82|Medical Fairy (End)

The group followed Jing's master to Jing's house.

The disciples of the True Fire Sect were left in the front hall to rest, and Ji Changze and Jing Niansi went to the backyard with the master Jing.

Miss Jing's boudoir.

Ji Changze could not see, but could smell the plum blossoms in the air.

Patriarch Jing was still leading the way. He was walking, and suddenly heard the footsteps stop behind him.

When he turned around, he saw the Blind Eye Doctor standing in place, facing Meilin's direction.

Jingniansi also stopped strangely.

"Real person, what's the matter?"

Ji Changze was still facing there, and said softly: "She is there."

The expressions of Jingniansi and Jing Patriarch were stunned.

Respect for the new year is okay. Although I also want to see my mother, but I have never seen it since she was born. She can be angry for her mother, or avenge her, the emotional direction, without training, nature will not give birth to much.

Patriarch Jing was immediately caused by these words to boil all over his body.

With excitement, his hands trembled again.

He trembled like this, his eyes looked towards the place where there was only a piece of Merlin for him, and his voice was a little excited: "Ru'er? Is she here?"

Ji Changze stepped forward and slowly stepped into Merlin.

It was dark in front of him, but this did not prevent him from reaching out and pulling down the woman who was sleeping on a plum tree trunk.

She should have loved plum blossoms very much before she was alive, or she was often in this plum forest. Anything here made her feel familiar and at ease. Therefore, after she passed away due to dystocia, when her soul still had a little sense of consciousness, she Came here in a daze.

I found the most comfortable place to sleep.

In essence, this world is a food of the weak, just like 80% of mortals who have gone down the Asura Way will be torn apart by evil spirits or reduced to the lowest mindless remnants of the Asura Way.

The parturients between life and death can only stay in the human world after death because they are rejected by the Shura Dao, but in the end they are souls and not humans, they can only stay here in a deep sleep.

Every world has its own unique laws, Ji Changze guessed, maybe it is because there are too many people in this world and too many lives, that the Asura Dao will acquiesce in the mutual devouring and oppression of souls.

After all, its own responsibility is to create new souls, not to accommodate souls.

Miss Jing Jia has no weight and is very easy to guide. She may be familiar with holding her hand subconsciously, so she fell asleep and was brought to Master Jing by Ji Changze.

Facing the Jing Patriarch who couldn't hold back a word for a long time, Ji Changze said: "We need a place where no one goes often."

Master Jing took them to Miss Jing's boudoir.

Since her death, he has ordered the place to be closed. There are still bronze mirrors and combs on the table, and the jewelry box is closed.

Everything was covered with thick dust, after all, no one had set foot in this room for 14 years.

Patriarch Jing's brain is hot now, which makes him temporarily forget his hatred of Ji Changze, only when he knows his daughter is still there, he babbles with a little guilt; "If I knew Ru'er was here, I would never close this place. I will come to accompany her every day. She likes to watch theaters, so I will let the troupe come here to sing..."

As he talked, his eyes were turning black again, his body swayed, and he was firmly supported by Ji Changze with one hand.

Patriarch Jing looked back at him subconsciously.

His son-in-law, according to those true fire sect disciples, had lost his spiritual power for more than ten years and lived like a mortal, but this good-looking appearance did not age as a mortal for more than a decade.

It's true that he has grown up and matured a bit more than it was in the past, but there is no old age on his white face, and it still looks like it was in the past. Even if he doesn't show anything else, he can rely on such a good appearance that is not in the world. Come to make everyone believe that he is a fairy master.

Patriarch Jing seemed to have just noticed the white cloth over Ji Changze's eyes.

In other words, he was only willing to let his hatred take a nap from now on.

"What's the matter with your eyes?"

Reminiscent of what the true fire sect disciples said, could it be that they were left behind during the change of the sect?

"Injured accidentally."

Ji Changze's brief sentence was about to overshadow the matter in his eyes.

Jingniansi boldly took the initiative to say clearly: "Grandpa, his eyes are for saving me."

After she finished speaking, looking at Ji Changze, her vision was full of complexity.

How could there be such a person.

