80| Medical Fairy (7)

The audience was silent.

Whether it was the humans on the tower or the demonic cultivator army underneath, they were all bewildered by the sudden incident in front of them.

Who doesn't know how fierce Wang Nie is.

The magic repair army was immediately stunned, and Linhai upstairs was even more shocked.

The True Fire Sect disciple next to him: "...Uncle Master, this is what you often say is incapable of self-protection... Is it true Nagasawa..."

Then Linhai: "...It should be...Is it."

When Ji Changze used that trick, although Linhai was surprised, he was not too surprised.

After all, in the Eastern Continent, many cultivators have the means to save their lives. Since Ji Changze can dissipate his spiritual power and can wander around the continent where alien beasts are rampant, it shows that he is somewhat capable.

For example, in Linhai's imagination, Ji Changze's ability is like a vine.

Later he felt that this was a grape grove.

Until now, he found out that this is a grape grove that covers the whole continent.

"It's weird, Nagasawa has no spiritual power in his body. Even if he had the means to save his life, he wouldn't be so powerful, right?"

In the distance, he fled to a high cliff, and Wang Huli, who was looking towards this side with a magical instrument capable of making people farsighted, was also stunned.

In fact, because of the magic weapon in his hand, he could see more clearly than the monk on the tower.

The scene just now perfectly showed Ji Changze's hand torn King Nie.

Wang Huli: "..."

Isn't Ji Changze a doctor? ?

Shouldn't the medical practitioners hide in the back during the War of Resistance, and then wait for the monks to get injured and go for treatment?

A good support, as far as a shooter is, it is a shooter.

King Nie! ! !

That was King Nie of the Mahayana period! ! !

On the field, Ji Changze, who killed King Nie, was not over yet.

He was blindfolded, holding a bow and arrow, and the sky behind him did not shoot out the arrow sea. He just hovered behind Ji Changze, and as he turned around, he turned to the opposite demonic army.

Demons: "..."

Is it too late to say that they are just passing by?

"This... Immortal long."

In the end, a demon with a higher cultivation base cautiously stood up and threw the weapon in his hand to the ground, raising his arms to signal that he had no lethal power.

"I surrender, surrender..."

Ji Changze's figure didn't mean to move in the slightest, only slightly pursed his lips, raised his bow, and aimed at the demon repair army.

Obviously, as long as he was alone against the tens of thousands of demon army, the demon army was scared to retreat suddenly.

Just kidding, this is a cultivator who can destroy King Nie in such a short time.

It's not enough for them to go up there.

Even if his feet were stepped on the corpses of many demons, the white clothes on the body of the blindfolded doctors were still spotless.

Because they were blindfolded, the magic cultivators couldn't see what his mood was at the moment, so they could only tremblingly infer from the action of drawing a bow without shooting an arrow that he should not shoot for the time being.

Ji Changze finally spoke.

His voice was frighteningly cold, with a sense of hatred: "The one who destroyed my ten thousand dynasty sect that day will stand up and die by himself."

Demons: "..."

Wan Chaozong? Haven't heard of it?

They looked at each other in front of him and didn't know what to do, and saw the evil god in front of him slightly draw his bow, and the sea of ​​arrows behind him also shook, as if Ji Changze flew out as soon as he moved.

The blindfolded doctor repaired seemed to be gritting his teeth and talking, showing how much hatred he carried on his back.

"Either, I will kill you all, or the person who destroyed my sect will stand up and you will choose for yourself."

Demons: "!!!"

"Who!! Who destroyed the immortal long sect, come forward quickly."

This is threatening.

"The sins you have done yourself, don't let innocent people like us get involved together."

This is complaining.

"Which elder brother made the move, can you stand up by yourself? I'm still young and I don't want to die."

This is begging.

However, Ji Changze waited for almost ten minutes without anyone standing up.

This is for sure, after all, there is no such sect as Wanchao Sect.

"Well, if that's the case, you will die together and get off the Asura Way, so you might have a companion."

Jianhai buzzed along with his bow.

The demons were frightened.

"Don't don't! My lord, my lord, I didn't destroy your sect, it's him!!! There must be him who participated in destroying your sect!! He likes destroying the whole family the most."

