104|Corrupt government officials (4)

Mrs. Wei felt that this was a bit unbelievable, she was still standing in front of the two big boxes of Yuanhua pancreas, smelling the fragrance of Yuanhua between her nose, before her eyes were the fragrant pancreas containing flowers that were touted to the sky by the capital. .

"Well, how could my uncle get this yuan flower pancreas?" Mrs. Wei just asked this sentence, and she suddenly reacted and asked hurriedly: "It's not that my uncle used the status of the county magistrate to sell yuan with this The person with the pancreas..."

This is not possible. Although most of the Anguo officials have their own shops, they are also their own. It is not unheard of that an official has robbed the business of a merchant before. Later, the official and his family were exiled.

Mother Zhang has been with Madam Wei for so long. She frowned and knew what she was thinking. She immediately smiled and dispelled Madam Wei's worries: "It's not what Madam thought, this Yuan Huayi recipe is our uncle. He came up with the idea that he made Yuanhuayi to make the people of Weeping Willow more profitable. The merchant who sold Yuanhuayi was the Zheng family. When my uncle wanted to make Yuanhuayi, he had no capital. It was the Zheng family. Seeing that my uncle was so worried for the people, he took the initiative to bear the cost of making money."

She watched Mrs. Wei gradually calm down, and continued to soothed: "Our uncle is rewarded with peach, and this has allowed the Zheng family to start this yuanhuayi business. The weeping willows are well known to the common people."

Knowing that my uncle did not do anything to invade other people's property, Mrs. Wei was more relieved.

Looking at the two full boxes of Yuan Huayi in front of her, she still felt like she was in a dream.

In the capital, many wives and girls couldn't buy Yuanhuayi, and her son-in-law actually sent two large boxes to their family.

"Mother Zhang, follow me to the house, and tell me a lot about the affairs of my uncle after taking office."

This talk is one night.

It started when their uncle took office soon after banqueting the merchants and persuading them to take out the money for road construction.

"The old slave wanted to get crooked when she learned about this. The girl was also very worried for two days. After that, the merchants rushed to send money to the county office. The girl was afraid that she didn't sleep well all night, but the uncle saw it and laughed. Our girl told the truth after talking."

"Weeping willows are poor. On the one hand, the land is too barren and everything grows badly. On the other hand, the weeping willows are remote. No outsiders come here. Master wants to be a tourist city to attract outsiders here. Okay. To enrich the weeping willow, those merchants also want to contribute to the weeping willow, so they are vying for money."

It's just that she didn't understand why her uncle went out and said that he would not collect money, and the faces of all the merchants were like enemies, as if it was a terrible thing for his uncle not to collect money.

Some merchants even knelt on the ground and begged his uncle to take it, shouting that the weeping willow was his home, and he wanted to build a home, begging his uncle to accept the money.

"At that time, my uncle was helpless, and said that he would not accept it, but the merchants begged and said that they wanted to contribute to the weeping willow. A stele was erected, and it was clearly engraved which company gave how many silver taels, and I didn't get a cent."

Mrs. Wei sighed.

"Although the weeping willows are poor, the local wealthy households have a benevolent heart. I have never heard of a wealthy household begging for money to go out."

"No, according to the old slaves, it must be the rich people who can also see that our uncle is upright and upright. This is why we trust our uncle. When the old slave left, the road of weeping willows was already being repaired, and he was walking down the street. The common people are boasting about our uncle, saying that his uncle is a really good official, and the old slave is really happy for her aunt and girl."

Mrs. Wei nodded: "So, if it is spread out, it would be considered a generational story."

Having said that, her eyes suddenly brightened, she straightened up, and hurriedly got up: "Now my uncle has sent such a good festival gift, and we can't use it all at the house, please give me some makeup. I will go personally. Pick out some of these yuanhua pancreas and give them to those who have handed them in."

Her uncle and the local wealthy family, one is honest and upright for the people, the other is to pay for the people.

This kind of thing that makes people want to admire at the first hearing, how can she not pass it on to her uncle.

When the fame goes out and the three-year period expires, the possibility of my uncle returning to the capital is always greater. Even if he does not come back, people will know that her uncle is good, and Juncan is gentle and considerate to theirs, and can always fight hard. A dozen of those gloating, felt that her family Juncan was the face of a person falling from the clouds.

In Weeping Willow County over there, he is thinking that the roads are almost completed, and the tourist city is more than half established. Ji Changze, who should promote it well, doesn't know yet. His mother-in-law is already helping him with all kinds of things without a teacher. Advertised.