Saved people, but didn't take credit.

Madam Nagasawa is so smart, he should know that if he said that his eyes were blinded to save her at this time, grandpa would be able to move his face.

But he didn't say anything.

It seemed that he had taken off all the protection on his body and stood there waiting for grandpa's trial.

Jingniansi didn't understand why he did this.

She can only rely on her own understanding.

Is it because he is guilty?

Because of guilt, I let my grandpa misunderstand him and condemn him.

But those things were not his fault back then.

Jingniansi thought that if it were her, she would never do better than the real Changze.

Not to mention, it just said that when the sect was destroyed, he controlled his emotions and fled for thousands of miles. After that, he cultivated for more than ten years and then dissipated his spiritual power.

She would definitely not be able to stand it.

But Nagasawa real person did.

He endured for more than ten years and had been a mortal for more than ten years. After that, he killed King Nie with his own hands, extinguished the demonic repair who had participated in the eradication of the door, and avenged himself for the sect.

And she saved her life in that situation, and came to help the deceased wife...it was her mother who came to the Asura Dao.

No matter from which aspect, the real person of Changze is a person who respects the years and admires him.

And now, the elder who made her worship infinitely turned out to be her own father.

The resentment and hatred for his father in the past collided with the admiration and reverence for the real Changze, and it collided with Jingniansi.

She didn't know what to do, so she could only work hard to help Ji Changze out in front of her grandfather.

When Jing Niansi said so, the family master Jing didn't suspect that his granddaughter would lie to him. He glanced at Ji Changze with complicated eyes and skipped the topic.

"You said earlier that Ruer can meet us."


Ji Changze explained: "I will wake her up before going down the Asura Path. There is not much popularity here, which is very beneficial to her."

Patriarch Jing took a deep breath and asked, "How long?"

"Half a stick of incense."

The people of Changle City are cleaning up the dead magic repairs outside.

Their mentality is not bad, after all, even though they were frightened, the demonic cultivators were dead and dead without even hitting the door.

What they have to do now is to carry these dead demonic cultivators to a unified place for burning. After all, demonic cultivators have the same body structure as mortals. If they are left alone, they will definitely rot in a few days.

While lifting the corpse, he started chatting.

"I heard that the monk who came back from Hejing's Miss Sun is her father, is it true?"

"My fifth aunt's elder brother's neighbor was just upstairs. He heard clearly that the monk was the liar who left Miss Jingjia and never returned."

"He is not a mortal, he is really a monk, shouldn't he be a liar?"

"I have never seen such a powerful monk, and Jingjia is so well-versed to see the moonlight, and it is said that Ms. Jingjia Sun is also a monk. It really burned a high incense."

As soon as this person finished speaking, he saw that the person opposite him suddenly looked at the sky behind him with shocked expressions.

"what happened to you?"


Listening to the words of the opposite person, he also turned around, and was completely suppressed by the scene behind.

I saw more and more blue smoke gushing out of the high altitude in the distance. After they came out, they did not scatter or lift into the air, but gathered in the same place, gradually forming the shape of a gate.

This gate looks very hideous, and it can fully use the vocabulary used by the previous magic repairs to describe Ji Changze.

Blue-faced fangs, three heads and six arms.

It is alive.

With more and more blue smoke growing larger and larger, a pair of eyes on the door opened, and he looked at the people below violently.

Where did the people of Changle City have seen this battle, and they immediately backed away in terror.


"This direction seems to be Jingjia. Could it be that those immortal masters are doing it?"

Someone was so scared that they fled the city. Someone stood there and observed carefully, and judged that the gate was not lethal, and the whole body was made of blue smoke.

In the front hall of Jing's house, the true fire sect disciples who were drinking tea and chatting heard the fearful shouts of people outside, and they took their swords out.

When I looked up at the huge door, my eyes were filled with shock.

"Sura Dao..."

"It's really the Asura Dao, the real person Changze actually summoned the Asura Dao."

Regarding what the Asura Dao is like, the most detailed description in the Eastern Continent is its door.

After all, no matter what the cultivators were on the verge of death, as long as they could return, none of them would have entered the gate of Shura Dao.