"Yes, yes, yes, I also know him, there is still, and this demon cultivator, he is cruel, and the demon cultivator who destroyed your sect is definitely counted as him."

"This this! It must be this person! Last time I heard that he killed more than 300 people in a family, and your sect is also more than 300 people. It's right and right."

Seeing that Ji Changze was about to make a move, the fearful demon cultivators hurriedly introduced those demon cultivators with "brilliant history" to him based on their memory.

The Mo Xiu who was pushed out almost didn't scare to pee, and he quickly argued:

"Fart!!! I kill all mortals, and I'm not stupid, how dare I provoke those monks!"

"Whatever matter to me, I'm just bragging. The family actually only had more than one hundred mouths. I exaggerated them to more than three hundred mouths. And those are all mortals. My cultivation base is so low, how could I have destroyed the monk sect? ."

"My lord, listen to me. I killed all mortals. It's true. There are monks everywhere in the Eastern Continent. I don't dare to go to the Eastern Continent if I lend me eight courage, let alone my cultivation base..."

Ji Changze stood still, his blindfolded face facing the demons who had been pushed out.

They tried desperately to defend themselves one by one, defending that they were only killing mortals, and they had absolutely nothing to do with monks.

But this is enough.

Ji Changze just wanted to swindle the unclean demons out of his hands.

After all, he is a very kind person, even if he is looking for someone to take the blame, he will never look for those who are really innocent.

Hey, although this time and place lament these are a bit out of date.

But Ji Changze still sighed from the bottom of his heart.

I am really kind and have a bottom line.

In the end, the demons introduced almost hundreds of people.

They are all well-known and well-known.

After all, Mo Xiu's courage was about to be frightened by Ji Changze. At this time, he didn't dare to find someone to come out and find out what was really heinous.

The demonic cultivator who was pushed out didn't know that what Ji Changze was looking for was "killers", one by one, he explained that they were all mortals and had nothing to do with the monks' decision.

There was even Mo Xiu who said that he could tell where he killed people. Ji Changze only needs to check and know that he killed all mortals.

In the hearts of these demon cultivators, to argue that they killed mortals is equivalent to arguing that they did not kill the monks.

However, Ji Changze has been listening quietly.

Because the eyes cannot see, the ears work even better.

It was absolutely certain that none of the demons in front of him denied that he had never had a human life in his hands. Instead, they were arguing whether they had destroyed a family, a family of seven, or a city.

Waiting for no magic repair to be pushed out again, Ji Changze turned sideways and walked towards these people.

Although he was blindfolded, his feet seemed to be visible, and he stepped forward firmly, approaching the nearest group of people.

"Why did you destroy my sect?"

This batch of magic repairs: "...we, we don't have..."

-Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and this batch of demons fell to the ground.

The magic cultivators behind them backed away in terror, looking at Ji Changze tremblingly.

Ji Changze asked: "My Wanchao Sect has always been good to others, and more than 300 disciples under my sect have never had blood on their hands. What hatred and resentment is it that made you commit this evil hand!!"

The demon cultivator who was questioned shook his body in fright, looked at the corpse of the demon cultivator all over the floor, and cautiously said: "Xian...Xianzong, aren't you Wanchao Sect not stained with blood? But you just killed a lot... …"


He fell silently.

A blindfolded doctor passed by his body blankly: "I shoot an arrow, and there is no blood in my hand."

The remaining demons: "..."

All of them are murderous, but they can be arrogant and domineering against mortals who don't have any resistance, and when they meet Ji Changze who can easily take their lives, all of them are too scared to move.

The sea of ​​arrows aimed at them.

The evil spirit in white asked coldly: "Why destroy my sect?"

"I, I really didn't, I just killed hundreds of mortals, I..."

He fell to the ground clutching his chest.

Before the Mo Xiu behind him could react, he was already confronted with the bow and arrow aimed at him with a face full of horror.

Ji Changze: "I just want a reason. If you have a heart of repentance, you won't be able to get to where you are now."

Moxiu: "...but I really don't. I promise that those who die in my hands are all mortals...Uh!"

He clutched his neck and fell to the ground.

