also reacted.

"Major Changze has no spiritual power in his body. Even if he has a grudge with Mo Xiu, he can't be traced at all. Moreover, he is still a medical practitioner, and he can take care of him by following you."

Wang Huli: "After he has cured respect for the year, he will have to pay the price of blindness. How much can he help us along the way, and this magic repair, since it is a magic repair, why not kill him on the spot after catching him? Let's go to whistle the news."

Magic repair: "..."

"I really haven't done anything evil, you immortals, even becoming a demon cultivator is because my master needs someone to give him the devil qi in his body, so he snatched me back to let me practice, but he paid it back. I belch before I get out of practice. I'm from a mortal background and I won't kill a mortal."

What he said was too pitiful, and there was blood on his forehead. The Tianyunzong disciple, who was shocked by a few news, couldn't bear it. He looked at Wang Huli: "Brother, since he has not killed anyone, we don't have to kill him. "

"There is also Dao Changze. It is clear that Demon Cultivation has destroyed his master. It should be that Demon Cultivation is wrong. Isn't the purpose of my Tianyun Sect always being good? Since Dao Changze does not have any spiritual power in him, We won't attract chasing soldiers. Everyone is a cultivator. Isn't we also doing good deeds when we bring the real person of Changze back to the sect? What's more, the real person of Changze helped us heal the wounds when he was a guest at Xiyu's house. Pass us, how can we leave him."

Wang Huli couldn't wait to stab the younger brother who was talking to death.

Why did he bring such a group of pig teammates.

From the good to the good, that just put it on the surface, Ji Changze and them have no relatives, so why should they bring an outsider.

What's more, if the True Fire Sect was really stupid and took Ji Changze, he could take the opportunity to hit Ji Changze's spiritual power in the spirit stone, so that the True Fire Sect crowd would attract firepower.

No matter how it counts, it is a transaction that makes a profit without losing money.

"Needless to say, I also do it for you. Madam Changze has no spiritual power in his body. If we bring him into danger, we must protect him..."

Linhai looked at Wang Huli, who was still insisting, and the puzzled Tianyunzong disciple beside him, and said:

"Well, if that's the case, let's go separately."

Wang Huli clasped his fists: "Thank you Linhai's real shirt, my Tianyunzong will be goodbye."

He turned around to leave, but the rest of the Tianyunzong disciples stood still and did not follow.

It took Wang Huli two steps to realize that something was wrong, and turned his head to look at them angrily: "What are you waiting for, don't you go!"

Yan Xiangfeng looked at him coldly: "I want to go back with True Fire Sect."

Wang Huli looked at her incredulously: "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, it's brother, you're different from before. Before, you first threw an olive branch to the real Changze. After the real person agreed, I regretted it. I was wondering why. Now I know, you know that the real Changze and These demon cultivators have enmity and resentment, so they refuse real people to enter my sect for fear of causing trouble.

"In the past few days, the real person has helped me a lot of the Tianyunzong disciples. He is kind to us. It is obvious that he has no spiritual power in his body and will not attract demonic cultivation. If you bring him just casually, you will not be willing. Brother, if you are It's all about telling me your scruples openly, but you have to use me as an excuse, as if it was because of me that you rejected the real person of Changze. Just then you said that you rejected the real person of Changze for the disciple of the Tianyun sect, but others are clear. I want to bring Madam Changze. Are you doing it for us or for yourself? I'm thinking, is it because you have changed, or whether you are the way you were before. I really didn't dare to follow you. ."

Yan Xiangfeng was afraid.

In the past few days, she increasingly discovered that the brother she had admired might have another face.

If she were to follow him, she really wasn't sure if one day the brother needed an excuse, so she would be pushed out as an excuse.

Brother Changze can now refuse to take him because Majestic Changze has an enmity with Moxiu, and because of his lack of spiritual power, is it possible that he will be left behind because of her injury in the future.

Wang Huli's eyes darkened.

He looked at the other Tianyunzong disciples: "Do you think so too?"

The others have complex expressions. Although no one answered, no one denied it.

They also feel that Brother is getting more and more weird these days.

There is always a sense of depression in staying with him, it is really hard to help people think about it.

"Okay, okay, if you are willing to die, then follow the true fire sect."

Wang Huli turned and walked forward without looking back, but his fingers moved slightly.

A stone beside Ji Changze was slightly off the ground as if being manipulated.

Ji Changze, who was standing calmly, felt that something was wrong in the air.

He lowered his head slightly, his face just facing the stone.

The stone slightly opened a small gap, and the spiritual power spread out and directly entered his body.