They will always see this scary gate.

Because there was still a living being on his body, he couldn't enter, so he could only wander outside, waiting for his physical body to die completely or the dead inside to tell them about the Asura Dao.

The true fire sect disciples knew this, but they had only heard of it, and read the pictures drawn by the monks in the book according to their memory.

This is the first time I have really seen Shura Dao.

The gate of Shura Dao was getting bigger and bigger, and the giant beast on the gate roared dissatisfiedly, roaring at the mortals and monks below, obviously unhappy that he was called here to sleep well.

Even though the True Fire Sect disciples were not afraid because they were young, they couldn't help showing timidity on their roaring face, and quietly hid back.

The thought of waiting for them to go into this after their longevity is exhausted, there is an inexplicable panic in my heart.

"Brother, what should we do now, are we going to find a real person?"

"Don't go first. The real man said on the road before that he would summon Shura Road to send his wife away. What if we disturb him in the past."

The eldest disciple simply sat cross-legged on the spot, putting on a posture of cultivating exercises.

"How many people have never seen the Asura Dao once in a lifetime. We are lucky to have such a good fortune. It is better to enlighten ourselves on the spot and see if we can make our cultivation even further."

The remaining disciples also sat down cross-legged very obediently, and began to fall into practice.

The people in Jingjia's house who had been frightened and fleeing all around because of the appearance of Shura Dao saw the movements of these little fairy masters.

Although I don't know what they are doing, I feel relieved from the bottom of my heart.

They didn't run away, and didn't want to hide in the house. They stood quietly under the porch, craned their necks to see what these little fairy masters were doing.

What they didn't know was that with Changle City as the center point, monks from all directions saw the Asura Way above Changle City. Whether they knew it was the Asura Way or not, they all rushed towards this side.

Being able to face such a Shuramon with the breath of the dead is a big blessing for the monks.

On the way here, they were full of doubts in their hearts.

Who is it that actually summoned such a behemoth to the world just by burning incense and cigarettes.

Ji Changze, who did all this, used his hand as a container, stretched out his hand to take a breath of lifelessness from the Asura Road, and spilled it on Miss Jingjia.

People are dead when they die, and mortals can't see her soul at all.

But in Shura Road, all ghosts are manifested.

So Ji Changze simply and rudely called the Shura Dao directly.

I can't see it in the mortal world. Call the Asura Dao to form an illusion that I have already descended on the Asura Dao.

The death of Shura Dao fell on the opponent, causing her to slowly open the eyes that had been closed since she died.

When Jing Xingru opened his eyes, he still didn't realize that he was dead.

Her memory was still lying on her own bed to give birth, and then she heard the cry of the child.

Did you pass out?

I don't know if the child is a boy or a girl, the child must be placed beside her.

These thoughts immediately disappeared when I saw the excited and tearful father in front of him.

Jingxing opened his mouth: "Father...? Why are you getting old?"

Patriarch Jing's old eyes were full of tears, looking at the fresh-looking daughter in front of him who was still more than ten years ago, he stretched out his trembling hands, opened his mouth, and squeezed out the voice from his throat for a while: "Ru, Ru child..."

"Father misses you, father misses you so much, I really miss you so much."

Before Jing Xingru could react, he rushed up and hugged his daughter and wept bitterly.

If Jing Xing doesn't know what happened, but it doesn't prevent her from feeling the grief from her father. Before she can see who is around, she has already subconsciously reached out and patted her father's back.

"Father, what's the matter? What's the matter? Don't panic, I'm here, let's take care of what's the matter."

She patted, and the corner of her eye suddenly saw Ji Changze standing there.

Jing Xingru's expression was stunned.

She stared blankly at the husband who was still as long as she remembered, with a long body and a fairy spirit.

He is back.

There was a blank in her mind, only one sentence remained.

Her husband is back.

Tears slipped from his eyes, and his face fell all over his face, but Jing Xingru's face was filled with a happy smile.

She said to Ji Changze, "I know you will be back."

Ji Changze was silent for a few seconds.