The next Mo Xiu raised his head in horror and met the horrible wooden bow.

"Xianchang, I think there are some errors..."


The next magic repair: "This so-so kid made it clear not to let us live!!! To die sooner or later is dead, it's better to rush, come on!! All follow me and we rush together ah ah ah... "


He knelt down in the next second.

Ji Changze was still expressionless and pointed his bow and arrow at the person behind this demon self-cultivation.

Demons: "..."

I can't beat it, and I can't listen to it.

This is how to do.

The Mo Xiu standing in the front closed his eyes: "Come on."

Ji Changze walked past him, and there was another body behind him.

"Can be discussed, I..."

"If you want to kill, kill, I'm eighteen years later...well!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I have money, all for you, I..."

The blindfolded doctor walked slowly, and the corpses behind him were almost piled up into a path.

The demons in front of him looked more and more frightened, and backed back more and more frightened.

These demon cultivators who once relied on being a demon cultivator to slaughter ordinary mortals at will, finally can be regarded as a taste of what those innocent mortals felt when they faced themselves.

Finally, when Ji Changze walked in front of a magic repair, he collapsed.

"We...we destroyed your sect for...Uh...for...for the money!!! Yes, we are for the money!! Don't kill me, don't kill me, although I also went, but I didn't The one who killed your master, I just saw..."

He was also a gamble, but he didn't expect it to be really useful.

Almost when the arrow between his eyebrows stopped abruptly, he was sweating and trembling, watching the blindfolded doctor in front of him put down his bow for the first time, and suddenly grabbed his neck to make him look at him.

The indifferent words finally had a wave of hatred.

The medical repairer gritted his teeth: "It is for money!!! Why do I use the lives of my master, uncle, and younger brothers and sisters to force me to go to the Asura Dao!"

Shura Road...

Isn't that the place where the dead die?

The demon cultivator was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he looked at Ji Changze who was looking to swallow him alive, and his lips trembled: "Yes, yeah, why..."

How does he know why!

Seeing the more murderous on the evil face in front of him, the sea of ​​arrows behind him seemed to feel the master's inner fluctuations, violently agitating, as if he could quickly penetrate into his body in the next second, making him a hedgehog.

He swallowed nervously, and made up casually: "Just...it's an adult...no, no, no, no, King Nie, King Nie and your master have an enmity, so deliberately... uh, deliberately..."

I was too nervous, forgetting what Ji Changze said just now that those who killed his sect were doing.

He can only say vaguely; "Doing that on purpose, Xianchang, it really doesn't matter to me, they kill people, I just watched."

Ji Changze slowly let go of the hand that grabbed him, with a thoughtful expression.

He asked: "Just because Master Tai refused to use his own life to save the person King Nie wanted to save?"

Moxiu was stunned.

Didn't King Nie have no relatives a long time ago?

Who can he want to save?

But seeing Ji Changze standing in front of him with a gloomy face, as if he would take his own life if he couldn't answer, he hurriedly nodded frantically.

"Yes, yes!! It's because of this!!! Yes, yes!!!"

Ji Changze asked: "Who does King Nie want to save?"

Moxiu: ...how do I know.

He can only rack his brains and talk nonsense: "Save...save his beloved woman. In short, this matter is very secret. Few people know that Wang Nie has a beloved woman."

Of course it's a secret, because he made it up.

The white killer god in front of him seemed to accept his answer, and the sea of ​​arrows behind him stopped moving frantically.

The hatred on him gradually subsided, leaving only sullen, muttering to himself: "Just for the one he loves, he wants to slaughter my teacher..."

The nonsense Mo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

It was finally fudged.

Sure enough, these cultivators in the Eastern Continent are so foolish.

He nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice: "Yes, yeah, because of this, immortal long, in fact, I can't understand King Nie for a long time, so when he took us to your teacher's gate, I resolutely didn't do it. Really, I can't understand them. I'm innocent. Immortal and immortal long. Or let me go. From now on, I will give you incense every day, I promise!!"

Ji Changze suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch his neck, forcing his toes off the ground and hung in the air. His face was full of grief and anger:

"Who was the demonic repair who destroyed my division that day!!! Point out all of them to me!"

