83|The prepared race in the last days (1)

Ji Changze spent a hundred years in the True Fire Sect.

When I left, Jingniansi's cultivation base was already very good, and he became an elder in the True Fire Sect.

With the addition of Ji Changze, the True Fire Sect gradually moved from a small sect to a medium sect, and finally to the leading large sect.

No one doesn't know that all this is because of Ji Changze.

This young man is so evil that he can create his own exercises.

The baby girl with a little red mole on her eyebrows also gradually grew up. The sect where her parents belonged was a middle sect, leaning against the real fire sect.

The baby girl is the root of the heavenly spirit, cultivates much faster than others, and because of the high status of her parents in the sect, she has been spoiled and grown up from childhood to most. After the period, I went out of the sect to travel around.

It's not when you haven't encountered a dangerous situation, but every time you can save it.

She may never know in her life, she has always been protected by the spiritual power of the cultivator's body guard.

I don't know that the strongest female elder of the True Fire Sect, who is backed by her own sect, has been paying attention to her silently.

Jing Niansi never disturbed her, and never went in front of her.

She just watched the other side grow up smoothly and slowly became a well-known female sister in the Eastern Continent.

In the hundredth year, Ji Changze announced that he was going to ascend.

With all eyes in full view, Tian Lei was picked up and led him up.

[Ding! After the mission is completed, the main item returns to normal, please choose vacation or continue the mission. ]

[Continue the task. ]

A few years later, monks ascended in the Eastern Continent.

After going up and looking for a circle, I didn't find the amazing real Changze.

It's weird.

He touched his head and found a cave to enter, but didn't think much about it.

Ji Changze opened his eyes and found a mess at his feet.

Shovel, bow and arrow, barbecue grill, various knives, and buckets.

Is this a grocery store?

He looked around again and found that this should be a large storage room, densely packed with things, and there were women sobbing and babies crying outside.

The woman cried for a while, then coaxed the baby with a crying voice.

After the baby stopped crying, she did not enter the house, but directly said through the door: "I have made it clear. I know why you bought these messy things. Now the money at home is given to you. I have used it, and there is no liquidity on the account. It's all like this. Let's get a divorce."

"I won't ask you for the money you spent. We bought this house together. We sold half and half of the house. Xiaobao and me, that's it."

After she finished speaking for a while, there was a sound of closing the door outside, apparently leaving with the child.

Ji Changze refined the information.

He is the husband of a woman, and they have a child, which should be a baby, whose name is Xiaobao.

According to the meaning of the woman's words, the original owner should have derailed.

Ji Changze began to look at his memory.

Then it was discovered that the original owner was indeed cheating.

No, to be more precise, it should be to cheat.

The woman who talked to him before was his wife, and the baby was indeed their child. The two were college classmates. They decided to be in love in college. After graduation, they got married and worked hard together. The original owner is still very hard, plus Together with his wife, the two started from scratch and soon had a million fortune.

One or two million is not much for a big city, but it is definitely a lot of money for two people who are both from rural areas.

The original owner is conscious of success in his career and likes to hear people call him boss.

When I got rich, I started to dislike the wife of the chaos.

Compared to his wife, who is less than 30 but also fast, he prefers 18-year-old students.

What is said in that sentence, a man obsessively likes his first love, more than forty years later, what he likes in his heart is still the first love, but what he likes is the young and beautiful girl 40 years ago, and Not an old woman who is as old as herself after more than forty years.

Especially after the wife was pregnant, she didn't dare to use cosmetics for the sake of her children. The sun caused the skin to be darker than before, there were spots on the face, and the feet were ugly because of edema.

Although his wife quickly returned to her original exquisiteness after giving birth, the original owner still lost interest in her. He began to go out frequently and stayed out at night, using the excuse to negotiate business but never saw him ever negotiate a business.

The wife is aware of it, but the child is still small and needs someone to take care of it. She really doesn't have the energy to think about other things.

The original owner met a young girl at this time, nineteen years old, still in college.

He is infatuated with her, but the other person is not the kind of person who can do anything for money. After knowing that the original owner has a wife, she never wants to have too much contact with the original owner, and she also has someone she likes from her school. Senior, in order to have more opportunities with the people she likes, she also joined the expedition club after knowing that Senior was planning to explore the wild.

In order to be able to get close to the girl, the original owner also joined the expedition through social networks as a senior from this school. He knew that if the girl knew what she meant for her, she would avoid it immediately and never give it again. The opportunity for him to approach.

So the original owner lied that he was an adventure fan, and he did enough for this. The room where Ji Changze is standing now contains some things that the original owner bought when he went on an expedition.

After going out with the expedition a few times, the original owner came into contact with other people who were on the same expedition, and several of them were prepared.

Prepared races, new races spawned by the frequent occurrence of global disasters today, they often make some instinctive preparations for various potential disasters, such as bringing life-saving supplies with them as much as possible.

For the prepared family, if you really spend money, it is definitely burning money.

He first felt that these well-prepared tribes had money and had nowhere to spend. They were exhausted for things that did not exist, but one day, while listening to two well-prepared tribes chatting, they mentioned what they had bought at a high price. Some paid twice as much. He was unwilling to sell the price to him, and suddenly had an idea.