Then he stepped forward and took Jing Xingru's hand, and said in a soft voice that Jing Xingru had waited for a long time: "Ru'er, I'm back."

Jing Xingru held his crying old father and looked at Ji Changze in front of him.

"What's wrong with your eyes? Why are you covered with cloth? And you seem to..."

When she said this, she suddenly realized something.

At this moment, Jing Xingru's expression is confused.

The confused are a little distressed.

She looked at Ji Changze, and then at her father, who was already gray-haired and much older than she remembered, slowly, slowly, falling on the face of Jingniansi who was also crying.

Jingniansi looks very much like her.

If you compare Ji Changze, who hasn't been covered in white cloth by Jingniansi, after a long time, you may see that the two looks a bit similar.

But when it was changed to Jing Xingru, there was no need to look at it for a long time, as long as a random stranger looked at it, he could be quite sure that Jing Xingru and Jing Niansi were related by blood.

It was precisely because of this that Jing Xingru was even more stunned.

She carefully looked at the little girl who was silently wiping her tears, and then at her husband and father who were no longer as young as they were before.

He lowered his head again and looked at his vaguely transparent hand.

A tear fell in the palm of his hand, passed through it, and dropped to the ground.

Jing Xingru opened her mouth slightly, and there was an inconspicuous cry in her voice, and she was soon overwhelmed by her tone of voice trying to normalize.

"How long has it been?" she asked.

Patriarch Jing's body was shocked, his gray hair was down, and his wrinkled face was even more painful.

His voice was soft, as if afraid to scare his daughter: "Fourteen years."

"Fourteen years..."

Jing Xingru looked at Jingniansi who was watching him cry. Although his eyes were red, he still tried to smile gently, softened his voice and asked Jingniansi: "Are you fourteen years old?"

Jingniansi wiped away the tears and nodded.

Jing Xingru smiled deeper, and said softly: "Hey, don't cry, people will have such a day."


Jing Pai's depressed and painful cry made Jing Xingru's face even more tears, but instead of crying as painfully as her father and daughter, she patted her father's back lightly.

"Father, don't cry, I'm fine, it doesn't hurt or itchy."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Ji Changze again.

"your eyes..."

Ji Changze reached out and touched the white cloth: "It will be all right after a while."

"Ru'er, I broke my promise..."


Jing Xingru interrupted him and didn't let Ji Changze go on.

She wiped her tears and looked at the people in front of her seriously; "Now you can stand in front of me, it's not a dishonest."

"I know you will be back, maybe later, but one day you will be back."

Jing Xingru is better than Ji Changze imagined.

After quickly clarifying the situation, she immediately placed herself in the position of a comforter, and did not think deeply about what she would do in the future.


The Asura Dao in the sky seemed to feel the breath of the dead. It roared wildly, its eyes widened, and it swayed from side to side to search below, making a sound like thunder.

Ji Changze opened the window to feel the outside.

"I'll go to Shura Road to open the door first, and you guys have a good chat."

He went out in a hurry, with an unbearable sadness from his back.

He showed that he respected his family and wanted to see it, or that he would feel comforted after seeing it.

But Jing Xingru was much better than he thought.

Ji Changze knew that sweet words were not what she needed most at this time.

What she needed most, after seeing Jing Pai, Jing Niansi, Ji Changze, had already got it.

He arrived in the yard and flew up to the Asura Dao above.

Standing at the gate.

Pull out the door knocker made by the eyes and buckle it.

"Open the door."

The sound of evil spirits screaming and screaming came from inside. The voice was mournful and full of malice, as if Ji Changze dared to open the door, they would be able to kill him.

However, Ji Changze was not affected at all.

Seeing that Shura did not open the door, he untied the white cloth covering his eyes, closed his eyes and instilled spiritual power on the white cloth.

The white cloth floated forward and landed in front of the gate of Shura Road.

Ji Changze flicked his hand, and it suddenly tightened Shuramon with its full body of vigorous spiritual power.


Painful screams sounded high in the sky, the sound was too loud, and Ji Changze waved his hand again, Baibu even harder.

Now it stopped barking, it didn't even have the strength to bark.