"grown ups."

Thinking about whether to make a travel brochure, Cheng Wuxian came.

Now that weeping willows have been covered with cement on the roads that were covered in mud, Ji Changze is very familiar with the production of this thing, and he succeeded without a few trials.

In addition, the tourist city is being built, and there are small shopping streets and large shopping streets that have already been established. Now the Weeping Willow is already a shotgun replacement. Even if only one copy is replaced, it is not what it looked like before.

Wuxiancheng, as a weeping willow county, is naturally also different from the original poor and sour one.

When the weeping willows were poor, Cheng Wuxian had no idea of ​​dressing up. He was a man, and he wanted to do what he wanted to be so good-looking. Anyway, he married and also had children, and he didn't have to dress up like he did when he was a teenager to attract women.

But now it's different.

Weeping willows are now paved everywhere, and the road surface is also very clean and tidy. There are government officials patrolling around, and it is not allowed to go around conveniently, spit, and throw rubbish.

There are designated places for throwing out garbage, and there are also convenient places called public toilets by adults.

This place does not charge money, but the people who are convenient to get there are not allowed to get dirty inside, but outside the door is guarded by someone specially hired by the court.

The men's public toilet is an old man, and the women's public toilet is an aunt.

Although the work of these two is quite easy, but the monthly salary is a full one and a half, and they are almost catching up with the person who went to work in the Xiang Pan Factory. It is precisely because of this that many people want this job, and it is almost necessary. After robbing his head, the person who grabbed it was naturally conscientious and did not dare to slack off, for fear that he would lose this good job if he didn't do a good job.

The public toilet is not a row of pits, but divided into small compartments. Each compartment is locked. If someone wants to enter, they must get the compartment from the uncle and the lady. The key to the number plate.

If someone wants to get out from the inside, the key must be returned to the uncle and aunty. At this time, the uncle and aunty will go in and check it. If you find someone dirty inside, just say you want to take it to the yamen, unless the other party honestly soiled the place. Clean up until it is clean.

This is not modern, but the ancient times where the people are very afraid of the government. They dare to get dirty, and every time they follow the regulations to facilitate the flushing and hand washing, they dare not miss a single step.

Yes, when washing hands, the prefect of Ji Da County specially built a water tower in order to let the people develop the good habit of washing hands after convenience.

Under the two mountains of power and free, the people of weeping willows have gradually become accustomed to getting rubbish to the trash can instead of throwing rubbish on the ground. If it is more convenient, they don't stay on the spot or find a bush, but go to nearby ones. Public toilets are convenient for washing hands after flushing.

They are getting used to washing their hands after the convenience is over, and they feel that they are much cleaner.

Ji Changze sent someone to repair the bathhouse, and he also did not charge money to let the people wash for free. Of course, you are not forced to take a bath, but if there are those who want to do business in large and small shopping streets, the gates of the large and small shopping streets are guarded. If you smell something stinky on your body, it is not allowed to enter. No matter if you are selling or buying things, you are not allowed to enter.

Although it seems that these two places cost money, it is really a fraction of the money earned by Yuan Huayan, and he has the booth fee in his hands every day.

The small shopping street mainly sells daily life department stores. The stalls are all set up for the yamen. They only charge a penny a day, and usually small people go in. The big shopping street sells more expensive things, such as gold, silver, jewelry, jade bracelets, and so on. Gorgeous clothes and carriages are all sold here, and the booth fees here are much more expensive.

Anyway, the bathhouse is free. What time can it take to take a bath? It's not like everyone's taking a bath is the same as killing him. Even if it is, can it still be delayed because of not taking a bath to make money buying things?

Whether it is voluntary or because of Ji Changze's order, in short, everyone walking on the street is clean, fresh and refreshing. Building roads, fragrant pancreas factories, building large and small shopping streets, and building tourist cities all require manpower. Ji Changze always recruited people according to his carefully calculated suitable salary. After such a circle, as long as he is willing to work hard, his life at home will not go far.

I don't have as much money as I used to be. It's so awkward to wear those old clothes with such a clean body. First, the ones with the money wear new clothes, and then the ones who can wear new clothes with a squeeze. Later, it's full. Most of the weeping willow people in the main street have a new suit.

Even if they are not new, they are all washed and clean, and they are not dirty.

After all, in the past, everyone didn't have the money to go to the bathhouse to take a shower, and they didn't have the money to change into new clothes. They were all like that. It didn't matter if they didn't take a shower or wear new clothes, but now most people are clean and wearing brand new clothes. , Those who don't take a bath or wear new clothes are offbeat.