Moxiu who was struggling with breathing difficulties: "..."

He stretched out his hand hard to point behind Ji Changze: "You, what you killed just now is..."

Brothers are sorry.

Anyway, you are dead and can't jump out to refute, so just carry this pot on your back.

Ji Changze: "Not enough, I remember there are many people."

Magic repair: "..."

He trembled and pointed behind him.

The demons who have carried hundreds of lives on their bodies: "..."

"You fart!! I didn't! Lao Tzu has never been to the Eastern Continent!!"

"Xianzhang, don't listen to this kid talking nonsense, he is obviously talking nonsense!"

"I have only killed mortals, how can I kill the monks, I can't beat them again!"

Ji Changze released the hand that was holding Mo Xiu's neck.

He fell to the ground, coughing violently, while fearing that the words of those demons would make Ji Changze doubt him, he hurriedly said, "Don't listen to them, the immortal chief. They know that they will die without the whole body when the truth comes out. This is the sophistry, hurry up. Hurry, kill them."

The accused cultivators saw that Ji Changze was really moved by this guy, and the sea of ​​arrows behind them shook, and their heads were angry.

"Okay!!! You slander Lao Tzu, even if I die, I won't let you live!!"

Some Moxiu rushed forward, and the result of the accusation against them was the result of a punch.

In the next second, ten thousand arrows were fired, and they fell to the ground one after another.

The last glance before death was the white monk standing in the sea of ​​corpses.

He covered his eyes with a white cloth, lowered his head slightly, and spread out his other hand that was not holding a bow.

That hand is like most monks, white and slender.

He spoke, his tone full of sadness.

"Why do you want this? My Wanchao Sect has more than 300 lives..."

These words, the demons have heard too much.

Most of them were complaints from mortals with tears when they laughed and killed their relatives and friends in front of mortals.

Most of their ideas at the time were similar.

Only the weak will complain.

But now, Ji Changze has managed to send them down the Asura Dao while complaining.

The key is.

They really didn't do it! ! !

The two words wronged, they may have to go down the Shura Road before they can say it.

Of course, he may be swallowed by the evil spirits before they say it.

Seeing these demon cultivators die, the demon cultivators were even more relieved than the people above the tower.

This killer is just fine if he finds his enemy.

He killed those who had enemies with him, so he wouldn't kill them again.

Ji Changze did not kill them again. He threw his bow and arrow on the ground and opened his arms.

The demonic corpses on the ground trembled slightly, and a trace of demonic energy flew into the air, transformed into spiritual energy, and then rushed into Ji Changze's body.

"Major Nagasawa!!!"

This scene is really horrible, Jingniansi who saw this scene with his own eyes above the tower was startled, and subconsciously yelled out.

Linhai was also taken aback and hurriedly flew down.

But because the spiritual power was too majestic, he didn't dare to approach, so he could only try to stand firm against the wind, and said to the two disciples above: "Don't come down! This is dangerous!!!"

The demons watched this scene, and they all looked at each other without knowing what was going on.

Since Ji Changze was a murderous god, there seemed to be something unexpected.

Not as good as them...


As a result, the people on the tower looked at these demons and turned their heads and ran away, not even the horses and weapons.

Everyone: "..."

Although it has long been known that demonic cultivators are mostly shameless, they are too unethical.

On the city wall, the moxiu who had been caught by Ji Changze before watched the moxiu enviously, and almost didn't perform a tearful run on the spot.

Take him one.

Righteous monk is too terrible.

As the demons ran away, a big crack was suddenly blasted out by spiritual power in front of them. Many demons hurriedly braked and sat on the edge of the crack.

They raised their heads tremblingly, and they saw Ji Changze standing above, like a devil.

The blindfolded doctor Xiu obviously didn't hold a bow and arrow in his hand, but he made a bow motion at the demons below. In an instant, there was a sea of ​​arrows made by spiritual power all over the sky behind him.

Demons: "..."

It turned out to be an arrow made out of thin air.

What is the origin of this person?

At this moment, many demons waited to find King Nie's body, swaying and roaring wildly.

Are you stupid? ! ! !

Just for a woman, you offend such a monster! ! !