Ji Changze: "Open the door."

Shu Luomen swayed to escape, but only caused the devil in front of him to increase his spiritual power.

It howled unwillingly.

Seeing that it was really uncooperative, Ji Changze said directly: "If you don't open the door anymore, I will tell the monks in the world immediately that Shura's rejection of strangers is not to protect the strangers but to protect themselves."

"At that time, the entire East Continent will know that Shura Road is afraid of the breath of beings, and that even women who have only a trace of the breath of beings on their bodies and die in childbirth will not dare to accept them. Guess these monks who fought against the heavens and regarded you as scourge What will they do?"

"Will everyone come to Shura Dao together, or will they tear your door apart?"

Shura said: "..."

It opened the door immediately, so fast that it almost didn't write a "Welcome" sign at the door.

As soon as the door opened, the evil spirits thought it was a new soul coming outside, and they squeezed forward one by one, waiting for a full meal with their mouths wide open.

Squeezed in front are a few magic repairs.

They have just become evil spirits, and the feeling of going from heaven to hell to heaven is simply overwhelming, squeezing to the front.

Then they saw the monk in white who was sitting at the gate of Shura Road, slowly tying a white cloth around his eyes.

He didn't die at first sight, and his body was full of vigorous aura.

Combine it with the Shura Road that opens in broad daylight.

Demons: "..."

Yes, they were killed directly by Ji Changze not long ago.

And after his death, he was charged with killing Ji Changze.

Unexpectedly, they were all dead, and this person would not let them go.

The magic cultivators didn't even think about resisting at all, they just turned around and ran, and howled as they ran.

"We are really innocent!! Your teacher has banned our ass, and you have a problem with your brain. You killed us and chased us to the Asuras!!"

They desperately tried to squeeze back to escape, but there were too many evil spirits rushing up behind them, and they couldn't get back at all.

So I can only squeeze desperately while howling begging for mercy.

It's all dead once, and if you die again, it's really dead.

Ji Changze didn't even think about chasing after him.

He is a living person now, and it's better to leave it alone in the world of the dead.

But he thought so. The evil spirits who didn't know his abilities didn't know what was going on. They were still biting the air at him with their mouths wide open.

These evil spirits have been hanging around for a long time, and they can't even speak, but it doesn't prevent them from expressing what they want to say through their actions.

As far as the current situation is concerned, most evil spirits should want to say, "Come here, you have the ability to sit at the door, and you have the ability to come in, see if we don't eat you."

Of course, in Ji Changze's ears, the sounds of these evil spirits were ¥¥.

I can't understand a word anyway.

Noisy is quite noisy.

He took out a fruit from his arms, finished eating, and said to the evil spirits: "Don't make a noise."

Ghosts: "¥¥"

The demons who died under Ji Changze, who couldn't squeeze back, were going crazy.

"Didn't you hear him say don't make a noise?!!! Don't make a noise!!! Do you want to die!!"

Ghosts: "¥¥"

Seeing that they were still noisy, Ji Changze took out the sword that Linhai gave him, and went straight out. The hilt came down by itself, and the sharp sword body slashed towards the evil ghost group with spiritual power.

When this sword went down, a deep trench was immediately added to the ground of Asura Dao.

The sword body completed the task and flew into the hilt by itself.

The blindfolded monk in white still sat there with a mad attitude, holding a sword in his hand, and the belt tied to the back of his head fluttered with the wind.

No matter how you look at it, it's very fairy spirit.

But in the eyes of the evil spirits, the monks in front of them are like demons.

The devil said: "Noisy, I don't mind letting it die again."

Ghosts: "..."

They turned and bowed their heads quietly, and left quietly.

The demons ran together among them and succeeded.

For a time, the gate of Shura Dao was pure as never before.

Seeing that Ji Changze was facing away from him, Shuramon quietly moved the door knocker and moved the doors on both sides to try to close it.

Seeing that it was about to succeed, a slender white hand blocked the crack in the door.

The monk who was killed that day didn't know why he was so powerful and said with a cold voice: "Open it."

Shuramon: "..."

This is unreasonable.