The original owner had long wanted to divorce, but whether it was working capital, property or real estate, he and his wife worked hard together, and if they divorced, they could divide at least half of them.

But what if he spends all his money?

It's a perfect idea to spend all the marriage property when there is still a marriage relationship and wait until the divorce is successful.

What a perfect excuse to be prepared.

He will become a prepared family and spend money to buy various high-priced items, and because he has established a social relationship with the real prepared family, after the divorce is successful, the hoarded items can be sold at the original price or even higher prices. As long as these things he can ensure that the prepared people want.

A plan to get all the property and divorce started like this.

The original owner began to spend all kinds of high prices to buy all kinds of materials, the cheap ones would be stored at home, and the expensive ones would be kept outside. He knew that he would bring back a bunch of messy things every day and spend money like running water, and his wife would definitely not be able to bear it.

Not only the wife, but even the wife's parents, his parents, will think that he is crazy.

And what he wants is this effect.

He spends money every day, just waiting for his wife to initiate the divorce.

Afterwards, as he wished, when he met with the agent to talk about buying a house to buy his supplies, his wife couldn't stand it and asked him for a divorce.

Although half of the price of the house was lost, thinking about how much the materials would be exchanged for, the original owner was quite satisfied with the current situation.

He doesn't have much nostalgia for his own son. He wants to give birth to a few in the future.

If the divorce is successful, the original owner can start to pursue the girl he likes. Although he has been rejecting him and clearly indicated that she has someone she likes, the original owner always persistently believes that her rejection is because he is married.

But just when he was preparing to divorce and successfully dealt with those "materials", the end of the world came.

On that day, it was originally during the day, and the news did not report a solar eclipse, but the sun disappeared and the earth was dark. At the same time, all the signals failed, the satellites in the sky fell, and meteorites like meteors fell randomly all over the world. .

The largest one directly destroyed a continent.

The smallest one can destroy a building.

No one knows how much mankind is left after a meteorite rain.

When everything calms down, the real end of the world has come.

Plants began to grow wildly, some just grew up, and some began to attack humans.

If you have a small tomato potted plant at home, congratulations, you have a big tomato.

But if you keep a Venus flytrap at home...

Hmm... In short, the picture won't look too good.

The original city was covered by grass that was taller than people overnight, and the trees became unusually tall. The original low buildings were no longer visible. Only some tall buildings that were not hit by the meteorite stood still.

But the city has become a forest, and the biggest impact is that the forest is suitable for animals to live in. Zoo animals come to the forest and thrive in it.

Rabbits are okay, wolves, tigers, and lions are not vegetarian.

Without human intervention, in such an environment, they established a food chain smoothly and quickly took root in the "forest" and "plain".

And humans, what do they have.

Without communication, without the Internet, the remaining human beings, who have long been accustomed to modernization and can solve all their lives without leaving home, have to face a "primitive world."

Will beat their mutant plants abruptly.

Think of the city as a variety of large animals in your own territory.

It is obvious that human beings who have lost technology will not live well.

However, the original owner had supplies that ordinary people could not imagine. He began to stay behind closed doors until his wife ran back with the child desperately. At that time, the child was having a high fever and she could not find medicine everywhere, so he came back. Seek help from the original owner.

The original owner saw a wolf coming towards his wife who patted the door through a small gap in the door.

At this time, he opened the goal and pulled the man in. No matter how sharp the wolf's teeth were, he continued to bite the steel door.

But he did not do that, nor did he remind his wife.

The wolf dragged away his wife, and she still protected the baby in her arms to death.

After that, it was the girl who came here with the person she liked, and when she got downstairs, the original owner yelled for them to come up.

He enthusiastically welcomed them in, and enthusiastically invited them to drink milk.

The girl doesn't like him, she is full of vigilance, although the original owner has always been friendly to her, but she intuitively feels that the original owner is not a good person.

She didn't drink it, but the one she liked didn't have any defense, so she drank the glass of milk.

Then the girl the girl liked was thrown downstairs.

After three months, the wounded girl jumped downstairs.

Those memories were too dark, and Ji Changze hurriedly glanced over them.

Before the end of the world came, the original owner just thought about it in his heart, and he didn't dare to do anything in the face.

When the end of the world comes, the law expires, and people have no bottom line. Coupled with staying alone in the house for a long time, he is almost half crazy.

After another six months or so, the original owner died by suicide.

Because the original owner kept squatting at home and squatting to death, most of his memory is that he ate and drank. Ji Changze jumped to read it and turned on his phone to check the time.

Well, it's good.

The end of the world is just one second away.

This idea just appeared, the light source disappeared, it was obviously dark in the daytime, and then the fire came from the sky, the meteor fell, and there was a huge roar outside and the sound of the collapse of a tall building being hit by a meteorite. It was accompanied by people's screams.

Ji Changze knew that the building he was in would not be affected by meteorites. He walked in the dark, standing by the window looking at the meteorites flying in the sky.

The end of the world is here.

And he only had a room full of supplies.