This Wang Huli was even more ruthless than he thought.

Forget the True Fire Sect, as well as the door must be killed.

That's right, what this "stone" emits is spiritual power, which was obviously prepared by Wang Huli a long time ago.

He had already prepared for Ji Changze to have spiritual power in his body, and then he would be overtaken by the chasing soldiers.

Maybe the Tianyunzong cultivator chose to stay beyond his expectation, but it didn't prevent him from starting.

It's a pity that Wang Huli didn't expect one thing.

From the beginning to the end, what sect was destroyed, what enemies were chasing down, and what lost all spiritual power.

It was all made up by Ji Changze.

So let alone Wang Huli who added spiritual power to him, even if this guy gave him spiritual power, Mo Xiu would not chase him over.

Ji Changze thought seriously, maybe he should give himself a compliment.

After all, if it weren't for the fact that he had fabricated it, Wang Huli would not have believed it so deeply.


It may also be that this guy didn't expect Ji Changze to make up a miserable background for himself.

Linhai has decided to risk his life to defend the city.

"Okay, hurry up. I'll go to Dandong City to report the letter. Remember, follow the route back to the Eastern Continent. Don't look back. When you reach the critical line, first observe if there are any demons staying there. Since they want to occupy the entire continent, It should cut off the connection between this continent and the East Continent, don't spread the letter to avoid being discovered."

When Ji Changze listened to Linhai carefully and carefully instructed the young disciples, he felt that Linhai had the will to die.

He probably knew that the magic cultivators would guard the border of the eastern continent so that the magic cultivators on this continent could not return to report.

But Linhai is the elder of the True Fire Sect, and the candle that represents his life is in the True Fire Sect Hall.

Once he died and the candle was extinguished, the True Fire Sect would immediately know that something was wrong with them.

This was the case in the original timeline. Then Linhai died in battle and the candlelight was extinguished. True Fire Sect realized that something was wrong, and went to the big sect for help. Several big sects teamed up to kill King Nie.

But now...

Ji Changze took a step forward with his bow and arrow:

"I'm with you."

After telling the juniors, they're pulling up the New Year's thoughts and chattering, "You don't have to worry about Master when you go back to the sect with the brothers. Master will go back later. You should follow the master to practice in the sect, and remember to tell the master that they are your grandfather. "Where to live so that everyone can rescue" Linhai almost didn't kneel to Ji Changze.

"Real person, I know that you have great bows and arrows, but this is not a magic repair. This is more than just a bow and arrow. What can you do with such a bow and arrow?"

Ji Changze quickly told Ze Linhai what he could do.

He raised his bow and released the arrow towards the demon repair army.

The arrow was shot, as if something invisible had smashed it into countless small sticks. If it weren't for the monk's eyes, it might still be invisible.

The most common wooden stick turned into a small arrow the size of a small toothpick in an instant.

The small arrows formed a sea of ​​arrows, and quickly flew towards the magic repair side.

The miserable howls of the demons came from far away.

In the next second, Jian Hai returned to Ji Changze.

A sea of ​​arrows floated behind the blindfolded monk in white, and he pointed his bow in the direction of Mo Xiu again.

-Whoosh whoosh!

Jianhai attacked again, and a small arrow split into countless small arrows. When the small arrows came back, they were all stained with the blood of Moxiu.

Obviously, not only can they be recycled and reused, they can also be split into more weapons.

Linhai: "..."

Other disciples: "..."

That's okay, it's a fragile medical practitioner who has dissipated his spiritual power and has no ability to protect himself.

Before, they thought that Nagasawa who can draw a bow and shoot an arrow is at most a doctor who has become an archer.

As a result, Ji Changze proved with his strength that he was not only a shooter, but also an empty shooter.

Air shooting means that air can be used as an arrow.

Although it doesn't seem to be in line with the current situation, it's almost the same.

Ji Changze drew the bow again, and the little sea of ​​arrows flew out again with fierceness, transforming into a smaller sea of ​​arrows halfway through, and with higher lethality, and could easily penetrate into the little sea of ​​arrows of Mo Xiu's heart.

After pulling the bow, Ji Changze turned around, facing the sea directly.

"I want to stay."

Linhai: "..."

"Stay!!! We all stay!!!"

Real Nagasawa has such a hand, so what are they running?

A group of people quickly entered the city and rang the big bell hanging from the tower.

The people in the city were awakened, and countless soldiers rushed to the tower, set up their weapons, and aimed at the demonic repair army that was still coming here even though there were countless casualties.

"Kill Moxiu!!! Kill Moxiu!!!"