How can it listen to a monk.

Unreasonable and unreasonable.

As a result, it opened the door again unreasonably.

Ji Changze sat there waiting.

Until he felt Jing Xingru slowly leave the house and walked into the yard.

He flew down, dragged Jing Xingru and flew to Shuramon.

"There is still some time, do you want to talk to your father-in-law every year?"

"No need."

Jing Xingru's eyes were still red, and her expression was still calm. She shook her head and said softly: "Sooner or later, I have to leave. I have said everything that should be said. Let's go."

Ji Changze nodded silently and took her hand into the gate.

Feeling that Jing Xingru was holding his hand tightly, he asked, "I have never been to the Asura Road in the future. What is it like here?"

Hearing his words, Jing Xingru's fear in her heart eased slightly. She looked around and tried her best to describe: "The ground is very dark, and there are stones everywhere, but there are none on the road under our feet. Many people wear strange clothes. Strange, ragged, they are looking at us with terrible eyes."

Ji Changze nodded in understanding.

He raised his voice; "Close your eyes."

Evil spirits; "..."

That's too much.

This is their place.

Ji Changze held Jing Xingru in one hand, and threatened forward with a sword in the other.

Ghosts: "..."

Yes, close your eyes and close your eyes.

Jing Xingru closed his eyes as he watched them, whether they were big or small or ugly.

Without the greedy sight that made her heart cold, her body relaxed slightly.

"Where are we going now?"

"Send you to reincarnation."

Ji Changze kept walking and turned to face her: "I have chosen a family for you on the road of reincarnation."

"You are always so sweet."

Jing Xingru sighed with a smile.

She looked at the person ahead.

He has a gentle footsteps and a slender figure. Although he has lived as a mortal for more than ten years, he has no wrinkles on his face.

She was held by him, one step, two steps, three steps, I don't know how long she walked before she reached the road of reincarnation.

This is not the time when Samsara Road randomly selects ghosts to die every month. At this moment, it is forced to operate, and it is a bit irritable.

But this irritability disappeared without a trace when he saw Ji Changze put the sword in front of him.

He even thoughtfully attached a list of fetuses who need soul incarnation at the crossing of reincarnation.

Ji Changze is confirming the list.

Jing Xingru stood at the crossing of reincarnation, looking at the flying stars inside.

The soul that needs to die is to go in from here, and then be sent to the place where it should go.

She turned to look at Ji Changze, who was lowering her head to select the list with her fingers, and said softly: "I have heard that every year, this is really not to blame you."

"My fate is like this. Now that it's like this, it's better to be calm, practice hard, don't be trapped by me."

Jing Xingru was calm when he said this.

She looked at Ji Changze's pause and smiled, "I am very lucky to be able to see you and see my father and Nian Nian."

"I will leave it to you every year, and my father... I also ask you to take care of one or two. I will wait for this birth, and I will have no regrets."

Ji Changze confirmed the list.

He walked up to Jing Xingru and took off the white cloth from his eyes.

He closed his eyes, stretched out his hand to light it, and sent it to Jingniansi's eyebrows with spiritual power.

Jingniansi felt the warmth between his eyebrows, touched it curiously, and asked, "What is this?"

"It will protect you."

Ji Changze once said to everyone that he gave Jing Xingru the spiritual power of body protection, and even Jing Xingru felt that way.

Then it should really be sent.

After all, he is always honest.

Time is up.

Jing Xingru glanced at Ji Changze for the last time, opened his mouth to say something, but still did not say anything, turned around and jumped into the Tao of Samsara.

It is naturally regrettable to die at a young age.

But regret cannot be a reason for her waywardness.

She left her family well to live up to her family.

Ji Changze stood in front of Samsara Road, watching Jing Xingru's figure gradually disappear before leaving.

He left the Asura Road, the door of the Asura Road slowly closed behind him, and then slowly disappeared.

The Master Jing in the yard watched Ji Changze come out alone, turned red eyes and entered the house.

Jingniansi hurriedly chased after him: "Grandpa, real Changze, he said he would send his mother to a good house, and she will definitely be able to live well..."