If you offend, you are offended. Don't involve us when you die.

Ji Changze opened his mouth. He didn't deliberately amplify the sound, but because of his spiritual power, it was accurately and clearly transmitted to the ears of every magic repair below.

"Never want to leave."

"You are guilty of attacking Dandong. Before the monks from the Eastern Continent came, you were all waiting here."

Demons: "..."

They wanted to say, "Waiting for your grandma, I just want to leave, so you bite me."

However, facing the sky full of arrows behind Ji Changze, all the demon cultivators showed friendly and negotiable smiles.

Good dad, no problem dad.

Can we wait for you to see?

If it doesn't work, we can stand and wait.

So when Ze Linhai went back to spread the letter, and then brought the representatives of the major sects of the Eastern Continent, he saw that under Dandong City, there were magic repairs all over the ground.

Everyone sighed and sighed, clutching their stomachs and shouting hungry. When they saw them, the righteous monks, their eyes lit up, just as if they had seen a savior.

Representatives of the sect: "...is this?"

Linhai smiled and said, "Nothing, nothing, it's just that these magic repairs are impatient."

When the sect representatives followed the rules of the Eastern Continent, they took out the test stones and tested the crimes one by one, and then dealt with them according to the severity of the crime.

It was so hot outside, many young disciples had never seen this kind of excitement, and they ran over to watch, but Jingniansi had no thought of watching the excitement at all, and Linhai whispered very worried when he pulled it back:

"Master, since the first battle in Dandong City, Zhenren Changze has been closed. It was a good thing for him to get revenge, but why do I always think he is very unhappy?"

Linhai touched the head of the little apprentice, and sighed: "In the past ten years, the real Changze has been hiding in Tibet because of Wangdong Nie, and he has witnessed the destruction of the whole family. The result is actually only because Wang Nie wants to save his beloved. People, even if he kills King Nie in his hand now, and kills those demonic cultivators who participated in the destruction of Wanchao Sect, Wanchao Sect will not be able to return."

"This is the suffering of life and death. You are still young and don't understand."

Jingniansi was really silly to understand: "But I don't understand, Master, didn't the real person lose his spiritual power? Why did he suddenly kill King Nie again? Since he can kill now, why did he want to kill him more than ten years ago? Where to hide?"

Linhai didn't understand either.

Because there were too many demons who surrendered before, let them go, for fear that they will make trouble again, don't let go, the people of Dandong City are afraid again.

The only thing he could do was to take a trip to the sea, and the people who returned to the sect and moved to the East Continent dealt with these demons.

There was a mess everywhere, and he didn't have time to ask Ji Changze.

Of course, he vaguely guessed a little, after all, Wan Chaozong's practice is similar to taking one thing for another.

Since Ji Changze can exchange his eyes for Jingniansi's health, does it mean that he used something in exchange for the ability to kill King Nie?

Linhai comforted Jingniansi and took her outside the house where Ji Changze lived.

"Okay, knowing that you are worried about Real Changze, wait here quietly, I'll go talk to him."

Seeing Jingniansi nodded obediently, he knocked on the door: "The real person, it's me, I'm back from the Eastern Continent."

The doctor inside said softly: "Come in."

Linhai entered the house and observed Ji Changze first, and found that his face was ruddy, he had no lack of arms or legs, and his body was full of spiritual energy. This was a sigh of relief.

When he asked a question, the blindfolded doctor Xiu turned around slightly, his voice still faint; "I was chased and killed that day, but I felt the spiritual power of my body protector fluctuate."

Linhai suddenly remembered: "Your body protection spiritual power is on your wife?"

Ji Changze nodded: "I knew that my wife's fate would end on that day. I was planning to take her back to the sect. Then there will be masters and brothers who will protect me. I can also send my wife to the Asura Way and let her reincarnate safely, but I didn't expect The change of the sect disrupted the plan. At that time, there was a magic repair chaser behind me, and I was also injured. I didn't dare to go to the place where the wife was, for fear of causing murder to the wife's family."