Their slogans are unified and full of firmness.

The people also shouted together that even ordinary people without any spiritual power would find tools as tools, standing vigilantly on the street and staring at the gate of the city wall, ready to fight to the death when Mo Xiu rushed in.

In such a scene where all the members were yelling "Kill Demon Repair", they were taken into Dandong City together, and the demon repairer who made Ji Changze's eyes on the tower was mentioned: "..."

He trembling hurriedly found a black cloak from the ring and put it on to cover the devilish energy on his body.

Then, full of fighting spirit, he learned from the people downstairs, raised his right arm, with a look of justice: "Kill Demon repair!! Kill Demon repair!!!"

Ji Changze stretched out his hand and lifted him up; "Let me see which one destroyed my teacher."

Magic repair: "..."

Brother, I don't know who your teacher is.

But when he thought of the full lethality of this man, he swallowed his saliva and carefully looked at the demonic repair army downstairs.

Regardless, just point to the most powerful one anyway.

"To the southeast, riding a horse, he killed a family only ten days ago."

Ji Changze moved his ears and drew his bow in the direction pointed by Mo Xiu.

As a result, the magic repair over there died a large part.

He retracted his bow and tilted his head towards the person next to him: "Also."

Magic repair:...

He hurriedly pointed in another direction.

So there was a big piece of hula la la.

Jingniansi carefully watched the death and wounds of the demons downstairs, as if they were a little scared, they backed away, and turned his head excitedly: "Master, this man is so amazing."

Linhai has a very sentiment: "Hate can make people worse."

Look, the weak medical practitioners like the real person of Changze can become so powerful.

The sea of ​​arrows has been split into sizes that are invisible to the naked eye. Not only is it invisible, but it is also extremely fast, and can even pass through the demon qi of the demon cultivators. No matter how fast the reaction is, no matter how deep the demon cultivator is to guard against, it will He was killed by a small arrow that quickly penetrated into his chest.

The magic cultivators were panicked, and they backed away without the pride that they wanted to crush the mortals before.

But no matter how back it retreats, the life-threatening Arrow Sea will still pursue it, and then return silently after it succeeds.

"What to do, we can't see what it is."

"What did your lord say?"

Wang Nie walked out of the car he was sitting in.

When an arrow falls on him, it will be bounced off by his body guard demon energy.

But it could be bounced but it could not be destroyed, so the bounced arrows were bounced into the Mo Xiu's body beside him, suffering to the end.

He narrowed his eyes to look at Ji Changze who was constantly pulling his bow above the tower, waved his hand, and a vigorous demon energy rushed directly up.


Ji Changze reacted quickly and immediately pulled the bow, and the devilish energy was immediately dissipated.

Wang Nie sneered: "It's really amazing, but..."

-Whoosh! !

An arrow with fierce momentum struck quickly, directly smashing King Nie's body guard devil energy.

Wang Nie: "..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Above, you can listen to me clearly. I only want the lives of these mortals. As for you, if you are willing to fall under my banner, I will definitely give it to you..."


Two arrows again.

This time King Nie was hiding in embarrassment.

He didn't expect that in the Mahayana period, he could not hide from the arrow shot by the cultivator who appeared to be only in his thirties.

what's the situation.

Forget it, he himself is not someone who doesn't know how to work around. Since there are hard stubbles here, he just retreats.

"Okay!! Since there is a monk guarding today, I don't make it difficult for you to withdraw my troops!"

King Nie was about to withdraw when he finished talking, but Ji Changze's arrows were as good as staring at him, chasing him and hitting him.

King Nie, who is getting harder and harder to hide: "..."

Open it, why can't he hide it.

"Upstairs! Don't deceive people too much! I'm going to withdraw my troops, so don't push your nose and face."

Ji Changze flew down from the tower. He still didn't seem to have any spiritual power on his body, but he landed firmly on the ground.

His blindfolded face faced Wang Nie, who was full of vigilance and suspiciousness.

The voice was cold and scary: "You killed more than 300 people in my sect. Today, I will definitely want you to pay for it!"

After speaking, he immediately drew his bow and faced King Nie directly.

King Nie: "...Which is your sect? If you have something to discuss, I have only destroyed mortals and never cultivators. I think I may not have destroyed your sect..."


An invisible arrow pierced his chest through his body.

King Nie fell to the ground: "The door..."

Before Han Hen died, his mind was full of resentment.

Which bastard was actually going to destroy the human sect in his name and inviting such a murderous god.

He spit out a mouthful of black blood and slowly closed his eyes.

King Nie, death.