Patriarch Jing wiped his tears and sighed, "Don't call Madam Changze, he is your father."

Jingnian looked at him timidly: "Are you not angry?"

Patriarch Jing shook his head.

"Your mother told me, let me not hate anyone."

He paused, then said, "I don't hate him, can I beat him up?"

In the battle of Dandong City, in addition to the great character who was born in Changze, there was also a gossip that the parents and sons of the master of the Tianyun Sect accidentally overturned the car when they were retrieved by the Tianyun Sect and received the Dandong City.

This is the case, because there are many demon repair prisoners in Dandong City, and the handling method given by the East Continent is to use the questioning stone to detect these demon repairs.

Generally, the heart stone can detect the crimes committed by the demon cultivator, and then the monks will divide how to treat the demon cultivator according to the magnitude of these crimes.

The disciples of Tianyun Sect were in charge of this project.

Because Wang Huli was found back, as the son of the Sect Master, he naturally wanted to work with him.

As a result, he was doing his job and didn't know how he did it.

It was obviously Wen Moxiu, but Wen Xin Shi pointed at himself.

In full view, at least a dozen crimes appeared on the Wenxin Stone.

Among them, he pushed Jingniansi into the group of alien beasts, which is not the most serious. The most serious is that he killed three talented seniors in the Tianyun Sect in order to compete for the position of the heir to the suzerain.

Almost all the monks standing in that circle saw it.

Even the Tianyunzong disciple closest to Wang Huli was his brother's brother who killed him.

So Tianyunzong exploded the pot.

Wang Huli was immediately relieved of his spiritual power, and was held up for disposal in the Eastern Continent.

Tianyuanzong also hurriedly sent people to Changle City to apologize to Jingniansi.

At the two cities of Dandong Changle, Ji Changze retired from demonic repairs.

Things about him have spread throughout the entire continent.

He was originally a disciple of Wanchaozong, and he was in the line of Jingyixiu. In order to save his sweetheart, King Nie of Moxiu destroyed the entire sect of Wanchaozong, leaving only Ji Changze to escape.

After lurking for more than ten years, he created his own practice and used his own spiritual power as a bet. After more than ten years, he directly killed King Nie.

No one knows how high his strength is, but since he can enter the Asura Road and send away his wife's soul, he is definitely higher than many big sect elders.

And Jing Niansi who was nearly killed by Wang Huli was Ji Changze's biological daughter.

Wang Huli offended Jingniansi to offend Ji Changze. Tianyun Sect almost didn't lower his figure to the ground to make amends for them, just because he was afraid that Ji Changze would hate Tianyun Sect because of this incident.

Speaking of Wang Huli Lu, Ji Changze's sake.

When Ji Changze proposed to join the Sky Cloud Sect, Wang Huli strongly opposed it, so he turned to the True Fire Sect, and he lost such a golden thigh. The disciples of the Sky Cloud Sect at the scene were right. Wang Hu stood up with resentment.

It just so happened that they needed to test the magic, and one of the disciples wanted to tease Wang Huli.

Unexpectedly, such a trick would lead to so many things.

Ji Changze has no grudges.

He has no intention of thinking about anything else now.

After eight months, his eyes healed.

After another period of time, Jing's family came to visit.

It is the young monk and his wife who have been traveling around this continent.

When their daughter had just reached the full moon, Ji Changze asked for an appointment and came with her baby.

Ji Changze held the child and looked at it, then handed it to the master Jing.

"This kid is good, does he have spiritual roots."

The young monk couple were full of happiness and love: "Yes, it's Tian Linggen. This child is good and not disturbing. We have traveled everywhere before, and we have never stopped. Now that we have children, we must also consider them. We have already planned. Back to the Eastern Continent."

The child's father smiled and said: "My master said, this child has a very high seniority after returning home, but she has good spiritual roots and cultivates fast, but she can live in this generation. We don't expect her to have much success in the future. Just fine."

Patriarch Jing took the child, carefully opened the corner of the baby, and looked at the redness of her eyebrows, and smiled very contentedly.

"Don't worry, you love her so much. From now on, she will always be safe and smooth."