Even if the family situation is special, there is no money. It is not difficult to take a free bath and wash the clothes on your body.

Everyone is like this. As Weeping Liuxian Cheng, Wuxian Cheng naturally has to wash his old skin well, put on the new clothes made by the lady, and come to the county office to work cleanly.

Not to mention, he didn't feel anything when he was dirty before. Now he's all fresh and wearing brand new clothes. He has paid more attention to his body cleanliness than before, and he's very careful when he's convenient for fear of staining his own. New clothes and washing hands are much more serious than before.

Even being left by Master Ji to work overtime, he felt a little more serious and upright than before.

Wearing new clothes, I feel that I am not working overtime, but doing things for the people.

Ji Changze looked at Wuxian Cheng, who was full of energy and didn't know what he was thinking, and he smiled: "Wuxian Cheng is in good spirits recently."

Wuxian Cheng immediately connected the "flattering line" and took it immediately; "This is also thanks to the adults. Since the adult took office, there have been few criminals and taboos in the weeping willows. The people live and work in peace and contentment. The people are happy, the spirit is naturally good."

Ji Changze nodded: "Wuxian Cheng really cares about the people, the officer did not mistake you."

Wuxian Cheng couldn't wait to push his back up to the sky, and his eyes were full of pride: "My lord is absurd!"

Yes, he is such a person who cares about the people.

Ji Changze picked up another piece of white paper from the desk and pushed it to Wuxian Cheng. Under his puzzled gaze, he said deeply: "Now, you have passed the second round of the official test."

Wuxian Cheng: "???"

Is there a second round? ? You didn't say anything in the first round before, sir? !

But think about the adult in front of him who intends to put the local wealthy households together as soon as he takes office. Since there can be the first round of trials, the existence of the second round is naturally reasonable.

He hurriedly held his breath, bent down nervously, and whispered: "Don't worry, your sir, the official is on your side. What arrangements do you have, just ask."

Ji Changze pushed the piece of paper in front of him again: "I will write you the general plan of the tourist city in a moment. You can write no less than ten tourist city welcome brochures according to the plan given to you by the official. A comprehensive introduction to our weeping willow culture, facilities in various places, and plans to launch tourist cities to increase the opportunities for local people to make money will be carried out to the end."

Wuxian Cheng: "...Ten articles, isn't this a bit too much, my lord?"

Ji Changze looked at him with a look of "how can you not even endure this bit of suffering": "The official doesn't want you to write it yourself, the official will give you the scope, you just need to follow the content given to you by the official. It's not enough to extend, it's very simple."

Wuxian Cheng: "..."

Ji Changze stretched out his hand and eagerly shook his hand. In a pair of eyes, he was very sincere: "Wuxian Cheng, our county government, but only you and the official have a complete heart. This is a major event that can completely change our Weeping Liu County. , I can only trust you."

Wuxian Cheng only felt a rush of heat from Ren Du Er to Tian Ling Gai, and he immediately raised his chest and raised his abdomen; "Yes! Don't worry, your lord! You must do it well!"

Seeing his face was full of "I want to fight, I want to work hard, I can do it, I can do it", Ji Changze leaned in his chair comfortably, took a sip from his teacup, "Wuxian Cheng is so enthusiastic, the official Rest assured."

Sending away Wuxian Cheng, he took a bite of the cakes on the table, then took a sip of tea, and put the account book on the table. After eating the cakes, he shouted to the outside: "Call Master Liang to come over."

The master book is coming soon.

Ji Changze handed him the account book, and under his slightly embarrassed sight, he held his hand, earnestly and sincerely: "Our county government, but only the gentleman and the official are completely in one mind. This box of accounts is our weeping willow. Who else can the official believe in besides the sir?"

The host was surprised and proud. His presence in the county government had always been low. The adults only took Wuxian Cheng to play with him since he took office. He didn't expect him to be so important in the heart of the county magistrate.

Even if he was dizzy with this box of accounts instinctively, and it was not his job at all, he did it too!

Sending away the smug-faced master book, Ji Changze wrote in his notepad "give the master book a salary increase and bonus", and then sat back leisurely.

After knocking melon seeds, someone outside reported: "My lord, the king is catching his head."

Ji Changze immediately picked up a book and covered the melon seeds, and sat firmly. When he saw Wang Catu coming in, he immediately stood up to greet him, and held his hand very enthusiastically:

"Wang Datou, in this county office, only you and the official are the same..."