"I can't spread the letter, nor use my spiritual power. I can only think about it. I can only control my body guard spiritual power to protect the lady's spiritual body and let her stay in the world temporarily. I was chased and killed by the demonic cultivator at the time, and I kept thinking The method of counterattack was a silly creation of a simple exercise method. Because it is in the same vein as Jingyixiu, the method of use is somewhat similar to that of Jingyixiu."

Linhai asked, "What kind of exercise?"

Ji Changze: "I use my whole body spiritual power as a bet to exchange for short-term strength when I need it."

He stretched out his hand and touched the white cloth covering his eyes. His voice was still faint: "I was eager to go back to save Madam, so I used this technique."

Linhai: "You failed."

"Yes." Baiyi Yixiu admitted: "I didn't have a high cultivation level at the time. Even if I used my whole body spiritual power, it was not enough to resist those magic cultivation. On the contrary, I almost brought them to Zhang Yue's house. The spiritual power has also been dissipated."

"Later I discovered that as long as my spiritual power is dissipated, the magicians who are always chasing behind me will not be able to find me, but I want to save my wife and have revenge. So I practice every day, every time I practice a trace. Spiritual power dissipated it and repeated it for more than ten years."

Then Linhai pupils shrink.

It is painful to dissipate the spiritual power, and Ji Changze will disperse every time he cultivates. That is the pain that he has been feeling almost day and night.

At that time, he was less than twenty years old.

Outside the door there was the sound of Jingniansi accidentally hitting the door in shock. Linhai quickly got up to berate her to retreat, but Ji Changze shook his head: "No, now King Nie is dead. I don't think that's a thing. What can't be said."

"I keep telling you that I have the means to save my life, and the spiritual power that I dissipated is my means to save my life. I used them in the battle against King Nie."

"But I can't die. If I die, no one of my wife's spiritual body can send her to the Asura Way and send her to reincarnation. For more than ten years, in addition to cultivation and spiritual power, I have been constantly perfecting it. The exercise method finally made me find a way. As long as I kill my enemies and use the gambling curse as the basis, I can inhale my body with the spiritual power in their body as a reward."

Linhai was completely stunned.

"No wonder that when we cleaned the corpse, the dead demon cultivators had no demon energy in their bodies, just like mortals. It turns out that their demon energy was inhaled by you..."

Ji Changze nodded, picked up a glass of wine on the table and spilled it on the ground.

"This glass of wine, to my teacher."

Thanks to this non-existent Wan Chaozong.

Pour another glass of wine and sprinkle it.

"This glass of wine, to my wife."

Fortunately, a woman who died during childbirth would not go down the path of Shura because she was between life and death.

Ji Changze rarely lied.

He said that he wanted to help the poor woman go down to the Asura Way and rebirth into a good family, just to be reborn in a good family.

Honest as he is.

"This glass of wine, respect the demon repair, I hope they can ascend to bliss early in the Asura Dao, and be dispelled early."

If the mortal souls of those killed by them become evil spirits, it is estimated that they will be torn apart at once.

Ji Changze poured another glass of wine and drank it by himself.

Feeling the mellow taste of wine in his mouth, he slowly put down the wine glass.

"This glass of wine, to myself."

As smart as him, although the words that Ze Linhai said were a little bit different from the facts, they were only a little bit.

For example, it is true that he can absorb the demonic energy of the demons and convert it into spiritual power.

But you can only bet on the spiritual power of your whole body, and you can only suck the magical energy of the enemy's spiritual power, that's a fake.

Don't pass on this kind of one-sucking, one-accuracy exercise to future generations.

Ji Changze himself knew that the technique he created was actually most afraid of people who had no bottom line.

After all, as long as you kill others, you can become strong. In the Eastern Continent, there may be many cultivators recruited.

But if he adds some additional conditions.

To practice, one must dissipate spiritual power, and there must be an enemy, and this enemy must also cultivate a high level.

Otherwise, think about it, you have dissipated the spiritual power of your golden core period, worked hard for more than ten years, and found a revenge in the foundation period.

That's not a good deal.

In all respects, I thought of it up and down.

How can you not praise yourself, it's really a little clever ghost.

Linhai accepts well.

After all, in this world where everything is possible, Ji Changze's work can be said to be against the sky, but it is not impossible to exist.

He asked: "Since the feud is avenged, what do you plan to do next?"

The blindfolded doctor drank a sip of wine in a muffled voice.

After a while, he said, "Go find my wife and send her into a good family."

After a pause, I said again: "I gave out some jade jue during my travels, but later I lost my spiritual power, and the spiritual power in the jade jue also dissipated. After that, I have to go to the people who sent the jade jue. Investigate to see if any family has used Yu Jue but I haven't received it."

Linhai didn't mention whether Ji Changze's sect should be rebuilt.

Everyone is dead, and he has worked hard for more than ten years just to get revenge. Now even though the enemy is dead, it is impossible for the dead to come back.

Don't poke him in the sore spot.

He said: "If there are mortals who haven't used those Jade Jue, it is estimated that you will be very busy in the next few days. After the news of King Nie's death, those demonic cultivators who did not follow to fight Dandong City thought it was. What is a good opportunity to develop the site? Burning, killing and looting everywhere, the whole continent is in chaos. Although we sent monks to suppress it, the mainland is too big to catch up."

Ji Changze stretched out his finger and tapped on the desktop: "I did the death of King Nie, and I am also responsible for this matter. In the next few days, I will protect mortals everywhere."

Then Linhai asked, "Don't you go to your wife first?"

"Madam's spirit body is in Changle City. Although she is sleeping now, she has my body protection spirit power in her spirit body, and Zhang Yue also has my jade jue in his hands. I don't have to worry too much about them. I can travel all the way from Dandong City. I rushed to Changle. During this period, whenever the body protector spiritual power on Madam's body moved, I could immediately feel it."

Jingniansi outside quietly knocked on the door.

After waiting for Ze Linhai to come in, she cautiously came in and looked at Ji Changze: "Real person, Master, can I follow along? My grandpa and I are in Changle City, and I am worried about him..."

Ji Changze faced Linhai: "A real Linhai?"

Linhai thought about Ji Changze's strong sense of security.

Before, he had thought about taking Jingniansi to Changle City after returning. After all, he was a close relative of Jingniansi. He couldn't just watch the other party's accident. Now Ji Changze is more secure, and naturally there is no reason why he shouldn't.

"If the real person doesn't mind, I will trouble you."

Ji Changze nodded: "I heard that the disciples of the True Fire Sect will also go out to help mortals. If they can, they can be with me and take care of each other on the way."

Linhai was a little embarrassed: "Junior reckless, is it a bit too troublesome real person..."

"It's okay."

The blindfolded doctor repaired his voice faintly: "Before the Linhai real person invited me to the True Huo Sect, I agreed, and now I am a True Huo sect. What is wrong with my family."

Linhai; "!!!"

He forgot about it! !

Ji Changze, who has the strength to sling the Mahayana period, has entered their true fire sect? ! ! !

This is really like a big golden brick dropped from the sky! !

Linhai was dizzy: "Then, then trouble the real person..."

is this real?

Did I really kidnap Real Man Nagasawa such a big killer to our Real Fire Sect?

My ancestor, the sect must give me an award for the best contribution.


This news is really exciting.

No, he has to go out and send a letter to the sect to tell them the great news! ! !

Linhai ran out.

Jingniansi was embarrassed to stay, and quickly found an excuse to go out.

After going out, she fell into contemplation.

Why do you always feel that the words of Madam Nagasawa are a bit familiar?


The group embarked on the path of Beheading Demon repair to help the mortals. The young disciples were very excited, relying on Ji Changze for protection along the way, killing four kills.

Changle City in the distance.

The gray-haired old man was standing on the wall, watching the demons underneath attacking the city.

Gritting his teeth, took out Yu Jue.

When the next person saw him, his expression was a little puzzled; "...Master, isn't this Jade Jue a fake and no spiritual power?"

The old man looked cold: "Dead horses are treated as living horse doctors."

He slammed down Yu Jue.

Ji Changze in the distance retracted his counting hand and said to the young disciples behind him: "They all took out their swords to fly with the sword, and the Yu Jue I left in the hands of Changle City's Yue Zhang was triggered."

The young disciples hurriedly took out the flying sword and the imperial sword and flew.

Changle City...

Don't worry, grandpa.